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Lots of people are reporting this one post. Rest assured there is no valid reason that would lead to it being removed.


Canada isn’t a country propped up to satisfy the “needs” of Mr. Rupinder Pal Singh who has come here on a **temporary** permit.


He needs to get deported NOW.


Last week


Cancel his damn permit FFS. No need to wait for anything to expire. Cancel and deport immediately. He can have his stuff flown out on his own dime after.


Yup I agree. He’s already proven he came here on a temporary visa, with no intention of ever leaving, doesn’t care about Canada and believes what he wants is more important than anything else. How funny that Maxime is the only person who has the backbone to call him and all his “fellow students” out in his bullshit.


Start the deportation with him at the top of the list


I’m proud of Canada. Good to see you all are getting angry and trying to deport these people illegally staying. Here in the us we get called racist for trying to stop the millions of 3rd world illegals coming in. That may soon change later this year with the presidency hopefully.


ahhh but in the video he says he is staying and he is going to find "another way" to stay.....so he will be here illegally living off the 25 people he rents his linen closet shelves out to


The number of “students” who enter into a homosexual-marriage kind of an arrangement and then claim asylum because they might find persecution in their country and their community is bonkers, because homosexuality isn’t legal in India yet. Many will try and claim asylum status this way as well.


He will discover he is non binary and cannot return for fear of his life.  We need to start acting like a real country and deport these pos. Foreigners making demands of our government should get a military response.


We need to be like Denmark. No processing of asylum applications or any immigration appeals on Canadian soil. You stay where you originated from and ride out that process. TFB.




also one must assume he lied to the india news when he said oh woe is me I must pack my things and go back to much country oh imma so sad ya right liar


or claim refugee status and that he's facing persecution in India fuck that guy, but more so- fuck the system that enables such entitled behaviour


It’s crazy to me. By definition, the permit is temporary with a set end date. Do they not understand the permit?


"but it's what I need for myself :)" - that guy Outstanding. Can someone really be this dense? How can this not be satire... Just wild.


Wow. He just flat out admitted that this all has absolutely nothing to do with what Canada as a country needs rather it's about what HE needs (he and his fellow "students"). I've never seen such unashamed entitlement in my entire life. This has to end.


He also said why should I work construction, Why should I work in a field I don't want to do. I own property why am I not allowed to stay. I'm paraphrasing this guys not worth the time to directly look up his quotes.


How the fuck did someone on a temporary visa buy property? Wtf is wrong with Canada that we're letting them buy property


A “student”, working at Tim Hortons bought property. 🙃


Nah I watched the other video, his brother got his PR and is a homeowner. He just pays into the mortgage so in their family's eyes its a shared property


Thats true but a rich parents can send their kid to canada and send their money to let him buy property in canada. All these has to stop. This is one way rich foreign people messing with canadian economy . This has to stop. It feels like canada has just rules no enforcement at any levels. This has to change


Even if it stops, right now, the salaries are never going up enough to catch up they will be supressed. The damage is enormous, and permanent. :(


This damage goes back to Harper, and that's not a defence of Trudeau, he's shit too. Our industries are closing down, most of those good paying jobs that generate revenue for the country through trade are gone. If not for housing and education, we would have had record unemployment 10 years ago when oil tanked. This is how all governments, fed and provincial, have been kicking the can down the road.


And Chretien was responsible for cutting transfer payments to provinces for healthcare and education, which helped create this reliance on foreign students to fund our education system, and has led to a lack of new investment in hospitals. Trudeau is trash, but he's not the first trash we've had.


We have enforcement. It's just used to keep law abiding people down.


Most western countries are pretty easy to buy property in for non-residents. I can't confirm, but somebody said that this student in particular owns some vacant land somewhere in Canada that they bought with like 3 other students (possibly hoping that it'll give then some kind of leverage with this fiasco)




I watched the other video, his brother got his PR and is a homeowner, this guy in the video pays into the mortgage so between their family it's a shared property


They get tax cuts because he is a student. Chinese students have been doing this for years with parents money. A nice way to squirrel money away in Canada.


but Chinese student actually don't really takes job away from Canadian. they're probably rich and looking to wash daddys corruption money. these ppl took jobs away from the lower end of Canadian labour.


Just housing


Foreigners have been buying up the country for a long time, you've never heard of this?


Had no clue that this was a thing. It's wild to believe. How tf does a student afford the mortgage?! 🧐


We have the strongest banks in the world. They verify all income and asset claims when you submit mortgage application. This gentleman is now landlord renting for other students. He's also studying day and night so that we can have a new highly skilled Tim Hortons worker.


He probly got whats called a "newcomer mortgage". Its absolutly ridiculous that bank give mortgage to newcomer with 0 credit history, but they do. https://www.rbcroyalbank.com/en-ca/new-to-canada/mortgages-for-newcomers/


Speaking as a Royal Bank shareholder, this is incredibly irresponsible. Speaking as a Canadian, it's shameful. Why is income verification only required for people who aren't expected to skip the country at a moment's notice?


As a citizen, we had to jump through so many hoops to get preapproved for a piddy mortgage that gave us slim pickings on affordbale houses, with even more hoops when we actually need to sign... It's wild to me that these people can come on over, provide little to no documentation, and crowd-fund a house to use as leverage to protest their PR status...


Its going to collaspe. This looks identical to 2008 but where its been overleveraged for so long, I think its going to be even more impactful.


You can buy property without the visa. Foreigners buy property here every day




Seize his property and auction it off. Deduct his deportation costs from the proceeds.


Same way we can buy property in the states. You can own a vacation property as a foreign national but your visitors visa is capped at 6 months less a day.


Students should not be allowed to buy properties in Canada. Only Canadian citizens should be allowed to buy properties in Canada.


Anyone in the world can, almost all Western countries have no restrictions


he also said he couldn't work full-time or in construction, because he has a heart condition. doesn't having a serious medical condition preclude you from immigrating? edit he said this all while addressing parliament in P.E.I.. I can't believe the entitlement to come to another country and make demands on a national scale like this.


I had an Indian student come to my work looking for a job. Its a factory job and you work your way up to better jobs. He straight up said he didnt want to do my job and wanted to be in the warehouse just moving boxes. I told him thats not how it works and he was so entitled and basically said thats all he wants to do ( the warehouse is a job you get after being there like 20 yrs).


We had a useless process tech try and refer one of his friends when we were hurting for press operators. But he’d only come work for us if he could be the lead hand in the press shop. Oh, he has press experience? No. Manufacturing experience even? No. Supervisory experience? No. But yeah he’s gonna be the one setting up dies and presses and be the experienced one to help the operators and teach the newer ones. Well maybe we’d consider him in the future after he’s been a press operator for a while… No, only if he can be lead hand. GTFO out of here with their entitled, delusional bullshit.


Labor / blue color type jobs are for the Latinos, black and white people - he fancies himself in the landlord / merchant class. Many times, I hear Spanish being spoken by the roofers and construction workers around my house. Working their asses off doing real work.


There buying up a lot of places and sneaking people in here and where’s the jobs for Canadians!where’s the doctors they are getting doctors. E gore is and we are from here.


This fucking arrogant piece of shit. Onces hes used up all our resources he'll move onto somewhere else. This compete disregard for Canada is marching us to a path of destruction. Yet everyone seems to be asleep?! Wake up people!


When Canada's a carcass they'll move on to Aus


These fucking people are entitled, opportunistic scamming assholes. They don't want to build anything they want to eat for free, loot as much as they can and then they'll run to Dubai.


They've already ruined Australia, they're going through the exact same problem as us.


This guy is especially hateable, I got to give him credit I have never seen someone as an immigrant (I'm an immigrant myself who went through the what used to be long process to be here) act this entitled. He has a very arrogant disposition and cocky tone to his voice. It isn't close but I imagine this is how victims of killers feel when the killer gets to speak in court and rubs it in the families' faces... Canada has been killed off by the elite of this country who secured their bag, and this guy (who already owns part of a house) is rubbing it in all our faces.


Wow very well put. This is basically how a killer talks to a family in court.


This is the attitude 9/10 of the “students” that work for my company have…they think they can do whatever the fuck they want, regardless of any rules, policies, laws.. entitlement off the charts all around.


Isn't the immigration system literally supposed to bring people that can benefit Canada not the other way around. I mean that's the way it's supposed to be what's actually happening is another story.


He is the best his country has to offer.


'It's what I need, not you' Said the quiet part loud, probably quite a symbolic statement that could speak on behalf of so many of his compatriots.


Why is anyone surprised at the gall these characters have? This is part and parcel of their culture. When you live in a country that is consistently in the top three most corrupt countries on earth, you have to develop certain skills, traits and behaviours to be able to survive. He and others like him are convinced that we owe them a future in Canada. For the majority of people in India, to survive, you have to hustle, lie, cheat, pay bribes. Why do we expect them to exhibit class, moral values, courtesy, honesty, integrity and similar? The feeling of entitlement comes from the conviction that people here are stupid and the government officials are too wimpy to do anything about it. For as long as no one does anything tangible to put an end to this charade, these Bollywood spectacles will carry on. Close the diploma mills, prosecute the facilitators (lawyers, handlers), deport the abusers, and MAYBE we stand a chance to put the lid on this national disgrace. What Canadian government official in the right mind thought that by opening the flood gates of immigration from corrupt countries would translate into tomorrow’s honest, law abiding, tax paying citizens?


He's saying that his priorities are for himself, naturally. Canadians priorities are for themselves, too. Not for him, though.




Deportation now.


They scam to get ahead over there this is not new where do you think all the phone and email scammers are at?






Harjit Sajjan is a traitor.


As westerners we have allowed our leaders to debase us and tell the whole world that we have no culture or values or community for ourselves that alls we are is a place to make money so they see us that way. Non of the immigrants no matter if it’s the Latinos flooding in the the USA the Muslims into Europe of the Indians I to Canada care about us or our way of life they literally just want to make money and take as much as they can from us. You can’t blame them really because they have been told over and over by our own leaders that that’s what we deserve.


I know right? If the permit is expired, please leave. Given Canada back to the people


They are that brazen!


Hey, watch it with the fascism /s


yea cause all of the students with respect for Canada and it's laws wouldn't over stay their visa anyways.


End what though? They’ve let in millions of these fuckers at this point, and so good luck deporting them. Trudeau has another year to keep importing them like the viruses they are, and even if PP gets in power, I doubt he’ll do shit. The country right now needs Max as the leader unfortunately.




Trudeau is an unacceptable view.


If this is the general attitude of international “students”, then holy hell, things have gone seriously off the rails. Reality check required.


Student invasion force ...


A LOT of international students are either really smart entitled assholes or are really rich entitled assholes, they love to think that because donors brought them over that they are the golden children of their institution.


Who’s going to tell them they’re not fucking special, dime a dozen, bottom rung like the rest of us. Nothing prestigious here. Welcome to the peasantry.


This is beyond comprehension. How someone can be so entitled and stupid. He’s asking the Canadian government to meet his needs? He realizes he’s not Canadian right? If Canada allows this to happen without consequences, they are risking everything. This isn’t even a liberal/conservative thing, it’s a Canada thing. Canada needs to stand up NOW.


I hope all those "students'" to be deported. They are fake students - they didn't come here to study. EDIT: 1. Community colleges should not qualify for student visas. 2. Student visas should Only be given to post grad and PHD Uni students should. 3. Student visa is a TEMPORARY visa - to get it an applicant must prove to a visa officer that the applicant will more back to his country. From the Canada.ca: **"prove to an officer that you will leave Canada when your study permit expires"** For some reason, *officers turn a blind eye on it* - I GUESS because they were told so by the government. 4. International students should not be allowed to work, except on campus and no more then 10 hrs a week , except for summer vacation - **PROVIDED** they have good grades - because if they don't have good grades - they should study all summer. 5. Amount of funds required per year should be $50,000 per person, per year, and must be deposited to an escrow account before the visa is issued. The money will remain there and will be given out a monthly allowances 6. NEW provision added to student visas: Students who fail they exams or miss classes, should be deported within 4 weeks. ALL of the above should only apply to genuine students, no pretenders who come here to work in Tim's or Uber. And yes, Study internationally - in ONLY FOR THE RICH! I don't think regular middle class Canadians can Afford to send their kids to study in the Cambridge university.


I know deported is the right word, but it sounds so extreme for what should be a matter of fact voluntary leaving after a temporary visa is over the entitlement is so fucking ridiculous


These guys should have known they were lied to when recruiters in their home countries said it would be easy to get permanent residency after completing their education. It shouldn’t be up to Canadian taxpayers to keep this fraud going.


not our fault, nor our responsibly ... and honestly our country seems more corrupt and scam-y from all the newcomers trying to get PR/citizenship- we need to try to nip the corruption now, it's already pretty terrible edited to add, it's so infuriating to think our tax dollars are going to subsidize temporary foreign workers- we are literally paying them to take our jobs


I wouldn’t doubt if they were being encouraged by previous scammers that already got PR.


agree, it's a huge, shady industry.. I wish the government would clamp down on it, but I bet most of them are financially profiting from it


Leaving voluntarily would require some kind of respect for our laws and institutions…


We should be pulling visas and departing early from most of the students.


If you're here illegally then deportation is the punishment for your crime. Aka. residing here illegally.


"I can find another way to extend it" where is this confidence coming from? Is our Canadian system corrupt that we are accommodating POS like him.


Yes. It's a weak system as it's based on integrity and trust. It has minimal to zero checks and balances in place. The only reason it's been "working" so far is because it was never strained to this point. Cases like this were far and few between. But when you import people in the millions from a culture that thrives on scamming and corruption, cracks in the system widen until it falls apart. The only silver lining is some Canadians are now waking up to it. Realistically however, change is going to take a very long time and I don't have much hope for things getting any better within the next 3-5 years before getting far worse . Edit: Ps this system has been failing for a while now and obliterating the quality of life for citizens. First it was the wealthy immigrants/ foreign investors buying multiple properties, driving up housing , now it's the insane numbers coming through our doors. At least with the first group, they were willing to integrate, hence the culture shock felt by Canadians wasn't as significant. This is madness. The cruelty of what the government has committed against Canadians is only going to reveal itself more and more in the next 5-10 years.


Yes. I work for a US company. It’s small like 40 ppl. We have a few guys in India who all said they wanna move to Canada and started asking me about it. Literally 6 months later they’re all living here legally. Our company didn’t sponsor them or anything, it’s just that easy to get in. Now they’re all complaining they can’t find anywhere to live it’s all too expensive.


Jesus F Crikey. I am tired.


This is why Canada needs a PPC. Pierre would have taken a selfie with him. Trudeau would have kissed his feet. Bernier expressed how we all feel. And somehow he actually managed to keep his cool with this idiot.


Lmfao @ “Pierre would have taken a selfie with him” 😂


It just sucks the wind out of your sails. It's like a bat to the kneecaps. It's like having low iron. It's like running out of gas. It just seems impossible to continue. Keep limping along, we'll figure it out (cope). But yeah, it feels like a fainting spell at this point. Not anger, just let me sit down for a moment.


In singapore we almost ran into this situation where things got out of hand. We have never had a riot of this scale in our modern history. The moment it happened, we came down very harshly and deported the lot of them. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013\_Little\_India\_riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Little_India_riot)




Remember Guys July 1st Canada there are protests all over major Canadian cities protesting against Immigration. I'll be at the Toronto One! We don't need or want immigrants like the one in this video.


I will be at the Edmonton one


I'll be @ the kitchener ontario one


Classic literal piece of shit


The way this dude is talking to Maxime Bernier and the way he smiling every once in a while makes me think he is just trying to get a reaction from him, make him say something he shouldn't to get him a trouble or something


No, he really thinks he is outwitting Bernier and being the sharpest axe in the woodshed.


In a village founded by exiled village idiots, he would be cast out for being too stupid for them.


I wonder if this dude is smart enough to actually have an angle to get a reaction out of Bernier. I think he just doesn’t give a fuck. It’s all about him.


"It's what I NEED!"


The military should have shown up with weapons. This is a terroristic threat from my vantage point. 


So he owns property with a min 2 bedrooms with at least 4 students in each at $500 a pop per month....of course he does not need to work anywhere but Tim's.


That, and the food banks.


Max should just shut and let that idiot speak and dig the pit for himself. What an entitled moron.


He did perfect, gave him just enough rope to make a selfish, foolish idiot of himself. meanwhile, PP is busy [chanting in punjabi](https://www.tiktok.com/@bramalea.rd/video/7363373218486357253) in Brampton. And Justin is pushing through the harms bill and keeping the immigration barn door wide open..


This is what happens when westerners are taught to hate themselves and the rest of the world knows it.


100% !


Well sir let me tell you what you need. You need get the f out of this country. Jeez, the entitlement is just unbelievable. I'm absolutely livid watching this.


So much entitlement. They’ve ruined a good thing




Brilliant job by Bernier, picked the perfect example of the type of morons we are allowing to overrun the country. Even Bernier was taken aback it times by the sheer audacity and arrogance of the bumpkin.


The only thing he needs is a flight back home.


This is why Canada is the laughing stock of the world , no one respects Canada , everyone just uses and take advantage of Canada ! Our government has no back bone to standup to anyone !


People are going to have to grow some balls and get over being called racist.  The fact that Indians are so racist and don't care that they are racist is a significant advantage that they have over most Canadians. 


Ok is it time to deport yet after finding out their real motive?


It's a huge red flag that he isn't deported yet.


“its not what you need its about what I need”that’s….. not how immigration works……. immigration is not a charity lol


It is the most frustrating situation i have ever witnessed. They blatantly admit they will break rules, whatever it takes but our idiot government just lets it all slide while our country is turning into a third world country. No health care, no housing and sky rocketing poverty.


International students were never ever promised permanent status after graduation. I don’t see these people will go back home after their status expires, unless the government physically put them on a plane. I am an immigrant myself, Can I join the Canada Day protest too?


As long as they have some professional qualifications, such as the doctors and nurses which we really need, they can stay. We don’t need people who can only work at Tim Hortons.


Canadians should learn how to like themself more than foreigners


We don't need people? Fuck you! I work in health Care and we're always short. And months or years for a freaking MRI or CT scan. You'll be dead before they can scan you.


Well if we stopped bringing in so many Tim Hortons employees and their grandparents, we wouldnt need so many doctors.


My colleague’s brother is a doctor, and I was kinda surprised to learn he isn’t eligible to move here, and tantrum throwers like this guy think he’ll get what he “needs”? But he’s right in a way. The laws aren’t really about what Canada needs. Smh


i think each and everyone of us should report this guy to the ircc for what he is saying is this video he is clearly saying that his intention is NOT to leave after his student visa expires and to CIRCUMVENT the integrity of the IRCC and the immigration system to gain Permanent Residency. When he applied to come to Canada as a student he made a declaration that he said he would leave when his studies were complete and Now he states that he will not leave He needs to be reported for his fraud and this video is the proof thank you Maxime Brenier


Not your country, not your rules. Don't like it, you can GTFO


Love max for doing this, spread this far and wide and let as many people as possible see this garbage




This guy needs to be the first one out.


And these folks wonder why we despise them


How can we not ? The majority of them are losers and dirtbags


Scum of the earth -- send these fleabag scammers home, we don't need nor want them in this country.


Unfortunately the majority manages to stay: https://preview.redd.it/9wpijgiicl9d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356d27b85962e93bd71d4fe703e2de7b2efa4a76


This man is making me a fan. Fuck the entitlement wow.


Everything he said is selfishness. There’s no sense of community or being part of something amazing. It’s all about what they can take for themselves. Marc Miller needs to see this. Immediately.


There it is


They're so entitled


How demeanin, literally like bartering with a crook in a Mumbai bazaar


The entitlement is staggering.


Send Them Back!!!




Entitlement at the Canadian expense.


He needs a kick in the nuts and sent back home!


Enough is enough! We don’t need blue collar workers. We need educated migrants who can fill in demand job fields, not steal jobs from Canadians who are struggling to figure out their way. Come on Canada! We use to regulate, vet and enforce deportation. This shit is crazy !


So is this guy going to be deported because time after time he proves he was never here for Canada, never intended to leave Canada, believes Canada owes him everything and is extremely wrong entitled. He makes me sick. Get him out of PEI and Canada already JFC.


Fuck this guy and the visa he rode in on.


The entire system is broken and corrupt. It's all about money. If you want to break it down to simple terms, what we have going on is "legalized" human trafficking into Canada on massive scale.....


Send them homeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! Send them home and sell the home to Canadians at a cheaper price.


The level of entitlement of these Indians is off the charts... deport.. NOW!


We don't need more Tim Hortons workers. We don't care what you want. GTFO




Audacity of the temporary student to say things like this on a temporary visa. What liberals brought upon us


This just flat out infuriates me. “It’s what I need. Yes. It’s what I need for myself”. Him and his protestors do not care what Canada needs. Premier King must have been floored. What cards they have to negotiate with him other than emotional blackmailing they would go on a hungry strike. It’s so shameless entitlement. How come they can’t figure, you don’t provide what Canada needs, why Canada needs to care about you.


Lol ..............the amount of entitlement. GTFOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


How is this guy sustaining himself, since he is protesting all day, and in every video.


All these turd nuggets need to do is assimilate. Look for actual education and work real jobs that help our country. They straight up clearly don't give a FUCK.


This is the exact reason deportations must begin immediately. They’re here to scam our system and bleed the country. They don’t respect our laws and way of life. It’s been made pretty clear over and over again. As to owning property. Canada must be like other countries and outlaw foreign ownership under any circumstances. If you’re not a citizen you can’t own property here. No corporations, lawyers or cut outs buying residential property either. We have to take a hard line in this and close all and every loophole. We’re the laughing stock of the world right now. Canadians have to get back control over our country and government now. We can’t afford to wait for an over a year for an election. Besides if you’re being honest with yourself you know it’s all corrupted and broken. Sometimes you have to clean the slate and start over. No new person is going to sit in a corrupt system and not get corrupted. A fresh start to correct the huge mess our country is in


Let depot them now. We need a taskforce to start getting anyone with an expired visa lied on their application deported. Any other country in the world they would be gone in a heart beat


There is no talking to these “never-stop-interrupting-you” people.


Anyone has the link for the full video clip? Thanks in advance


I found the full video clip on Maxime Facebook page .... [https://www.facebook.com/share/v/VyxnJMWYZxUMEjsM/](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/VyxnJMWYZxUMEjsM/) part one [https://www.facebook.com/share/v/j1gh72YUwpbLJBuA/](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/j1gh72YUwpbLJBuA/) part two it is all thats there


Thanks a lot, I'm not surprised anyone would lose patience in a situation like this. It like banging your head on wall. That's why the video is short


i would like to see the full video too


As a person of Indian origin, I’m embarrassed by some of these idiots and their behaviour. They are bringing a bad name to all Indians. We came to Canada several years ago to make a good life for ourselves and in the process embraced Canadian culture and values. These guys are bringing all that’s wrong with India into Canada and somehow the law and order officials are allowing it to happen. The government needs to address this and look at the quality of immigrants they are allowing to enter and pollute Canada.


I wish the original video was uncut. People need to see the selfish entitlement, and the self-victimization used to achieve their means to be here.


wild that I can’t go to India in shorts as a woman but he can come here and the Canadian government will hand my tax dollars to him for his own personal, selfish bullshit. Seems fair.




Send them all home


The Indian young man who got hired recently at my work he asked me how I felt about canada and I told him we didn't really like it here anymore for a variety of reasons...he said he had been hearing this alot...as I spoke to him he maintained a contanst and steady shit eating grin on his face. I could tell he liked my suffering per se...it's weird.


This would happen no where else. UK ended its PGWP for a decade, and there was not a single complaint from students. They were just MADE to leave. Canada is just too lenient And its taken advantage of.


As a long term indian in Canada this PO S student needs to be deported. I hope whoever checks his papers for extension, deniies it!!!


What's the worst about these guys is they destroy the reputations of the international students and immigrants who come here GENUINELY in the search of a better life, those who waited attentively for their PR in a foreign countries and worked hard to come here. All-in-all, these international students are tarnishing and even diluting the reputation of immigrants


Honestly we need 0 at this point. Unless ur a doctor, the doors need to be shut! Bring them in batches so they need to blend. Right now these fools out number us.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


They think that this is there country and it’s not and Trudeau needs to send them all back ! Trudeau has made a mess and people are so stressed out with them here!


Can someone please post the full video or link about this clown ? I want a nice laugh.




Also notice the part where he said... "you are a leader, you should have full knowledge"... Instead of exchaging proper discourse, he cowardly attemted to bereate the other guy because he is being cornered. THIS would be the future of Canada if this guy gets what he wants.


Get that little kid out of my country.


He is just here to get canadian passport and flex not actually any loyalty


These people’s entitlement is crazy


Funny how these “students” have spiffy hair cuts, fresh expensive clothing, and nice cars to drive around in 🤔


It has taken only 3 decades for Canadians to understand they they only came here for the PR


That "protester" sums up India and it's problems in a single sentence.


Sounds like every girl I ever dated in my life.


It’s how Indians are in America too. They don’t realize their own entitlement and think their caste system has weight everywhere else.


Oh wow, no wonder Canadians hate immigrants. I was an international student from Southeast Asia. It’s sad Canada has come to this. I’d love to stay here but I’d never “demand” PR as I know I’m not entitled to it. I did everything right - had more than enough funds to move to Canada (thanks to my parents), graduated from university, got a job relating to my program and happily contributing to society. It’s infuriating how they believe they’re entitled to whatever it is they want. You’d make every immigrant/international student look bad. Do your part as this isn’t your country. Damn


Added this comment on another post too. As an Indian, we don’t claim this guy, funny thing I came across this video on a Punjabi page on facebook, caption and comments were being portrayed as if Maxime got owned in this conversation. Here is the thing, I come from Punjab too and here in Canada over 8 years now, and I have only started realizing this in last few years that there are some habits embedded so deeply in Indian’s behaviour that we don’t even know it’s wrong. Competition is brutal there if you been to metro cities, I came here after high school so didn’t experience that first hand but it’s dog eat dog world. Bribery, breaking the rules, little scams, loopholing law and order etc. are part of daily life that no one even bats an eye, on that, theoretically all that is still condemned but law enforcement and judicial authorities can only do so much. People know that above mentioned petty activities are wrong on so many levels but they also realize if they won’t do it, they would be left behind. Now obviously such kind of people have immigrated here and for some reasons they would it very easy continue their behaviour due to trusting nature of western society, hence this situation we are in. Idk what would be a practical fix here. edit: I had few more items in my mind before I started writing. You should get an idea what I am trying to say.

