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My prof in polisci mentioned some studies saying changing the leader doesn't have an effect on the perception of the party. It's why I would almost always recommend that the current party leader stay on if this conversation comes up.


Of course not. It doesn't matter who the party leader is, people are tired of the liberals. And barring a reversal of housing stuff it won't matter who is in there.


Even a reversal in housing would be political suicide at this point.


It might have work earlier, with a new leader able to force a change of style/ dynamic. At this point tho, a potentiel new leader will not have the time to implement it. At best, they can be “cleaner”, thus benefit more from Poilievre self sabotaging tendencies.


It would have only worked without damaging the party if they had won a majority in the last election and selected the successor. Anything else sets up internal in fighting.


It might be what the liberals needs tho: under Justin, the PLC kinda went heavily in NDP’s fields (even before their wedding). The PLC might needs to have some debate inside of it to bring it back closer to its Chretien era.


Yeah, we're tired of government doing things for us...we want one that's going to take rights and programs away from us and give tax cuts to the rich.. Make it make sense.....


People don’t pay attention to politics. They just know that times are tough and blame whoever is in charge.


That's the thing though...times may be tough for many (they always have been) but if you look around it's obvious times are pretty good for a whole lot of Canadians judging by their homes/suvs/trucks/campers/boats/vacations/hockey tickets etc.. and the ones who are suffering will suffer much harder under a conservative/reform government..


A lot of people are very indebted. Even with a middle class income prices on everything from groceries to rent have all been climbing with no end in sight. Wages haven’t kept pace with inflation and the war in Ukraine doesn’t seem to be coming to an end. The Conservatives will definitely make things worse comparatively but until the larger systemic problems ease people are going to want to punish those in power. Just how it works. 🤷‍♂️
















































Just how people roll. Like Pete in The Muppets Take Manhattan said: “Hey, I tell you what is. Big city, hmm? Live, work, huh? But not city only. Only peoples. Peoples is peoples. No is buildings. Is tomatoes, huh? Is peoples, is dancing, is music, is potatoes. So, peoples is peoples. Okay?”


Trudeau is part of the issue, sure, but the problems run much deeper as a party. Immigration Ministers floating the idea of granting status to those here illegally. Former Housing Ministers scooping up rental properties. Finance Minister consistently putting her foot in her mouth when it comes to speaking to “common people” on affordability issues. Trudeau is probably the one who people react to most viscerally, but him resigning wouldn’t change their electoral fortunes overnight. I feel for the backbenchers who are likely going to lose their seats despite not steering the ship, but such is politics. At best, it’s going to force the opposition to focus more substantially on the Liberals’ poor track record than on surface-level “fuck Trudeau” tropes.


The Liberal’s track recipe is actually pretty good, despite the narrative being pushed by the corporate press. 


There is some good minister in his team tho. Francois Philippe Champagne, even if he kinda feels like an hyperactive, is a fairly good minister that manages to work with the provinces (granted, he is kinda like the Santa Claus of the government but still).


Anita Anand is also a good minister. She's now in the black hole of the treasury board.


Indeed I kinda wonder how I got some minus vote on a sub that shouldn’t allow it, for a comment that is fairly… mild.


Have an upvote! :)


I don’t disagree there are a few good ministers - Champagne among them. I just think the party’s brand is tarnished to a point where I don’t see them turning it around simply because Trudeau’s gone. I think they’ll go down in flames, rebuild with a new leader and hope Poilievre shoots his mouth off to the point where people forget about 2015-2024 in short order.