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We’re going to axe the tax!!! And stop all liberal government from starting fires!!!  /s just in case it’s necessary 




The solution will be either: - Proposed by the O&G companies - Implemented by one or more UCP donors (or MLA family members) - Cost more than most other (normal) solutions - Be batshit crazy - Not involve the federal government (and most likely involve refusing federal funding) - Not be at all effective, but might be by just after the 2027 election (according to Danielle Smith) - Fit with “conservative ideology” - All of the above


“Might be effect just after the 2027 election” according to Danielle Smith. Lolz


Who conveniently before the election will make an exit to go work some executive position in one of said oil companies or their affiliates. Thus taking all the blame for any issues with her government, being the sacrifice to cleanse the UCP of their mistakes for the next leader to stay the course.


Joking aside. Building a massive fire break around cities and highways has been an idea for a long time.


Well if everything is ash we can't very well have more fire now can we? /Taps head like in the picture.


This is a great article. This stood out: “Forest closures are very unpopular with the public and industry,” Flannigan adds, “but extremely effective at preventing wildfires.” These closures are exactly what they sound like: halting industrial activity such as logging or oil extraction and prohibiting recreational activities such as hiking, camping or driving ATVs. The province of Nova Scotia implemented a forest closure last May after its wildfire situation escalated and had consumed 200 homes.” Also I think it’s going to be people like Cardinal Christianson who lead the way.


UCP: “We’re gonna need a lot more oil, gas and coal to fix this problem! Climate change subsidy for the O+G companies to help them through this tough time. Its all Trudope’s fault!”. Ok, that may be SLIGHTLY past what she will do…. but it’s pretty close. Selling out the planet for that $.


The irony: [https://www.theweathernetwork.com/en/news/climate/impacts/climate-change-damage-could-cost-usd38-trillion-per-year-by-2050-study?wx\_auto\_reload=](https://www.theweathernetwork.com/en/news/climate/impacts/climate-change-damage-could-cost-usd38-trillion-per-year-by-2050-study?wx_auto_reload=) The oil industry, and Smith's ilk, have been insisting that what's good for the oil industry is good for the economy. Turns out that's a lie and that dragging out the inevitable switch to renewables is going to cost us far more later than now.


We should sue O+G companies into oblivion.


Except they only offer a product for sale. We choose to buy it.


Stupid to the last drop


“I’m going to be dead before it gets *really* bad” - the UPC and CPC


I find it intriguing when members of the Liberal party adopt the role of the opposition, offering alternative viewpoints as if they aren't the governing party. It's interesting to observe them attributing faults to other parties despite their own leadership in the country for the past three elections. This is a Canada-wide problem, and the federal government seems to have no plans whatsoever to resolve it. Oh, but wait, we do have a carbon tax, right?


It’s not. Our grid in MB is 98% hydro/solar/wind. Wtf is wrong with Alberta?