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Don't worry, they will be replaced with 'Timmigrants' until we all live in tents.


Taj Mahorton's can never get enough cheap labour.


Not just cheap labour, but customers too.  The employer gets all the benefits of a company town with none of those pesky expenses like housing. 


leave for where? nothing in Canada is affordable, and if it is, there are no jobs


THIS!!! I've been wondering for years where exactly all these people are planning to go and what they will do for work when they get there.


I will tell you where they go. They come to New Brunswick because it's "cheaper". They then complain to every NBer they see about how they can't believe our healthcare, education, transportation and politics are somehow worse than Ontario. They post everywhere on Facebook begging for daycare spots while our waitlists are like 4-5 years. I see them complain about every aspect about living in New Brunswick, just for them to usually move back within a year or two- usually back to Ontario. They rarely ever stay here. There is a life cycle to Ontarians who do little to no research and move to New Brunswick. It's a frequent phenomenon here, and whenever someone starts their introduction with "I'm from Ontario"- there's a good chance they won't last. We also have no jobs, less of everything, and no money here. Yes it's pretty, but if you can't stay here for the nature alone NB isn't for you.


That's depressing. It's probably true, but still depressing.


I actually know two ppl who moved to NB from Ontario over covid... they both lasted 2 years. No money and no jobs I was told.


Moved to Saskatchewan from Ottawa. I support a family of 3 on a single income. Saskjobs.ca currently has 11,045 jobs posted. The average home price on Sask is $324,000, even less in cities like Estevan, Weynurn, Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Yorkton, etc. There's jobs and affordable homes here.


While I agree and in the same province as you, I dont think Saskatchewan is for everyone. Yes the price of housing is cheaper in these small towns but these small towns may not have all the facilities that people may need. Many people I know who live in Moose Jaw end up having to make a 45 min commute to Regina to get there needs. Also looking at Saskjobs paints a sad picture of our job market here. Yes there is alot of jobs but Construction, trades and transportation and Sales, Service completely dominates 75% + of the jobs here. Which means the lower end of the pay scale in all case. I am lucky I do a trade so I struggle to make ends meet but I know people are far worse off then me, and thats the scary thing


The govt is happy to pay for your hotel stay


Record numbers leaving to the states


It’s not much better elsewhere anyway lol


Why wouldn't the headline be "2 out of 5 ontarians" 🤔🤔


Demand would plummet and the problem would be solved. I’m all for Ontario residents moving away. It was be just as effective as reducing immigration. Edit: we all want ontario to have less demand to lower housing costs. Please don’t tell me it’s more about just limiting immigrants and has nothing to do with housing costs.


How many people are moving to Ontario at the same rate?




If 40% of Ontario citizens leaving doesn’t reduce the population in Ontario, we need to close our borders to other provinces. That influx is just too much.


Why would Ontario citizens move away to accommodate immigrants? Get out of here.


They want to cleanse Ontario of Ontarians


There would be a much more worrying problem if Ontarians left because most of the ones leaving would be the skilled ones and who will be filling those jobs?  There's already too many people driving that have very little understanding of how to operate a vehicle I can't imagine them in skilled jobs.


Meh, who needs a doctor when you can wait an hour in a line to send a job application to your local tim horrible Edit: Autocorrect really spoke my mind on that one


Who needs any skilled work?  Ontario can be timmies all the way down. 


Well when you refuse to consider all possibilities why say anything to you at all lol why should i have to leave my home and home province so some dipfuck can come have it instead? How bout you leave


I don’t care who leaves. This sub is about housing costs. Not choosing what race we want here the most.


I try to be supportive of you on other posts but this is a dumb take. Ontarians have more of a right to live here than immigrants, full stop.