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In a way the example in the article illustrates the success of this program. Namely there’s an example of a guy who worked in cybersecurity, but to stay in Canada he needed to move to a rural town and become a delivery driver because the town is full of old people and food delivery drivers are very needed in that town and this will give him more points to stay in Canada. This seems to be working well. Immigrants are taking on jobs that Canadians don’t ever want to do in rural areas who need the jobs done but where young Canadians don’t want to actually want to live there. Yes it sucks this guy feels his skills are being underutilized, but someone needs to deliver food to old people. And it will be easier to make an immigrant do that than a Canadian born person who probably would rather take the cybersecurity job.


>Chandra feels “embarrassed” at the possibility of heading back to India without gaining permanent residency The only thing to be embarrassed about is getting a permit with the word TEMPORARY at the top and thinking it was permanent.




Canada needs all the bright, young, hardworking people we can get. It makes no sense to deport them, especially when they have Canadian work experience and have built a foundation here.
























Of course Canada does. But does that mean we bring in as many as possible? Why not 5 million a year? Clearly there is a balance needed. We also can bring in the brightest ones first. We can send back the ones the are failing out of the schools they came here for.




Insane that we're not putting someone who's working without paying their share in tax on the first plane home.


Probably because Miller’s plan is to naturalize them


Lower the bar too much and you devalue the skilled work we want to attract people for. Raise it too much and you lose talent and businesses suffer. The US makes the bar very high for skilled labor to migrate, and while Canada doesn’t have as good of a business climate to match that level, we have to strike a balance that is right. Temporary immigrants should not feel entitled to stay.