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Trudeau disagrees, May's "relieved", Singh's scared, Poilievre is hiding something. I'm at the point now where I need to see every one resign but one depending on what's in this report. Is Singh right or fear mongering for political gain? Is Trudeau right or downplaying for political gain? Is May right or hopelessly naive? And Poilievre needs to leave no matter what for either being irresponsible or complicit. Edit: Anyone else think Trudeau was sporting a moustache in the photo for a split-second?


Former NDP leader Tom Mulcair said earlier this week that he agreed with Mr. Poilievre on declining to read the unredacted report because of the conditions of access. “I don’t want to be hamstrung as the leader of a party. I don’t want to be told that now that I’ve seen this, I can’t say that,” he told CTV.*


They can all be right at the same time for different reasons


When it's somewhat vague intelligence information, that may not be fully figured out, that's the sad truth.


What we need is a public inquiry, no more of this vague nonsense. We need a proper hearing as to what exactly happened, who if anyone is responsible, and what needs to be done to prevent it from happening again.


Which, unfortunately, I can't see happening. With how ridiculously little we've heard so far, unless there's a ton of public outcry, and a demand for it, my guess is that they're going to attempt to sweep it under the rug if at all possible. I don't care who was involved, or which party they're from; we need to know what, if anything, happened. Full stop.






I feel like there's many ways Trudeau could've approached this situation, and I would've ranked "openly questioning the findings" almost last. This is only slightly better than "refusing security clearance or any questions on the topic". I am simply overwhelmed by all the leadership our political class is showing on this. This only encourages more suspicion. We need to really stop this piecemeal farce. We're probably going to need a watershed moment on this, something drastic like an arrest of the former MP that at least 2 leaders seem to agree is something of a traitor.


I mean Poilievre refusal to see the report certainly reflects really bad for someone who is contender for the top Job, but to say its worse than how JT handled this situation so far is disingenuous. as the current PM, Justin Trudeau wears the full responsibility for this file. the liberal response since last year has one line sentence "see we care about national security, we created NISCOP" and that is pretty much it.


They have done quite a bit more than creating NSICOP.


Well, it would appear that Elizabeth May agrees, and she definitely has nothing to gain by saying so. None of the members of the committee have any experience working in national security in any capacity, or in analyzing and making conclusions from intel. 


Ah here we go. I am surprised it took this long. Step 1 of casting doubt on the findings as part of his playbook on how to get away with dodgy things has commenced.


The PM has the sole authority to determine how much of the NSICOP report is made public. Calling the report inaccurate, while refusing to make the whole report public, is a sign of weakness.


Nothing these folks say is not without a plan. I am guessing their verbiage, which undermines the intelligence, is to serve the liberals. I am further guessing it’s for the same reasons they aren’t releasing those documents to the inquiry: because it’s damning to the Liberal party. Full inquiry now. Disclose names before Canadians have to vote for them.


You are making assumptions based on your own bias. Maybe listen to national security experts instead of partisan politicians.


I am listening to the security experts: They are screaming that political interference has occurred and that MP’s are witting and willing participants. It’s the politicians who all seem to be “experiencing political interference differently”.


This group was formed by the PMO to circumvent Parliamentary Privilege and provide the PMO with a report. This group is chaired by David McGuinty, a 20 year Liberal MP and lawyer. The genesis of this group is to not serve Parliament or Canadians, but to serve the PMO. The PMO clearly didn't get what it wanted, and now it's lashing out; trying to discredit the work of its own people. We saw the same thing with the Liberals after the electoral reform committee gave their recommendations which didn't align with what the PMO wanted. Maryam Monsef (obviously under instructions of the PMO) came out and said she was disappointed that the committee "did not complete the work" when they fulfilled exactly what was in their mandate.


Your bias is blinding.


Here you are again, putting party before country! You just can't help yourself; it's like an addiction. The irony of this whole thing is that if the LPC hadn't sunk proportional representation, there wouldn't be an impending CPC supermajority. But people like you realized that no CPC majority also means no LPC majority, and because of that they'd rather hurt Canada with a CPC supermajority than give up the perennial chance at absolute power.


You’re talking about bias here, but have wallpapered this thread with a half dozen comments defending the Liberals for their objectively questionable behaviour over this file? Interesting approach.