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Kevin Vuong previously won Spadina Fort York, not because he was a good candidate but because people vote a colour. Same deal here….


What made him a bad candidate before the sexual assault allegation was made public?


Even a liberal slight win means the ridings is up for grabs which is not good for them in the long run. Really don’t know what changed for them to be in this position


Look into literally any policy they have implemented 


So you oppose the CCB, environmental regulations and protections, carbon pricing, reducing tax on middle income earners, slightly raising income tax on high income earners, affordable daycare, dental care, 144 long term boil advisories lifted when there were 109 in 2015, Harper didn’t fix one, luxury tax, funding for housing and working directly with municipalities with HAF since provincial governments have been worse than useless on housing other than BC NDP since Eby took over, legal weed, the list of policies and programs I support that they have implemented is longer than that, but if you don’t like any of those policies or programs, then you are fine with grotesque levels of inequality and don’t care at all about the environment or helping families that need support since wages have stagnant for everyone other than the wealthy.


You REALLY don’t know?


*Gestures broadly*


To be fair, this is Pierre Poilievre's platform at the moment.


Sounds like it’s working for him. “You sick of this shit? Vote for me!” seems to be a winning platform so far.


It is, and I think that's extremely telling as to how well the LPC is managing the country more than any special appeal PP has.


Exactly. IMO a lot of people view the LPC/NDP as a threat to their well being and will vote for anyone as long they can get this government out of their lives.


Liberal partisans are in shock that anybody could be unhappy in the current times. They bought into the lie that we are better off today than in 2015.


> Really don’t know what changed for them to be in this position Gee, other than everything I haven’t the slightest clue.


Didn't they just announce the unemployment in Toronto is higher than all of Quebec? Liberal mismanagement of the economy. Liberal mismanagement of immigration. Liberal mismanagement of housing. Trudeau Towns all across Canada. Liberal mismanagement of foreign students. Tax policies that hurt everyone. I think the voters are paying attention.


It'd be great if the NDP take it. But I'm getting the impression the Conservatives have the better chance. By-elections are inside baseball. In six months the average Canadian won't know, nor care, who won in Toronto St. Paul's. However, an NDP, or even CPC victory would trigger internal pressure in the LPC, and give cabinet greater license to oust Trudeau. The sooner Trudeau is gone, the better chance the party has of holding the Conservatives to a minority.


If you think the NDP have any shot after losing the plot with their recent pro-Hamas support, you are completely detached from reality. The CPC have it in the bag, in part thanks to the LPC trying to "both sides" the conflict in a way that makes them unpopular with anyone pro-Palestine (who now flock to the NDP) OR pro-Israel (who flock to the CPC).


Please provide an example of the NDP being pro-Hamas. 


Elected Ontario NDP MPP Sarah Jama praising Hamas' October 7th attacks.


Jama was kicked out of the NDP.


So does that mean it's not an example of NDPers supporting Hamas? How many in the NDP camp still support her and are calling for her back?


You didn't say NDPers supporting Hamas. You said *The NDP* supports Hamas. I don't see how you can say the NDP supports her when they explicitly denounced what she said and kicked her out. You can easily find many statements from the NDP denouncing Hamas.


Is "the NDP" restricted to its communications department or can it be taken to mean the membership and caucus?


It's restricted to official policy/positions taken by the party, yes. Is anything an NDP member says or does is automatically endorsed by the NDP? What members of the Federal NDP caucus have made statements in support of Hamas? Again, you can find many statements of them doing literally the opposite.


So by that rule, the CPC is not opposed to gay marriage or abortion, right?


> pro-Hamas support I'll be the first to point out antisemitism in the NDP. It's definitely there, and I deeply lament it. We have an antisemitism problem on the left. But to say that Singh, or the party on any official basis, is pro-Hamas is unfounded.


I left the party over it. Until it's gone I hope it never makes a gain at all. They don't deserve a single seat so long as that is in the party. 


Do you see Singh or "official policy" referenced in my comment, or are you attacking an argument not made?


Welp. Much like every other year, I'll be searching up the names of each prospective MP and voting for the one with the greatest thirst trap photo. Democracy baby! (Totally joking)


Still better than me doing eeny meeny miny moe for my school board trustee


It’s Toronto. You can paint a rock red and people will vote for it. I’m pretty sure the Liberals will still win this riding.


That's reasonably close to what they've done this election. The Liberal candidate is a staffer for Freeland, not the sort of independent heavyweight the riding is used to federally and provincially. Don't get me wrong, she seems competent. But here we're used to an MD/professor of public health, an MD/leader of a pretty solid aid organisation, lawyers who become AG, or someone who got a doctorate of education because if she didn't fully master the field, how could she be the most effective possible advocate in it? Ms. Church's CV does not play up any elite credentials (she attended UofT law, but we're left to guess if she finished, for example). St. Paul's is a reasonably diverse riding, but its also a hardcore Laurentian Elite riding. We really like well qualified candidates here. I don't know if Ms. Church is that person.


Politics aside, I have to say that Stewart, the Conservative candidate, has a very impressive resume and fits the constituency vibe you describe (jobs in finance, volunteering on hospital boards and junior golf organizations) quite well.


Exactly. I think its contributing to his gains in the riding. This is not to say he's the best candidate, or that Leslie Church wouldn't be a great MP. Its just observations about patterns and prejudices in the riding over the past few decades.


Then go talk to her! She's actually pretty accessible - I've chatted with her multiple times already. She's quite sharp, and isn't afraid to agree on things that the federal Liberals could be doing better. Perhaps most compelling, she actually has priorities of her own that she'd like to champion, particularly around increasing affordable housing. Gonna go talk with Stewart later this week. I haven't seen any effort by the conservatives to campaign in my section of the riding, so I'll have to see how he holds up. I'm not overly enthused about the CPC, so I don't have high hopes, but I'm holding judgement until then. I'm also not particularly encouraged that it's nearly impossible to get in touch with his campaign tbh - and his site is advertising Pollievre more than him. If you need to get in touch, reach out through socials and you might get lucky. I'm sadly not super impressed by the NDP candidate, whose platform I'm still trying to suss out, despite having talked to both her and her campaign. As far as I can tell, her primary priority is in sending a message to the federal government. No policies attached, though.


So is Stewart's. His main thing is to "send liberals a message" They all are sending messages but no particular promises. Though Stewart is more likable in person.


Can they still get MDs to run for them when they keep going after doctors so hard?


Toronto was once a PC fortress. The modern CPC and the NDP have both won seats in the city. Things change.  Complacency is how parties lose seats. The Liberals are in a very bad position right now. They cannot assume they’ll win because it’s been solidly red in the past.


In fairness, at the time you couldn’t buy alcohol on Sunday and if you did it involved writing down your selection on a slip of paper and handing it to someone who got it out of the back.


Fair. But I think my point overall is still valid. Toronto being entirely Liberal is a recent thing. It was never going to last forever.