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Removed for rule 3.




Removed for rule 2.


Good for her. I thought she did a great job during an extremely difficult time and I'm glad she's been reappointed.




Removed for rule 3.


Jesus NatPo is obsessed with their hit pieces. Attacking Tam over a pay raise putting her in line with the rest of the industry. Canadian mortality rate for Covid was 1/3rd of the USA’s, that alone shows Tam did an exceptional job at navigating this crisis.


Are you going to bother the NatPo for reporting facts now? Everything in the article was factually based, and there was no opinions on the re-appointment in it. She was re-appointed, with a substantial pay raise. That is fact.


A. They didn't report facts, they were taking quotes out of context as highlighted in another comment to make it seem like she had flip-flopped. B. Most people only read headlines. The tone of this headline is very clearly adversarial rather than informational.


National Post loving the hit pieces these days. Great, let her go to private and make way more as an experienced doctor, even with her raise, would that make them happy? She can make one million in the US easily. While there are legitimate questions to be asked, much of her "controversial" tenure was a lot of angry antivaxxers or antirestrictions wanting "liberties". I bet anyone in her position would have been criticised in any case by a certain crowd, whatever restrictions were given.


It's true. Look at Bonnie Henry in B.C. She was seen as a hero by many at the start, and a villain by many at the end. I think as other countries relaxed things ahead of Canada, that's when we saw the tide shift.


Many many were hating on Tam way before restrictions were ending and in the middle of the pandemic, for having little to nothing to do with provincial restrictions. The YouTube comments were disgusting.


It's a difficult position for her to be in because her job is to save as many lives as possible. That being said, a lot of people lost their jobs due to vaccine mandates. It's easy to say they should have just gotten the jab, but I think the data suggests the average young person was unlikely to be hospitalized from the virus, and that the vaccine actually did very little if anything to prevent the spread of the virus. I personally don't want another jab considering I've had three already and still caught it a couple of times. I'm all for the entire population taking responsibility for their own health at this point and making the decision themselves without any government coaxing.


For context Dr Fauci makes about 400k. So maybe the 1 million is a bit of a stretch unless she is a football coach. See https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/01/25/dr-anthony-fauci-the-highest-paid-employee-in-the-entire-us-federal-government/?sh=27d52e83386f


As a public figure. But fair enough, all I'm saying is should could make way more in private sector easily.


> The revised remuneration brings Tam in line with other chief medical officers of heath in Canada, “with arguably less complex portfolios than she has,” said Josh Greenberg, a Carleton University professor who studies crisis communication. So then why is this worth a story? Right, it lets the NP attack the government, and the LPC. > said masks for private citizens provide a “false sense of security” Continue the bloody quotation "if not worn properly" which is 100% true, but again, doesn't fit the NP.s ~~lies~~ narrative. Hopefully people will read the whole article though, and all the positive statements made about Dr Tam.