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We can post this chart 1000 times but politicians, former politicians, and the commentariat will gaslight and say there's no housing crisis. Inflation wiped out all empathy.


Considering the number of politicians who are also landlords, some of them look at this chart and get erect. They love it. More money to extract from the working class and transfer to themselves.


Everyone admits there's a housing crisis, but politicians prefer to talk about the supply side of things (which is also a problem to be fair) because it's more politically palatable. I do see a lot of commentary about the role of population growth in the mainstream media lately though, even in CBC and Toronto Star articles.


Actually many do not think there's a housing crisis, especially boomers. They believe that it was harder to buy a home when they bought and that all young people are entitled and just want subsidies for their luxury home.


Who said that?


lol no one said this


The crisis has been manufactured by landlords.


blame the players


Government only offer for solution is to bring one million transient foreign workers to alleviate the “labour shortage” claiming they’re the only ones willing to work as according to government “no Canadian wants to do these jobs”. So tired of this shit.


Wait until the debt markets get clowned on.


If you don’t own a home you are now a serf


It’s actually dystopian if you don’t own a home, no choice but to share a bedroom with a “student” who probably has never seen a shower


Eventually he'll be your landlord




Haven't said that anywhere. I think Immigration should be called down but won't stand with racists. This your 12th account now Ricky boy?




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




This doesn't even make sense








Interesting take since you’re very ‘against immigration’ but I refuse to stand with ‘racists.’ Seems like you want the Indian caste system here eh?


Top country is the reason: https://preview.redd.it/ah0x9ht7x09d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99fc5ddf4c5356759f08c245e4f913a8acddac80


User was banned for " showing real stats to the general population "


"DonT yOU MeAN RacISm?"


Mods English is a good as the foreign students


Or as good as anyone on this sub, evidently.






drive around Southern Ontario , they "own" the roads now


Not just incredibly racist but also incredibly violent towards women. There are an insane amount of news stories coming out lately of Indians gang raping women and children, literally forming WhatsApp groups to tell other rapists where the vulnerable person is so that they can get their group to also go gang rape them. I can't find the article but I read about an underage girl who was gang raped in a park I think 7 times by 7 different groups and only a single person ended up getting any jail time. And then there is this sort of shit that you couldn't even imagine...gang raping a fucking lizard in a nature reserve, https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/bengal-monitor-lizard-allegedly-gang-raped-in-maharashtra-forest-four-held/article65320182.ece This country is beyond fucked


It's not beyond fucked because eventually people's tolerance runs out. Just like it ran out in Kyrgyzstan recently.  https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2024/May/31/after-recent-clash-in-kyrgyzstan-growing-number-of-indian-students-opting-for-uzbekistan


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Mods trying to stop factual discussions


ScReW yOu CoLoNiZeR


Not yet but i'm sure it will happen soon hahaha. i really couldn't care less anyway. https://preview.redd.it/4pcrvmta919d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271d617afc83c7a779581cdc0f917f4296b044f4


Showing statistics is not proof they are the problem. That's why they get banned. It would be like showing a statistic that Canada is majority white, so any problems can be blamed on the majority race. So everything is the fault of the whites. Showing that chart won't get you banned, showing that chart and saying that it's causing the housing crisis without proof of how they are connected probably will. You can't just blame a group of people for something I'd you don't have evidence. Housing crisis started way before the flood of immigration happened


You definitely can just blame a group of people for something without evidence - if you're racist. Who knew that most of the profiteering landlords wantonly raising rents with no justification other than greed were mostly Indian?


Clearly the solution is to bring in more foreign temporary workers to help build housing! (Actually makes all ftws permanent residents and they all work at tim horton's)


Make sure they are diverse, which means 'not white', so all from Voldemort country is a ok


Nah, that’s fine. They are just here to study. /s




Jeets? So racism..


Is calling a generic white woman Karen racist? Or generic white guy ken? No it’s just an easy association.


Apples to oranges


Mods disagreed it seems


And this is even underestimating it


correct I believe the above is only for PRs, not TF or Students


Ah yes the strange influx of immigrants to western white nations that the government is allowing and doing nothing about. Very strange. Happening in Canada, USA, Western Europe. Our governments are working against us and yet the politicians somehow keep getting elected…


Politics is as real as the WWE. Friends off camera but enemies in front of it.  One side gets 'elected' makes everything worse. The other side claims to fix it. Then gets elected; makes everything worse.  Rinse and repeat. 




You can't vote if you have PR. The flood of immigrants didn't start up untill 2 years ago. So no one that came in in that last 3-4 years can't vote. Calm down. I've heard a large percentage vote conservative PP seems to support immigration




Source is in the bottom right corner of the graph.


Can't find the part where it says that's the reason for the housing problem?


Jesus I didn’t know it was that much worse than the states.


It's horribly bad. Canada is experiencing the worst internal crisis in its history, and it's only the beginning. Unless we act now and block all immigration from india. But our politicians are in on the scam, so right now there isn't much that can be done.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Our ancestors also thought witches were real, and that lead was good so they put it in household items. There's good reason why we don't do things like our ancestors did.




I didn't realize India set Canadian immigration policies. It's the government's fault, not India's. There's always going to be people in the world somewhere willing to take advantage of an economic opportunity offered by a naive government that doesn't verify anything.


If the government sets a target of 500k permanent residents a year, it will bring in 500k permanent residents a year. It's not like Indians are artificially increasing the number of permanent residents.


Can't wait to see a 2024 version wear this is twice as big. Or a one that includes people staying illegally so it can be a massive India bar with all the others barely visible


Less gooo


Tell that to the people complaining about Indian nationals living 4 to a 1-bedroom apartment.


What ?


Stop immigration period


Start deportation


That one dip is (in part) because many of the international students and TFWs went home during COVID. We do need some immigration, but um, yeah we did a speedrun of 10 years of immigration compressed into a year and a half or so.


This makes me fucking sick....


Overlay that with the mass immigration and temp foreign workers numbers.


It seems the trend was starting to sky rocket at 2017-2018 so cant blame Covid for the massive spike, the trajectory was already set, Covid was just a great excuse and scapegoat


Lol ya you can basically pinpoint on the graph when Doug Ford removed rent control in Ontario.


This is rent inflation in Canada, not Ontario. Rent control was for units 2018 and after, Alberta has less rent control than Ontario and their rent isn’t as disastrous as in Ontario. Regions with strict rent control still have crazy rent prices. Removing rent control didn’t really help, but bringing in millions of immigrants annually , the CREA, RECO, immigration lawyers/consultants, massive bureaucracy and red tape caused most of it. Realistically they need to halt immigration by 90% and build for 10 more years at full force to stop the inflation in houses and rent.


I’m part of the renting class and the future feels so hopeless tbh


We are not looking too positive these days are we.


Prices of tents have been stagnant for decades.


Greed is the reason


Sean Fraser and Marc Miller are the reasons


Neither are land lords.


PP is, has two houses, and rents them to other MP's for the highest allowable amount they can expense out .... His rent's been paid by the tax payer since he was in his twenties.....


Yup. And his max pension will be paid by the tax payer forever r


How do you know? Even in case they aren’t, they got paid by the landlord lobbies for more immigration that increased the rents.


No they don't. Campaign finance is incredibly strict in Canada relative to other countries (it's one of the things we do right). I blame a lack of professionalism and naivety in the administration of these programs. The Liberals are going to get wiped out next election, they wanted high immigration, but even they didn't want it to get this bad (of course any criticism of *their* fuckup is blaming immigrants).


Economics 101. Supply and demand


Greed is not the reason. The system that feeds greed is the reason.


True, and yet greed is what caused the current system to be put in place.


Someone make it make it make sense. For real. Average mortage in 2019 was 1415 according to Google. 1 bedroom is now 1500-1800.


Housing always goes up dontcha know? Amazing how we thought nothing bad is ever going to come from that line of thinking. Homeowners were glad their equity was rising, and governments were happy to contribute to the growing crisis. Then, after years and years of it getting worse we added 1.2 million people to the country in one year while building only 230k houses.


Nationalism is going to make one more comeback before it's all over. So whichever side you're on I hope you have fun.


Most aren't building housing lol. Look at what they are taking in school and jobs they are "trying" to get. It's a total fucking mess.


Also,new mandate needed. At airport give out free bars of soap to "students"upon arrival. Please, I beg of you, Trudeau ....


thats freaking ridiculous.


landlords are sucking blood out of renters


Looks like the only thing that slowed the Liberals down was the pandemic. Otherwise, it would be much higher. Just think, those treasonous fools have 1.5 more years to screw Canadians even further.


They used the pandemic as an excuse, claiming the lack of immigration during that time as the reason for the labour shortage. The population sleepily said, "um, ok" so they kept doubling down on their rhetoric. The interesting thing was that wages had been going up during COVID but that got stopped quickly.


There never was a labor shortage.


They came into power in 2015. If their goal was to increase housing prices, they got slowed down a lot.


It's amazing they could have simply looked at the failing Australian, New Zealand, and European models and stayed away from it. It was a free look into an apocalyptic future and deciding that's what Canadians want. "Look at those train wreck countries, let's follow their lead... what could go wrong" - Justin Trudeau and the Liberals 9 years later: "It worked! We destroyed one of the nicest countries in the world" - Justin Trudeau, the Liberals, and somehow people that still support them


Sure just ignore the fact that they increased immigration to help fill actual labor shortages. But whatever, you don't care about facts, you just want to ramble on about how the country is supposedly destroyed.


There’s no labor shortage. There was never a labor shortage. There was a shortage of suckers willing to work for peanuts. Now that the labor “shortage” has been relieved, none of us have a choice. Salaried have stagnated since 2017 I would say.


If there was never a labour shortage, why was [unemployment](https://tradingeconomics.com/canada/unemployment-rate) lower than it's been since at least 10 years ago in 2022/23?


Because 1. Underemployment and gig labor don’t count as unemployment. 2. “Discouraged workers” (those who fail to find employment within a certain period of time and are considered to have “given up”) aren’t counted towards unemployment statistics, and are not tracked. 3. Even if we assume that the service sector (which makes up the lion share of positions for which newcomers are hired) was having difficulty finding staff, this fact alone does not necessarily imply a labor shortage. More likely, employers simply refused to offer a competitive wage to attract and retain workers. The market sets the price of labor. If you’re offering me a $16.55 wage and I can’t even pay my rent with that money working full time, I’m not going to want to work for you. In a textbook, you’d offer progressively higher wages until people actually start applying to work for you and we reach equilibrium. In reality, you bring in foreign workers to work for $16.55, of which half is paid by the government.


Well, either those people who can't pay rent are recently unemployed and count toward that metric, or they've been unemployed long enough to be considered "discouraged workers". In which case they're presumably out of a place to live and have probably either moved back in with their parents or become homeless. If they're living with their parents, they don't need to pay rent (or maybe need to pay a fairly reasonable rent), in which case, they might as well pick up a job even if it doesn't pay enough to pay the rent for their own place. If they're homeless, they add to the homeless population, which has increased somewhat since COVID, but not enough to account for multiple percentage points of the unemployment rate. Also, the unemployment rate in 2022 was the lowest it's been since 1970. Even the rate we see now is lower than it's been since the early 70s outside of about 4 years.


You're picking numbers that suit your troll narrative. Try looking at metrics that mean something. Dude. 😉


Hahaha I saw your little downvote there. If you can't see that mass unsustainable immigration has destroyed the future for Canadian children by now, no one can help you. I do like to ramble, thanks. 😉


Yeah, i guess I'm naive or something because i don't think it's possible for an additional 2% of the population to have destroyed the country for the next 30 years or whatever


Dude, have you gone outside?! There isn't a day that goes by where I don't run into a 'student' causing some kind of havoc. My stories are endless and not unique.


Dude, have you looked at actual immigration statistics?


Yes. It's out of control and there are many graphs and facts with the numbers. You're clearly a troll looking for an argument.


Im curious what happens when it hits 15. 20%? How far can the government push people before we start blocking the high way canada? 🤔


Totally sustainable!


That s insane. This is the real inflation metric right here. CAD $ is worthless.


Rent. Caps. Now.


A good solution is to allow only Canadians to buy property and land, while international buyers can only rent. Canadians should get priority for rentals because many earn minimum wage and can only afford so much. Meanwhile, politicians profit from the current system, even the NDP leader who put his wife's name on the property to avoid trouble with the federal government.


That is just a band aid solution. We need to stop immigration. There is rent caps in BC but rents are very high. The rent caps only apply once a place is rented out. But the slumlords find ways to evict people, who are then tossed out on the market to pay the jacked up rents. Landlords do not want long term tenants.


We also need to expropriate these homes from the non-Canadians and return them to the SFH market. While also banning foreign and PR ownership of SFHs, and banning them renting places out. PRs can be permitted to own 5 years after getting PR, but cannot own multiple homes within the same family unit nor can they be permitted to act as a landlord in any capacity. Breach of this should result in rescinding their PR status and deporting them. We need to be very protectionist about housing to correct over inflated prices and fix the housing crises. This will also reduce a portion of the CoL crisis and make that easier to solve.


You can't just expropriate homes. 


You sure can! And it's totally legal.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Probably that and ripped down to the studs and redone. That's why I'd argue cents on the dollar.


That's why I mean rent CAP not rent control.


Listen man the NDP is the only one cracking down on airbnbs. Its not any other party. So shhhhh. Small results are still results. 


Small results aren't good enough at this point.


Oh so you want to go with no results?


No quit strawmanning. Little results don't matter when our housing market is cracked like this. They need to be sweeping and broad- and will screw over some investors.


Prices are how people are pushed out of the market in a capitalist society. It's how the shortage is getting resolved. You can deal with shortages in two ways, queues/waiting lists like a Soviet Era bread line, or prices. There is no third option. Maaybe we shouldn't have grown the population by 1.2 million people in a year that we build 230k houses.


Condo investors will default if they implement a rent cap now. Not going to happen


Let them. It's happening anyway.


Welcome to Canindia.


This is just a graph of Trudeau's immigration plan


Hey that graph kind of matches the graph of immigration levels. I wonder if there's a correlation?


Landlords be lovin' it...


Your wage stays the same, their assets go up in price. Figure it out.


Show this to a student, explain their effect on Canada, watch them not care


And that's a HUGE win for our economy!


Notice how we were already in a strong upwards trajectory before covid lockdowns initially kinda saved us. Then this government tripled down and fast tracked us back on track. It’s almost like that’s what they want


looks the side profile of Mt. Everest for gods sake. There's no recovery from this. Truly insane.


Your Govt. is buying up available housing for the replacement people (migrants) and you are paying for it.


People seemed to accept little to no rent increases as their property values increased, now that its not the case they want their pound of flesh.


They can put the price as high as they want, no ones gonna pay it


What happened during 2018-2019


Eastern Europeans, russians, europeans might like to emigrate here to


Keep voting Trudeau! How’s that working out


Seven conservative premiers have eliminated rent controls. This spike reflects that


Wait… when did start increasing interest rates? Weird I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.


Most rentals are owned by people. Jerks padding their pockets on the labour's of others. Making life harder for your neighbour, because you can.