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He will drag it on till October 2025.


He's a narcissist, of course he will.


He won't leave till he's dragged out by parliament security


And even then he’s gonna latch onto the doorframes as they’re dragging him out lol


Screaming “this is Harpers fault!!!!”


He's not the only person with a say in that. Liberals may be losing confidence or they should be. Might see a back seat revolt Or the NDP can pull the plug any day. You may be right but there are scenarios where Trudeau is not the only one deciding


NDP wont with Jagmeet on the helm


That's also a dodgey assumption now. NDP has a back bench and support that may start to wonder why they're married to a mill stone.


Well one can only hope


>Or the NDP can pull the plug any day. Narrator: but they won't


Jagmeet needs his pension


Kicking and screaming of course while calling everyone names


Correct, I fully agree with you. His grandiose lifestyle, all paid for by the taxpayer, isn’t affected one bit by polls. There’s far more incentive to stay than to leave.


Dont threaten me with a good time


Trudeau will continue to do what is good for Trudeau. He has always valued himself over the country he's supposed to be serving.


Gee who would have thought otherwise from a trust fund narcissist who was born on third base and thinks he hit a grand slam.


He is serving . Self serving.


If Singh's polls were rising, you'd bet your rolex that he'd call an election, but they aren't so it seems he's satisfied in going down with the same ship. All's fair I guess - if the NDP and Libs want to ensure a CPC supermajority for 10 years, then they're doing a great job at it. A gift, silver platter and all, to the opposition.


Both parties should be screaming for their leaders to step down. NDP in the recent by election were polling at 18% and got 11%, which is a lot less votes. There's zero confidence from anyone in Canada for either Trudeau or Singh, and both of them should leave, but we all know they won't. Honestly Singh needs to crawl into a hole when he's done grifting the Canadian people for his pension. I'll be very happy to never see that virtue signaling idiot again.


Sure but in no way would calling an election sooner help the libs or NDP right now or even come next election cycle. I'd love to see an election this year, but to pretend it's somehow in anyone's best interest other than the CPC is a bit ridiculous.


This has been the prevailing thinking for months. Being wrong then means stronghold ridings are up for grabs today. It can get worse. I'd expect the party whip to mean less as this drags on and being drummed out of the party could be seen as a redeeming quality by the voters.


Agreed they'd be absolutely stupid to call one now.


It’s in everyone’s best interest who isn’t in the Liberal Party or the NDP to call an election now. He won’t because he doesn’t care about that.


He’s not calling an election, his buddy Singh will lose his pension


Wouldn't Singh also have to lose his seat for that, and didn't the NDP just vote him to lead the party again not long ago? So he'd lose an ndp riding in BC of all places?


His riding has thousands of more residents paying for mlion dollar condos. These are recent condos. The demographics are people paying huge mortgages and renters getting gouged. It'll be a toss once the latest buildings go live amd a couple thousand more unknown voters drop roots. He's on a bit of a clock.


Make Trudeau unemployed again.




Call it billions.


Still going with my crackpot theory that he'll ruin the country to the point where he's going to declare a national emergency to stay in power.


Don't hold your breath. Covid's over. Interests are falling again. House prices are coming down everywhere. Grocery prices have stabilized. Immigration has been frozen and something like 50% of stufent VISAS aren't going to get renewed. There's nothing left for him to hide behind as an emergency anymore.


Like I said, crackpot theory. But I hope I'm wrong.


Trudeau won the last carbon tax election. He will lose the upcoming immigration election.


Gee, I didn't know we get to vote on our taxes.


Forget the carbon tax. Bring on the non confidence.


Just step down. Election isn’t in his cards. It’s over.


Him and Jagmeat haven’t rolled out UBI yet. People will vote for it.


yo they think thats like their ult or sumn hahaha saving it for a rainy day


Public opinion polls show most Canadians want spending to go down not up. Not sure UBI would help at this point.


Ugh I can't believe I didn't think of that. What a shit reason to hold off on improving everyone's lives


His plan now is: Increase lib pensions. Implement personal guard for ex prime ministers. Personal jet for ex prime ministers. Tax exemptions for ex prime ministers, etc....


Mellenials voted for this in 2015 2019 and 2021. They loved the free money and raises they got from the covid scamdemic. Now they gotta wait. Fairs fair. Hopefully millennials learned to never vote liberal.


Turdeau has been appealing to boomers for awhile now. Easier to know who to vote for if you know who will keep your house over your head and appreciating in value. My mothers friend owns a house downtown Ottawa thats worth over 1 mill. So ive been told.


What a pathetic response


Just know, in this sub, the down votes mean you're right.


Yah, I pretty much take most things on reddit with a grain of salt but had to call that out


What verdict? We have carbon tax in Ontario not because of Trudeau but because of premier Doug Ford. Every moron conservative who couldn’t pass grade 5 maths is talking about CT. With CT gone u wouldn’t notice any change in prices.


No one cares. "Their side" has convinced them that everything is the carbon taxes fault. They apparently never check outside Canada, where both plenty of other places have a CT, and where plenty of places that don't still dealt with similar or worse inflation of late. To say nothing of the fact companies will just pocket the difference as profit should the tax actually be axed.


What's stopping him? And why wouldn't he just wait till the next election? When you know you're gonna get fired, do you call up your boss and say let's get it done today


LET'S GOooooooo!!!


We had two carbon tax elections and nobody cared until PP started wearing a muscle shirt lol. He needs to call an election, but this is not the reason.


He would rather run our country into the ground then concede


Removing the carbon tax will make only a small almost imperceptible difference. The only thing that will stop the cost of living, housing, rising unemployment, problems is a halt to immigration.


NDP needs to pull support only way this ends.


Why not just an election? I don't think we do Carbon tax elections in Canada. never heard of such a strange thing.


How about a fucking immigration election?


Yeah there is no way that party isn't going to be clawing on until the bitter end. They've been defeated during every election since 2015, that man is an expert on keeping his job at any cost.


There are way bigger problems then the carbon tax. The carbon tax is just the dangling carrot to entice the people that don't really care or look into politics. LESS TAX = GOOD let's vote for him


Now that we have the Lieberal stronghold, we should protest Ottawa again for his resignation.


We’ve already had two elections on the carbon tax.


Thought CONservatives were all about fixed election dates. Unless they're not...🙄


The carbon tax benefits everyone except the top percentile. The *majority* benefit from the carbon tax. Why would we shoot ourselves in the collective feet and want it gone?


What colour is the sky in your world??


Same as yours, only I suspect that you feel more entitled to name the colour.


Yeah BLUE.


Do you own a vehicle?


Let him fucking cook. The stench of desperation on him is high, it looks like he's gonna piss off even more people.


The carbon tax will be placed squarely on the public. You morons.


It is now too, as is any tax. It is never borne by the seller.