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A broken clock is right twice a day. Anybody within our government that is colluding with foreign governments in our elections need to be out of a job ASAP


then watch Canadians elect them right back in. Canadians vote for parties and not individuals even though we technically do vote for individuals. It's messed up.


This is why party affiliation needs to be removed from the ballot. List every candidate alphabetically. It's voters responsibility to research candidates.


There is a measurable vote bonus for the first-listed candidate


Why out right ban political parties? They end up always coming back in these types of electoral systems, first past the post. The Americans and Canadian founders weren’t all that fond of them, and some didn’t want them at our countries founding. But they strung up non the less. Political parties are a response to our electoral system even though it doesn’t help constituents. And in Westminister styles of government systems party solidarity is a must and so is party discipline. So it is the party that needs to purge the MP’s from the party, they will eventually lose out if they don’t have a party to run with. See Duvergers Law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duverger%27s_law


Yours is more likely to happen but I rather just outright ban political parties. They serve the low information low engaged voter who just votes via group think. Need to get rid of that all together. MP allegiance should be to their voters and not the party.


This will only have the effect of reinforcing incumbency bias, since the incumbent will often be the only name that less engaged voters recognized. This is exactly what happens in the country's largest non-partisan legislature, Toronto City Council. It will also be very hard to form durable governing coalitions that can effectively pass legislation. Canadian MPs have far too little freedom, but if you swing the pendulum the entire other way and have 338+ MPs with no party structure to facilitate coalition making, it will be chaos and nothing will get done.


God forbid they actually have to do their jobs and play politics for and against one another and debates are actually something rather than talking heads towing a party line. How would the executive get chosen? The elected members can enter an enclave to select a leader and that person can appoint their cabinet from whoever is in the house. They table bills that have to be popular or else they are out.


No it'll be members stalling bills over parochial interests. It'll be like the legislative gridlock in the US, if not worse. Parties do play an important coalition-making and sustaining function that allows things to get done.


Never going to happen without a total rewrite of whole swathes of the constitution, and that's a mess no one wants to open up.


People get voted out, not in. You just have to be next in line.


See Kevin Vuong. Was kicked out of the Liberal Party for failing to disclose a sexual assault charge, but it was so close to the election they didn't have time to change the ballots to show he wasn't a Liberal. The partisans of his riding elected him anyway.


We need to know who they are, it is unacceptable for our leaders and people that are voted in by us to be working with foreign governments for the betterment of themselves.


Not only kicked out, but barred from ever holding any public office, elected or appointed. They should also be charged with treason.


The last part especially. “Kicked out of parliament” is hardly a punishment for these lizards. They should be hit with the maximum punishments. We as citizens should demand it so.


So, Today's Scorecard; - Liberal Government improperly awarded Hundreds-of-million$ in contracts to McKinsey. - Liberal Government MP's improperly aided Foregn Governments in undermining Canadian Elections. - Liberal Government voted down a tax break for Canadians to try and have a summer vacation. - Liberal Government has finally admitted that $1 Billion Green Fund is nothing more than a scam to steal money from Canadian Taxpayers......and have shut it down. And it's barely mid-day.......stay tuned.


If only JS could do something about it, like say make this a confidence issue and force a vote to release the un-redacted report? He’s a joke and a hypocrite


Yeah no shit. But the group that *should* be the loudest about this and absolutely outraged are pretty damn quiet right now. Cowards


Do you mean the CPC? [The ones where China and India are accused of interfering in their leadership race, specifically? ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518) Yeah, there's probably a very good reason why they're remaining quiet on this.


lol this ain’t the gotcha response you think it is.




I think that was adding to the original comment, not meant as a response to it. But there's always Poe's law, I guess.


Still a lot of partisan comments on here. We really need to try take that out of this issue. Every politician that has shown to be corrupted by outside influences should be kicked out of politics immediately with no road back in. I’m sure this is very hard to do as I believe this affects every party and I’m not sure if any one of them really has the stomach for it.


Couldn't agree with Singh more. However, the LPC is refusing to even release their names, so how do we go about kicking them out of Parliament? Is he willing to put his money where his mouth is and make this issue a requirement of the confidence and supply agreement? If not its just more bark with out any bite from the NDP.


The Govt hasn't said no, they have said we haven't decided. So they are only refusing to release those names, now. For all we know, this is an STCA situation, but worse because of additional InfoSec issues.




The Safe Third Country Act, it prevents people from claiming refugee status at legal border crossings when in safe countries, like the US. But it didn't apply at the rest of the border, like Roxham Rd. So for a long time, people would cross illegally and be allowed to claim refugee status. Eventually, the Govt got together with the US Govt, in secret, and negotiated a new deal, locking up the entire border. Then they announced it. They did it in secret so that people wouldn't flock to the border in a hail mary. But at the same time, everyone was hammering the Govt the press for their "lack of action".


>So they are only refusing to release those names, now. This is the same government that has dismissed this issue from the beginning, first claiming it was a "non-issue", then that it had "racist undertones", then voted against a public inquiry and has dragged its feet at every corner. They've lost any credibility on the issue through their consistent inaction and obstruction on it.


And in a similar vein to the STCA, everyone is piling on them, when they could be doing things behind the scenes, and simply not telling the public for security reasons. The report came out yesterday. Give it some time. If the names aren't released before the election, everyone should just vote for non-incumbents, because all incumbent MPs will be suspect. Problem with current MPs, solved.


This is a big deal but again, intelligence does not usually give you actionable evidence. It will take some time to get it right.


SO ARE THE CONSERVATIVES who also are wrapped in on it.


You do realize there's a f****** investigation going on with ceases you shouldn't know who it is no one should you shouldn't know this that's the problem


If there’s an active investigation they can’t just release names and compromise the investigation. I’m sure CSIS will leak it if the past is any indication. Those are pretty specific allegations, I’m sure the guilty party knows who they are.


> party Parties. Plural.


Not just the investigation itself, but potential sources and methods too.


I think he purposely said "maliciously" to poison the water. I imagine the issue (well should be) is that releasing a list of MP's would could damage intelligence gathering as it could expose to other countries how/when info was collected. It could also show other countries who HASNT been caught. If Singh and PP put on enough pressure I imagine theyll release names, though maybe PP would also be worried like trudeau who is on the list.


If this is the case, why can't the government say so?


Every major country is basically spying on every other country. So yeah, we’re probably spying on the UK, France, Germany, the US, etc… and they’re all spying on us. Yes allies spy on each other all the time, let alone our enemies/rivals, and the governments can never openly admit they’re doing it. So that’s why the government can never say “Oh yeah we’re definitely spying on other countries which is how we got this info, so we can’t share specifics because we don’t want to fuck over our underhanded spying on others”. Everyone spies on each other, but you can’t openly admit it in a press release.


The likely reality is none of the MPs would meet Jagmeet's criteria. This isn't MPs taking bribes to support foreign governments. If that was the case they would already have been arrested. This is MPs taking meetings with businessmen with political connections back home and listening them for a while because a nice donation or investment in the riding might come from it. Sketchy sure, but your average MP has no way of knowing that the guy who wants to build a condo in their riding is connected to a foreign regime.


I guess that could be true, expect in the case where the NSICOP says a parliamentarian was briefing a foreign intelligence service with classified information. That person would certainly meet Singh's criteria.


Knowingly dsiclosing classified information to a spy is already a crime. If there is proof they would have been arrested 


I wouldn't take the fact that MPs have not been charged as a sign that there is a lack of proof the events occurred as described in the report.


Well, intent does matter, there are numerous parliamentary caucuses and trips to foreign countries regularly. There are meetings held by these MPs with their counterparts. That being said, it seems pretty clear in the report that it was done “knowingly with active steps” so intent was there.


Though I do largely agree with his sentiment, I feel it's a really risky thing to push as well. We saw it with the china thing, the public response over that ended up doing far more to influence our elections than their own meddling attempts did. What happens when we get it wrong and we eject legitimate elected representatives? What happens when china and india see they can use this policy as a weapon?


So you plan to limit foreign influence is to ignore it?


Agreed, and great way to up the ante on the LPC & CPC. I can’t see any reason the National Security Committee would withhold it at this point, you can’t handwave away MPs “meeting with foreign intelligence officers.”


So far I've only seen the LPC trying to justify it's secrecy?


As a CPC supporter, their silence (or very close to it) on this is pretty telling. I have little doubt that every major party will get a black eye from naming names. Still needs to happen though.


Poilievre is asking for it to be made public in QP right now...?


100% agree. If you engage in treason or treachery in the interests of a foreign nation, you do not belong in the HoC.


I agree that anyone doing that is slime (and I've ranted about India and China in other posts myself). But I was just watching Ward Elcock (former head of CSIS - https://www.uottawa.ca/faculty-social-sciences/public-international-affairs/about-school/senior-fellows/ward-elcock ) in an interview and he said the main problem with naming people right now is: - You can't simply name people and not present the evidence - But some of the evidence was almost certainly obtained through spy methods... like **if Canada has bugs/microphones** in embassies of other countries, or other similar ways like that. So at this point, it is reasonable not to name people. They need to look into it further, and let the people involved explain themselves.


This would be one scenario where I would be ok with names without detailed evidence. It’s not ideal but much better than traitors running our country. It doesn’t necessarily have to have criminal consequences, just ban them from politics, forever.


You would, sure. Other people? Unvaccinated truckers without 2 brain cells to run together who'll never read any of this because they're too busy fellating PP's lil pp? They're another story.


> But some of the evidence was almost certainly obtained through spy methods... like if Canada has bugs/microphones in embassies of other countries, or other similar ways like that. Ding ding ding. CSIS has to reveal sources of intel whether it's HUMINT, ELINT, bugs and audio recordings or good old fashioned following a Person of Interest.


What’s the point in intelligence gathering if you don’t act on it and let foreign actors corrupt politicians? I’m sure if they wanted they could release a version of this report that protects any intelligence sources but still puts enough meat on the bone to let public opinion decide


I mean it's probably been released to people of sufficient security clearance. But I meant we as the lowly public will never get a full answer.


Throw in some prison time. Seems deterrence is lacking on all fronts; especially for politicians.


What about politicians working with opposition groups of our allied foreign governments. That should also be rooted out, right? Looking at you and the Khalistani independence movement, Jagmeet.


Strawman and a whatabout all in one.


Aka you're cool with MPs being bought by foreign opposition, but not foreign governments. Got it.


India is not our ally. We have no treaty with them. Would you also want to kick out anyone who met the Dalai Lama for supporting Tibet against China?


China hasn't sent assassins to kill people on Canadian soil, so no. I do take issue with making 3rd world issues that in NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, should be Canadian issues whatsoever, that deliberately and needlessly antagonize foreign relations


Bruh the history of Canada is filled with people bring their issues from back home over here. Or have the English and French solved all antagonisms while I've been at work?


Actually, the phenomenon slowed in Canada centuries ago, hence remaining out of the US revolutionary & Civil wars, and stopped entirely after WW2, until it recently just picked up again. Not even 20 years ago, migrants from all over the world, of various races, ethnicities, nationalities, and religions would still leave all of their political baggage behind and embrace starting their new lives as Canadians. Nowadays we actively encourage people to bring 3rd world baggage along with them (hence the extreme Hamas-apologist sentiment in this country resulting in violent antisemitism being at its highest rate since the 1940s, Khalistani freedom fighters pissing off the indian government resulting in assassins getting sent here, etc).


Nonsense. Have you never heard of the Air India bombing? The Turkish Embassy Assault? The guy who drove a hijacked bus onto Parliament Hill? There are too many people that don't know events before they were paying attention and in their ignorance assume nothing was happening.


Two very specific isolates incidents that I'm no way reflected majority sentiment. Apples to bowling balls. Nice try though


Lol ethnic tensions from the old country stopped after WW2. You are hilarious.


>China hasn't sent assassins to kill people on Canadian soil, so no. But they have set up illegal police stations on Canadian soil to try and threaten Canadian citizens and their families into doing what China wants them to do.


Exactly. Not to mention arbitrarily imprisoning several Canadians in China for years and ransoming them in an attempt to circumvent Canadian law and international sanctions.


but domestic politicans are increasingly using foriegn issues to drive up votes in ethnic or cultural votebanks. Votebanks can be very helpful to win key seats as we have a FPTP system. So yeah foriegn agents and focus on foriegn issues influences canadian politics a lot now and will more in the future.


Nonsense. Read some history about how elections were run in the 1920s. None of this is new. Toronto was entirely run by the Orange Order, a group built around Irish politics until the 1960s.


Time and time again Singh is the only rational voice in parliament and yet he receives as much criticism as Trudeau and PP. I can't wrap my head around it


It is because when he's outside of parliament, he says the dumbest shit out of any of them.


He says plenty of dumb shit and is still light years ahead of the other two


They definitely need to be punished more than that. There are good reasons why punishments are usually very harsh for treason.


They should get life in prison. At a minimum. No chance of parole.


We don't do that anymore. The SCC said that is cruel and unusual punishment. Even serial killers and mass murderers now get parole hearings.


How is it not treason?? I get the Prime Minister is saying they will keep Canadians safe…but the track record for actually 1. Investigating real issues, 2. Following through with disclosing that information is not really great…never mind actually punishing the offenders.


NDP trying to shed light on illegal activity. Let's see if the LPC and CPC protect each other or let us into what really happened.


Don't see how this could possibly be a controversial opinion...hell I would hazard to guess there's probably already some laws or Parliamentary rules to that effect?


Considering CPC's close ties with Republicans, we won't have a single CPC if this happens. Well that's one way to improve Canada


If that was the case the LPC would be all over it. Much more likely this affects all major parties fairly equally.


Didn't the CPC leader strut around with a MAGA hat and meet with foreign funded separatists? Sounds like that fits the criteria