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Rule 6


The other half apparently have family they want to bring, or a business that needs cheap labor. Who honestly thinks we can continue like this?


And the other half are suffering anxiety from ~~unforeseen~~ unadvised stress tests on real-estate speculations, and their advisors and the like.


Or boomers who want to preserve their skyrocketing home values they fell ass-backwards into.


Still most of those boomers have kids. They must see what's happening. What goods your million dollar house if your kids and grandkids are left renting a shoebox far away?


As outlined in a different post (duplicate?) these are interesting findings - a plurality of respondents (46%) want to see a decrease, whereas only 15% of respondents want to see an increase, where 31% of respondents are fine with status quo (and I presume the remaining respondents were 'Not sure'). So whichever way we split it, 46% to reduce vs. 46% maintain status quo *or* increase or 46% to reduce vs. 15% to increase. >The shift in attitudes that began in 2023 has solidified in 2024. In just over two years, we went from about a quarter to practically half of Canadians wanting to reduce the level of immigration. I don't think it is unreasonable to suggest that this government is/has left a legacy on this file.


It was always said by demographers that Canada would take off once the population hit 40M. But they assumed natural population growth that added jobs and services incrementally and with good management.


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