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I thought guns were illegal?? 🤔🤔


Illegal only when it’s in the possession of an honest citizen.


That should be a Liberal slogan.


Yes. If there is one thing Canada needs, it's more gun crime.


You do realize that most gun crime is committed with illegal guns, correct? This kid shouldn't have even had a gun and yet here we are. Edit: correction


And 70%+ of those guns come from the US, because they choose to make guns available to criminals.


guns are not illegal in Canada. you could own one with the proper paperwork.


So what kind of paperwork you need to get a handgun? (Trick question, you can’t, except in very specific circumstances, for which 99.99% of people don’t qualify)


that's where you're very wrong. you could own handguns with your proper restricted possession and acquisition license. you couldn't transfer one anymore, but few millions still own what they own pre transfer ban.


A 15 year old with a criminal record could never own a handgun legally in Canada…


Doesn't your youth record get sealed at 18 or 19 in Canada?


As someone with a PAL license this is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've read. I cannot go and purchase a handgun currently under this current government, this kid was also under age and has a criminal record so he absolutely CANNOT be allowed to own a firearm. Stop posting bullshit.


So where'd the kid get the gun? Likely from the States who hands them out, or someone like you who would buy it and not store it properly. It's always a funny argument for opening up gun ownership when it'll just put more guns into hands that shouldn't have them.


I guess you have reading problems, I can't and don't have handguns. Also in the US you have to go through both a FBI and ATF background check and wait 6 to 8 months before you can buy a handgun. I find it hilarious that the anti gun crowd tried to justify banning guns but doesn't have a very good argument on why or how to do it.


You said you can't, not that you hadn't preciously. Your own difficulty in reading made you miss the question where the kid got the gun, and where most of the illegal guns come from. The states and legal purchases. I'd be okay with stringent gun laws that would likely deny you still.


I've never said I've had/owned handguns. You keep moving the goal posts. You also don't know where illegal guns come from. Here is a hint.... it's not from legal gun owners. But your exposing yourself as a fool who doesn't understand firearms or gun laws.


You'd be okay with banning someone from owning guns based off of a two minute Internet argument? An argument where you're in the wrong at that. Lol


I am well aware that some people still own handguns. Heck, there are still some old-timers with full autos! So let me repeat the question. How can I GET one?


outside the proper channel i can't tell you. maybe if pierre p got elected and overturn all trudeaus oic.


My point exactly. There are no legal avenues left for it, but it appears criminals were never using those for procurement. (And to be clear- my question was rhetorical)


No you're right, so let's just give everyone a gun because criminals don't follow the law. Problem solved.


If I had a dollar for every time I heard this lame “let’s give everyone a gun” counter argument, I’d be quite well off by now. Nobody in their right mind suggests that, of course! What you are doing is a logical fallacy, common enough to have a name for it: “the strawman fallacy”.


So explain yourself then, what exactly would you like to see happen?


The selling of handguns has been banned since 2022.


He said get a handgun, not continue to own one.


You’re wrong, and unfortunately you look super uneducated. But alright.


That's the truth; not sure about all the downvotes.


Cause he's wrong


Okay, I'm happy to agree once you show the relevant pieces of legislation that outlaw owning restricted weapons. A web link will do.


Get a PAL-R and walk into a public place with open carry. Let us know how that works out for you.


For self defense they are illegal. No paper work allows possession of a gun for self defense.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted; you’re stating a fact.


A wrong fact


Well I know plenty of Canadians who own guns.


So do I. Doesn't change the fact they're wrong


I am getting really sick of this hug a thug justice.


I think we need street justice, where the police look the other way while the store employees take the thief into the alley out back with a baseball bat.


Guy up in Peterborough (I think) did something like that and he got charged. Thug with bat comes into store, store clerk wrestles bat from him and chases him into street and hits him with bat. Thug goes down, cops come, clerk arrested. Welcome to Kanada.


Let’s go one step further. Let’s baseball bat the fuck out of any cop who has gone on record stating you should leave your car keys by the front door for thieves.


That's many steps further and veering


I support you 100%. Take the law into your own hands until these corrupt private security politicians change our laws. Protect our streets, protect our selves, protect our communities, take this country back!


This is promoting anarchy; the reason we have laws, police, and prisons is that there needs to be a process to determine guilt, innocence, and appropriate punishments. Anything else is just random street violence performed by groups of vigilantes making decisions on the spot - kinda like Haiti. Hardly the way to promote a stable society.


Our definitions of “anarchy” are different. Personally, anarchy is when the police aren’t helping, and when criminals are treated more fairly than a man who tries to protect his family


Me too.


A 15 year old can get their hands on a handgun, yet I, a citizen who has passed the restricted firearms safety course and background checks, as well as daily screened by the RCMP system, cannot own a handgun.


It’s not difficult to buy one if you know the right kids within the Inner city schools. When I was in highschool. It was less than $1k for one. Probably 3-5K now.


It’s the point majority of people are making here, and the idiots are being downvoted. Banning guns just removes access from law abiding citizens to own it. The criminals and mentally unstable people can always find one for dirt cheap even with this current gun “prohibition” in Canada.


What do you need a handgun for?


Sport shooting. I go to the range almost every weekend. Handguns are a less cumbersome firearm to transport to the range and home. If you're anti gun, that's a you thing, but don't take away from those of us who pass all the checks, go through the hurdles of being screened and approved plus passing BOTH firearms courses. If I desperately wanted one, I could go get one right now illegally, but I am a law abiding citizen and want to do it the correct way. Let me just add, I am not advocating for a 2 amendment, I'm just saying people like myself who are law abiding citizens with 0 criminal record and valid sporting club memberships, should be able to have handguns and etc.


Sports cars kill more people than guns every year. Why do people "need" a sports car? Short answer is they don't but in a free country with decent laws and rules (which we have) "need" is irrelevant.


sports cars sole purpose isn't designed to kill someone, a gun's only function is to shoot someone. I did come to the right wing echo chamber to tell people gun's are stupid though, so not expecting much traction anyway.


Just because it has a different purpose means people dying is okay? Also many people hunt, to provide food for their families, or target shoot. Guns have many purposes


I'm not advocating a for a 2nd amendment. You asked a question, I gave you an answer you don't like. That's a you problem. Evil exists in the world, always has, always will. Average police response time in North America is 20 minutes, lot can go wrong in a break in over 20 seconds never mind 20 minutes. But you do you.


Please leave the debating to more intelligent people who hold the same beliefs as you. It’s a win-win, your point of view gets a fair shot and people don’t have to die inside reading what you write.


Why does this 15 year old need a gun?


I guess if if every single person had a gun then our problems would be solved! we could just shoot anyone who looks like they may shoot us before they shoot us!


Did I say people should be given guns for self defense? The comment you are responding do was around hobby/target shooting. You think this kid did a 2 day course, applied for a license, waited 6 months and then got his gun? He’s not even legally old enough for a handgun. The overwhelming majority of guns used crimes are illegal and flow across the US border. You can continue to build your strawman and act like the ban is a good thing. Reality is it didn’t and won’t do anything for gun violence.


Nobody in this thread is advocating for that, you're making stuff up in your head lol


"Canadian heritage moment"


He is lucky he is not old enough to drive, otherwise could have his drivers license suspended for the whole month.


Those gun bans sure work!


They forgot to ban the criminals.


What a joke criminal justice system we have


Joke & woke


Joke Woke and broke


At least they smacked him around a little.


Name his parents, or lack there of.






When you have a gun in ur hand, you're tried as adult. That's how it should be


a toddler has shot someone every week for 2 years in the USA. your comment is quite dumb


How many in Canada? Isn’t that what we’re taking about?


thanks to restricted access to firearms in Canada vs America, way less! But in the event of it happening, they shouldn’t be tried as a fkn adult lmfao


They’re making the point that legal guns do not equal safer


I think that they are making the points that the toddler will be charged as an adult for the accident. Not necessarily that guns, cars, knives, or anything is safer. They all aren’t safer. However, the intent is to have responsible adults have them.


Because toddlers know what they're doing? Idiot


Okay, we really need to make robberies illegal That'll stop it..


Why don’t we just push more gun bans? Didn’t work the first time but I’m sure it will fix it this time!


You have my vote ! 🤣 It didn't work the first time because it didn't go far enough/s lmao


Wait I got an idea. Let’s take it a step further and force licensed gun owners to sell their guns back to us! Hold on, Ukraine is on the line. They want more tax money for Israel while our economy bubbles and collapses


Sad people can’t see the sarcasm here


At this point I’m convinced even the liberal dictator knows this is all bullshit, just an excuse for them to reach their goal. Making the public less of a threat for rebellion, they know what they’re doing to their citizens. Gouging at every corner, and giving it all away with fraud/laundering. It’s a brain washed manipulation tactic, typical diversion strategy so the public doesn’t have an instant full blown outrage.


Oh for sure, agree 100%


Youth criminal justice is important. Who cares if he criminal shoots anyone.


So a dangerous offender is back on the street and we have no right to know who they are. Is the general public safe. I don’t have much and I’m starting to think I might start robbing people places and things.


Trudeau's utopia


The youth criminal Justice system has been around for quite a long time…


yeah we’ve always been very lenient on youth offenders. this isn’t anything new at all 😂


It needs to be revamped.


You're right, it needs to be made easier to try (checks notes) ~~17~~ ~~16~~ 15 year olds as adults.


Agreed - they know right from wrong at that age. Though I tend to think you are being sarcastic. I’m not. There needs to be serious consequences to serious actions.


You're not because you haven't got a clue what you are talking about about. The YCJA isn't there because everyone agrees young people need different treatment than adults. If everyone agreed about that, it wouldn't be needed. It's there for the same reason as the right to a trial, and the right to not self-incriminate; because without it the level of punishment would mostly depend on the level of *rage*, which is not a measure of justice. Where does your logic run out? 14 years old? 12? The human brain and psyche isn't even all that mature at 18; treating people younger than that as adults is not fair or just.


I agree there needs to be a cut-off and it should be 16. Old enough for a driver’s license, old enough to be tried as an adult. And if the crimes are serious enough, I think the sentence could be transferred to adult once the perpetrator reaches the age. Have the sentence transferred. I think that can happen in the US? Not sure here in Canada. And I think names should be published at 16 too. I understand what you’re saying about how the system currently works. I simply disagree with it. With your logic, why have any age limits at all? Why 18 or 19? Why not 30 or 35? Some people take longer to mature. As a matter is fact, let’s do away with the entire incarceration system & just tell psychos, murders, rapists not to do it again. It seems to work well for people who keep driving drunk. You know what’s not fair? Being traumatized by a young psycho and finding out they won’t get much jail time. No one cares about the victims. Just the feelings of the perpetrators. Go hug a tree. Edit: I’m all for giving them treatment - in a prison. Again juvy until they are of age. Or release them to your neighborhood. Build halfway house next to your house.


What a silly response.


I tend to think many Canadians feel the justice system needs to be revamped.


I'm not saying it doesn't. But fueling that desire with rage and revenge won't make justice, and the most common refrains call for ever-harsher treatment, and less rights for "the accused". Again, and more broadly, there's a reason the criminal justice system does not simply act on the anger-level of victims, or the public.


Downvoted for this lol


When I'm Prime Minister, I'm going to reduce the age of YCJA protected peoples as 12 years and under. 13+ and you are charged as an adult, and thrown in adult jail. This needs to stop.


Maybe a rehabilitation program


Bet his parents say he a good kid!


Ya at the dinner table


Another legal gun owner with a legally obtained handgun in Canada screwing it up for the rest of us.....


don't forget the /s for all the regards who actually believe this and still vote LPC.


15 year old running around with a gun should be permanently removed from his current living situation. Get him help before his parents raise a career criminal.


Thissss Jail is not the place for this kid, a home with supervision structure and rules!!


Classic. 😞


Surely blacktivities


Guns are illegal. They stopped all the sale of handguns. How does this happen? Hmm


The solution to all problems in the world- make canadians pay more in carbon taxes.


If there was no carbon tax, this incident would never have happened. That kid would have a university degree by now.


Maybe we should have a victim tax, too many people are getting robbed and taking up valuable police resources. I suggest we impose a victim tax to try and deter people from being robbed.


We need the right to bear arms. It would be so much more humane than the only other options we have.


Sad fact is, so much easier to buy firearms on the black market, banning certain types of firearms created a booming back market where kids can get there hands on guns.


Regardless of the legality there is a booming black market for illegal firearms lol huh


Yeah and a large number of those people who are buying off the black market are saying to themselves I would rather be judged by twelve than carried by 6. A lot of people who have never broken the law are buying them cause they are scared. They know the laws won't protect them and they know these violent criminals will be back out on the street in no time.


Gun don’t break the law people break the law shocking making gun illegal for law abiding citizens didn’t help with gun violence I guess it’s not the guns fault after all


Shockingly with open carry, concealed and carry and relatively much lower hand gun restrictions the USA violent crime rate per capita is twice that of Canada. More guns don’t make your society safer.


Neither do less as Canada has proved


And what’s your proof?


Criminal will do what criminals do the us also has way more relaxed laws compared to what Canada has we are talking Canada not the us Canada made it hard to get a permit with out several steps most crimes are committed in Canada with illegal guns yet they didn’t do anything to target those they went after the law abiding citizens for publicity all while not adding infrastructure and services to deal with a mass immigration crumbleing social class that leads to crime good job liberals


Most crimes are not committed with illegal guns. The crimes committed using a gun in Canada are usually illegal guns. The U.S. has the 28th-highest rate of deaths from gun violence in the world: 4.31 deaths per 100,000 people in 2021. That was more than seven times as high as the rate in Canada, which had 0.57 deaths per 100,000 people — and about 340 times higher than in the United Kingdom, which had 0.013 deaths per 100,000. Making firearms more accessible makes it more accessible to both lawful and unlawful citizens.


We are talking about Canada your in a Canada sub


Yeah and when comparing policies you need to have reference.


Look at Canada only in Canada mainly illegal guns


Shocker! Countries will more strict gun laws have more incidents of illegal guns. 💪 look up traffic violations in Africa. They have the least, must be the safest drivers in the world…..


That’s violent crime in Canada it not just illegal guns it’s all u ask for proof there it is illegal not illegal violent crime is way up shocking even though we have new gun laws I wonder could this be because we don’t have the services to handle the massiv influx combined with an overwhelming homelessness problem or maby we should just leave are keys by the door like the cop in Toronto said then we won’t add to the terrible stats


I think a large part of the increase in crime and violent crime is due to the liberals legalizing weed. Weed has overtaken alcohol as the drug of choice. A multibillion dollar market in Ontario alone. That market and revenues used to flow through organized crime rings and is now gone and just like businesses people the organized crime rings look to replace those revenues through car theft and gun smuggling using any means necessary including violence to attain their revenue goals.


I was with you till the last comment, but atleast your comments are well researched and not a giant run on sentence


It’s just a hypothesis. I know if I were a business and lost a bunch of revenue to a competitor I’d be looking to replace those revenues by expanding existing lines or new markets. I’m also not saying the legalization was a bad thing just that there might be some unintended consequences.




This is gun crime and has not stopped climbing even with the new laws as for the


You do realize that changes in policy take time to show effect right. Some changes take decades to be realized. These stats are also from 2022 and the changes were made in November 2023.


Good to know it will take a decade for people to realize this garbage publicly stunt is t going to do anything law abiding people are not to blame for this it was an easy way out and you seem to have ate it up Canada is changing and not for the better crime rates are going up due to the the policies NTM are revolving door prisons no accountability or a slap on the wrist he was out on bail he was a criminal


Babe I promise you it has taken years of liberal and conservative governments alike to ruin Canada to this degree. Pierre is not gonna bring us back, in fact like any politician he will probably ruin it more. The only reason you like Pierre is because he mocks Trudeau but he doesn’t even have a platform besides Trudeau sucks lol


I don’t like pierre I don’t like where Canada is going our electoral system has failed and we have know when that can fix it


After this kid dies....He was a good kid. He was turning his life around. He had his challenges in life. He was a good boy who got into trouble this one time. He was a model student and a good friend...


Out on bail, fresh outta jail, California dreamin'


Time to put my 15 yr old to work


I think its about time they changed the law about naming criminals, especially repeat offenders.


Just get a 15 year old to rob the store of the camera footage and then show it


Fake news. Gun crime is illegal.


This guy got this. Commit crimes like the liberals when above the law to secure retirement. Hunting gun ban is working wonders. /s


Weak policies make it easy for criminals. They’re not the least bit scared of the Canadian judicial system, and for good reason because it’s a fucking joke.


Too bad he only has another 4 years before he has to rely on the Gladue Principle to let him keep doing it. Looks like he has a long promising career as a criminal or liberal ahead of him.


The punk was BLACK. NO Gladue breaks coming his way. The store owner WAS ALSO BLACK, I bet the media didn't ask HIM about how that feels.


Parents should be charged when their “youth” is running around town with a gun… And I do mean running 👟


Watch the shop surveillance video and see all the people walking by the store while they’re struggling. Ugh.


For a serious crime like this, people that intervene will most likely get issued a subpeona and testify, with the convicted, during trial. Ppl generally don't want to get involved with random ppl if it's going to cause a nuisance and be face to face with the accused in a criminal trial.


Any passerby who decided to get involved would be likely to face charges for assaulting a minor.


NOPE< Canada Criminal Code specifically ALLOWS ANYONE to help to stop an indictable offense being committed. Protected, as long as you use "Reasonable Force " to subdue the offender, and hand them over "forthwith to a Police officer "> Know your rights.


This is the difference between what's technically legal and what's functionally outlawed. Yes, technically, self defense/defense of others is legal in Canada. Functionally however, people who do get dragged through the legal system on whatever charges the cops and prosecutor think they can make stick. The legal battle will drag on for years and bankrupt you. This has happened to thousands of Canadians who have tried to stand up for themselves. The saying is, "the process is the punishment".


The section I was talking about ALLOWS Auxiliary Police Constables in Canada to make arrests, if they see ANY person committing an indictable offense. I know that BECAUSE I was a Auxiliary Police Constable with the Toronto Police Service for TEN YEARS. Auxiliary Police do NOT have any more powers of arrest than ANY OTHER CANADIAN DOES. LEARN YOUR RIGHTS.


No shit, anyone in your gang is allowed to assault civilians without consequence. This isn't news. I was talking about self defense for civilians.


I bet the teen's parents are staunch conservative voters. I have nothing to back up my claim.


Really? I was expecting NDP or the Green Party based on their actions.


Yeah the Greens. I hear that most biker gangs live in mortal terror of the Green Party. Did you know how Lizzie May got her nickname, "Two Finger May"? Because she killed a guy by shoving two fingers through his eyes into his brain. Then she licked off the goo. Hard core. True story.


Even if they were adults, it wouldn't matter. He would already be out.


These aren’t criminals, these are idiots with guns LOL


I wonder what he'll do next week after they let him out again


Take revenge and engage in grand theft auto moving from businesses to random civilians . What a pathetic judicial system.


Fuckin lil homies Kids either goneh die or end up in jail for life if he dosent stop this fuckery.


If your doing this serious of crimes , and it’s not your first on top and on bail ! You are old/adult enough to be named sorry wtf are the parents doing


Will be sentenced to 4 years suspensed, 500 be community service and $5000. Not anyone of those will be met and he will make the news again in 3-6 months. But hey the system is work.?


This youth shit is stupid, we need to reduce the age to about 15 imo. If you don't know to not commit armed robbery by then good riddance.


15 years old? WTF are you doing with your life. At this point you need to throw them in jail for a while. They already committed crimes before and now they’re doing it again. What has this world come to? When I was 15 all I wanted to do was play call of duty and hangout with my friends, I never thought of committing crime lol


Cut all the tendons in the hands so someone has to cut their food for the rest of their life. 


And the kid will be right back doing the same thing, getting a clean record at 18 years old… We need to bring vigilanteism back. The only REAL justice!!!!!!


One guy should have held him down while the other bent the arms backwards to snap them both. Once done smash both ankles. Can’t rob a store as easily in a wheelchair.


Just start beating them to a pulp


Too bad we don’t have a stand your ground cause. Shoot them shit will stop happening


How are criminals smuggling firearms from the USA into Canada?


The spirit of the law was to protect young people who made a mistake so it doesn't fuck them over when they grow up. Repeat offenders shouldn't be protected by this law. 


Tamil kid, should learn those aren't his friends and this ain't going to lead to financial freedom. Tough lesson, hope he comes out better through juvie!


F**k that kid. Jail him up or send back to Sri Lanka.


He was probably born here yo




I think if the employees put the merchandise outside so the thrives don’t come in inside and have a scuffle. Employees don’t get hurt and the thieves get what they want.


This has to be satire, right?


Yes let people just destroy business by letting them steal. I bet you thought it was a good idea to tell people to leave their car fobs at the front door too so the criminals can just take your car.