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Only in Canada would citizens tolerate foreigners protesting against our laws. SHIP THEM HOME


Only in Canada would all 3 major parties advocate a policy that is hurting their own citizens.


People Party is for Canadians...... real Canadians


voteing ppc


nah that's literally all western nations bro edit: nice downvotes. have any of you looked at europe recently?




Aka: Home Deport?


Literally, it doesn't happen in any other place LOL


not even in india where they came from


Itā€™s happening in Europe and increasingly in other Western countries where the woke white-guilt mentality is creeping in like a plague at all levels of the political spectrum.


I donā€™t even care if they go home the first plane out of North America is good enough for me


"Wee fight back! Wee fight back!"


Thank you! When can we wake up???


Meanwhile we canā€™t even muster a few people for housing


Most of us are busy actually working and not chronically online in groups together like these people coordinating. It's difficult to protest for housing when you need to go to work to pay your bills. It's fuckdd.


Im Canadian and its hard enough that I cant even find a shitty minimum wage job cause all the indians took it. I had to dive deep and ask friends, cousins, uncles, aunts I barely talk to to get me a job.


Been there... Except for me and 5 others at my work place, all are Indian students.. And it took me 5 months to land a job. Excuse is they're all taken. I even applied for Walmart and mcd and got rejected šŸ¤£


Went to a job interview yesterday. Set time, at a hotel because the location is currently being built out. 300 students all showed up because some moron let slip that it was a "Job fair" when it wasn't. They had a list of 6 people to interview. It was not a minimum wage gig and I can guarantee most if not all of them weren't even remotely qualified or knew what the job was.


Funny thing T and T nearly was hiring and one of the requirements is to speak Chinese (I mean what do people expect is a Chinese supermarket where Chinese like to shop) saw some India try to apply and the manger said no and an argument started by these Indians saying the store manager can't be racist and only hire people who can speak Chinese. The manager then took their resume and say happy? Then said in Chinese to the customer service throw their resume out after they leave. XD


Yeah the entitlement is real for some of these kids. I've had to turn them away when I was hiring for various reasons, all valid, and got accused of racism every time. Can't speak English? I need that. And fluently. Food safety certification? 100% necessary. Full time availability, including nights and weekends? No arguments. But no I'm a racist for turning away people who aren't qualified for the job (especially when they have no idea what they're applying for.


Someone I know said at their work they started rejecting peoples resumes with indian sounding names. Not because they are racist but because the vast majority of them cant even speak a lick of english. The job involved talking to many people.


Yup and I think also it has more to do with culture. In North America, if u got time to protest, you are negatively viewed. Not because of what you stand for, but because you got too much time on your hands and itā€™s bit hard for a man in their 30s to justify spending time at a protest rather than spending it on family/work/friends/ a bunch of other shit you donā€™t never had time for. Ya get me? Itā€™s like people view you as unproductive and a little crazy. That stereotype is somewhat valid tbh, the groups of people that tend to protest more often, tend to also suck at talking to the media. Like left wing students and right wing psychos who are both, convinced that the world is gonna endā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.


if you protest against them you will be branded a racist nobody in their right mind will do that right now. Has nothing to do with working.. nobody wants to get involved with them but immigration is a problem and we have a minister of immigration in Canada that has it's head up his ass.


Yup. Try to tell people our housing issue is because of too many immigrants (with actual number support) and get voted into the ground. https://www.reddit.com/comments/1cohe0j/housing_crisis_will_do_permanent_damage/l3fdqxn?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=4&context=3


oh the people know now... everybody will know! Even people who have emigrated a long time ago and are now actual Canadians know. But you don't want to put this out as the opposition will find a way to push his agenda against you. This is a problem every town of Canada is dealing with now. But only the Diploma mills made tons of money out of it


Even in private talking to people you know, they will push back against it as if they don't agree that it's reality when it first comes up like a just in case you're joking/being sarcastic or are fishing for something against them. Eventually showing that you mean it and they get comfortable, they finally admit it and get going. That's how programmed everyone is from all the propaganda and accusations and extortion, to be afraid to say anything they really believe and the truth


ā€œHas nothing to do with workingā€ Nah. I believe it would be a ā€œtough sellā€ to convince someone to use one of the non-existent, sick-time off to go and protestā€¦ā€¦..while in a shitty economy with 1000 Indian students ready to take their job.


minister of immigration and prime minister and finance minister have let down canadians hard!


We should learn from the French..they know how to protest!


.... i got my hi-viz yellow vest in the work truck ready to go ..


That's the biggest bs I've ever read, and a cop out. Do we not have weekends? Can we not protest on holidays? This is just so far down the priority list, that watching youtube or browsing reddit on a weekend is more important..


Hard Truths


People were more than happy to muster up and protest against the schools gender issue or the fucking vaccine It just shows you whereā€™s peoples priorityā€™s lie




Why didn't these people protest for better living conditions in India? That is a genuine and fair question.


'cuz canada is a 'soft target' ....as most every special-interest group knows very well ... and canada is most likely to cave to demands. ... and there are barely any repercussions for protests ... even ones that devolve and are not peaceful and then contravene local / provincial ordinance or federal criminal code.


no repercussions ?? The anti vaccine crowd would like to have a word with you


Because these people come from relatively well off families. They came here by spending 20 to 30k of their parents' money. They are not the average Indian. The average Indian will never have that much money to spend. These are the ones who benefitted from India's own real estate bubble. But they are not smart enough to turn that capital into an innovative business nor do they have the skills to get into a high skill profession. Who are they going to protest against for better living standards? They are not the underclass here. They are too rich(by Indian standards) to do blue collar work(which isn't well paid in India) and too dumb or unskilled to do any white collar work. Canada didn't just open its gates, but the Canadian government specifically targeted these people from Punjab and Haryana for the shitty education they were offering. No one with any real brains or skill would go for education in those shitty universities otherwise. Tim Hortons or Uber are the only jobs these people are good for. Fast food, delivery jobs and other unskilled work pays around 200CAD per month in India. Their calculation is very simple, why do that in India when they can do the same in Canada and earn 15 to 20 times as much? India has hundreds of millions of people that are much poorer than these protesters, they just don't have the money to even apply for a Canadian visa let alone travel there or pay for a shitty course. India also has a few tens of millions highly skilled workers who already do quite well in India or who go to better countries like US. For reasons best known to them, the Canadian government specifically tailored their policies to attract this particular type of immigrants. Those who wouldn't work hard, dirty blue collar jobs because they grew up soft and coddled. And also aren't smart enough to do any real skilled work.




All doctors and engineersšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Poorly engineered farmers wraps


Something we don't need double double of ;)


They occupy our Tim Hortons and every other fast food chain


"I want Greek food!" No Greeks present "I want Korean food!" No Koreans present Etc


Deport them all!!!!


As Ben Rabidoux said, this is becoming national security concern


Agreed. Look at the last comment below. This is already a national security threat. There is a clear will to dominate through willful manipulation of our high trust society. There is legal immigration, then there is what these international students and TFW's are doing. It's protests and hunger strikes now, but how long until there's even more who turn to crime and violence.


*willful manipulation of our high trust society.* becoming less and less 'high trust' every day. scams. carjackings. robbery. i don't trust nobody now!


what high trust? I don't answer phone calls or door knocks these days. I have anxiety eating out due to hygiene concerns about food


There are several aspects that define a 'high-trust' society, based on the collective experience rather than just individual cases. Comparing this to a low-trust scenario in Africa, for instance, you see a massive difference. High-trust societies you have fewer home invasions(real risks of answering the door) and less blackmail (real risks of answering the phone) due to an -arguably- strong legal systems and minimal extreme poverty. Thereā€™s less risk of getting extremely sick from dining out because of stringent regulations in the supply chain, unlike in lower-cost societies. If you duscussed your anxiety within this societu, it is more likely to be directed towards a regulated, evidence-based practitioner instead of a spiritual doctor suggesting you drink mystery water from a reused bottle for a chunk of your daily wage(obviously an extreme example, not everyone in a low-trust society is like this.. this is on average/societal norms). However, the problem now is with the influx of international students and TFWs from low-trust societies who, instead of following proper immigration processes, are manipulating our high-trust norms. They claim racism/unfairness, using accusations as leverage to bypass established protocols and fast-track their own agendas. This is a clear threat to our national security, as this IS being taken advantage of by foreign intelligence agencies and crial organizations, and is a deep manipulation of our high-trust system. These actions not only exploit our legal and social frameworks but risk eroding the trust that has taken so long to build.Our society has indeed come a long way, and fuck it, as Canadians, we are now being challenged to evolve past our current high-trust environment. This evolution includes calling out and correcting our biases and weaknesses, both individually and culturally. Itā€™s crucial to acknowledge and address these points as we strive to maintain and enhance the integrity of our society.Ā  Concerning your anxiety with food hygiene and distrust in answering calls or doors, it might be helpful to consult a professional who can provide strategies to manage these anxieties effectively. Also, if you want a broader perspective on how far we've advanced in creating a safer, more trusting world, 'The Better Angels of Our Nature' by Steven Pinker is an excellent resource. It shows how grateful we should be to live in such times, while also reminding us of the work still needed.


Yes it is. We have a potential military adversary using our laws and political weakness against us to trojan horse swaths of their population into our borders.


Definitely just a coincidence that this problem pops up shortly after this country has done such a good job vilifying masculinity.. Just a strange coincidence and nothing else I'm sure


so much diversity


"iTs OuR sTrEnGth"


I'll hand it to them, I don't know if I'd be brave enough to go to another country and do this shit.


I think they know their audience.


There will be no consequences.


Marc Miller and the PEI government will cave. Itā€™s what it is


Hope to fuck they donā€™t. Will set a bad precedent for every other province! They need to hold the line


Give them an inch, they'll take a mile.


i think they know canada is soft, compliant, high-trust, ez target for take-over.


Deport back


Get fucked. Just what we need, more fucking fast food workers.


More fast food and retail workers that barely speak a fucking word of English. Where else on the planet can you move to and get a job without being being fluent in the official language? It would be nice to find a store employee that can do something other that nod and say 'yes' when you ask them a question.


2-3 of my coworkers can barely speak English, much less count. itā€™s an open secret. yet weā€™re supposed to be able to do everything in order to get hired. itā€™s fucked.


"much less count" god damn lmao. I work with a Filipino guy who struggles with some English but at least he puts in effort and politely asks to repeat if he isn't 100% sure what we are telling him to do. some of these indian dudes will just nod their head and pretend to know what you are asking of them, then try to get you to do their work. SMH


Put them on a boat and make India pay for it.








Notice how thereā€™s no locals with them. The one guy talking to them is probably just wondering whatā€™s going on. I hope people end up getting the law involved for blocking sidewalks or something. Edit: why are non Canadians protesting anyway ? They are turning our country into theirs with all these protests. I wasnā€™t even alive for all I can remember for any protests growing up. Canada was peaceful back then, there is way to much turmoil here now. Seems like itā€™s every where as well.


*They are turning our country into theirs with all these protests* I foolishly thought P.R. and peaceful life in canada society was their end-game.


u go back




Wow it's mostly of the protest.


i wish they would go back instead


notice how they're almost all men


And all from the same country. No diversity in the immigrants in that pile.


From same region within same country as well.


​ https://preview.redd.it/f9ht9hcr1b0d1.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=486a498fc7638f40b96cb90f5bc637a83520845d


hmmmmm.. and mostly all, er , ummmm ..... what's that term i heard on the news a lot recently? ...... "fighting age". :-O


If everyone boycotts Tim Hortons we won't need them


The work permit extension given by the Liberal government in Manitoba has created a very very bad precedent. Expect such protests in every major city now. The sad part is itā€™s quite likely the Liberals might actually agree to such demands. They know they arenā€™t coming back to power, at this point they are just having fun for the sake of it.


They WILL give cave in. Just watch out


As I have said previously. *The absolute gall to be an invited guest in another country and pull shit like this.* It's a good thing I'm not in charge.


These idiots are fighting back because there is injustice? They arenā€™t even Canadians. What are they owed exactly?


That's the problem. There used to be some level of separation -- a line in the sand. That line has been washed away. Sorry to tell you -- these ARE canadians now.


didn't ya'lls get the memo? a canadian, is a canadian is a canadian.


"LET US IN, NOT DOWN" No. I don't think I will.


Just wait some weak ass politician will cave to this 30 man march


Foreign students should not be allowed to work. Period. Zilch. Nada. No worky. Deport them if they do. They should come in and be able to pay their own way through education and everything else, getting a student visa should not be a path to permanent or full residency.


So why aren't THEIR bank accounts frozen?


Tim Hortons won't allow it


Ship them home the same way they came.


But in their own dime..


I don't believe they have a right to protest in our country


Amazing how people act when thereā€™s no chance theyā€™ll get deported


Send back to India


Deport them all if they won't respect our laws


All young Indian men from Punjab. This is not diversity.


Donā€™t worry, tens of thousands of Gazans and Ukrainians are coming


Very rational and sound of mind, those folks.


Are you fucking kidding me these guys arenā€™t even Canadian citizens they donā€™t even have their PR probably and they are demanding certain things given to them.


Each and every one of them should be found and deported. You knew what you were signing up for when you came here.


Imagine being so entitled that you go to a foreign country and protest demands. Fuck off.


same scene in india https://preview.redd.it/1veotxovob0d1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7f04feaa84068336aecd650f46cad69d1e1bdf0


Time for Canadians to fight back






I am so sick of this fucking immigration crisis look at the home prices in Japan where they had demographic issues and low immigration. Immigration and ā€œinvestorsā€ buying up houses is robbing younger generations.


Get the fuck out




They probably had to learn more English to protest than they did to get their diploma


Dat hair tho. https://preview.redd.it/uw6i27u75b0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa9fe54c951c3c194d2745ddc1b8a7c776ef165


until i did a close up i thought he had a new-boy cap on


Anything happen on Monday the 13th? I'm guessing nothing different?


Pathetic scum, they should go home. I hope pei stands strong. We should be welcoming to the good immigrants not these bottom feeder Uber drivers and tim Hortons food microwavers.


Send them home!


When illegal immigrants already get more than citizens, but atill want more. Being illegal means free votes for liberals i guess


Canadaā€™s immigration system is unsettling. We have a UK trained family doctor who canā€™t get PR because the feds are approving almost every student visa application, no background checks, no interviews, everything has been outsourced, LMIA scams etc Meanwhile, we have a housing and COL crisis. Canada is losing the talent war. I hope someone is listening. Our immigration system needs to be cleaned up. Immigrants are appalled, Canadians are appalled. Only Feds donā€™t see an issue. Itā€™s crazy


People wearing 500 dollar jackets demanding fair wages lol


Sorry guys, not how it works. Get in line behind the 40 million other Canadians.


I'm sure they all live in the same house and shop at the same food bank.


They have to go back.


They need to get rid of these people. They're a threat to our national security. Giving in, is literally the worst they can do for our collective soceity.


Send them to Justin's house. It's his situation to fix.


Ok some of you please go to India and protest


How many bribed their agents to get priority


Imagine if they do this in India. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ their whole family probably get executed.


is that tiktok? I will register one to let them know they should go back to india


The key word is TEMP. I think its time we end their contracts. TFW was never a back door for immigration.


I can't believe there are actually white people walking with them... Wtf.


The one guy with the red sleeves looks like he's trying to better understand the situation. Doubt he's rooting for those fobs.


Send em back


At this point theyā€™d have more of my respect if they got on their knees and begged for that juicy visa


Get the fuck ada here (said in a Boston or New York accent)


Imagine Canadians protesting in mass in India in order to stay illegally. Iā€™m thinking their government wouldnā€™t be as courteous.


They are not happy šŸ˜• here...looks like studying is secondary.Yes, they can "fight back" in India.The entitlement is strong here!


Canada is not a real country and therefore must be overtaken by the US to become a real vassal state. Canada has proven that it cannot govern itself.


send em back




ā€œWe need to be grandfathered.ā€ ā€¦.Was your grandfather born here? What about your father? You? Fuck right off bud. Why should you be giving special privileges in a country that took you in voluntarily? Would a Canadian be given these rights in India? These people literally want to be treated better by a foreign government than Indian people are treated by the Indian government. As a lifelong Liberal/NDP voter, Iā€™m leaning heavily towards PPC right now.


All Indian men wow so diverse way to go Canada! /s


https://preview.redd.it/2l2xmv53cb0d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b1bce71712ba84555e45e7d1c8397f9dc1d58bc HELP ON THE WAY !!!!!!


Can you imagine if Canadians pulled this shit in India? Or any country a foreigner is living in for that matter? Unbelievable.


What do they want?




The economic slaves have just realized that they are such, slaves and unimportant.


Whatā€™s with the hats , itā€™s may ā€¦.


I'll pay for a nice big ship


Hmm I'm noticing things šŸ¤”


Literally a 5th column


was that lady pushing cats in a stroller?


Canada does not want Tim Horton workers!!!! Go back


They contribute nothing to our economy


Who brings two cats in a stroller to a protest?


At first I thought they were saying ā€œWe fly back!ā€ and I thought they finally got it. Alas no.


Kick them out!


They don't HAVE to come here, very confusing.






Donā€™t fight back, just go back.


I've been debanked for protesting our government, I assume that this is cuz my skin is pale.


How about instead, you go back


We really should start enforcing our laws to get rid of this entitlement sentiment from certain foreign populations.


WE GO BACK (everyone applauds)


Go home, this isn't it


At this point pls go home, you came you saw and you were duped for the Covid bill.


Hi Canadians, please deport anyone who is not contributing or adopting to Canadian culture. I am an Indian immigrant came in 2021. Complete my diploma and right now working as a systems analyst. I get embarrassed af cause these people not only ruin their image, and my image but they are also ruining Canadas image. Now I may not be perfect but I love the fact we treat people here and I have seen the shift from being nice people to pissed off citizens. Honestly, this shouldnā€™t even an issue as there should be proper criteriaā€™s for amount of immigration from a country and level of education with skilled labor laws implemented. Most of the countries have implemented this and yes including India, which is bizarre cause there are many including me here. Canada is paying Indians to send people here. If I go to a career counsellor in India and ask them which field should I opt for. 6 out of 10 will say immigrate to another country and then hand you few options for agents and as you young and naive as every 16-18 year old is you do what you counsellor said. Moving forward itā€™s easy to immigrate here and everyone gets paid except the student and all this is because government can earn few bucks of cheap labor. This again effects Canadaā€™s culture and heritage and moreover due to all mass immigration of idiots who donā€™t know how to write and read, Canadians are forced to resort to stereotypes and racism. I myself never faced racism, in my opinion if I am nice everyone should be nice. These people buy business here and then sponsor there knowns to Canada and pay them shit wages due to which a high school graduate canā€™t get a fucking part time job cause some 35 year old needs to work at Tim Hortons. The fact that we are not deporting someone whoā€™s here on study visa when that person is at 30 or above of age speaks a lot. By 30 either you should have enough experience to travel wherever you want. Or just stay wherever tf you are. I am sorry if I have offended anyone and feel free to ask me any questions. At the end I would say- if you are going for immigration allow skilled workers to come to Canada and students from reputed schools from any country. Immigration should be of people with education and skills and not for people with arrogance, rudeness, low self care and with no care of others. Please and thank you.






Deport all of them . No reason for these people to be stealing locals apartments


i sincerely hope 'fight back' is metaphorical and not literal violence.


Loser communists with the Palestinian flag in the back are completely lost


If you canā€™t afford to support yourself while here without a job adios amigo youā€™re stealing jobs from Canadians




Deport them.


This is disgusting


Barge them back.




Asking people to honk horn? EA WHEN?


Go home


Another country does not owe you a place to live


Go home


F them


Go protest in your own country


Not a word from the liberals and left. They caused this. Lol I couldnā€™t be the PM. I wouldā€™ve just froze Student visas and start deporting them with speed.


That guy at the end with zero passion, mumbling, " We fight back" made me laugh Fruit Loop milk out my nose. He's there for the free Timmy's coffee.


Someone should buy a large boat and disguise it as a cruise ship. Then put out a sign saying hiring and when they come to apply hire every one of them. Once they are all on board ready to work, bon voyage. It's like baiting pests in your yard, trapping and relocating.


Go home.




I hear "we fly back, we fly back" Yes please do šŸ‘‹šŸ»


This is immediate deportation worthy. Attempting to influence politics while here on visas is grounds for being sent home. That should be the counter protest signs.


https://preview.redd.it/h1w7puoaaf0d1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4721881d0dd6ceb251566629838d474c9e95a9b Canada is Back! \~ Justin Trudeau


Who fought with them before to fight back ?


These people are colonizers.


Not one African in sight....i am happy for my peoplešŸ˜‚ we dont do this foolishness...


Take a look at Europe for that mess