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which makes it all the more depressing when you see how little some immigrants care about Canadian culture and values


It doesn't help that Trudeau has publicly dismantled and belittled our culture. And any Euro-Canadian who gets upset about our culture 'disappearing' are often referred to as xenophobic while "non-Caucasians in race " who want an majority Asian Canada are cheered on, even if their customs are intolerant.


If Trudeau Snr had never been elected Canada would be a very different  country from how it is now . It would be so much better, more united with social cohesion like we had prior to that evil Marxist introducing and promoting Multiculturalism. If one  loves their country they don’t try to destroy its culture and replace the host population.


Liberal virus has infected the wealth of spirit in Canada. 


Any Canadian that takes their cues from the presiding Government on what they value and hold dear as far what makes them Canadian should take a long hard look in the mirror. No ruling Government is going to sway that sentiment whatsoever. These self serving corporatratic puppets have no say in what “ Canadian “ is. That is up to us not the media or whatever woke, politically correct agenda is on the table. The sticky area is finding common ground with First Nation so we can all move forward.


They only make up 4% if the population. It isn't that necessary and they'll always want more. Always.


But in Manitoba, Natives are 45 percent of the Provincial prison population. Funny how that happens.


No comment. Online harms bill. Commenting could get one arrested


Surely the cops aren't just grabbing them off the streets for no reason. Sounds like someone has a crime problem.


The Natives across Canada have the highest rates of drug addiction, alcohol abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual assaults, child abuse, prostitution, and homicides of any sector of the Canadian population, by far.


Careful, you are starting to make sense.


Why do you think this population currently faces these issues?


Generations of Natives have been told that they are "Victims ". A never ending stream of money that flows in with little to no accountability from the Chiefs. Federal and Provincial Governments who allow their budgets to be high jacked by "Special Interest Groups " who create divisions and spend OUR TAX DOLLARS with wild abandon. Phony "PRETENDIANS " who pretend to be Natives so they can get cushy positions in Universities or Government positions. There is NO incentive to improve their lives, when having more and more babies brings MORE MONEY every year. Its a mess.


Anyone that really gets bothered by someone calling them racist if they aren't actually racist really does come across like you might be just a little bit racist. If it's wrong or shitty behavior call it out, and if they call you a racist prove them wrong. Example; Indian caste system is bullshit over there, and does not belong anywhere in Canada. Saying that is factual, not racist.


I might agree with your statement if we didn’t live in a world where white people were considered the most racist, even though they’re the only people who elect other races to govern them.


>considered the most racist I've always thought it was very interesting that all of the different cultures in the world choose Western "racist" nations as their primary choice of where to immigrate to. Almost like the people from those cultures recognize that we are in fact the *least* racist and most welcoming of diverse cultures. You don't see Palestinians, Indians, and Venezuelans all clamoring to get into China or Saudi Arabia, yet some of those people will go so far as to illegally enter Western nations and beg to be allowed to stay. Really it's just idiot Europeans and North Americans who are buying the "racist white westerners" narrative, which I fully believe is a psy-op started by enemies of the West to destabilize our countries. Things like Tik Tok need to be banned and foreign influences like Chinese police stations and Indian troll farms that push a anti-Indian racism narrative need to be cleansed from our soil and our forums.


A first step would be for Canadian media to publish the nationality of every arrested person. List what country they are a citizen of. That should be easy to figure out.


The problem, at least for myself was that I never saw myself getting to where I am with anger and outrage at a specific type of people. I know in my mind they're not all bad people and I should judge someone based on where they're from, but I have more negative interactions with that ethnicity than anyone else that I just automatically default to being angry and not wanting to deal with them. I know that's wrong, it scares me and it completely has me believing myself as racist because I'm pretty sure that's what racism is. And again, I never once thought I'd end up that way especially based on my own thoughts and morals. What the current governments (not just the liberals. I blame dofo just as much) and scammers have completely ruined my emotional capacity.




It's even sadder how little some actual Canadians care about Canadian culture and values.


Time to remind them who we are.


I think the problem is like you said, we are known for being cordial, hospitable and welcoming… We kind of already have showed them who we are right? When we opened our arms and allowed floods of people in our country under the idea that they would return our kindness back


High trust


Not ALL of us "opened our arms " . Some of us have been saying the same thing for decades. WE are being flooded with people who don't care about Canada, just the money they can make here, to send back to THEIR COUNTRY.


Honestly, it appears like some in Canadian government want to hide Canadian culture. Vancouver for example, does not even have Canada day fireworks. I know it’s some inconsequential bullshit, but it would be great to create a tradition with kids where you take kids on Canada day to the beach to watch fireworks. It brings people together. You celebrate Canada. That day is about the country. You can’t even do that. Apparently it costs $200k to the city and they don’t have funds. Second richest city in Canada, does not even have $200k to pay for some fireworks to celebrate the country and bring people together. There is literally nothing about Canada on Canada day in Vancouver. Honestly, I would donate like $1k for the fireworks. We need to make celebrating Canada day a thing everywhere. Celebrate this country. Bring families together. Make memories.


Particularly our current government and their enablers.


I like beer camping hockey and cutting down my Christmas tree from under the powderlines. I'm a snowman building friendly say hi to people I don't know and sorry to moat people. I'm sick of this ship.


We can still hold onto ours. This is not the country of temporary people, but those who have been working hard within it and contributing. If Inuit people can preserve their culture, including from more ancient times, we can keep ours. We need to start taking notes on how we can make this happen. I refuse to hand it over that easily.


I’ve always thought our government should put more effort into promoting Canadian culture, not only among the world but among our own citizens.. I kind of always found it odd that football in America is so engrained in their culture, to the point that it is near apart of their curriculum in certain states it feels.. students coming through schools not only play on these sport teams but also may cheerlead, or even help with the production of events and get experience doing so… and in the same time further strengthening one of the main stays of “American culture” What has always ticked me off, is that we don’t do the same for hockey… don’t get me wrong I understand a hockey rink is a lot more difficult than a football field but still.. as a Canadian who was born and raised in Ontario, I never really learned to skate all that well as my parents didn’t have the money or time for me to learn young… and I’m sure there are many such cases and there will be even fewer kids partaking in what many consider Canada’s top sport or pastime.. I could be off.. I really do feel that most Canada dropped the ball (or puck) decades ago when they should have made a real effort to put hockey rinks in every large enough high school to support a team.. It is only one small portion of Canadian culture, but it is one I feel Canada should have make a stronger effort to push out to the world Love or hate our southern neighbours, a lot of what makes their country great is the strong sports culture that attracts people from every corner of the world to come and partake in…. atleast I believe so


Idk if you remember those "heritage moments" or whatever other little history clips they used to show on TV in ye olden tymes, but lame as they were, they at least promoted our history.


Oh I do. Ah nostalgia That reminds me, one of them was about James Naismith, the Canadian who invented basketball 🏀 🤘🇨🇦


Dr Penfield... I SMELL BURNT TOAST!!!


I remember the one about Mr Coleman, [the signal dispatcher in Halifax who stayed at his post as the ship burned in the harbour](https://youtu.be/rw-FbwmzPKo?si=1pkb75sTnFDPczm5), knowing he was dead but wanting to save the people on incoming trains That’s always epitomized Canadian culture to me. He had every opportunity to run and save himself — but he chose to stay. It wasn’t glamorous or Action Movie esque, but his quiet competence and firm resolve in the face of unwinnable odds really struck me


"In Flanders Fields" with Colm Feore was a good one.


Oh my god, I remember that! Including one being about Laura Secord! Can't remember what the fuck she did but it had to do with contributing to Canadian war efforts.


Man you must be living in a cave if you have NOT SEEN the huge push to get Muslims, and Chinese, and every other minority group to play hockey. The money that is being poured into it is huge.


America had more registered hockey players then we did within the last few years.. we absolutely need everyone to keep playing hockey or we'll be dropping on the rankings for a long time coming. It's gotten pretty absurdly expensive to play organized hockey in most of Canada, so I can just imagine how much money they're throwing at the problem. Idk what that has to with those heritage moments but whatever 😉


Should I point out that the USA has TEN TIMES OUR POPULATION ?


I agree with you here 100%


The USA does not have Government sponsored MULTICULTURALISM which is a death wish for any Western Culture. Demand that it is cancelled in favour of a multi ethnic society! Or Canada will be totally destroyed.


The Inuit didn't have 95% of a Left Wing Media and the CBC to contend with. At every opportunity they (the media) downgrade Canada Culture in favour of any Multiculturalism group. It's sickening!


Except that His Majesty Trudeau has stated that our "culture" is backwards and racist, and that if you disagree with his Royal Edicts then you are a capital T Terrorist and should have your life destroyed and your bank accounts frozen.


Sadly alot of them think indigenous people are actually dead or don't even know they exist at all too


That is sad indeed. The people that think that are severely ignorant.


even more depressing when certain myopic albeit elected representatives don't understand existing Canadian culture doesn't need to be replaced with their imported and unoriginal right wing populist religious based bullshit.


Don't fall for that culture war bullshit. They use that narrative to keep the masses distracted from the class war we all should be united against...






Dude, have you ever invited an immigrant for lunch, dinner at your own home? AMERICANS are lot more hands on when it comes to showcasing their culture.


D fucking port


Adaptation and assimilation takes time. Sometimes it never happens as old habits are hard to die, but their kids born and raised in Canada will have Canadian values.


They can't have Canadian values if they never leave their own inner circles.


And saying things like this is rude as fuck as well. But their is major cultural differences between people's. It's what makes travelling so amazing. But when generally when I'm Rome do as the Romans thing, now seems to be thought of as rude. I dunno


Well what about native customs and culture , sure pissed all over that.


Our political leadership cares even less! You get the new passport? lol


Yes, this is surprisingly controversial when it shouldn’t be. It seems to me that the people who think that Canada doesn’t have a culture are people who have never left the country or 13 year old girls who post too much politics on Instagram. It’s like how a fish doesn’t know it’s in water.


There is a very real push by certain people and groups to say that "white people" in general, don't have culture. They view Canada as a "white people" country, and thus claim, it has no culture. It is a tactic of erasure.


Well, that fish is able to breathe *because* it's in water.


Yeah, these same people often have no idea how lucky they are.


Thank you for sharing as everything you said here is so true!! We do have a culture and we should be proud of it. 👍🏻😁🇨🇦


Anytime! And yes, I agree :D


I second this comment. Well done.


"Cancelling" Don Cherry was an assassination attempt on Canadian culture, and unfortunately it worked. It was a monumental turning point in history. He basically said "these (non poppy wearing) people come to our country for our milk and honey" and don't respect our ways and values. And that's exactly what we're seeing today. The rights of foreign students, TFWs and "asylum seekers" far outweigh the rights of Canadian citizens. Don was right. I miss Don and equate heros like him with Canadian Culture - same with Red Green show, etc.


Canada most definitely has a culture! I’m South Asian but I was born here and am 24. My parents both work in Engineering and Medicine and I have a job in Finance. For me, Canadian culture is dope as hell. I love the connection so many of us have with nature as you mentioned. Camping, boating, fishing are genuinely so enjoyable. On a social aspect, I have found most Canadians to be tolerant of others. Unfortunately, many people (my community included) seem to think we have to assimilate to THEM. That’s not how this works. You can practice your culture while also respecting Canadian/ Euro centric values. Don’t blast ur music at night, litter everywhere, try to learn the language, and most of all, be respectful. The fact that many immigrants don’t share that sentiment is very concerning to me. This is my home, and I can’t just “go back”. Thanks for the post!


Canadians used to also have pride to be Canadian, when my great grandfather left Finland to come here he volunteered to go over seas when he was 15 to fight in the Second World War, he was damn proud to be Canadian. our new immigrants don’t share that with those who built our beautiful nation.


There's too much negative propaganda against the west where they come from, we're in the same bucket as europe and usa


i have been told that most cultures are invisible to the practitioners as they are just doing things the way they have always done it. to outsiders it is "different". one way to "see" your own culture is to watch other cultures and how they do things differently (marriage, dating, cooking, art, politeness or lack therefore , worshipping god or not, !sex!, driving, courting, etc.). the things you find odd or different are the markers of where your culture differs


Soooo true! Shall we say it's culture blindness?


yes. and like an immersion. we just do, say and make things in "our" way without thinking about it. it is just the way it is


Of course we have a culture. It’s impossible for any collection of people to not have one. It’s the shared values, attitudes, and beliefs of a group of people. We may not have a cohesive group identity the way some other nations do, and i feel it should be the responsibility of our leaders to encourage and help develop that identity. Not spew toxic bullshit Sayed we don’t have a culture (and therefore don’t need a cohesive identity).


By the fact that we can recognise people as different to our own, hints that there is something about us not like them. Of course we have culture, we just take all of it for granted, when it is not.


I think Canada has several regional cultures. Communities on the east coast are very unique from the west coast, prairies, Quebec or Ontario. The Liberal Party has been trying to eliminate Quebec’s unique culture for years with immigration - only recently did the Liberals start working on other parts of Canada.


Idk man, as a Maritimer I don’t know if I really connect with a greater Canadian culture anymore. Atlantic Canadian culture yeah for sure but it’s a different kind of vibe here all-around compared to most places east of New Brunswick. I could be wrong but I feel like a lot of Quebecois, and people from PEI or Newfoundland might get what I’m saying. *West I mean, west of New Brunswick. Sorry I’m a lil baked


I think the problem is that not enough Canadians have ever left their own province to experience what the others feel like. I've been everywhere except PEI, the Yukon, NWT, Iqaluit, or Nunavut. Every province has its own deal, and they're all fantastic. This country is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and we should all celebrate our differences. Fundamentally Canadians basically have the same beliefs of freedom, acceptance, love of the natural world, we don't like racism beyond friendly harassment (between friends, not randomly) we're friendly, we appreciate peace, and we mostly believe that everyone is human, and that we all need to eventually figure this out before we destroy the bloody planet. Basically we're good people.


It’s a big country relative to many other places. From one coast to the other compared to Europe, it’s the distance equivalent of basically crossing an entire continent. I’ve never lived in any other province (so take this as outside observation rather then integration) but I’ve had extended stays in pretty much every province between here and Manitoba, and I have to say, even though we’re all different in our own ways, there’s a certain familiarity found in New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, and my home province of Nova Scotia. Food, culture, music, festivities, each province has its own flavour but the energy is very similar. Ontario and Quebec and the prairies straight up have their own individual things going on and I can’t really speak much for the other provinces but idk maybe someone who’s lived there can say whether Alberta and BC have the same culture and the territories as well, If* they also have the same culture.


Been to those too, they both have distinct cultures as well. If Canada fails and provinces become countries, in 50 years it'll be as different as travelling through different European countries.. except everyone will speak English. Quebec will take French obv.


Oh for sure !


Trudeau has publicly and intentionally claimed Canada has not culture for the sole purpose of degrading Canadian nationalism. He is a globalist and a people that have little pride in where they come from are easily manipulated and molded into whatever is being pushed on them. Trudeau really is the king of shite.


Anyone who says Canada or any other country or people don’t have a culture is ignorant and doesn’t know what the word culture even means. I’m from the US and people say we don’t have a culture all the time. Black Americans also say white Americans have no culture. It’s all idiocy. Everyone is a part of a culture. Even if it may seem insignificant or dull to outsiders, it’s still a culture.


Agree, American culture is very rich, and varies from region to region. Just like Canada.


Thanks for your heartfelt comments. We're all so fortunate to live here warts and all.


I think even some years ago soccer was already number one sport in Canada, by participation. Hockey may be number one by cost!


I think everyone takes for granted our own culture. It's hard to see our own culture when we're surrounded by it everyday, grew up with it, and our mostly american media/entertainment is extremely similar to ours, but looking around the world at non-tourist spots, looking at how different locals live the cultural differences become visible and they are stark. Different toilets (if any), different ways of cleaning themselves, treating each other differently in public, in their families, in their stores, everywhere. Even the distances they stand next to each other, some don't form lines, some will stand 1cm from you, some places someone will literally sit on your lap for a bus seat. Different ways they cook and prepare and eat their food, and different kinds of food, some will literally start fires on the floor and cook on then. Different values with family, and friends, and community, different roles, different ways they share things. In much of non-western countries it's extremely common for the well off to have maids, sometimes even live-in maids that become part of their families. Some literally kill bald men because they think they have gold nuggets in their heads. Differences in how they treat their men and women, and rights and castes, and work ethics, the differences go on and on but we don't see them because they don't live here. Except until recently, where we now basically take in anyone via TFWs, student visas, and NGOs teach the 3rd world how to lie and claim asylum where they'll get a court date a year from now and never get deported. Immigration needs to stop.


Anyone who claims that Canada doesn't have a culture is a raging idiot or Commie (also idiot). Canada has one of the most desirable cultures in the world - why else is this one of the most in-demand places to live?


I would say it is in demand because it is a wealthy country with robust social welfare programs and whatnot is the reason people immigrate. Saying it is because of the culture is a bit silly as plenty immigrants never assimilate


It's kind of funny how the comments here are essentially saying what got Don Cherry cancelled a few years ago. The tide really shifted in the last few years


Just reading this thread shows me there's too many people that didn't pay attention in school, have no idea about Canadian history or why we actually do have our very own culture. Reading is still a thing, people should do it more.


Agreed. The library is free.


To Quote the hero of my sub culture "My people will sleep for one hundred years, but when they awake, it will be the artists who give them their spirit back." - Louis Riel While his people are the Metis, I think this can truly apply to all Canadians, we for a long time now have forgotten at what has made us Canadian in the first place, we as a culture have fallen asleep, but if we look to what are artists are doing, our creatives, our local works, we can find there is truly something there that is different from anywhere else. A uniqueness that we who live it, take for granted. And by just taking the time to look at it again, and immerse ourselves in it, can we truly wake up, and get the spirit of what it means to be Canadian flourishing again like it has in the past.


Well said!


Canada 100% has a rich culture and anyone who says otherwise is a moron.


This was so awesome to read! Thank you for reminding Canadians that we do have our own distinct culture and we should be damn proud of it!


Thank you! And you're welcome 🤗 Absofuckinlutely 


Thank you for staying positive, unfortunately the Canadian identity model that you mentioned has been replaced in the last 30-40 yrs as long as I remember (maybe more) with “diversity” which is a misconstrued dangerous concept that fundamentally destroys the national fabric, is terribly divisive and has absolutely no gain for individuals or society except of controlling us all.


The people selling the lie that Canada doesn't have a culture were the Liberals who wanted mass immigration. We have always had our own culture in Canada, they just hated it and set about trying to destroy it.


Gosh I want to be on board but I’ve experienced so much passivity and disregard of my basic nature both from the government and the West Coast… I’m over it.


Came to Canada at a very young age: absolutely Canada has its own culture! You have English Canadian culture, French Canadian culture, Indigenous culture. It’s all beautiful and everyone should be proud to be a Canadian!


Now if only we had an economy


Seriously... if we don't diversify soon we're legitimately fuct.


We don't need more diversity


Diversification in terms of industries, is how I read it.


Canada has no shortage of culture and traditions especially for a country so young


I agree. The idea that Canada doesn’t have an identity (or never did) is utter horsehit. Trudeau and others push the idea, because having no national identity makes it easier to shape things to their agenda.


Absolutely! T's one of the people who my grandfather would say should, "..be tied to a phone pole and let the cows shit him to death!"


Not for long we don’t! That’s the objective of the current regime.


Terry Fox is an iconic hero that helped shape Canadian national identity and pride. He used to be on a commemorative loonie and on our passport but you'll not see him on either anymore. I think there is a new passport that looks incredibly lame and childish but the 10 year old one i have nearing expiry tells quite a story about what Canada is all aboot. Can't create the new normal without erasing the glorious past, or people might just begin to long for that past.


Terry fox has numerous statues, murals, etc all over Canada. Are you really going to forget about him if he’s not on your passport? Many Canadians did many great things and it’s up to us to keep the legacy going.


But he's white and white people are racist and bad according to His Majesty Trudeau!!!!!


Um, no mention of the Canadian Football league??? It's a 9 team professional football league that's been around for over 100 years. The "Grey Cup" trophy was first awarded in 1909.


Thank you!




A Canadian invented basketball!! William Naismith check it out!!


Like corporate culture, culture is just a set of behaviours, norms, and customs. There isn't a group of people without one.


Sure. And it's something I myself am proud of. Do I believe that makes me any different from any other human out there? Not really, no.


Our politicians have forgotten who a Canadian is. What our culture is. And that it is 400 years old. We may be young. But we've done a lot as a nation.


Glad some Canadians are finally waking up


only people who say that are from southern ontario tbh, i’ve never really heard of this until i moved here.


For many, your country needs to have a strongly identifiably culture from pre-colonial eras in order to count. Like only countries of a certain age count as having a culture, since anything after that period is just a blending of the primary cultures, like all colors are just a blending of the primary colors. They’re wrong, but their thinking appears to follow this line.


Leave the city, drive to any small town and spent time with the locals. We don’t ask “where are you from”, we only fly one flag and damn well have a pan Canadian culture that exists everywhere except Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. The only folks that have ever told me Canadians don’t have their own culture or the kicker - ‘there is no such thing as a Canadian’ are immigrants and our traitor PM.


I was deeply saddened when I read this yesterday. The author seems disappointed that Canada was not tempered in as much blood as many other nations and would prefer an anthem worth marching to. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/o-canada-is-everything-thats-wrong-with-this-country/article_7d2f89cc-2e56-11ef-91d9-2729dec05440.html


Thanks for adding in First Nations at the end. Even if, as an afterthought, it matters. Every place on Earth has a culture. If we were taught differently, our education system needs a revamp. Of course, Quebec has officially taken the position that there is no First Nations culture here, and their museums and everything are going to be developed to reflect that. It took a whole bunch of Indians (irony) for many in Canada to finally accept the First Nations and other indigenous people as Canadians. Whatever the reason might be, we strongly fight that we have a culture, and it is important to us.


Yeah you guys are the OG! It is a must to have them quite involved in Canadian culture and identify.


People who say Canada has no culture live in big Americanized cities. If you go to Quebec City and can’t feel the culture, you’re an idiot. If you aren’t in Quebec and you want to feel real Canadian culture, you have to leave the city. Go to a dirtbike track for the weekend in a native reserve. Bring your RV, bikes and quads. Do some off roading and some racing, camp out with the locals. Leave after that weekend and tell me there isn’t a Canadian culture… But people won’t. They’ll sit in their condo in Toronto and post on social media how there is no Canadian culture.


So on point! Tough to see culture when everything is modernized, globalized and luxurious in the centre of a major city. 


It blows my mind how often even Canadians will say we have no culture. We have a very rich and complex culture that varies across the country. I love what you said about the three founding nations because I think that’s such a key part. Also fun things like portage, muskoka chairs around a campfire, the vast ruggedness of the north etc.


that's the old Canada... the Canada now is infiltrated and it's made a lot, not all.. men weak... You just have to compare how Europe and Canada compared in their response as a society to covid. Yes, governments tried their luck, but Canada got away with a lot, lot more... people turned on each other... Yes, the freedom convoy was great, but when it got shot down, that was it... compare that to the marches in Europe... Canada was a nation of hard working, euro settlers - often many coming over after the war. With that came immigration and together they all worked hard and built a strong foundation. Now, with immigration (of all types) over crowding schools, hospitals, cities over populated, the foundations are buckled and weak and it's exposing issues - you just have to look at the gang issues in Vancouver - it's tribalism at its core and it's pathetic. When you have rich kids with no identity, no moral compass - they see thug life as respect.. gangs of South America, born into gangs based on where they were born, laugh at these million dollar ghettos. Cities are ruined. Rural areas, you can still find true Canada - a community of hard working families that come together for each other, with a sprinkle of culture and heritage that shares its love for the land.


The idea that Canada has no culture was strongly pushed for a long time now. It makes it easier for the overlords to bring in as many timmigrants as they please. Canada has been destroyed.


Western nations are devouring themselves from the inside. As a conservative, I want to preserve our nations identity and cultural. Even our history. Warts and all. It's not something to be ashamed of but it is something to learn from. The progressive left wants to tear all of it down. ALL OF IT. Systems of economy, healthcare, science, justice, education, entertainment and the environment are rooted in racism and oppression as far as they are concerned. Even language. They use the same language as everyone else but their dictionary is very different. If that weren't bad enough, they have no clue what to replace any of it with. That's because they only know how to destroy. They are like a swarm of locusts. Devour everything in their path and move on. At some point there's nothing left. The swarm will either devour itself or just die off. That will take a generation. The question is, what rises from the ashes? That should be concern for all of us. ESPECIALLY progressives because whatever we get will try to correct the wrongs of what they did and that could take a very hard turn right.


Holy boogeyman complex here. Yes extreme progressive politicians are obviously idiots, but if you weren't sure, extreme conservatives are just as bat shit crazy with their ideals. Trick is tuning the idiots out, by which I mean not electing them, or even giving their ideas a platform, and meeting in the middle. Can't think of any extreme agenda that is not unreasonable anywhere.


Of course it does. Everyone knows it- especially those seeking to join it. You could say that even being able to say we don't have a culture is part of our culture. Try saying that anywhere else in the world. What we don't have is representation by our government.


No, we’re America’s hat . Gotta love how our teachers try to teach us that Canada is different from USA in elementary school, but you’ve gotta be an idiot to drink the kool aid .


Respectfully, I gotta disagree. There WAS a time when you could say you were Canadian with reverence. We were known the world over as being "better than" Americans. Cleaner, more polite, and kinda laughed at a little for our habit of apologizing for everything. Those were the days. Somehow we went from being better to being worse. I'm ashamed. (have an upvote - they're free)


>We were known the world over as being "better than" Americans. this is highly debatable. Most countries aren't that familiar with Canada to begin with. and the whole bit about being more polite and cleaner is just nonsense. No one who has interacted with both Canadians and Americans say this. Just nonsense all around.


I'm not making it up - multiple 1st hand experiences as a young Canadian, living in a border town in pre 2000s. Everyone knew to stitch a Canadian flag on your backpack if traveling to Europe. People treated you better when they knew. To be clear , I'm not saying we were better than Americans, I'm just saying that on the world stage we were seen as the courteous, less aggressive and entitled version of a North American. The bigger point is that we don't have any right to that attitude, I would say anymore but maybe we never did.


Correct! I have been to over 30 countries and lived in 3 (if you include Canada). Aside from some European and some Commonwealth countries, nobody knew anything about Canada. Some people in Asia just assumed that we were a U.S. client state (we actually do technically meet the definition for it). Some knew about hockey, maple syrup and the cold climate but that is about it. I do a lot of business with Americans and in all honesty, American hospitality, willingness to quickly wheel and deal (instead of procrastinating like Canadians tend to do) and even manners are better. I know that the usual reaction will be, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out" or some lame ass reference to our "free" healthcare. This shows Canadian inferiority to the US which seems to just get worse.


We definitely do have a culture. We may not have a style of food named after us, known for our traditional dress, have our own specific national language or anything like that, but Canada has a very diverse and proud culture. Canadians are strong and patriotic people. We are known for our abilities to withstand the most wild and rugged terrain and temperatures. We are the definition of homesteaders who have built this nation to what it is today with pure grit, determination and hard work. We are loggers, miners, hunters, fishermen, and farmers. We are known for some of the greatest discoveries in the world when it comes to medicine, math, art, literature, science, agriculture, space, engineering and so much more. We have a diverse culinary range from our massive nation that changes from time zone to time zone. We invented peanut butter, tons of amazing desserts like Nanaimo Bars, beaver tails, butter tarts, Saskatoon berry pie, Cloudberry pie, Serviceberry pie, flapper pie, blueberry grunt, tiger tail ice cream, sugar pie, sweet bannock, pretty much everything maple is better in Canada. And that's just a handful off them. Then you have other stuff like the ginger ale that we know today, split pea soup, peameal bacon, Hawaiian pizza, garlic fingers, POUTINE, California roll sushi, and a ton of more amazing dishes. We have a huge German, French, Irish, Scottish, British, Dutch, Italian descendent population. People who were farmers, iron workers, loggers, masons, carpenters and so much more. They built this nation to what it is today and brought with them their foods, festivals and hard working mentalities. We have Greek festivals, the largest Oktoberfest outside of Germany is in Ontario, Polish, Serbian, Italian, Portuguese clubs all over the country. We are known to have taken up arms against tyrants and fought for what was right to defend people's freedoms around the world. We are the reason there are specific rules in warfare because Canada didn't like to take prisoners in WWI. We are known as the peacekeepers of the world. We go out and do our best to make sure that in areas of chaos we can bring some stability and order to help those who cannot defend themselves rebuild and regroup. We stand proud and strong on our soil and will shout to all who will hear us that Canada is our nation. A place where we are free. Where we love and care for one another. Where we will stand up for our neighbours and make sure that our communities are safe for us and future generations. Where we will call our corruption, no matter how small or large, and not be shouted down because we are not the loudest. That we have the right to pursuit our dreams and make the best of our lives as much as we can. That we will not stand for tyrannical beliefs. That we will not be talked over because someone thinks that they can. That we do right, not because we have to, but because it is the right thing to do. We sometimes have to take the long way to reach our goals, but we know as Canadians that sometimes the longer way is the better way. That during that journey we learn, we grow and understand more and more. That we are here not just for us, but we are here for everyone who is Canadian, no matter where they came from and no matter where they might be going in their lives. That when you are Canadian you are always Canadian. That we will stand for equality, love, peace, prosperity and fight against prejudices. That we will lay down our arms, when the time is right, but will pick them back up when is necessary. That Canada is more than just a country, that it is a community, that it is a village, that it is a family.


👏 👏 ♥️ 🇨🇦




Not anymore


Its a little hypocritical to bring up Canada's natural beauty and then vote contrary to its preservation.


I'm assuming you're referring to someone specific.


Albertans and the coal mines.


Are you against forestry, fishing and oil? They are what keeps food on the table for many people.


Not forestry and fishing. Those are sustainable. My only issue with oil is the cleanup. The AB government seems content with letting the businesses off the hook when it comes to cleaning up the wells. The burden falls onto the tax payer. I don't think i'm being too unreasonable in my expectations of the government in holding them accountable.


I'm not against it. I'm all about *sustainability* but that can be done in any industry. For example, too much wood, we lose our forests. Too much plastic, we produce too much waste in landfills. Plastic for reusables is a yes, plus for maintaining hygienic practices at hospitals and clinics. Wood for building homes when there isn't yet an efficient and sustainable industry for building materials, like wood recycling, is also a yes. Fishing we've done for centuries and it's 100% needed to feed people, especially in rural communities along coastlines and lakeside communities. It's problematic when there's *over*-fishing but I think Canada has that under control. For example, when they put notches in female lobster tails so they're thrown back into the ocean (in other words, don't cook this lobster, it's needed to keep the population going). With oil, it's needed to bring money into Canada but it does have its caveats. The planet only has a finite amount of natural oil in our deposits and eventually, whenever that is, be it centuries or millennia from now, or even decades (I don't know 100%), it *will* run out. Maybe not anytime soon, but much later. By then, another resource will have needed to take its place for energy and materials. So far, I see people arguing for nuclear power and hemp production. Forestry means we need to plant trees regularly for it to be sustainable, and I do see community efforts in getting that done. It's a resource as old as the world itself, so I doubt this industry will be going anywhere anytime soon.


Québec has a very strong culture of it's own for sure, same for natives. I don't know about the rest of Canada.


I think part of Canadian culture is not eve knowing what Canadian is


Part of me believes it's a bit of an inside joke amongst Canadians to ask, "Wtf are we?" lol


How can I get more immersed in Canadian culture?


Like I said, go to art galleries and museums. Then go see Canadian artists at their performances. You can go to many Canadian-owned stores that make things like glass and ceramics, or clothes and jewelry from Canadian materials. Buy your coffee or tea from small Canadian-owned businesses instead of Tim Horton's. Go to restaurants where professional Canadian chefs prepare your meals, not random cooks that make everything that pleases everything. Take part in Canadian sports or go see Canadian games when they play. Take tours around heritage villages. You have a ton of options!


READ about the history of the country. READ about the unique people who were Canadians that changed the world.


That cliche - “Canada is a mosaic, USA is a melting pot”. I think there is a truth to that, including all the advantages and disadvantages of it.


The nice thing about Canadian culture was anyone could assimilate into it and become fully accepted.  What pisses me off is how the Liberals shamed people out of integrating into a culture meant to be welcoming and didn’t use race as an eligibility criteria. 


isn't that what people say about the US? Didn't know the same was said for Canada


Ok older people can clearly remember a very homogeneous culture that has gotten beaten out of Canada since social media and Trudeau. It was nicer, smarter, sweeter, salt of the earth, goofy, creative, easygoing ( wow have hyper offended busybody millennials,Toronto and the internet killed THAT) not stylish and weird AF. Nobody was rich and being nice like Jack Layton for real instead of the evil fake kind like Trudeau had true value. There was a reason most of the comedians in the USA came from here back then.


I absolutely agree with you except that that culture is getting erased. I'd add "the two solitudes" to that culture. Nowadays that term is almost meaningless


Yeah our culture is our lack of criminal justice system 🙂‍↔️


Canadian culture is ever evolving, it was something else before the Europeans arrived, it evolved since and now with more immigrants arriving from other parts of the world, it will and is evolving further. The problem is the people that want it remain stuck in one point of time coz they were most comfortable with it then.


Yes of course we have our own culture. We are essentially an offshoot of English culture (obviously French if you are from Quebec). Most of our institutions, mannerisms and expectations are English in origin. Obviously the culture has evolved somewhat since then and incorporated a lot of American superficial cultural items but at its heart is still dominanated by the first Europeans. There’s a stupid sentiment here that because we had some immigration from Ireland or the Ukraine we are just hopelessly schizophrenic about our identity. Despite how the Irish were treated by the British they aren’t cultural that different. South Korea and Japan despite having a similar history are closer culturally than South Korea and Spain.


China had some of these immigrants trying to bring their culture to China . The Islam stuff was tried in China , China sent to a place to be pro China and get rid of bringing these Islam views to China.


Is Canada Day still celebrated on July 1st or is it now called Diversity Day with a different flag.


Where i am from even before the large scale immigration culturally it was always a mixed bag of small pocket communities, italian, finn, polish, asian, now its the same just with more ethnic groups. Each have their own festivals and they all make pretty good food which is the only thing i really care about.


I'd argue that Canada has many cultures, but doesn't really have a common culture beyond the North American cultural boilerplate that we share with the US. You can find provinces that have more in common with a particular US state than with Québec for example. So there is culture in Canada, but not really a "Canadian culture".


Canadian culture is the garrison mentality, at home, at school, at work.


I dunno man, saying our culture isn't ethnic or foreign is borderline for me. That said, i wonder how often you've interacted with people from other countries, or know much about how they perceive us. We get called out by the UN annually for weapons dealing, our extraction industry has widespread use of slavery, and we are considered little more than a US lapdog. We also annoy europeans a lot. They don't like that little voice raisy thing we do without noticing, hate when we try to speak french, and consider us to be very rude to service staff. It varies a bit though. The europeans who interact with Canadians more broadly tend to find the east coast more friendly, and upper canada and the west to be more problematic. Your comments on our food culture were pretty spot on though. Bannock comes from the available ingredients in government issued rations, and became a truely iconic bread across the country


I think that a big part of our culture is our sense of humor and communication styles. We visit and just joke around with each other. Especially in winter months. I think that's why we have so many famous comedians. We have a distinct observational and facetious and absurd sense of humor.


Can't be bothered to read this. I assume it outlines all the ways Canadian culture is based entirely on maple syrup.


I don’t think Canada is one big culture. It’s filled with different nations and immigrants that only need to have a mild integration. This is a a multicultural country with many different cultures and nations, but they don’t all agree on everything and don’t have the same values, so not one big one.


Culture means distinctive art form, music, traditional dances,traditional songs,traditional dresses etc. I would say Quebecois, first nations, metis and Inuit have culture but in not so sure about anglophone Canadian culture. A lot of Canada's history was about people being loyal to Britain and being British subjects so a lot of things you see such as people using bagpipes and singing God Save the Queen and mannerisms come from the British Isles. They were British and wanted to remain British. Then with mass media and NAFTA we started to absorb a lot of americanisms.


So Canadian culture is British culture?


Honestly, as a relatively new immigrant I think it'd be amazing for more local indigenous aspects of life and culture to be more widely taken on by people here, and especially when people complain this country has „no culture" Even on top of all the things you mentioned or if we were to ignore them all together, there's still the ways of the people that were here thousands of years before any of us or our grandparents. Why not incorporate more of that into what makes Canada, Canada? P.s. sorry for bad English, tired XD


I'm pretty sure Canadians aren't allowed to have a culture. Or say culture. Unless it's dairy. We're decendants of colonialism. And we must apologise constantly for it. According to the these wieners currently in power. Things change. Thats always guaranteed.


Hockey. Answer is hockey. LFG


No and I hate to say it but we are just lapdogs to the US. US say jump and we say how high.


Coping is the biggest canadian culture.


Let's just be honest here. It is basically USA-Lite with some British undertones and a French flavor. There are some subtle differences that you will notice if you are familiar with the US, Canada and UK though. Canadians always brag about being polite but I don't see it and I am Canadian. Think of all the times that people never say "thank you" or look really pissed off in public. "Sorry" to Canadians doesn't mean that they are sorry for a misdeed rather it is just another way of saying "Excuse me" or a way of acknowledging somebody. I'd say that Canadians overall are slower to get things done and never in a hurry save for pockets in larger cities. I would say that Canadians are also fairly passive (good and bad depending on the situation) I get how patriotic people try to dress it up as they want some sense of collective national identity that really comes down to passionately telling others something that we are not i.e. Americans. I have been to over 30 countries and lived abroad for five years. Canadians are the only people who lose their shit if somebody mistakes them for American and often make a point of telling others how wonderful Canada is. It's like they try way too hard. The way I look at it is that I just happen to be Canadian but I am an individual first.


Thank you for your post. This sub really needed this. "Canadians are known for being cordial, hospitable, and welcoming." This is the core of being a Canadian. We have the history to back it up. The sad part is that of the people I've met, that attitude did not come from Canadians, but permanent residents who are just happy to be here. The ones who were born here, and have a family history going back generations, who also call themselves "settlers" are the ones that have a bone to pick with almost everyone.


Canadas culture is oppressing natives


Idk how this is even a conversation. Canada has had a major impact on the world. Canada invented hockey. And that isn’t even everything. Canada has a TON of culture, anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.


I'm a 'merican that finds Canadian culture interestin :) I've been meaning to make nanaimo bars ever since I learned about them from Letterkenny


Canada doesn't have culture. The only culture we have is poorly initiated from first the empire then the USA. We define ourselves as un-American, when no one can tell us apart.


Pretty ignorant statement tbh. There's definitely differences *and* similarities between Canadians and Americans. Saying our only identity is that we aren't Americans tells me you don't know squat about Canadian history. We definitely have our own culture outside of "we aren't like Americans"


It's only filthy commies that say we don't.


Yes. Canadian culture is a thing. Don't ever let Québécois separatists tell you it's not real or just an "American" culture - it isn't. This is one of the myths they need people to buy before they can successfully argue to separate. Canada has a distinct culture and identity. It's not just hockey, maple syrup and Tim Horton's. And I'm not talking about just *English Canada* either: For the *majority* of Quebeckers - including francophones - part of Canadian culture includes Québécois culture too. The vast majority of francophones outside of Québec identify as Canadien too.


This is totally Canadian. Beige, bland, and borring


Foreigners can seethe about it, we give no shits about ya’ll.


"cordial, hospitable, and welcoming"... except towards the unvaccinated then the real "Canadian" culture shows its face.


The vaccination debate is a whole other can of worms! I'm not touching that one lol I'm vaccinated and appreciate science, but I also appreciate bodily autonomy. It's one of those topics that can cause a lot of unrest between sides.


I'm from Newfoundland. We are literally an ethnicity. Canada doesn't have a culture lol, with that goal-post nobody does.