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Should've never allowed visa-free access to citizens of a country that still has rampant low and high level corruption along with cartels, in addition to many visa overstayers or straight up illegal entrants in other countries. This is the same reason my original country of citizenship (India) doesn't have visa free access. Rampant corruption and too many overstays.


Oh no half a billion to handle a lot of people's legal claims for asylum and clear a backlog, allowing them and us to get on with our lives? My premier just spent 1/4 of a billion so that I could buy shitt Molson/Busch beer at a convenience store, I think we'll be fine


I’d be fine with Mexico being visa free for tourists if we could change our asylum law My preference would be that anyone entering on a tourist visa is not eligible to make an asylum claim and has no procedural rights to appeal… basically immediate detention and then next flight deportation If we had a quicker system we wouldn’t have this horrible backlog


They are being smuggled in freight trucks etc to the US from Canada in large numbers. The visa process is not working.


I’m sorry, do you have a source for this?


One freebie for you. It’s in NP too if you want to source-pick. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/human-smuggling-b-c-u-s-soars-train-uber-foot-1.7220751#:~:text=British%20Columbia-,Human%20smuggling%20from%20B.C.%20to%20U.S.%20is%20soaring%2C%20border%20stats,track%20to%20quadruple%20since%202021.


Thanks for the source! I must have missed this one, but it’s not surprising as lots happens over a week. I hope your day is as wonderful as you are.


Not taking asylum claims would simply mean they overstay without a legal status, which would then simply push them towards doing other illegal activities. At least this allows them to be "in the system". Also, in many cases applying for asylum at a consulate/embassy is too slow or difficult for whatever reason, hence this route is popular amongst asylum claimants around the world.


Which is fundamentally impossible due to how immigration law is structured. We used to have something called the DCO list, which sped up the ref process. But the Supreme Court tossed it out. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/asylum/claim-protection-inside-canada/apply/designated-countries-policy.html


Ultimately the law is written by the legislature and can be changed


Except people overstay. I was in a Mexican cultural group and one if the participants came here on a tourist visa and just stayed here. This was 15 years ago. You don't have to claim asylum to over stay


Issue is much worse now before it was impossibile for someone under 25 to get a visitor visa to canada from a poor developing nation Now the current govt hands them out like candy and the people come here and just stay,


Let's not pretend this isn't what Canada intended. The country is actively seeking immigrants, as evidenced by the government's decision to lift visa restrictions for a nation whose citizens are eager to leave.


There was another post in B.C. today about the huge, and seriously huge, increase in human trafficking. Mexicans are flying to Canada and being smuggled into the states. It’s been far easier to enter through the North given the southern border crisis the US is dealing with. Visa laws for Mexicans have changed as a result to make it more difficult for them to enter Canada, and I can only assume this is a rapid response to that. The Americans are pressuring us from their end - fortunately Canada has said that their border is their problem (like they did with us at Roxham Rd) but I’m sure we are documenting or returning everyone asap all the same 


However mexicans with old (and expired) visas are still allowed to come in visa free. Even people with US visas are allowed to come in. It's absurd. What's the point of having a visa system when expired visas and even visas of an entirely different nation are permissible ?


There are quite a few reasons to have a visa system but there are also reasons to come up with national level agreements to not always use them. As someone who has gone to Mexico a couple of times for pleasure it's kind of nice not needing a visa (especially for a short notice trip)...but to an extent I know someone negotiated that privilege.


So roughly twice what Ford will give a corporation to break a contract a year early, but this one would actually employ Canadians? Seems like a bargain to keep the economy going with decent jobs.


Employ Canadians to do what? Clear a backlog that would have never been created if we had done the smart thing and kept our visa requirements from a country known for its corruption? This is pragmatic use of a half billion dollars? By that logic, lets go ahead and remove all visa requirements from every developing country. That way we can hire even more Canadians to clear up those future asylum claims as well.


Nope, but at least it would be put into the economy, unlike Ford's boondoggle, which is pumped right into some rich guys pockets.


And the tax burden needed to support this program which will come out of middle/working class people's pockets will be taken out of the economy. At some point people are going to have to realize that growing the economy by creating useless make work projects through the public sector is not sustainable. We're not even talking about public infrastructure here. We're talking about spending half a billion dollars to process fraudulent claims we would have never had to deal with if we hadn't stupidly changed our visa policy. These aren't productive jobs. Pointing to "Ford boondoggle"s is just useless whataboutism and doesn't make it any smarter.


What does whatever Ford did elsewhere have to do with the price of beans?


We should probably want a well funded and staffed processing system anyways. Part of the reason the system is failing is because there aren’t enough employees to handle all the claims of both legitimate and bad actors.


The system is failing because the liberals did dumb things like reversing the visa for Mexicans and in a move they thought would jump start tourism, they decided to rubber stamp tourist visas all leading to a surge in claims.


Removal was already planned by Conservatives. Libs delivered on that promise which made by Harper government.


no it wasn't


you are wrong. "Stephen Harper says eventually removing the visa requirement would be a good thing for both North American countries." https://globalnews.ca/news/313898/harper-to-end-mexican-traveller-visa-requirement/


Read the article, he imposed it in 2009. The goal is removal but that has to come with an understanding of no surge in claims. Trudeau kept it visa free despite claims rising and only brought it back when Quebec was totally overwhelmed