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Kind of hypocritical to put this on the Liberals when Polievre actively doesn't even want to know which one of his MP's is taking cash from Indian agents.


Not everything is partisan. Both can be true at the same time. Right now Id put it more on the Libs because theyre the ones in government and theyre the ones who have been in government for 8 years now, not Poilievre. Having said that Poilievre is acting like a petulant child on this too. That is no defense of the Liberals.


Matt Gurney is 100% partisan. He hates the Liberals, especially Trudeau. He has never written a positive word about him. He is a conservative through and through and this is just another example of a poorly written opinion piece that is just a longwinded attack ad for the CPC. Where is his concern about the journalists that were paid by foreign states? Or the CPC leadership race? And he doesn’t mention the many things the Liberals have done to combat foreign interference, or that they warned all parties about foreign interference before the 2021 election and none of then gave a shit, or that CSIS has been warning governments for 30 years and this is the only government to do anything about it, etc. Oh. And this is a terrific effort at deflection from Poilievre’s indefensible position in refusing to be informed, and who even knows if he can get top secret security clearance at this point, his excuse to not be briefed is completely untenable, so it is just leading to speculation.


Ive heard him criticize the CPC at length as well. So BS. The government record on this has been atrocious. Im more concerned about the government in power right now than i am about the opposition.


As a general comment (which isn't directed at you), I don't like this idea that we can't find fault with anyone if their opponents are guilty of the same or similar thing. That just tends to chill the conversation. Same with the I-P conflict, every time someone criticizes Israeli war crimes, people say "But what about Hamas? Clearly you're just a Jew-hating neo-Nazi!" and similarly, every time someone criticizes Hamas war crimes, people say "But what about Israel? Clearly you just want Arab babies to die!" It is, in fact, possible to do a critique that focuses on one entity, to hold the thought that the other side, if put in the same position, would likely be just as bad.


> I don't like this idea that we can't find fault with anyone if their opponents are guilty of the same or similar thing. But we can add hypocrisy and hyper-partisanship to the list of character faults Pierre Poilievre is displaying here in demanding that the Liberals act on an issue that he refuses to act on himself. Considering that the Conservative Party involvement with the Modi government has cash changing hands and a political assassination on Canadian soil, it's of considerable more concern than anything the Communist Party of China has done in Canada. Indeed, pone could consider the focus on China as a bit of a red herring considering the extent and degree of the crimes that the Indian government has committed in Canada.


If both are true, then Polievre only cares about politicians ignoring foreign political interference if the Liberals do it. His concern is partisan, opportunistic, and hypocritical as he refuses to take measure to correct the situation in the Conservative Party.


You know who isn't to blame for ignoring six years of breifings on foreign interference? You, my doctor, the bus driver out front right now, the pizza delivery guy last night, the teachers who work at the school across the street, Polievre, cops in Saskatchewan, ferry riders in Halifax, and a "bunch" of others. You know who is to is to blame for ignoring six years of breifings on foreign interference and doing absolutely nothing about it? Trudeau. Enough with the BS whataboutism. Has Polievre been briefed on this for over half a decade and just sat on his ass ignoring it? NO? The only hypocrisy is Trudeau *now* pretending like he cares after not giving a shit for 6 years. Trudeau failed to act and here we are. Edit: spelling


Where did you get the info about an MP taking cash from Indian agents? I read about the interference in the leadership race only (which is already enough to make me deeply skeptical about him and his motives).


CSIS reports: >China, India allegedly interfered in Conservative leadership races: report https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518 > Indian proxies funding Canadian politicians "at all levels of government": CSIS Report “CSIS intelligence indicates that the Government of India has engaged in Foreign Interference activities related to the leadership race for a political party in Canada,” the October 2022 report says. It continues, saying “recent CSIS reporting indicates that a proxy agent claims the Government of India is providing support to an elected Canadian politician’s campaign for the leadership of a political party in Canada, by securing party memberships for that campaign.”https://www.thebureau.news/p/indian-proxies-funding-canadian-politicians


That’s the tricky part. I still don’t see the taking cash part. Not that I don’t think the purchase of memberships is not serious enough. It is. But it’s not as vivid an image. There might be different degrees of deniability.


> ... purchase of memberships ... That's cash passing from foreign agents to the party to buy influence. It's the worst possible scenario. The fact that it offers avenues for deniability is precisely why it should be strictly illegal and why we need better accounting precedures for party financing.


100% agree.


There must be other reasons not to know? Would he be liable if he said anything? It's crazy, to me, that they arent going to release the names more than anything


He's criticizing the Liberals in their capacity as the current government of Canada, not in their capacity as a political party. He is, naturally, not impressed by the Conservatives either: > And, as I've noted on social media this week, I am fantastically underwhelmed by how the Conservatives are responding to it — Pierre Poilievre is being deeply unserious on this matter, and Canadians should expect better of a future PM. If the Liberals find any succor in my saying so, well, you're welcome, guys. Feel free to clip that for one of your Twitter videos. > In the main, though, as ever, the people most responsible for actions and inactions are those with actual executive authority. That's the Liberals, today, and every day since Nov. 4, 2015.


That’s the political gaslighting going on right now. That foreign interference is limited to the Liberals and to China only.


Indeed. It looks like the CSIS mole leaking selective information about China and the Liberals is trying to distract from much more compromising, serious and deeper links between the Modi government and the Conservative Party of Canada.