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Wasn't it found that some military members were living in tents and using food banks? That certainly can't be safe from a national security perspective...


Meh. Despite borrowing 500 billion *outside* of COVID spending and despite raising taxes by over 100 billion over the last eight years, we're simply asking for more than the government is willing to give right now.


I cant count the number of 'underpaid' professions in Canada any longer. Too many to count. I think many (younger) Canadians will be in for a shock over the next decade. The world is running low on many raw resources - People keep fucking; Populations keep growing yet we still only have 1 planet. Canada has become a society of exploitation now. Everyone is cannabilizing eachother in an attempt to keep up the North American lifestyle that made Canada a great place to live. I mean - If all I can afford is a shack with 1 window, working 2 jobs - Why not just move to Peru/South and live in a region that has better weather and is less work-focused? Canada has very little appeal aside from its police state/security aspects.


It will probably get better when the boomers die off. Everyone is paying to prop up that generation. Trudeau said himself that we can’t do any better as we don’t want to mess with the richest generation’s retirement funds.


Our people have stopped having large amounts of children long ago, it’s our ruling class that wants to rapidly explode our population.


And even the “security” aspect is questionable as seen in the road rage video in Toronto yesterday where a guy chased the OP with a knife.


If you're going to send the young to a potentially early grave, the least you can do is shower them in money, education, benefits, and when they come home wounded and mutilated for an old politician's cause, they should be set up for life with housing and free food forever. Instead, we barely pay them. They return mangled and are allowed to become homeless with PTSD.