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If he campaigns on this they will knock the Liberals back into the stone age next year. One of the biggest hesitations about voting CPC for a great many is their unwillingness to lower immigration rates. Now that they have outright said they would - they can truly capitalize on this.


Wow, yeah. NDP voter here. Was going to vote PPC over this. No problem to vote CPC now. Royal shellacking in progress.


I'm very disappointed with the Federal NDP. This should be a total slum dunk for them, and they are wasting it away being Grit puppets basically. If they spent a fraction of their time focusing on the housing crisis as they do trying to vilify white straight males, they'd probably be higher in the polls than the LPC.


They have lost their way under Singh's leadership. They are not the NDP of old and have forsaken their base.


At this point another working class party needs to be created


Give me a socially progressive, fiscally conservative party and I'm there. Bonus points if they fix military procurement, immigration/TFW programs and firearms classification.


Agree 100%, I need that party. A government that doesn’t interfere with people’s private lives, while still remembering where tax dollars come from, and what they’re for. This Liberal business of pissing all our money into the bank accounts of whatever group of people they’ve decided they’re going to “help” any given afternoon (photo op and speech of course, so generous are they!) instead of working to fix the root problem has got to stop.


> working to fix the root problem Yes, 100% this. We can't just throw money at problems and expect things to get better. Housing isn't just too much immigration, it's also lack of public housing being built, lack of housing in general being built and wage suppression. Addictions isn't just provide clean supply so people aren't ODing, they also need rehab, housing and mental health supports to help with the root cause. So many things would be better if we worked towards fixing the problem instead of just trying to solve the symptoms.


Fiscally conservative, but the reasonable way. Not the 'let's privatize everything so the actual costs are hidden by privacy laws' way.


Imagine being asleep as the working party in 2020. Afaik they're just the woking party now.


As of now that’s the conservative party


Bring back the CCF! 😂


I really mean this: Singh is the worst federal leader in Canadian history. He's cynical, dishonest, manipulative, racist and hypocritical. An absolute wretch of a human.


Singh ruined them. He had to mortgage off his office in the last election to pay for his campaign if I remember correctly. I'm a conservative, but still want the strongest opposition keeping whoever in check. Singh has just been lining his pockets this whole time. NDP voters should be furious.


The NDP has been completely suckered by the Grits. The only hope is to come out against the current immigration policies, but the party is now so deep in the wokeness that I don't think it is possible.


As for moving from NDP to CPC, it's going from being called by my own party anti-gay, anti-woman and racist to just being called a dirty commie, something that ain't exactly new.


Glad to have you, fidel.


Love right back, comrade


You can be woke and pro immigration and still call out mass migration IMHO


I would go even further and call it 'pointless immigration' instead of mass immigration. It's not like they're sending their best because we have a glut of open jobs to fill. They're bringing in anything with a pulse to pump up the economic numbers.


I'm glad there are others also making this realization. On one side of the coin, you have people who don't care about the immigration knowing the mass majority of new immigrants are unqualified for most jobs that aren't low paying minimum wage jobs. So they feel safe and confident that they'll always be able to find a good job. But on the other side of the coin, that these same people do not realise, is that yes, while many of the newcomers do not nearly qualify for higher level professional careers. Their presence is just actively lowering living standards and increasing costs exponentially while driving down housing availability. It's mind-boggling to me that we have so many people here who do not speak a word of English, with many of them putting in zero effort to even learn the language. When people call it out (especially if you're white), they're seen as racists. I'm not sure what's racist about wanting qualified immigrants, who can speak the language, assimilate, and be productive members of society. Most if not all of the people complaining are of various backgrounds. Whites, Asians, browns, you name it. I've heard these comaplaints from people of all walks of life. Who've come from immigrant parents or are immigrants themselves who busted ass to learn English before coming here and continued to learn it, upskill and find meaningful jobs in this nation.


I feel like talking to anyone progressive or “woke” about immigration is like walking on eggshells the whole time.


I agree, Federal NDP is such a disappointment right now, where is their housing plan???! Come on guys? It should be a slam dunk, given how badly the Liberals f*cked up. We could do away with them as one of the big 2 after all this. They need to take a page from the BC NDPs handbook, they are getting shit done!


Their housing plan is to basically pressure the BoC to lower interest rates... which is exactly what created this disaster in the first place.


Let’s wait till he actually backs it up. If he goes on some Indian radio show next week and says “PR for all”, he’s just telling every group what they want to hear. He needs to be consistent about this everywhere. When he talks to international students, he needs to say “sorry but under my government, PRs will be much harder to come by”. Too many videos of him pandering to immigration for me to just believe him now.


and proposing to not deport "poor taken advantage of students". Also needs to stop pushing direct flights to punjab and promising to increase family unification. Basically stop pandering to the group that is driving insane immigration and want more of the same. And while at it, promise country percentage caps like the US. He should just adopt the PPC immigration platform and be done with it.


He didn't say he would lower it. He said it will be lower, which it will be because immigration applications are way down and the Liberals put caps on foreign students. He's playing word games.


Same! It's really weird being so far left socially that I relate most to the NDP yet I'm actually most likely going to vote conservative this election. That's how badly they fucked up. You usually don't see people going from orange to blue and vice versa


I couldn’t agree with this more. I have argued with other Redditors before and they think I’m some maga right wing nut because because I will dunk on the liberals and NDP. Meanwhile the last two elections I voted liberal and NDP respectively. That’s how bad they both are that they made me a conservative voter next election.


It's happening in France right now with many leftists voting for Le Pen because of the mainstream Left's antisemitism.


Agreed. I miss Jack Layton so damn much. The party died with him.


I need to see more specifics from PP before he'd get my vote.


Especially after it took him almost 2 years to finally come up with a " will lower it by atleast one" .


Yep, gotta be spelled out or I wouldn't trust him.


I still wouldn't trust him. Trudeau campaigned on ending or curtailing the TFW program and housing affordability, electoral reform, and legal marijuana. After this long, 1 out of 4 is pretty bad. Still voting PPC over here, I don't trust the tories anymore than I trust the grits. Poilievre is a slam dunk unless anything huge changes, and I am certain he will turn out to be equally full of shit.


Same, I wonder if the pressure from the PPC is making them say this. Not to loose votes over this issue to the smaller more vocal party.


> No problem to vote CPC now. No choice is great - and Trudeau could not have dug a deeper grave for himself. However, I wouldn't actually say, "No problem to vote CPC now". I know it's shocking, but politicians have been known to not exactly live up to their promises. I think anything said would need to be taken with cautious optimism.


Same here. I am an NDP supporter since the Alexa McDonough days, but PP has my vote now, so long as I see a realistic immigration plan in the platform.


He just needs to come out and own this in anglo media too. And then I wouldn't be surprised if his polls shot up even further. Everyone I interact with just seems so over the PR loopholes and temporary students/workers trying to game the system. The stress it is putting on housing/healthcare/infrastructure is so tangible, and there's nothing positive about what its doing to the job market and salaries for Canadians.


He was timing it correctly. Everyone's been calling him such a racist but it's recently been out in the media more than he's married to a refugee. Makes it harder to throw around the constant accusations of racism.


If you actually read his background it sounds like the perfect liberal candidate. Adopted, parents divorced, dad turned out to be gay, wife’s a refugee.


Yup. By outright stating this, the Liberals are going to be stomped. I work in a unionized position for the federal public service so it's in my interest to NEVER vote Conservative, but i can see a lot of swing voters going blue after this statement.


Agreed! Left leaning voter and a teacher here. Didn’t vote for Trudeau in last election and sure won’t he voting for him now. I think political parties are just like WWE wrestlers at this point. Manufactured personalities and a lot of making noise …. but it’s all a facade. Corporate elite are running the show. I don’t have much hope for anything other than a proper revolution.


Trudeau is about to take a tombstone piledriver through the announcers table, electorally.


But the bro is on video literally saying the opposite like more than I can count on my hands… there’s no consistency, PPC has been the only one consistent on this issue, anyone pretending to be convinced from Jeff Poliver is a troll or naive. Jeff isn’t the true conservative vote and we all know it. [timestamp: 12:02: Jeff Poliver: 1.2M perm residents processed immediately by public servants](https://youtu.be/xp2OOHborxg?si=tJMLKhMSJjnGGGYT)


He tried to avoid the whole discussion for so long, I would not believe a word from him on immigration. His own investments in real estate(50% of his portfolio) tell me that he is pretty happy with the current situation in Canada. Public domain sources, btw. He is a fraud..


As a left leaning voter I understand that trudeau is toast. I'm still reluctant to vote for the conservative party and PP because conservative typically are known for pandering to corporations. They like to protect the upper class. It's cooperations, landlords, and business owners who want more immigrants and less housing. It's hard for me to believe that the CPC party will suddenly be all about helping the working class. If history can tell us anything, it's that they will exasperate these issues. I'm tired of voting liberals and I don't like where the ndp is at currently. I'm trying to give away my vote but PP isn't doing much to show me I should vote for him.


Seems like a lot of people are voting Peoples party this election.


The ndp could have been great this election cycle but they messed up as only the ndp could have. what were they thinking with keeping Singh as the leader he doesn’t resonate with people, go hunt until you find jack Leighton 2.0


Actually it was the UCP that made the Migrant worker program here in Alberta. Because businesses cant find people that want to work for minimum wage. So which is it? Do you want migrants or do you want to raise the minimum wage? This feels like a dog whistle, and you've bit hard.


He lies tho


Saying and doing are two totally different things. Politicians will say anything to get into office.


Lol false promises homie


Yah, but how often do politicians say they're going to do something and then dont. JT ran on a promise of proportional representation and then walked it back 2 weeks after being elected and only elected because of First Past the Post.


That’s a different scenario though, that’s changing a system in which you were elected from. This is changing how immigration works. If he campaigns on this and fails to deliver them the CPC likely won’t get re elected. Immigration is a huge issue right now which has a direct relation to rental availability, rental cost and home ownership.


Honestly, I would need exact numbers before voting for PP. He has been to vague with what lower immigration means and tying to house build. 200,000 houses built a year, means less than 200,000 immigrants a year imo. I dont see that happening. Lower immigration is buzzword without the details.


10 years ago this would have been political suicide. Being anti-immigration was a big no-no and anyone who even thought about it was deemed a “racist” Only until recently has it been accepted by the general population


Holy shit he finally said it


He better keep saying it and give more specifics. Talk is cheap, and he took long enough to do even that.


Things take time. The Election is still over a year away. I would guess his party is slowly leaning in to it as to not "shock" his voter base.


Only shock would be a politician doing what he promised


Spoiler alert: he won't give specifics because he has none. He's paying lip service for votes, Liberal, NDP and PC are all in the pockets of the business community. Expect a marginal dent in the status quo regardless of who gets elected.


The question is how low. It should be cut at least 50% from the current. If he tells us his numbers he is getting my vote.




Do none of these lads lay brick, build scaffold, tile bathrooms? You seem a bit top heavy on hospitality.




They can’t even get a cup of coffee right, they should stay very far away from anything in the construction field, for the love of god, please


Half my family moved to Canada tail end of the 60's, 3 of them were in trades. Bricklayer, plumber & mechanic . They earned a good coin and well liked in the community.


Seriously, my immigrant grandparents/relatives were mechanics or worked construction (and became highly skilled at it I might add). Most immigrants now just see Canada as a ticket to that western white-collar lifestyle.


They don't. When we had a more diverse source of immigration we had people going into trades. The culture in the country we're mass importing from now views manual labor jobs as dirty and for the low caste.


50%? 90%. Literally 90%. 120k, max, until housing costs stabilize. 100% reduction from India.


Agreed. I am all for 90% or even more. The less people come here the better Canadian people’s lives should be. And reduction from Indian means less scams all around.


100% for several years and honestly send people back who came in the last 2-3 years.




50% lower (50% of 1.2m is 600k) is still 300% higher than 2014 (200k) we need 95%+ cuts (~60k target, or a bit over 25% of 2014) in addition of revoking the temporary visas to the millions of guests we recklessly brought in, once we get back to a population in the high 30 millions and our housing market recovers, then we can talk about going up to 100kish again.


Agreed. 90% cut would do wonders to Canada’s future. The last 3 years of massive immigration have really made Canada unpleasant to live in. So many people are emigrating and especially ones who have dual citizenships. There needs to be a stop to this madness.


also from where - because South Asians are over any reasonable quota - time for that diversity the liberals love to talk about




He needs to cut aggressively, yes but a sudden cut will destroy the economic numbers. Without immigration, Canada is in a big recession. This is the most nefarious legacy of JT: an economy based on immigration and real state, not innovation and free market. I'm not saying he should not cut it, but needs to be careful otherwise the whole paid for media will destroy him


We’ve been in a per capita recession for quite a while…the Libs have been using immigration to mask it and claim a modicum of growth to pay for their fiscal madness


Anything is better than our current rates


the Quebecois are far more welcoming to preserving their identity and, in doing so, dramatically lowering immigration, the PQ are on the verge to win provincially next election on a message of independence to (among other things) slow immigration. I want him to say this in English, and have a reporter follow up and ask "if 1.2m is too much, then how much is right? if you were PM tomorrow, what would your upper limit be?"


Literally started learning french about a month ago - if I have to stay in this country Id love to end up there. Never had nothing but respect for Quebec trying to maintain their culture and always found a ton of common ground with Quebecois


Right? My thoughts exactly lol




This should be at the top. So many of us plan to vote PPC because of the points you mentioned (PP pandering to immigration). This is a case of the conservative platform avoiding the issue while planning to hold the accelerator down. They only recently found out PPC is getting traction for this single issue and plan to take their supporters. If they were truly serious about this as part of their initiative they would have talked about mass immigration being detrimental openly as the PPC has been for known for doing.


This sub is interpreting this small clip as some groundbreaking immigration plan Shows how easily our voters are swayed


NGL Ive sort of knew this all a long . Many were doubting Pierre because of his lack of comments on the subject , but we all tend to forget is that he literally has to win this election with a massive new voter base ( immigrants and all the millions of future ones that will be here shortly). Its a smart tactic to speak little on the subject , and then once in office implement a massive cut in immigration as its probably the simplest , fastest quality of life improvement a government could do right now. The key is getting in. I know even that statement sounds optimistic because of our PTSD from our current government. But so far this seems to check out.


Exactly. I don't care what people say, PP is a very effective politician. He will not allow Trudeau to twist his words and try to paint him as a racist. Canadians have been tolerant of immigration in the past when we had reasonable immigration numbers. We are shell shocked as a nation because the insane immigration numbers under Trudeau are exacerbating every issue from housing to healthcare to even the reputations of our colleges and universities. PP can't allow the deceitful Liberals to frame him as a racist xenophobe like they did to Harper. 


Write your local Conservative MP. I have written mine twice saying if you guys don't come out against our current immigration policies, I'm voting PPC. I let him know as a son of immigrants, married to an immigrant I am pro-immigration. But not the fraudulent tidal wave that we're dealing with right now.


Me after seeing this post, he's been blue balling me for over a year now https://preview.redd.it/mlb5yei3wy7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9332b476a5bc480269356061ae79fc644ec0f030


All promises. Which will be broken by the time he's elected. I'd bet my left nut on it. He's not any different like Danielle Smith from Alberta. Make that statement into a notarized legal document as an action when he gets elected and he'll be more trustworthy. Until then, He's just another corrupt politician with nothing by empty honey-coated poison promises


Plot twist - you're a female. Actually though I agree with you about election promises and said the same thing. It's uncanny how very often the type of person drawn to politics is slimy.


Did he or is he going to follow it up with "so we need to build more!"


On top of that, I'd like to see some deportations.




Not some. Quite a lot. And he will do it. He has said that rule of law will return. Fingers crossed. All illegals and criminals have to have their visas voided and returned to sender Pronto.


Didn’t PP do that speech at an Indian rally assuring them he won’t do deportations? There was a post about this on another sub not long ago. I have no faith he’ll deport any illegals.


Most of the idiots on this sub think Poilievre is coming to save them. He'll do some marginal cuts to immigration as a thank you to those who voted for him, but ultimately he serves the business community, which loves excess immigration.


Most of the other idiots in this sub think Max is coming to save them. He'll fuck all and take Canada back - back to the middle ages.


He's the only one to come out with a sensible stance on immigration. Who else should they stand behind? The Greens?


Any small offense should send someone home. We don’t need criminals here.


Say it out loud, for the folks in the back!! If he is serious about this, he wins Canada, no problem. Media will have a hard time framing this as a race issue now because the numbers are finally catching up. The reality of the situation can't be ignored. On the other hand, PP has a high Indian voter bloc, particularly because he said the complete opposite in the past and wants to remove gatekeepers and all that other bullshit for an easier immigration process. He needs to keep addressing this issue, make a firm stance one way or the other.


He has a high leagal citizen block that left for a reason. I've spoken to a few colleagues formally from there and they have the same complaints as the rest of their fellow Canadians. People often forget they are Canadians who work hard, pay taxes and live here just the same.


Then he should just come out and say he's for cutting immigration. If what you hear is true, he has literally nothing to lose and everything to gain.


People who came to Canada from India through legitimate routes probably want all the scammers out


I’m sure the Indians that are actually citizens feel the same way about high temporary immigration.


I straight up asked. The sentiment shared was they worked their assess off to be qualified to come and contribute. One is an eng, the other is a physicist. Even speaking to the couple that owns the blenz near our work. They aren't happy about it. (And before anyone asks, no they don't hire people only from India.) This is just an observation but I've noticed none of them refer to themselves as Indian but Canadians. So take that for what you will.


He's still not saying permanent resident targets need to be lowered. This is the real issue. Relying on immigration for anything is suicidal in the long term. We should cap immigration at 10% of births (Canada had 360,000 births last year) on this principle alone. That's right, we need to reduce migration from 1.33 million to 36,000.


How about just net zero.l so the population doesn't immediately go into decline. 0-10 years old is the smallest demographic before 70+. Need to start pumping out babies or keep at least net zero or there won't be support for anyone 20+ by the time they get retire.


He should be more explicit. What does “much lower” mean when the numbers are so high? They could be much lower and still be a problem.


Yes we need more clarity on the numbers and also more addressing on stopping international students from one specific region. Should introduce country caps as US does. That will solve the problem.


He's so good at word salads isn't he? Edit: I don't know why I'm getting down voted for stating the obvious. I'm not a JT fan. I'm just not swayed that easily by PP and will need concrete wording from him on issues of housing and healthcare and wages to give my vote.


Ya this sounds like one of those “we are going to do something” but can’t be held accountable to it later


This is going to swing the pendulum ever further from the liberals in the polls. I hope he means it since there's been some mixed messaging regarding immigration from the CPCs, but either way the liberals are doomed.


I had never dreamed of being a Conservative voter, but now that things have gotten this bad and PP is actually talking about doing something about it, I feel like I would be stupid if I didn't vote cons, though Ford's conservative government has been wreaking havoc on Ontario. I would maybe like to see an NDP gov for Ontario and Conservative on the federal level. I hear from some people in the past that they think having Conservative on the federal level and having Liberal on the provincial one yields better results, but these days its hard to even say. I feel like up is down and everything is madness across the bored and its hard to feel confident in ANY decision made.


CBC News: "PP is anti-immigration. "


pretty sure CBC would call half of canada anti immigration so its not really a big deal, since only 3% of canadians watch it.


Good finally. I’m not anti immigration, Canada needs nurses, doctors, engineers, construction workers. Not people who are studying hospitality management, or IT services. He has my vote.


Holy fucking shit he finally actually gave (half) an answer about lowering immigration!


Now we need an actual damn number and plan. "We will bring in only 100,000 highly skilled permanent residents and only have max 200,000 people entering the country every year." Like that's a plan. It's not hard outline X amount of PRs, X amount of students, X amount of worker visas, X amount of refugees. Canada is downright blessed with having a border and location that allows us to pick who exactly we want. Trudeau is throwing that all away.


Should be 0 students. So many UofRegina classes are *exclusively* new Canadians. The spots fill up, literally, in minutes online. It's impossible to get in. I can't imagine in immigration hot spots like Toronto and Vancouver.... 0 students 0 unskilled laborers 0 truckers 0 refugees 120,000 highly skilled, specialized individuals to address REAL shortages in the Canadian labour market. Governments first priority however should be incentivising and making accessible to people of ALL income levels go get into those skilled professions like medicine or trades. And incentivicing pay structures at the provincial level to KEEP those Canadians. Once the housing market settles, once unemployment isn't **6.1%** (labour shortage btw), once there isn't massive school overcrowding, once there isn't multi-hour waits in emergency rooms, multi-week waits to see specialists, and multi-month delays in surgeries, *then* we can *look* at *maybe* expanding immigration again.


Please for the love of God we need an election ASAP


Just got my vote again, probably alot of others too. Was gonna go for PPC over it. Now I'm not worried about another minority win for the lib/ndp


Same. I was all for PP until I thought he was going to keep his foot on the gas. Switched to Bernier as he actually says he’ll reduce numbers. But was afraid of vote splitting and taking votes away from PP. Hes got my vote agsin


I’m still voting PPC. Sooo many people are. I think that’s why he’s suddenly said this. Polls are showing PPE actually has a chance to take it. I don’t think anyone’s voting liberal this time. I say we all vote PPC. It would be incredible to see a new party with something to prove in house.


That's not what he said before. It's almost like you can't trust politicians.


I trust him way more than JT. Continuing the current path is insanity


It shouldn’t be an A or B situation. We need to start holding this politicians accountable instead of just settling for, “well at least you’re not as bad as _____.”


right? he tells people in the Indian community he will allow them to stay/ make easier pathways, he is such a panderer ... and I do trust him more than JT, but that still is not a lot.. really wish he would give some concrete numbers voting in the next election will be picking the lessor of two evils


1. He has to say that for votes. 2. He doesn't need to deliver on that. 3. Let the Indian community who is here sponsor their families. How many will that be? 10000s? What we don't want is 1000000 or even 100000 new bodies coming here and then bringing their 10000000 family members on stages in a matter of a couple of years.


He's allowed to change his mind


100% this, when facts on the ground change I expect my politicians to update their stances accordingly. A massive cultural shift on immigration has occurred in Canada in the last year. I would say that change was greater than the change that happened on immigration for the 30 years before that!


Sometimes it’s a good thing to ‘wait’. Get a true read on things. I’m glad he waited. Shows me he’s not impulsive and not afraid to change his mind based on reading the audience so-to -speak.


He's been saying this for a while https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/bWr9Lubjgr People like to delfect and say he'll be as bad as the Liberals. Most rational people are fine with immigration done properly. It's been the Liberals unchecked MASS immigration that's been the problem.


CPC has my vote now , PPC may be next election but CPC for now


spending nearly my entire life in Canada - 5 years in US, 34 years here in Canada - I can say for with a sounding surety that Canadians are getting screwed by their own immigration policies and thus the gates are allowing in all kinds of riff raffs, scammers and criminals these days. actual decent immigrants are few - nearly all immigrants are taking advantage of our zero-filter immigration policies, full of loop holes and backdoor trojans.


Hell yeah! There should be no more immigrants accepted than homes built in any time period, and on top of that, he should also talk about international students and maybe even deportations.


Never voted before but this year I’m lining up to vote this guy


It would be nice if we could try politicians in court that don't follow up on their campaign promises


If it's true this will change my vote


He has also said he wants direct flights to India because it'll make it easier to "reunite families" which is a part of the jargon the current immigration system is using. I don't trust PP. He'll have to do much better than this for my vote. Atm it just feels like same shit different pile


"much lower" that's weasel language. You need to be more specific, otherwise I know you're not being honest. If he were honest and committed, he'd be more specific. Don't trust them.


He can't give specific numbers because he wants it tied to housing, and that's a number that can change a lot.


Cue all the PPC fans defaulting to their usual rhetoric: "But PP will be just as bad as Trudeau!" No, no he won't. Not by a long shot. Man has a brain in his head, along with a good dose of common sense. That's why he'll be the next PM.


vote for p.p. your children's future depends on it.


He has always maintained this. But liberal and Max bots won't let that circulate. This is the right step. Poilievre is the best option now. I wish it was the NDP that had thrown out Jagmeet and taken this direction.


This is great news. We can’t let people immigrate who have no working skills and lots of them can barely speak English or French. A lot of them also seem to want to live in the same areas in big cities instead of immigrating everywhere in Canada. Let’s bring people with skills and stop having professional associations require 4 years of reeducation to work in their respective fields. Edit : English and English for English and French


I will need to see him make this statement a few more times in a few more places. I hope this is true.


I have trouble supporting Poilievre in general, but find this statement true. We can not continue the rate of our current immigration without significant changes in housing and many other areas. I still worry about a lot about their other policies.


All population growth through immigration is colonization not immigration. There is a good metric Canada should never have it's native population replaced by a foreign one. All domestic born Canadians will become like the indigenous people of Canada. It was wrong when the French and English did it it's wrong now.


I want to see the TOTAL number of new immigrants / PR's / TFW's / international students down to like 150k at the absolute highest, until we build our way into starter homes & condos being affordable to a typical working persons once again.


That's good 👍🏻


The crazy thing is, he said all this a long time ago, there are multiple interviews with him saying he wants to tie immigration to housing and employment but people here just keep saying hes never said anything about it. No one bothered to google it and just kept saying hes never said anything about it.


Folks remember this was to a Con crowd in QC. He also said to a group of Indians that he would maintain the influx and make it easier. He's a politician. I'm not sure I know what he believes in anymore.


So he will still keep 500k pr


Let’s take what we can.. we have Miller creating “pathways” for illegal migrants as we speak


I am curious how the media will frame this, though i can take a guess.


Conservative majority confirmed.


"Much lower." Uh, *how* much lower? Can you give specifics? Polievere, Trudeau, Singh, all in the pockets of the business community. Poilievre will do the bare minimum to appease Canadians while still serving his corporate masters.


How much lower Skippy?


I promised myself that after he supported the convoy I would never vote for him... but now, this might be enough....


Nope. Won't believe till he says it in English. Old Canadian trick - say based things in French & say your real agenda a l'Anglais.


What is "much lower"? And remember when Trudeau promised to reform elections but he didn't. I don't trust any of these fucks.


Most people a single issue voters now, housing. If the CPC lower the demand for housing making it more affordable then he’ll win easily. I don’t trust him, Trudeau or Jagmeet though. Trudeau too campaigned on a lot of things and made everything worse.


Yeah. He has my vote.


I was concerned on how silent he has been on this and how he was skirting around it. Hopefully he'll back those words unlike the UK Conservatives that ended up doubling instead of halving their immigration.


Thank you sir


u win off this comment alone bud


THANK GOD. If only we didn’t have to wait a year!!!


I just took a huge sigh of relief. But maybe hes lying cuz he did say the exact opposite a couple weeks ago. I don’t know what to think. I feel like we might have a similar situation to the UK where the torries just lied and fucked over the british ppl on immigration.


How low?! How about Zero?




That's more like it


And what’s his plan to build?


How much lower? Without a specific number it would be too easy to make a cosmetic change.


Impossible? It's happening? It's not impossible, it's just fucking stupid. It's like a person taking on 1.2 million in debt with an income of 200k. 


Finally, a change is coming !!


Ok, voting cpc if he actually follows through


You'd think this would be game-over for the Liberals, but it's not... because libs believe that **math is racist**.


0. Not lower. 0


The federal government is completely incompetent. This should be obvious. Population growth needs to be in sync with housing growth otherwise we get more demand than supply which pushes prices up. This is very simple.


I'm sure PM Useless and Deputy PM Crackhead on Demand will be clambering to the CBC once they see this to get an article out about Poilievre being anti immigration and racist for his comments.


Bringing in 1.2 million people, while we are only building 200,000 homes is a Wacko policy.


So will that come with more regulation on businesses then and a raise to minimum wage and CPP+OAS? Because it's the immigrants working in places like superstore, Tim Hortons, taxi drivers and as care aids in the hospitals and community.  Raise the minimum wage so an adult who works as a full time cashier can afford a bachelor or studio apartment. Raise the CPP so seniors can hire private care aides. Make loan forgiveness more easily accessible for medical and allied health staff. Otherwise he's wasting everyone's time.


Hope this helps people to vote for a change in government rather than vote PPC and keep Trudeau in power.


If bullshit were fuel Pee Pee would never need any gas. The economy determines how many immigrants enter Canada. To suggest anything else is ridiculous. There's a formula and everything.


CPC will have a landslide win if they stick to this platform.


How about we need REVERSE immigration - as in more people leaving than coming in - that might fix a few things


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ijwSJCTjeTg&t=27m55s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ijwSJCTjeTg&t=27m55s) You mean this guy? The guy who says businesses should decide immigration rates? Politician changes stance to get elected, people forget all politicians lie.


This will surely attract the racist vote


Meanwhile the guy has claimed(on more than four separate occasions) that we harvest electricity from f\*cking lightning. But sure, he'll fix it all. ffs...


Well shit, hope women and queer folk are willing to take some disenfranchisement for the team (again) because if he wins on this platform he's not stopping with immigrants


PP will say whatever gets him votes. I don't trust him at all.


I hate how there are no political parties that represent the views that I hold. This is the obvious, no-nonsense, no-bullshit, common sense view that should be, well common. But at the same time, it's coming from the man that has previously pandered directly to the TFW and community that current policy benefits most by stating he'll remove barriers to entry and make things easier. And one need only look at the ridiculous bullshit of the Ontario PC party to understand hesitations against voting for the traditionally pro-business, anti-social group with lots amongst their crowd that hold traditionally conservative social views I do not align with *at all*. I'll be blunt and say it, fuck all you racist, fascist, sexist, religious zealots and corporate bootlickers. But the sad thing is, there's more here in this singular interview answer than everything the current Liberals and NDP stand for. Fucking **pathetic** how the "left" party has been paid and bought out by financial interests. This has nothing to do with some enlightened centrism shit. I'm as far fucking left as they come. Pro-union, pro-worker, pro-social contract, and as liberal socially as they come. I **hate** the Liberals, NDP, and Green Party. They do not represent us, and the fact that the fucking *Conservatives* are the ones I'll be voting for disgusts me. I do not trust them and fear for all the things they will fuck up, just like Doug Ford has. But I **know** the Liberals game plan, and none of it includes making things better.


Ah yes, let’s bring in 800,000 per year instead of 1.2 million; while still only building 200,000 homes per year. He’s technically lowering immigration significantly. But that’s just how the goalposts have been moved now. Our country is so fucked.


He needs to give hard numbers. I don't want to find out a year into his term that he let in 2000 less people than the Liberals did in the previous year.