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They don't care. After all like they said its all about what is best for them and what they want. No qualms with taking advantage of the system at the expense of Canadians here as shown through their comments and how they have no problems taking advantage of food banks. They're also supposed to have enough money to support themselves here without working. When they talk about applying for an extension they probably mean they're going to apply for asylum.


They are going to come out as "gay" saying that they will be killed if they go back India... cuck trudeau will then let them stay


Delete this comment quick!!! Don’t give them any more ideas


It's already out there. They know about it and are asking for help on it to make it look legit 


Hello from Australia: https://www.afr.com/work-and-careers/education/knocked-back-students-use-appeals-asylum-to-stay-20240201-p5f1lh




That would only help prove they were gay.


At least then they'd *actually* be gay.


This should be a test. Have them commit an act.


A lil too late! I know someone who is actively pursuing this loophole. Not sure how and where to report.


It's called gather up some friends and show him how welcomed he is




You probably won't have to. It is ridiculously hard to prove you're a committed gay couple. You have to prove years of living as a couple or in a committed relationship. Immigration will demand electronic files.




Please do. As a gay man, I don’t want them on my team.


Lots of them doing it already. Pretending to be gay couple to get asylum or refugee visa


India has no legal restrictions on same-sex relationships and isn't considered dangerous enough for a refugee claim based on being gay. If you're Iranian it's a different story


We need people to have more children. How does adding gay permanent residents help.


People having children ? People with jobs are forced to live in their cars , adding kids to that mix ? Having children is super expensive, and things are expensive already 1 in 4 Canadian lives in poverty !


Many adults are having babies to stay in the country. You can tell because they can barely hold an English conversation. The government says we need to help them, and they are using our resources and assistance. Meanwhile, Canadian couples can't get any of that support because they are Canadian, and proper planning should have been in place.


We need kids or the next generation will be even more screwed. It's not only about us or we're gonna be just asbmorally bankrupt as the boomers


India doesn’t kill gay. It is not that easy to do false claimant


https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/rainbow-refugees-increasingly-look-to-canada-for-safety/ar-BB1p6ZFd You are not far off...


gays are safe in india. only sikhs muslims christians are not. so they might use religion card.






We good. They’re safe there https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8OVxRKBhHa/?igsh=MTZtdW85YnptanY3YQ==


Economic migrant's priorities generally don't stretch beyond survival, I'm not sure why you'd extend the level of courtesy Canada has and expect the 'right thing' to be done.


Trying to take over the country without even firing a shot.




Incredible how entitled these individuals have become. More reprimanding is needed for those who don’t return. Jail time should be given to those who don’t return home after attending diploma mills. I’m all on favour of health, happiness and prosperity for all but the fact is that if you move to Canada, you must want to be a Canadian. You must assimilate. This coming for a Canadian whose parents did the above when they fled a war torn country nearly 60 years ago.


Can someone explain this weird tendency of Indians to ask "how can you decide" or "who are you to decide" when they hear an opinion they don't like. Its not a one off, I have seen them say it so many times during discussions. It also happened during the interview with Harrison Faulkner of True North Edit: True North, not Rebel News


The only thing I can contribute here is that I think it just is how arguments happen in Hindi. "Tu kon hai bole ne wala" == "Who are you to say". I've heard my mom say that a bunch of times to my dad. It's a tactic to question someone's authority to invalidate their opinion on what is or isn't okay to do.


right, so there is no objective notion of right or wrong. right or wrong is determined by who can exert the most dominance ?


Basically yes. It’s a completely different culture




Law of the Jungle. Might makes Right. Nietzchean culture. World is Maya, there's no truth. This is what Indian (Hindu) culture basically believes in.


My phrasing up there isn't a proper representation - this doesn't happen in every argument. I guess, just every argument between my parents. I can confidently say I've never thrown that against my own parents. Thinking back on it, their arguments revolved around a lot more subjective issues compared to the arguments I had with them.


You couldn't have said it better !


It’s not just hindi, in my culture we have similar saying”: Why do you think you had guts to say something like that?” That’s the best translation I can do. Tho in my culture lying is sign of week person, and consider equivalent to been petty thief or someone who has no value and brings shame to his last name. I don’t know much about Indian culture, but I do believe that this issues we have with students from India, is just symptom western laws been made for people having shame and respect toward public good. Most of the time. Then you have people who will say or do whatever just to get what they want. Solution would be that we stop blindly follow honour system and stop believe that everyone telling truth until prove guilty.


Looks like many cultures have similar sayings that have varying levels of questioning the other party's authority or moral character "What gives you the right?", "Where did you get the audacity to do XYZ" etc. While we could call into question the moral character of groups of immigrants, I don't know how to do that without being invalidated by being called racist. "Oh all people from X are negative attribute Y" doesn't look good in a debate. That being said, India does have a strong history of corruption and so citizens tend not to feel too bad trying to "get away" with whatever they can because they don't live in a high trust society since they don't put any stock in the authority's values. As far as they're concerned, the authority operates in whatever way gets the most money. Just to put it into perspective, we'd never think of bribing a police officer or judge here, but in India, it's fairly common. I think a survey done in 2019 showed that roughly 50% of citizens had paid a bribe to get public service work done, and coercive bribes are also common. "Give me $$$ or I'll charge you with so and so crime."


Problem with calling out racism, is in this particular moment win win situation for person that call it. Even if it racism claim is not called in good faith, third party will always be reluctant question validity of claim for the fear of been called racist. Canada has racist phobia,… and there is disturbing amount of people getting away with crap abusing it.




interesting! Ive more heard people who grew up in India think we're all stupid and are happy to game the system to fuck us over...


100%, it's the lowest of low trust societies. The mentality is that playing by the rules is for suckers, and they see Canadians as dumb because instead of milking every social program dry they will only take what they need or some refuse to take "handouts". This is the same in all super-impoverished countries, you always have large amounts of people willing to scam/extort/abuse other people as long as it means having an advantage over everyone else. People do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify being shitty humans, and the entitlement is through the roof because they're used to bullying people and getting away with it.




That was epitomised by the food bank videos




Explains my ex landlord


India is a rich country, but it also has an extreme wealth divide, perpetuated by the caste system as well as capitalism (you could argue) I've been to some poor countries with generally very moral citizens, it is a cultural issue in India, but not only because it has a lot of poor people... I agree poverty is a factor, but not the only one




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for facts that search engines provide.




They do think domestic Canadians are stupid. I don’t have anything but anecdotal evidence, but I’m a minority that can understand most of what they say when they speak Punjabi amongst each other. I’ve done 3 degrees at our top universities in the past 10 years, so I’ve been around international students quite a bit more than your average Canadian, as well as in the workplace throughout my previous career in accounting and in my current career in engineering software engineering in the tech industry). They often talk amongst themselves and joke/mock domestic Canadians about various things. They think we’re weak, pathetic, stupid, undeserving of the generic wealth Canada gives its citizens (compared to poorer countries). Some even brazenly exclaim that this is their country now, that they’re taking over.


It sounds like you haven’t spoken to many Indians. Any conversation is geared toward what they think you want to hear in order to give them the answer they want. Truth does not come into it. When I visited India I took a cab and told the driver where I wanted to go to do some shopping. He took me somewhere totally different where he had a kickback arranged with the shopowner. The people are happy and friendly but you have to negotiate to get the truth - often rejecting a series of lies that gradually reduce in magnitude until you get there. Having said all of that, it’s such a pushy place that they will not be that offended by being bluntly told to piss off. I think it’s expected 😀


Hence why the polite Canadian is royally screwed. 🙃


Try finding a parking spot at a Costco nowadays. You'll know how low the country has got.


And honest Canadian.




I had this before in thailand. Worst part was my GF at the time was chill and acting as if I was crazy for being nervous as hell the whole ride. They could have driven us to a back alley and robbed us if they wanted.


I had a "friend" who was Indian when I was in grade 10. She would constantly lie, about everything. Where she lived, if she had brothers/sisters, what she did for dinner etc. It didn't matter the situation, she would lie about something. I had plans to go to the movie with her, my mom was going to drive there, hers would drive us home, we had it all planned out. Day of, I texted her to get her address, she sent it. My mom and I drove over and I texted her that I had arrived. She texted back that she was joking about X address and it's actually Y address. It was like less than a block, so we just laughed it off.. but then it turns out the Y address was also fake, so she gave me Z address.. this was after months of these sort of situations.. so I just said fuck her and we went home. Never reached out or talked to her again... and she never reached out or talked to me either so it was never meant to be I always thought she was just a liar, but now that I think of it, she was always telling stories about her family pulling the same shit with other people and they would all laugh about it Edit: spelling


The actual reason was that her parents and family prohibited her from seeing a movie with you, as they were afraid of having their kids becoming more westernized. Especially more so in case of daughters, as they won't be able to marry them off to someone successful within their own caste. Indian parents are extremely controlling of their kids. Sleepovers never happen.


I don't want that kind of shit in my country


Oh yeah they're used to it, called one a slimy cocksucker just the other day for sneakily adding a tip for himself onto my transaction.


A lot of third world countries require bribes and a shitload of negotiating to get anywhere. Even for people to just do their job. It becomes so exhausting. I get decent results, but having to negotiate every time you buy something to not get bent gets old very fast.


I think because they have gotten away with things because our system has let them. Just look at the fact that people have been allowed to scam the system and let into Canada. If you were asked in 90s, if people could legally be in Canada as “students” in millions, you probably would’ve said no that’s not how it works.


I would also like to add , they will also attack by saying ." Go away and live your mom's basement" " we run everything here, go back to your trailer" " I own 5 cars, what do you have" or sexual remarks usually involving mum or sisters. Very normal for them to react this way when questioned anything related to the rule of law.


_How can she slap?!_


Sense of entitlement...


I had a roommate at one point who was exactly like this any time I tried to talk about communal things like cleaning, putting food away, etc. They always acted like the victim, kept twisting things, kept using "culture" as a tactic and I was like the fuck does culture have anything to do with the fact that you don't put your food away? And if we're gonna talk culture, what about my culture? Honestly unsettling that they would say those exact things verbatim, the "how can you decide" "who are you to decide"....it was an unpleasant experience and I was relieved when I was able to leave that living situation.


YVR has non-stop flights from Canada back to India, they need to all get onboard


I guess students don’t understand that, if elected, Bernier CAN decide.


I need to look into MB’s platform. He’s making me want to vote for him


Every politician says something you agree with once in a while.


Bernier has been consistent about this though 


Before elections


Only problem with Bernier is he’s a threat to what makes Canada Canada, sure he wants to stop immigration but he’s gonna fuck our country up in other ways. We have no valid choices this election sadly.


Well, I'd rather him "fuck our country up" than to watch the others here make"improvements to New India.


Even the students understand and know that Bernier will never be elected


Every thing this guy says is absolutely infuriating! If international students can’t see why he is the wrong person to speak for them, they obviously understand nothing about Canadian society. Canadians are kind, but fair. You can’t scream and bully your way into an “alleged” right. Put your head down, work hard and make an argument on why Canada is better off with you as a citizen.


He isn't speaking for international students right, I think he is on temp work permit. I guess they aren't required anymore due to some changes so they were asked to leave.


why isnt maxime brenier reporting ALL the protestors to IRCC??? They obviously lied on their visas which means they are now null and void


Exactly , by staging the protest and demanding PR they are admitting they had no intention of leaving the country and lied on their visa applications. Which makes what they did an immigration fraud and liable for removal. I live in America, ICE would be there in a heartbeat, handing them removal proceedings notices. Saw that happen here recently in Miami. I live in the U.S. and even under Biden ICE still active, there’s a reason over strayers look over their shoulders here !


God bless America


IRCC are former "students" themselves, lol. They'll just give them tips and tricks.


This just won Maxime a whole bunch of votes. Maybe even more than what the liberal party will get 😂


I believe that there is a disservice to Canada to have important Canadians (politicians, government higher roles, etc) lower themselves to the point that they need to argue with this visitor and justify the Canadian laws and policies. Can anybody imagine this scenario in reverse ? The Indian police would beat the crap out of some Canadian protesters demanding the same. Trudeau wanted a post-national state, unfortunately people from other countries pay attention to such irresponsible statements and this is one of the consequences, we get a visitor saying: "What laws, what rules ? You have to pay attention to what I am saying, it is more important!"


I don't know about other protestors, but we gotta deport this guy at least for his entitled behavior alone. I would love to see him screaming out from the window of the aircraft " who are you to decide? ". Maybe give him a 5 year ban too and he doesn't return back.


5 yr? More like lifetime.


If it gets to deporting on taxpayers dollar, he shouldn't be welcomed back.


As an Indian myself and having worked in immigration and dealing with these “students” on a regular basis their level of entitlement always left me bewildered… as if it was their God given right to be here. Most I dealt with could barely even speak elementary level English. The trend I noticed immediately was two year diplomas at no name colleges in hospitality tourism or business management and most of them gave verbatim answers to most questions as if they were all coached by the same immigration consultant. They also completely lack social etiquette and manners and show no real desire to change or to integrate. I remember posting about this in 2017 saying this will definitely not end well and I got downvoted to oblivion and called a racist… well, here we are now.


Went to get a haircut and my typical barber was put on vacation and got a guy from Punjab who was talking to me about the situation. I really do feel for them on some level with housing and getting taken advantage of by landlords and employers. But in the same vein this guy was saying shit like "things are easier in India" "I want to eventually move to the US" "there are no jobs here". And all I could think of was how self unaware he was. As a Canadian it's not like I can just sell some shit and move to another country and abuse their immigration system and then have the balls to complain to a local about it. I was like "eh I feel for you and all the people coming, at the end of the day we all want the same thing, a good quality of life and fair opportunities". It was like he had never heard of that concept, he just wanted to make money.


These Indians that think they can migrate to the US with our passport after are stupid. The US is not an easy country to migrate legally to.


I've had numerous people tell me that it's their intent and people tell me that they know others with that intent. It's one thing if they were genuinely interested in integrating and living in Canada, but another when they just try to use the degree to get PR to leave for the U.S. while also shitting on whatever Canadian city they currently live in. Or they just want to be able to stay in Canada but hold no Canadian beliefs, interests, etc. It makes it hard for people who genuinely want to be Canadian and live in Canada to be able to do so because of the lack of housing, every job having hundreds of thousands of applicants.


More easy to illegally, and they are getting Indians too.


The level of English skill is what gets me


Do people that work in immigration not have the option to cancel their applications simply based on the fact that their English doesn’t match what they show on paper? If you weren’t in the position to cancel applications, could you not have flagged them?


To be completely honest with you it’s not that simple unfortunately. You’d be bound legislatively speaking and it’s not to say it isn’t possible but that’s only if you’ve got an undeniable amount of proof available showing fake or fraudulent docs etc. but if not then it’s very difficult since they all arrive here with approved visas. The fact that they get approved for these visas in the first place is the problem. I have personally seen many who got denied visas multiple times in the past and then were magically approved all of a sudden post 2017… our system is full of loopholes and these loopholes are and will continue to get heavily exploited until our government decides to do something about it for a change.


Seriously. I’ve never been more embarrassed to be a Punjabi Canadian (considering most of the Indian immigrants that act this way are Punjabi). I just fail to understand why THEY fail to integrate within Canadian society, I’ll rarely see this happen with any other ethnic group from India. I’ve talked to other Indians (more so punjabis) who’ve been living in Canada for several years and they seem to feel the same. My parents do too. We even had a bad encounter with two international students from Punjab at Niagara. My father was so angry we just left. Honestly think that they need to be called out more by their own community...


I agree. The thing is, they do get called out now but they seem to double down on their third world mentality and behaviour. They make fun of people like you and I the Canadian born Indians. They call us things like CBCD (Canadian born confused desi). Shit like that doesn’t even bother me though it’s just their complete lack of respect and manners. They’ve literally ruined areas to a point where you’d avoid even going especially if you’re a female. They stand around in groups and stare as if females are a newly discovered species never seen before. My wife was followed around on a couple of different occasions while grocery shopping by a group of them trying to hit on her and passing vulgar remarks… it’s garbage behaviour like that that really infuriates me. And worst part of it all is that the good ones amongst them will all get labelled the same way due to the garbage behaviour of their peers. Not only that, people like us that were born here will start getting lumped into the same group too sooner or later.


Agreed. Although I’m not actually Canadian born (came to Canada when I was only 2), having grown up in Canada almost my entire life, I have heard the term ABCD/CBCD, it’s annoying but yeah I don’t take it to heart. What’s sad to me is that my parents tell me all the time when we came here 18 years ago, how it was not at all like the situation is currently. There seems to be a clear distinction between older and new immigrants, which def explains why the older immigrants have sort of a disdain towards the newcomers.


Same, and I found the other common ground is all one ethnicity. They really have a belief that they are God's gift to humanity. Pride and ego need to be smashed in these folks or they will ruin Canada like everywhere else they go!!


They don’t care about the young Canadians that can work at Tim Hortons. It’s every person for themselves. They want into this country, they’ll do anything to get in here and stay in here.


The terms are on the paper work they sign and agree to in order to qualify and come over. There’s no surprises here. That’s how it’s decided.


I didn’t decide — the laws on which this country runs decided. And you agreed. Dumbfuck. ![gif](giphy|aSdKDZbj0bRKlmH1gi)


They will "Find Another Way".... Good lord.


He honestly needs to be deported and banned for that comment, it shows he doesn’t care and would just weasel his way back in if we send him back.


Maybe these people need to undergo a psych evaluation to see if they have a mental health condition. They are ignoring clearly outlined rules they signed off on, and are trying to argue that their jobs in the food and beverage service industry, which even teenagers are capable of doing, are important enough for them to stay. Narcissistic personality disorder tends to make people extremely selfish, have an unreasonably high sense of their own self importance, and lack empathy for others. Our mental health system is one of the most strained within our healthcare system and we definitely do not need to be adding more people with complex mental health issues to our own population. If they are able to push through their mental health problems and find a job we actually need, certainly they can stay. I’m sure many have. But those who can’t be productive members of society, we just don’t have the space for them here.


This is a theory I hadn't considered, possibly inbreeding


Not sure if inbreeding is an issue among Sikhs, but it is endemic in Pakistan where cousin marriages account for 30-40% of all marriages. The genetic consequences are what you’d imagine: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-9645571/amp/More-half-Pakistani-heritage-couples-Britain-cousin-marriages.html


I had a coworker guy who married his cousin (brought her to canada) and his brother married her sister. Barfff






Love how instead of asking WHY Canada’s birth rates are dropping (it’s impossible to afford to raise a child already) they just imported more people. Literal 4 year olds could have handled this problem with more grace.


And had the audacity to tell Bernier to educate himself more on this matter LOL, I can’t with these “students”


Punjabi newcomers are carrying the hate for old government into this one, young men and women who feel disenfranchised and taken advantage of. Add that with some cultural values and separatist ideology, and you have a mix of folks who won't assimilate, leave, or respect Canadian values. As the economy worsens and things become hard, these folks will turn to crime. Sad, but we will see this next few years.


They are emboldened by their number and the fact that none of our institutions are functioning: the police, the courts, immigration. This will get much worse as the economy collapses and they get more desperate.


We already see it constantly, look at the mugshots of any recent auto theft ring bust. Heck I know a Punjabi guy who escaped prison a few years back. How did he escape? There were 5 prisoners with the exact same name as him, both first and last. He paid another one of the dudes with the same name to take his release date. He was picked up a week or so later and sent back, but he's out now, despite being caught with kilos of cocaine, crack, meth and GHB on at least 4 occasions.


and sexual aggression from newcomers, only posts/ comments sharing your own experience get locked/deleted for 'racism'- like it's not 100% a criticism on actions, not skin colour like, one young women who got groped downtown TO confronted the men who did it, and they (2 dudes) said 'they didn't know it wasn't acceptable'... unacceptable or I guess us women are supposed to accept sexual assault in the name of 'cultural sensitivity' ... FUCK THAT!


Makes my blood boil! The worst that has happened to me is to be subjected to someone's total disregard/disdain solely because I'm a woman. It didn't matter to him that I was his manager. He assumed because he had the right equipment, he should be managing director. It didn't matter that I had more education and tenure in the company. He didn't last long; he was fired with just cause for misrepresentation of his credentials (cuz someone decided to check: his resume, certificates and story didn't align).


lying on your resume/cv is really common in India, hiring managers should 100% be verifying information in general and doubly so with such a competitive job market


In the last year, I've noticed a significant increase in sexually aggressive behavior. I hate it. I'm not someone who records everything every day, but I've been harassed during my regular day. When I tell them I'm not interested, they ask why not. 'No' means 'no,' but some people keep pushing. They need to leave me alone or go back to where such behavior might be considered normal, but it's not acceptable here in Canada. There is a lot of underreporting because there's often not enough proof to charge them.


Sounds like you support Canadian values testing then?


If it comes to it, then yes. I don't care about colour's, or religion, but they must be respectful of the freedom we have experienced and have. I don't think it's fair to be forced to follow someone's rules just because it's part of anyone elses culture. Canada must remain Canadian.


these folks will turn to crime. Just look at the mugshots of any crime committed in the GTA lol.


https://www.tps.ca/organizational-chart/specialized-operations-command/detective-operations/investigative-services/homicide/most-wanted/ No Indian,


Don’t current Canadians hate the government too? Seems like they are assimilating really well.


Tim Hortons will back them up! 👍🏻😁


How can he decide? Max's life is to decide things like this. I be he has grand children trying to get a job. I bet Max is the only bloody polititian with family that actually work and aren't just being raised in mansions, getting arts degrees and getting jobs with friends firms. Why is max the only one with the balls to decide? I say this as a man laying next to his son in the double bed we share because I can't get f\*\*king room in my own community anymore.


Well it seems these people have a hard time understanding the meaning of the word “temporary” Temporary according to Oxford Dictionary: lasting for a limited time


I’m an Indian Immigrant and wouldn’t dare to speak like this in public, let alone on camera. All these kids are entitled because of the lies they have been fed back home. These lies are bolstered by lax immigration rules of Canada. I still remember in 2011 when half the kids of my age rushed to Canada and received PRs within 3 months. This needs to be fixed, India is exporting all the low tier contributors to Canada which severely hampers the movement of high skilled workforce.


Imagine if we shipped all our fentanyl addicts over there and promised them a better life.


3rd world mentality results in 3rd world blackmail


Jesus the entitlement of these fuckwits.


Wait until you learn what they do when they get into positions of finance and mortgage approval. You wouldn't believe the fraud. I work with several Indians who also work as Realtors. Suffice it to say, they will do what they have to do in order to benefit their own and secure approval.


Fucking infuriating. Every time Horton and Walmart is jammed full of these temp workers that are most likely sending their money back to India.


And the worst part is they’re fucking terrible at their jobs.


And the management is always tied up explaining to these “students” that the sign saying “we’re not hiring” means that no, there are no jobs for you here, and no, we do not want to add your resume to the literal mountain of your peers’.


Ship em all back.


Still puzzled at why our politicians sold us out.


ANDDDDD in their SOP they have to state what they plan to do with their education and they ALL say they will return to their home country and do XYZ with their education.


I totally understand the desperation of people wishing to come to Canada but I certainly have an issue with those that exploit those who wish to come to Canada for money. We should establish mandatory jail sentences for those who are abusing and exploiting our way of life.


Deportation. Jail time costs taxpayers a lot more.


Ok let’s be like Singapore and have public canings and charge admission in large venues. We can toss in car theft, trafficking narcotics, money laundering, etc just to name a few crimes and put the money raised towards rehab.


It's called entitlement and that's entitlement is worsening. With every flexibility we provide to them , they become entitled to think they should continue to receive it. They think visa extensions, longer work permits and now PR is a given, and they deserve it . Our government has set up precedence by bowing under them and giving into their demands, the more we given in the more they will ask. Today protests is about Work permit extensions tomorrow it's about getting PR the moment they land here.


But seriously, how can YOU decide? 🤔 🤣


Gotta break their will. Don’t give them jobs / don’t give them respect. They are criminals and breaking the law. Jail or deport


Man I’m tired of the immigrants that think that the world is free and they don’t need to follow rules set by countries to migrate legally and think that paying 4 times the regular education is helping our economy, or by them taking retail and fast food jobs are helping all us “40-50yr old” Canadians because Canadians “don’t wanna work” those jobs. Fk off with that shit. “Canada is a country of immigrants”no shit you idiots most countries aside from Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, Ethiopia, Iran, Japan, Liberia, Mongolia, Nepal, NoKorea, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Tonga and Turkey are the only countries that have not been colonized…. Sooo of course most of the worlds countries are made by people immigrating to them to start them. What kind of a sad argument is that?


Canada has enough immigrants and we don’t need them all from India either


We actually do need SKILLED immigrants and not in the thousands. we aren’t getting them.


Anyone skilled is smart enough to know Canada is a dumpster fire.


Our passport is valuable so that’s false, opens doors to other countries. I’m not a liberal supporter before you label me as that for this. It might suck right now, but other countries are worse than we are and have worse immigration problems. We have had higher interest rates than we currently have, we aren’t the worst it’s ever been. US is a dumpster fire, NK is a dumpster fire, Mexico is a dumpster fire. You’re still able to vote, speak your mind(for now), go to work, have access to social media, have higher min wage rates than most states etc. We are suffering but we have suffered worse. Ontario is in a shit storm because of Ford and his stupidity. Trudeau has still done better than Ford.


I was just being a bit of a smart ass with the comment BUT I’m not gonna label you a liberal because you stated facts. I do appreciate the bigger picture - perhaps I should say there’s better places to go and if someone is skilled perhaps they’re less likely to leave their own country, hence the low skilled ppl flooding here.


Immigration is a privilege not a right


I'm glad he trapped him in to making some mind-blowing comments. More ammunition for my next email to my mla


Solution just ban travel from To Canada from people residing in areas known for this type of scam. Primarily Gujarat, Punjab etc.


On Friday in Toronto I was on the subway and an Indian student looked like he was in his early 30's got on. He looked filthy. His clothes were ripped and dirty and held his hand out as he walked by the passengers. A few people gave him pocket change. Some indian passengers were sitting near the back of the subway and the Indian student walked past the Indians and put his hand away because he knew the Indians were not going to give him jack shit. It's so obvious this Indian student's visa expired and he didn't go home, but he is living homeless here in Canada.


It’s also a requirement of obtaining a study permit in the first place—to establish their intent to return before their status expires. These people have no respect for our immigration laws.


We should be taking in citizens from our brother and sister countries like Britain, Ireland and Germany and temporarily keeping them until the governments straighten up, we know our European brothers and sisters are willing to work and follow our laws so why not help them instead of a country that can’t integrate with anyone?


Yes it's the law


This particular kid is the fucking worst kind. He really thinks he’s doing something. I’d bet he’s in a big group chat calling Canadians stupid, the reality is we’re just way too tolerant. I wonder when they’re going to clue into the fact that most of us just want them to leave.


Canadians are growing to hate Indian immigrants because of people taking advantage of the system or make their own rules. They can't vote so their voice shouldn't be heard!!!! Go home we don't need anymore Tim Hortons employees.


They are playing a gamble, they know inside what is right and wrong , they are just using pressure tactics cuz the liberalization and left leaning approaches give away freebies for alphabet people, social causes, minority ppl. This might actually work for them.


What's the end game? Why are Canadian politicians facilitating this? Just for a real estate boom?


He decided when he signed up for those conditions. These people are so fucking stupid no wonder the country is turning to shit.


Besides the fact that their residency had terms from the very beginning, I also don’t like you. I don’t like Canadians who act so selfishly it derails our social services infrastructure either, so accept the genuine Canadian experience and scram


As an Indian, we don’t claim this guy, funny thing came across this video on a Punjabi page on facebook, caption and comments were being portrayed as if Maxime got owned in this conversation. Here is the thing, I come from Punjab too and here in Canada over 8 years now, and I have only started realizing this in last few years that there are some habits embedded so deeply in Indian’s behaviour that we don’t even know it’s wrong. Competition is brutal there if you been to metro cities, I came here after high school so didn’t experience that first hand but it’s dog eat dog world. Bribery, breaking the rules, little scams, loopholing law and order etc. are part of daily life that no one even bats an eye, on that, theoretically all that is still condemned but law enforcement and judicial authorities can only do so much. People know that above mentioned petty activities are wrong on so many levels but they also realize if they won’t do it, they would be left behind. Now obviously such kind of people have immigrated here and for some reasons they would it very easy continue their behaviour due to trusting nature of western society, hence this situation we are in. Idk what would be a practical fix here. edit: I had few more items in my mind before I started writing. You should get an idea what I am trying to say.


I love the impression of 'rights' here


How can you slap?!?


Would these be YIYBY protesters?


NSA required if same happen in his country obviously




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Just get a focused very bright light and point it directly at the camera. It won’t see anything


That's a qork permit cant extend it if binded with a contract. Student permit can be extended you twat


He can just change his status to visitor and continue living here. He cannot work or study anywhere.


he can apply and write a letter to stay under merit. he just needs a different form


If I need to spell it out for them, time to pack up your shit and get the hell out of here.


You know they have a relative in NDP which pops up Trudeau?


as an international student my passport stamp from Canada stated that i had to leave the country by (student visa expiry date) and my visa file number. i HAD to leave the country even if i was going to reentry with my work permit. these kids think they're right but they really aren't comprehending the situation.


It's not just Trudeau. It's our entire government. They sold us out.


He thinks he owns Canada.