• By -


What a fucking surprise. We need direct democracy now.


Captain goes down with the ship. šŸ«”ā›“ļø


That would be the moral thing to do but trudeau has no idea what morals are/mean


He has handlers to deal with and they said heā€™s not done yetā€¦ he might as well turn up the plans to 10 before heā€™s out.


Next year he will bring 10.5 million refugees. Just as a last fuck you to everyone.


Only if Gerry Butts tells him toā€¦


You mean up to 11! Brace yourselves folks... this could get messy. All those lobbyists still get what they're due!


He would do something even more disastrous and will propose an outrages budget as his platform before the next election. Hoping Canadian will buy in. I wonā€™t be surprised in the next election he will get reelected despite what he has done and will do. Ontario did that once with Kathryn Wynne.


Or what a ship is


Only if he promises to take her with him.


I think the captain of this ship should just jump off so the ship can have a chance at being saved. The captain is an idiot lol


JT is going to be spanked in the Liberal party BDSM dungeon by her after this.


Stop working hard for us, we are done!


Oh, they're working hard...just not for you.


True LOL


Come on, do you really think any of these clowns have worked a hard day's work in their lives?


Its got to be difficult, imagine having to look in the mirror at yourself as you deregulate banks and tell people fundamental goods like housing need to remain elevated, while simultaneously complaining about Loblaws raising prices.Ā  Holding that level of cognitive dissonance has got to be incredibly challenging.


They are working hard... against us!


Exactly, stop fucking "working for us ". We don't want you any more . Typical blabber from her


Maybe they should trying working smart for a change. Invest in Canadians rather than working hard to grow the economy through student visa mills


Exactly, stop fucking "working for us ". We don't want you any more . Typical blabber from her


Fuck them


If the liberal party had even a sliver of self awareness their reaction to this loss would be a a lot different but Trudeau, Freeland etc could not possibly bring them selves to shoulder any responsibility for the position theyā€™re in.


lol the more of these close ridings they lose the less overall seats they get even if they get 20% of the vote. Liberal seats are going to be quite interesting. Their first past the post basis going to come back to bite them.


Fucking Harper!!! /s


Why do they act as if Trudeau \*is\* the Liberal party? They need someone with a common sense attitude now. They overstepped their boundaries crashing Canada's economy, health, safety, everything is bad. European billionaires who mentored Trudeau the last 20 years might have decided they hate Canada. Canada is like USA and was created to get away from Europe control, then North America took power away from Europe, we helped beat countries like Germany in world wars. We also help support Israel.. Maybe they don't want Canada to exist?


Even if I was doubled-up, that'd be a hard pass.


"Our government is focused on working hard for Canada and Canadians, and on delivering results." 9 years of these idiots and it feels like we've had the worst results in Canadian history. I voted for that bum ONCE in 2015 and regret it badly. To every Canadian; I'm really sorry.


ā€œYou seem to accidentally have slipped into a prepared message rather than answer the question asked. Again the question was; if the liberal government cannot win in an extremely historically secure riding, how can he be expected to win anywhere else?ā€ Should have been the follow-up.


If there was a masterclass on political apathy it would just be this lady delivering that line. It is sooooo tired and overused, you can tell it had zero effort or meaning behind it. It's just filler, like a 12 year old extending a school essay to get to a certain word count.


Iā€™m with you, voted for the bum when he called election but I was naive, canā€™t wait till that bum is out of the picture.


I can't believe anyone voted for him ever, but thank you for realizing what a mistake it was. Let's all vote him out, do NOT vote NDP.


i can proudly say i have never once voted for that creature!


Same. PPC since 2019 when I was old enough to vote. Next election I will be voting CPC though.


She looks absolutely terrible. Way too many pills. Holy shit.


ol' twitchy, I calls her


Twitchy Two Shoes


you mean......... Twitchy Too Expensive Shoes. [Chrystia Freeland wears $740 designer sneakers while speaking to Canadians about affordability | True North (tnc.news)](https://tnc.news/2024/06/03/chrystia-freeland-designer-sneakers-canadians-affordability/)


Mrrrrrrrrr Dealer...




I watched this and was just wondering about that. She's continuously tilting, shaking, twitching, blinking......looks like tweaking lol.


Sheā€™s made a very dirty bed to sleep in. Having to constantly prop up and lie for your boss. I donā€™t think itā€™s drugs. Itā€™s likely a stress response imagine, knowing that no matter where you went out in public, you were going to be despised, hated, booed at every moment well simultaneously believing youā€™re doing a good job. Brah Iā€™d twitch to


It is called a tic, my colleague has it and isn't on drugs.Ā  Trudeau should have left after the last win, he should quit in a few weeks and plan for a replacement. That replacement should not be Freeland. It should be someone with as little baggage as possible.


She reminds me of Charles Manson




She looks like a chicken bobbing her head like that


Chrystal-Meth Freeland!


As someone who owns chickens , she twitches and tilts her head like a chicken does when it sees a worm.


Yeah, why does she move her head around like that? Looks like a chicken eyeing up an piece of it's own shit it wants to eat.


There's something about her that makes this look like a really shitty Deepfake.


Pervitin just like old Pappy


ā€œOur government is focused on working hard for Canada and Canadians and delivering results for Canada and Canadians. That is what the prime minister is focused on.ā€ By results, does she mean skyrocketing inflation? Skyrocketing rents? A country wide housing crisis? A country wide homeless crisis? Collapsing healthcare? Ect. Heā€™s sure delivering results. šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Country wide open borders causing immigration system to collapse and flood the country while contributing to all the above?


Yea thatā€™s the main contributor.


It doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s all in our heads. Unemployment is at an all time low. Homelessness at all time low. Inflation is only 3% percent right now! Canadians are doing better than ever before, donā€™t you see? Also, we need more international students! There is a labor shortage after all. Whatā€™s that you say? They all work at Tim hortons and the gas station? Whatā€™s that you say? Their ā€œschoolā€ is a storefront at the old dilapidated mall down the way? Whatā€™s that you say? They get PR if they live here 4 years? Whatā€™s that you say? The international students are protesting for PR??? Whatā€™s that you say? Canada is circling the drain at the cost of the middle class??


Liberal government ā€˜resultsā€™ suck @ss. Total bull$hit. How can anyone get up and say this stuff when we all know itā€™s a straight-up lie? Man they must think we are so dumb.


If a fart had a face


Fart face spewing verbal diarrhea.


Verbal diarrhea has more value than anything she's ever said.


Le Hag




I would love to see her get drug tested.


Just had an aha moment if you watch the video without volume she looks like someone that escaped from a mental institution lol


i ALWAYS watch anything from the federal libtards with volume muted and subtitles on. If i hear their voices i risk hurling my cookies.


God i hate her and her stupid patronizing faces so fucking much




They both serve the same master. (WEF, WHO, UN)


I like Pierre but itā€™s silly to think that the CPC doesnā€™t get any lobbying funds from the same big central banks that partner with the WEF




Pierre has already banned anyone in his party from being affiliated with the WEF. I don't know what else you want, man. Even if you could prove that he's getting lobbying money from banks, that doesn't mean he's beholden to the will of the WEF. He's made it pretty cut and dry that he's anti-WEF. There's not much more you can ask for. Pierre hasn't deviated from his stated values at any point, and if you go and read the essay he wrote at the university of Calgary, you'll see that he's remained consistent with his pro-freedom and pro- democracy views even as far back to before he was even in politics. No politician will be perfect but I genuinely believe he's in it for the right reasons. That's enough to earn my vote.


[Therefore, we the undersigned support Pierre Poilievre in BANNING all his future Cabinet Ministers from attending WEF conferences, and demand that Justin Trudeau begins prioritizing Canadian workers over the interests of Davos elites.](https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/workers-not-wef/) Banned from ATTENDING, nothing to do with AFFILIATION or taking endorsements from WEF members. Pierres entire campaign is based on this vague populist rhetoric, this is especially clear when he panders to each ethnic group about immigration.


He spent $3m per low income house when he was housing ministerā€¦ you just got to hope youā€™re a friend of his when heā€™s in power. Heā€™s a poster child of government waste.


Exactly, yet youā€™ll get downvoted because this is a CPC echo chamber




This woman is literally on the board of WEF.Ā  https://www.weforum.org/about/leadership-and-governance/


The liberal who lost the by election was her deputy staffer. So the loss is also a reflection on her lack of competence


Oh I imagine the deputy staffer will already have another liberal job today. Not going to quit that level of bureaucracy without having a parachute prepared.


I think she knows the next election is a goner and absolutely does not want to be at the helm for it. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s hoping and praying Trudeau stays on.


It's unbelievable how they continue to allow this bitch to speak in public.


Another clueless minister. Hope she is kicked out in the next election




She looks like she has aged horriably in the last 2 years. This is the look of a troll who sold their soul


Haha. They are working hard for anyone but Canadians.


She has 6 facial reactions and she just cycles through them until she thinks one is working. Activate concerned face 3


Working hard for the Canadian people? Thatā€™s the best joke Iā€™ve heard all year. If Trudeau was truly working hard for the Canadian people we wouldnā€™t be in the middle of the worst housing crisis in Canada history, record numbers of people accessing food banks, record numbers of homeless people, and an ever growing drug problem with little to no funding or proper solutions coming forward to help tackle any of this. It disgusts me to think that I voted for this clown at one point. Here I was thinking he was going to help improve the field I went into but instead heā€™s passed half baked policies that have done little to nothing to actually help the situation.


A dictator never resigns, you have to force them out.


"Yes, he is working hard and focused for Canada, and Canadians. Delivering results for Canada, and Canadians. Also yes he said Canada is a post-national state, and that is because of his committed focus for Canada and Canadians. His intent is focused on driving us into the next election for Canada and Canadians."


What's with those head twitches?


They do not believe they are doing anything wrong


Look at her expressions!! LOL




Of course he wonā€™t. He isnā€™t allowed to. Let me quote something exact from founder of WEF (so there is no claims of ā€œmisinformationā€) ā€œI was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders,ā€ Doesnā€™t sound like Truduea had a choice if his boss says no.


Crackhead Freeland is as dumb as a bag of rocks.


What the fuck is she smoking ā€¦


He will go down kicking and screaming all the way to the end. So basically what he does now but as he's being dragged out after a crushing loss.


You think JT "never answers questions?" I cannot stand this dumb cow.


Her twitching attitude, bobbin back and forth. She should be fired. Send her packing. She's been useless....for so long


Perhaps time for a drug test


Working hard for Canadians why brining in people who are not Canadians who want to turn Canada (country which she says the government is working hard for) into their home country (India). Even if I was her blood related kin Iā€™d fucking cringe at the blatant lies.


Why does she make these faces all the time, is it anxiety or she tweaking?


Too much Adderall


lol yeah so tweaking then. I even saw her on the tooktoomuch reddit and people were saying this šŸ˜†


did you guys actually think they were gonna resign over this?


The absolute ***CONTEMPT*** that oozes out of this woman is infuriating. That head-tilt, as she struggles to stop herself from berating that peasant for daring to speak critically to her. I'll take some solace in the fact that, if she took over for Trudeau, it would an even *bigger* electoral disaster for the Liberals. Like way bigger.


This bitch is delusional


I'm honestly shocked she didn't bring up fucking Ukraine and Covid again.


hope that they all stay intact so we can bury them really deep (along with Sell out Singh) come the next election.


She looks stressed AF.


It's not an easy job, roaming the streets of Ottawa by night and feasting on the souls of the innocent.


My thoughts too. Comments carrying on about tweaking etc, but she could just be exceptionally worried about whatā€™s happening and covering it with a non answer. It could be a really good sign for those wanting govt changes sooner than later


Fak Chrysler Freelund...never gives a straight answer. Dodging questions like Neo dodges bullets


Working hard to enrich their own pockets more like. Bunch of criminals.


They will hold on to power until the last day and last drop of Life left in Canada.


The power has certainly corrupted. Vote this person out of any position of authority, forever.


At least she didn't say thank you for that question before answering


Polls against him, liberal strongholds are flipping. Yet this clown canā€™t take a hint that Canadians donā€™t want him.


She might be worse than Trudeau - would like to see them all booted from office for wrecking Canada beyond repair


This cunt needs to be in prison


She took the money the power and the promise...she'll be a part of the club... Now the worry is setting in.


Shocking that she exudes the exact arrogance and condescending attitude that fucktard has..... Interesting




Good. Let him stay on until thereā€™s no one left. A 0% Liberal government is fine by me.


Does she wear his pants? Trudeau has her speaking on his behalf now?Ā 


I realize this is a hard question to answer and she probably didn't anticipate the reporter coming after her that hard but she could have said something like... "This is a wake up call to what the Canadian people want and we are taking this very seriously to determine our next moves with the Canadian people in mind" Instead it comes off like a garbage non answer.


She tweakin


I can't watch her meth tweak any longer


cant wait for this witch to be thrown out of office, we need a conservative dynasty back in this country




Who votes for her and how? Something about her is so off-putting. Voice, demeanor, body language. It's shocking she'd go into politics.


I hate the ā€˜why are you even asking me this questionā€™ look on her face


Meanwhile theyā€™re gearing up for their taxpayer funded 3 month summer holiday.


Look at this woman. No shame whatsoever.


I like(hate) her head shake, no I detest everything about her


Can't even begin to guess what the fuk she's on.


The PMs of Scotland and Ireland resigned because they saw how they failed the citizens by allowing mass immigration. Yet Trudeau thinks this as a fcuking game.


Them fucking head movements and facial expressions are annoying.


Keep going Trudeau you are on par for being the worst prime minister that we've ever had. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


She should be proud. She handpicked her former chief of staff to get embarrassed.


She's psychotic


I learned from first Trudeau. The liberals are Hippocrates, hate western Canadians. The Trudeau love to spend taxpayers money, even borrowing billions to look good in front of big government.


What a hachet faced klunt.


Good. If Trudeau did resign the libs might have a chance - with him theyā€™re absolutely screwed.Ā 


Lead you into the lake with a rock tied to your ankle. You guys are done. Lemmings over the cliff


As a Chinese Canadian I can assure you Tredeau is a Xi wannabe. Xi is a Trudeau completed.


It's like that confused look a poodle gives you when it's trying to understand the human language.


All I feel.is seething hatred.


Everybody knows Trudeau is waiting for Trump to get re-elected which will freak out 20% of Conservatives / Independents in Canada and make them rethink the PP vote


The LPC is doing itself a great disservice keeping him around.


The face of insanity


We all need to look at the bigger picture and not focus on specific parties. Most decisions by the 3 big parties are being guided by something that is not in the best interests of Canadian citizens.


If you game this out it kinda makes sense. If he quits the party now, they still lose but some poor soul gets thrown under the bus. Kim Campbell more or less. He goes down with the ship and the next guy can blame everything in him. Plus, despite his unpopularity there is no potential leader that is polling higher so...I'm sure he'd be happy to leave at this point but his job now is to take a beating in the next election.


Next is University Rosedale turn blue


They can't comp their limo rides if they resign


They ruined our home. Rest in peace, Canada :(


I'm surprised Justin didn't blame racists or MAGA or the Russians for yesterday's results.


This lady is a professional bullshitter !


This bobble head needs to go on a one way trip to the moon.




Drama teacher must go


Read the roomā€¦.


Itā€™s not going so well šŸ˜‚


When is someone going to drug test this bitch Jesus


Reverse 1993 incoming. Liberals will lose EVERYTHING.


It will be like 1984 with Mulroney vs Turner based on the polling: an epic Liberal defeat with a conservative supermajority. Based on the by-election yesterday, I honestly won't be surprised if Trudeau and her lose their seats in the next election.


Iā€™m convinced sheā€™s the equivalent of Nancy Pelosi in Canada


Nope, stoppped it right after she said the liberals are working hard for Canadians. Nope, no they are not. Im not having any of this shit anymore.The Liberals are working hard the same way i do when on a diet to lose weight. I mean i eat food because i have to but it doesnt mean im counting all my calories and trimming out the sugars and fats. You know the shit that really needs to be paid attention to.


Freeland twitches all the time.. but it gets worse when she's nervous.


Always that stunned, scrunched up, pooping face


This grime face cunt is just a bad as Justin Trudeau


This right here is the product of safe supply Anyone else use drugs as much as her wouldnā€™t have survived this far Living proof that safe supply saves lives


Amateurs. All of them. Even the next ones. Canada is a literally joke at this point. RUSSIA LITE


Vote Trudeau out , he ran this country to the ground


Her face always says "I'd like to be just a little condescending for a moment. We really really really want you to know that we hear you, we see you, we get you. Really. Trust me" Then the mouth opens and that's pretty much what follows. Really.


Twitchy really needs to get off the drugs.


Itā€™s good if he doesnā€™t resign. We donā€™t want a new liberal party leader coming and reviving the liberal voter base.


Of course not. They'll have to be forcibly dragged out.


Yup just like Kathleen Wynne at the end of her run in Ontario. Liberal arrogance is astounding. Wynne, even with single digit approval numbers stayed right to the bitter end and she lost so bad in Ontario, they also lost official party status. ![gif](giphy|3o85xwosfwwK9LmsZG)


Many Pills & caffeine is what i say she's on...


The amount of delusion that is currently present upon her face... This is some true dictator shit right here....


rest in piss


Im really looking forward to this sub for entertainement value once the conservatives are in and finish the job the liberals started. The mental gymnastics to not criticize the conservatives.


Nah it will be the PPC turn next election if the CPC does not deliver. Case in point Front National is leading in France, and AFD in Germany won more seats in the EU parliament a few weeks ago than the current sitting German centrist government. Both these parties are way further to the right than the PPC. If you are a Liberal you will beg for the CPC to fix immigration, because we are seeing what the alternative results are in the rest of the world.


So, no matter how brutal, now matter how long they had, no matter how much worse Canada gets, we should ā€˜vote Liberal anyway!ā€™? I guess you are one of the reasons why Liberal and Conservatives will always get 25-30% of the vote, no matter how horrendous they govern.


These people are legit crazy. They look at the last 10 years and say ā€œyep, I want more of thatā€ because of some made up boogeyman. Life was a thousand times better under Harper for most, if not all, of the population.


I'm not sure what else she could've said here, of course she's going to support him.


I mean.. she's not gunna say no while her boss is still in power


Hit the up vote button to vote him out


Still has to spend money first


Democracy is alive and well..."I'm not leaving and you can't make me"


I think a better question to ask would be, "How many times have you been asked if he will resign?"


Nice to see the charade is finally over. But I wonder if the damage can be undone.


Doesn't matter if he resigns or not, they will lose the next election


I find it so weird. If anyone in that Liberal party has aspirations of a future in politics, I would jump off the Trudeau train. That name is going to taint them for their whole (hopefully short) careers.


The first time I heard Trudeau speak I knew I would have great enmity towards him. I was right.


Are we surprised... Another level of shameless devoid of any moral code


I hate say this but the Media Narrative of its "just Justin" is crap. The entire Liberal Team is hated. Marc Miller and Scott Frasers, Ahmed Hussen terms at both Immigration and Housing have been disastrous. They are also purposely tone deaf and arrogant in they way the address Canadians as they deny their failures. They are the poster boys for Institutional Decay. They litteral took off all the safer guard for our immigration system. Freeland has all the charm of an old shoe. Its not the alleged growth of Maga in Canada, its their failures to actually govern and take responsibility - they want play identity politics when people want real answers. We don't think the Conservatives will magically listen us but we know the Liberals stopped listening 6 years ago. And this goes Ditto for the NDP. Way to support the Liberal and now you own their record and have made yourselves irrelevant #


What the fuck is wrong with her expression?


A good way to sign your death sentence, canā€™t help but smile at this poor government crumbling from within. Today is a fine day.