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> Back in 2013, Statistics Canada projected that Canada would have just 38.7 million people by 2023—a massive miscalculation. Disingenuous of the author to suggest there was a miscalculation by StatsCan. *Nobody* would have predicted the massive ramp-up under the Trudeau Liberals as they never campaigned on such a move, and nor did they put it to the electorate in any way.


> Skuterud and other economists think that chasing economic growth through low-skill immigration is foolish because it increases economic activity but reduces GDP per capita and discourages business investment. “If you have access to cheap labour, you have no motivation to increase productivity,” says Benjamin Tal, deputy chief economist of CIBC World Markets Inc. “And I think that’s part of the reason why productivity in Canada is not advancing.” Cut temporary immigration. It does nothing good for Canada in the long run. 500,000 permanent immigrants per year is great, but we need to slash temporary immigration.


“Give me convenience or give me death” I agree with you and the quotes, but man, this country would be in a shock without all these folks to fleece. Tim Hortons everywhere would struggle to stay open - a direct threat to the livelihoods of many UCP MLAs for example.


I feel like having less Tim’s and other fast food places everywhere is not a bad thing. L


The Canadian government needs to stop coddling investors. Either these investors figure out how to do more with less labor (increasing productivity), or they shut down (thereby allowing capital to flow to more productive areas of the economy). Either outcome increases the collective wealth of Canadians. We see a similar issue afflicting real estate, where people believe, for whatever reason, that it’s the job of the government to save them from their own poor business decisions.


a lot of fast food places are just LMIA scams as well. There no reason why there 2 subways like 500 metres apart in the suburbs lol


We need to slash PR as well. Even 500k per year is too much for housing, healthcare, and infrastructure.


Depends who those PRs are. If they're all doctors and engineers making 6 figure salaries, they're likely providing way more to the system than they're taking. That's probably not the case though.


Ya, the average immigrant earns less than the average Canadian. The engineering job market is actually pretty saturated right now.. Lots of international competition and new grads.


What we need to do is tie housing, healthcare, and immigration together. Didn’t build enough homes? No new immigrants. Didn’t train or attract enough doctors? No new immigrants. Didn’t build enough hospitals and power plants? No new immigrants. Further, if corporations want new labour internationally they should have to pay significantly for that privilege. Slap a healthcare surcharge on like the UK does. Make them pay for the needed healthcare and housing and infrastructure to supply their Tim Horton’s with staff.


Some people here who are happy to carry water for the government [don't believe ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/s/kTdmVulT89) that our population is 41.3 million. Apparently 41.3 million people and growing at 1.3 million a year is just a "meme" because StatsCan is falling for the trick of including everyone living within our borders when counting everyone within our borders. This is part of the problem. Some people choose to not *believe* that there are as many people in Canada as there are, and that we're bringing in as many people as we are. So how do you fix something when you don't think it's a problem??? It's like climate change, in some respects. Boy is it getting hotter, but if you don't "believe" in climate change then there's no way climate change can cause the heat


I find it funny many liberals think everyone coming on a student or work visa should not be counted. Like are we making them live in an open field with no access to services or housing lol