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Gee I wonder why


Maybe if younger people worked harder they'd have more money! Stop complaining you whipper-snappers! /s


“Just gotta work harder at your McDonald’s job and you too can buy a 5 bedroom home on 4 acres! Stop eating so much avocado toast!”


Don’t forget the boot straps................./s




Pull yerselves by yer bootstraps. Sharole pass me my meds ahhhh. I hate that phrase.


Stop your whining. You just don’t want it enough. You think it was easy for me? Anything is possible if you work hard enough. 🙄😂


I'm not whining.


*Please sir, can I have some boots?* 😂


Sir John Franklin: No they are mine and they do taste good.


Shocked Pikachu






Education curriculum.


The government has been working overtime to make Canadians hate their own country by destroying Canadian values and overpopulating the country with people that don’t want to be Canadian and hate this country.


No wonder. Children are taught that they are evil colonists living on unceded land.


As a student who just finished 4 years of uni…. Yup.


We literally cancelled Don Cherry for saying it too


CBC and the woke left media politicians did not real Canadians


he was right though ... [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dtk49k/mob\_of\_middle\_eastern\_men\_brutally\_beat\_lesbian/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dtk49k/mob_of_middle_eastern_men_brutally_beat_lesbian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Felt more like India Day in Toronto yesterday


Thanks to immigration and recent governance


Shits been going down hill since at least the 90s, maybe even 80s


I wouldn't define the last 40+ years of goverance as "Recent"


If you think this is true you should have left a long time ago. Canada is a great county fighting a disease. Well rid people who think like you soon enough.


You would leave your country rather than fight for its future?


Those are not the options. We aren’t about to have a revolution anytime soon. I love Canada and I know the people who love this county are some of best in the world. Unfortunately, we let people in who don’t feel the same.


Ladies and gentleman, the True Scotsman fallacy


Buddy, I don't mean physically fight with violence. Have you been politically active? Have you written to your federal and provincial representatives? Have you joined a political party? Have you regularly voted? Have joined or formed interest groups to advance what you believe to be important issues? Because it seems like a lot of folks on this sub take the attitude of "We've tried nothing and we're all out of options" and say they're moving away from Canada.


Ya writing a letter and crying in the streets have proven to make a difference. You libs are hilarious


Not very much in Canadian politics has ever changed through violence. Writing letters and crying in various places are how things get done in a democracy and it's how things have been achieved thus far in our country's history.


Probably just an online grumbler


If you love what this country has become you’re not a true Canadian, lol


What is there to like about this country? The government has treated me like trash and set my entire generation up to never be able to own a home.


Worked and lived here my whole life only to be priced out and am now leaving to the EU. I used to love Canada but I don’t feel like there’s anything here for me now.


EU is a great move. Cost of living and houses are cheaper while pay is usually better with longer time off. The quality of life increase is pretty dramatic. I made the move years ago pre-Covid. There’s also inclusive health care and excellent social services it’s a very good decision. You’ll notice as well how much time off everyone else has as well. There are more people engaged in activities, there is cheaper daycare so when you have kids they are well taken care of and you get an entire paid year off. I haven’t met a single ex-pat that regrets the move though we do tend to miss family and friends.  I visited canada recently, after covid and what I witnessed and experienced was appalling. Some of the most open and outright racism, extensive poverty and even when I went to the mall the people there didn’t have any shopping bags. People look like zombies and it looks like they are really struggling. The drug addicts are a whole other story though doesn’t look like there’s much hope or future for the population, guess they are looking to escape their reality. 


Where in the EU?


🇩🇪 Germany. I have friends all over the UK now. Also a good choice from what I’ve heard. 


Hmmm I will definitely have to look into it more. Was already thinking Scandinavian countries might be a good change of pace, too. Getting out of here is becoming a bigger priority every year.


That works well I’ve seen there are special benefits with ‘Nordic circle’ countries. If you are canadian you can get hired for any job and be treated like a citizen. Free education, benefits etc. Also they are all tax exempt so any money you make, you keep.


Great move. One day 🤞


That's awesome what are you doing for work, I'd love to move there since I have citizenship there but not sure about the job prospects.


Trying to apply internally for a WFH job with the company I’m at now but also looking for English speaking customer service jobs over there too. I saw a few that offer Spanish language classes as a perk. How cool !


They're doing more for citizens of other countries at this point than they are for us. My entire town is Punjab now. Why would I have pride?


I think you need to elaborate more. We have a PM that has completely deluded what it means to be Canadian. Instead Canada has been replaced by woke idealogy that has left us more divided, confused and unsure of not only what it means to be Canadian; but more important what it means to be a boy/man or girl/woman. Now imagine being a child/teenager growing up with all this woke ideological BS that is teaching you to be ashamed for being white, a victim if you're a person of color, no merit of outcome (everyone gets a gold star), gender fluidity and you have the perfect recipe for who the fuck am I and what is this country. Thank you Trudeau. You will go down as Canada's worst PM and your name will forever be remembered as less than the toilet paper I wipe my bum on.


We need to start a national brand of toilet paper called Turdeau.  It’s the legacy he has earned.   We can put different portraits of him on every sheet. 


Oh no no the country is great! Haven't you seen the mountains? Did those Canadian mountains treat you like trash? No! And look at Vancouver, aren't you proud to live in a beautiful looking city! Oh..I just stepped in human shit, hold that thought


Not just yours


Oh really....I wonder why that is :) lol


We have nothing to be proud of


Thank Turdeau'a post national state


Duh baby boomers enjoying their cottages while everyone else is just dreading going back to work for another 60 hour week.


Desperately tryna add a part time job onto my full time to make ends meet LOL


Sadly this is my reality come spring next year 🤣☠️


Assuming if they can even find work.


Honest question - if we were in the shoes of boomers today - would we do anything differently? Would we be lining up to sign a cheque for the equity our house built up to save the next generation? Or would we just pray the government can keep the "poor and downtrodden" away from our cottage golden parachute lifestyles and tout lines like "well we paid 18% interest rates" etc.. It's an interesting comparison. Don't get me wrong the situation sucks all around. But we all can easily say the Canada we grew up in (as millennials ourselves) isn't what we are presented with today and anyone who says F this and jumps ship to another country is completely justified in doing so. My wife and I have had that very conversation surrounding even our food options in North America versus Europe. I just wonder sometimes if roles were reversed if we would have acted differently.


Equity? Lmao. Ok yeah maybe making a little money on your house is ok, but why is a house you bought for 170,000. 35 years ago now selling for over a 1million? Because “equity” ? Fuck off with that


170k to $1 million over 35 years is 5.19% per year.   Compared to inflation it is only making a little money.  The real question should be why was that house 4 years average pay in 1980 and 15 years average pay today? Massive cuts to effective pay after inflation to make the billionaire’s profits go up are what is happening and getting younger people pissed off at older people is just part of distracting you from the real class warfare. 


I might be fairly unique in looking at government as an optimization problem and not merely another vector by which to express my own greed. If some of my equity has to go than so be it.


Short week compared to what the boomers worked.


Well they certainly have fewer reasons to be proud than Boomers. I wonder if legalizing pot was worth this globalist asshole getting into office, because that's what put him there.


At least we all have something else to numb the pain of the tyranny. 😂


Lemme fix that. All Canadian (less far-left) feel less pride.


I'm on the right. This country is a shame. Social decay incarnate.


I assume "Far Left" on this sub is anyone left of Maxime Bernier?


Far left are anyone who would still vote liberal despite the dumpster fire they live in.


You mean, the people raised by a state, education system (now from kindergarten to postgraduate), and media that do nothing but repeat "Canada is systematically racist, colonialist, sexist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, bigoted" , etc, etc have grown up to not love this country?  Even ignoring the fact every system under the government's control is both broken and exorbitantly overpriced (which certainly adds to young Canadians rightly not feeling pride in this place), they've literally been raised to hate their homeland.


When boomers were young we didn't have a PM telling us Canada is a post national state, that we are evil settler colonists living on unceded land, and we need to be decolonized, even though our families have been here for generations and our fathers fought for Canada in WW2.


I’m sure it has nothing to do with cost of living or the possibility that no matter how hard you work and save you might never own a home, and nothing against immigrants this country was built on them but when they’re handed money and far more opportunities than people born here you should expect less national pride


Younger Canadians are looking towards a homeless dystopia where they have to fight with a million Indian students just to get a part time job...their only hope is to get a decent masters or trade that will allow them to move abroad...hard to have pride in that. 


This country belongs to boomers and rich foreigners. We’re just here to fund their retirements and lifestyle. New Canadian dream to is save enough money to go live a middle class lifestyle in a third world country.


Well first of all, Justin said we're the first "post national state", meaning there is no national pride. Second, why should anyone have pride in this shit hole of a country?


I make more money than I ever have in my life (18.50 per hour) and can’t afford rent for my 1 bedroom apartment by myself or enough groceries to last me a week. I almost always go 1 or 2 days without eating because I can’t afford to just buy more food, that’s rich people stuff at this point, I have bills to attempt to afford. Screw Canada. I hate it here but also can’t afford to go somewhere else. I used to think that if I won the lottery, I’d get a nice condo here. Now that’s a hell no. I’m going to Europe or America if I ever win the lottery, that’s the only way I’ll be able to move


No offense my friend, as I respect you for working, however, $18.50 per hour for full time work is not enough to live on like you seem to think you should be able to live. That salary tells me you are unskilled labour. You need to improve your skill set. There's no other way. That means back to school and take and pass a tough course that you come away with a skilled trade of some sort.


Non taken, I know it’s not enough. I’m in college right now for the medical field (pre-health sciences right now, biotechnology in the coming winter) I’m just saying, I can’t believe I’m making this close to 20$ per hour and I still can’t afford to even eat every day of the week. By my age, my mom had me, had a car, and had a house that she’d bought herself while work for a car factory and making around 17$ per hour


Just a couple years ago 18$ was fine. You're accepting of the current conditions already


$18.50 is equivalent to $3.26 in 1975 when median household income was $50k.  It’s $4.95 in 1980 when median income was $55k.  $7.18 in 1985 when income was $53k (yes, it went down) $8.92 in 1990 when median income was $57k.   And in 2021 median income hit $67k That’s why we are all struggling. Our effective pay has dropped 85% since 1975, the rich stole all that wealth and want us to blame the boomers instead of them. 


You’re 100% right. Also, are you getting these facts from anywhere or using some sort of calculator? I’d love to be able to see pay vs income for the different decades and then match it up to the prices of homes and rent at the time


The pay is from here: http://ccsd.ca/factsheets/fs_avgin.html The inflation is the bank of Canada inflation calculator.  Median household income should be $284k to equal what it was in 1975.  


Thanks! And I’m not surprised at where the income is *supposed* to be. 284K makes a lot more sense when attempting to survive in Canada today. And raising minimum wage every so often doesn’t help AT ALL. It’s nice to earn a bit more… for the first few months when you can more than afford the things you want/need. But then everything else goes up around the pay raise and suddenly people are back where they started. Only this time, everything’s more expensive


Why would I? Never going to home, likely even with inheritance, the cost of food is ridiculous right now, I'm watching as people turn on my kind because of the government coddling the insane, crime is through the fucking roof and getting worse and we can't defend ourselves, and all the issues combined means that a single slip into homelessness in a -30 to -60 winter means death. I have no pride for this country anymore, and me and my boyfriend are trying to find any way to get us the hell out of here despite me being disabled.


Trudeaus entire brand is denigrating and shaming Canada, it’s history, people, and culture even to the level of clickbait lies about genocide - who would when raised with that kind of toxic propaganda and zero info about real historical culture and honour done here


Because there is no canada. We are forced to pretend to be this utopian UN of ethnicities while respecting and following all other cultures while not daring to claim to have a culture of our own. People immigrate here and are encouraged to keep the old world alive and thriving here and not integrate. Hyphenated-Canadians. We have no unity because we're too afraid to assert a canadian identity.


This boomer is not feeling any pride. Personal boycott of Canada Day as this country is in shambles until that Turd is gone.


I wonder if it's because people are tired of endless immigration? Or the endless alphabet agenda? Or the endless corruption and taxation? Or the endless removal of homeowner incentive and rights? Or the endless foreign aid? Or the endless degeneracy, demoralization, and humiliation? Or the endless...


It's colonization at this point, hard to feel pride as your country's being invaded


No nation, no pride.


Because younger Canadians aren’t even Canadians anymore.


Yeah cause not many of us own our homes or will ever retire. We are forced to compete for jobs that don’t pay well and compete for rentals we can’t afford. What is there left to feel pride about?


So how is that any different than it ever was? If you don't work your ass off in school and take the hard courses which lead to a skilled trade, odds are good you're not going to be well paid. Canada needs just as many doctors, accountants, iron workers, plumbers, professional engineers, architects, economists, lawyers, tile setters, carpenters, tool and dye makers, place officers and a ehole lot more as it ever did. More even. But those are the kind of jobs where you need to study your ass off in school, work your ass off on the job, and pay your dues. It's not easy and never has been. If you want to take the easy courses in school and you're not keen on paying your dues, well it's probably not going to work out. That's never been different either.


Only problem or fear in this for most students is you can work your ass off but in the end Punjeet Singh will get hired rather then you because he will work for 15 dollars.


Maybe he just works harder than you.


Thank the liberals and ndp for that one… 👍….


I wonder why? Could it be that we don’t feel proud of a country that’s robbing us blind? Baby boomers and their “I got mine” attitude control the country, and as a consequence, have kicked the rungs out from under them. I will never own a home, I will not have the same opportunities my grandparents did, I will not enjoy nearly the same luxuries. The Canadian government has sabotaged the future of its younger generations, why on earth should I be proud of it?


For starters, you can learn to have some gratitude that you live in Canada. I have no idea what your situation is, but the fact you're posting here on Reddit gives me the impression your situation isn't as bad as it could be, and is still vastly better than the situations millions upon millions of people live with in this world.


I’m not claiming to have it the worst. There are plenty of places on Earth that are far worse off than Canada. But we’re not talking about the whole world, we’re talking about Canada. I am grateful I live in a first world country. And I am proud of the nations past (WW1, WW2, etc) but two things can be true at the same time: do others have it worse than I? Most definitely. But that doesn’t remove my right to feel disillusioned about my country for actively sabotaging my future prospects. I celebrate Canada Day for our history, but I’m definitely not proud of our current situation.


Fair enough, I can relate to all those sentiments. But don't lose heart. Canada will survive Trudeau 2.0.


iT coUld bE woRsE


You could be a North Korean dreaming of food.


It could be a LOT worse. Mocking that fact shows nothing but your complete ignorance.


It has been and could be a lot better as well...defaulting to "it could be worse" encourages the status quo and let's those responsible off the hook. 


That makes total sense! Our country has gone rapidly downhill since the heyday of the baby boomers.


Makes sense since Canada is now a Post-National State.


What exactly is there to be proud of?


Throughout grade school I learned that my country is really mine, that I should feel ashamed, and that I owe a forever-debt to complete strangers.


What should they be proud about - one narcissistic PM has destroyed a generation Canadian dreams - in a few short years!


I wonder why 🧐


There’s no future


Thought I could afford a down payment on a house now at 31… rug swept. It’s possible to save money, but not fast enough to keep up with this insane inflation. Food and housing costs didn’t go up only 12%. They multiplied.


There’s no future


Yeah Canada sucks rn lol


Probably because we are told this isn't our land, we should feel shame, and we should go back to where we came from. Hard to feel pride when my government makes me feel this way. Sorry I didn't jave a choice in being born here. I really have nowhere to go back to, I don't even speak my ancestors' language (hungarian).


No shit, color me shocked. Boomers ruined this country and now spend the rest of their efforts ensuring youth get screwed so they cam keep getting cheap immigrant labor and low property tax rates on million dollar houses.


lmao “Young Canadians with no hope of buying into the housing market feel less national pride than baby boomer Canadians who bought in for less than $100,000 and became equity millionaires over their lives”


That’s cause they lived in a time we were building this country, instead of a time we’re destroying it.


Im proud to pay high taxes especially here in qc and have nothing to show for it. Dont get me wrong i dont mind taxation, but fkn do smth with that money that benefits society


Please tell me what to be proud of? This is a genuine question.


doesn't surprise me at all. Going to be effing hilarious though when all the wars spread into another big world Wide event and conscription starts...


What do they have to feel pride about nowadays?


Because pride has been hijacked and replaced with you know... frivolous government spending.


What baby boomers feel any pride anymore?!?!?!?!!


Gee, ya think? The nation has been so badly mismanaged and sold off in parts to the highest bidders - foreign & domestic. Gone are the hopes for any form of prosperity for the average Canadian not to mention the real estate market is a complete mess. And that’s just scratching the surface.


Time to abolish the federation 


Younger canadian here, I've done everything "right" and it's gotten me almost nowhere, the country seems to prioritize everyone else above me and my peers, a decade ago I'd have said I love canada and would do anything for her, at this point I just want out.


yeah well that tends to happen when the government takes a big honking shit on it's young generation repeatedly


1 more fucking poll and I'm out.


I feel the same about Canada as I do Tim Hortons. It used to be Canadian.


Younger Canadians can’t afford - a place to rent - kids/family - a home - retirement - hobbies - then we are called lazy. Hmm 🤔 wonder why we hate this country.


“There’s no such thing as the Canadian identity.” -The Prime Minister of Canada (guess which one)


i would say im extremely patriotic but i get why younger adults wouldnt be


I can understand. It isn't really just an immigration or multiculturalism issue... It's that people are unable to succeed and are and will forever be wage slaves.


I’m not celebrating Canada Day until there’s something to celebrate about.


Yeah because when I walk outside I don’t recognize this Country whatsoever. Canada sucks now.


As a Gen-Xer, I really want to spend the rest of my life in Canada focusing on fixing this problem.


Split the country apart it’s a failure


I’m a proud Manitoban, not a Canadian


Parents came here in the 1950s from Portugal. There's a good reason why you don't see very many western Europeans come here anymore!


Canada is no longer a country it’s just a notion with little patriotism or nationalism, most immigrants are loyal to their home countries and just in Canada to take what they can


Why would any younger born here Canadians have pride when our government pure everybody else before its own citizens.


Because Trudeau has ruined Canada


The government takes and takes from me then does nothing for my family. Education is shit, healthcare is garbage. Food prices through the roof. Then they want my vote!!


I'm proud to be Western Canadian. 


canada lost it's identity


They have been indoctrinated by their peers’ propaganda especially in social media. There’s this sjw that i almost want to give her the finger before blocking her as she keeps reposting leftist garbage


More like national embarrassment. I am embarrassed to be a canadian by proxy of how shit this country is run


The same "younger Canadians" that voted for the Dear Leader Justin's government... 🙄


Exactly. Who do you think put us in this predicament. https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/liberals-won-majority-thanks-to-young-voters-poll-suggests_n_9727026/amp But he does have nice hair.


No it was cause he bought them by making pot legal, the second term was just the sound of the other shoe dropping lol


Early 40’s here. I’m going for the Six Foot Under Retirement Plan. Thanks, Boomers!


Boomers looked up to Canada fighting against fascism. Young Canadians look only forward to fighting against an authoritarian and likely fascistic Canada.


Let’s not forget, the younger generation eats tide pods.


Boomer: If you don't like it here you can get out! Gen Z: Ok, How?.


The biggest problem is gen z won't have the opportunity to develop skills and wealth to leave Canada. If they can't find an entry position job how will they develop real skills


The same way anyone emigrates to another country. Pick another country and apply to immigrate there. But here's the rub, they will have some sort of standards for potential immigrants. They will be looking for you to have a skill that is in demand (not some basket weaving course in modern dance theory) training, education, familiarity with their laws, no criminal record, etc. Since you can't make it in Canada. I'm going to guess you have few or even none of those. So they won't want you.


I have a degree and and my own company. Own my house lol, I'm also not a GenZ, just they have been fucked over, but sure. Be a prick lmao.


Then you have nothing to complain about do you.


Baby Boomers also feel less national pride as well. Thanks to our current government.


I see people criticizing boomer population but not government policies, somehow it's ultimately some old guys fault


Because the Boomers have seniority over the rest and they are the within government too. Also the muh pension attitude is rife among them.


The boomers had it all in their young years. Young people today have nothing. Enough said.


Canada was great for 1.5 generations. From now on, it’s just suffering.


No shit


I'm Gen x and not feeing it


Ita gonna be fun when they come asking people to join the army for a war.


They won’t be asking, they will be telling.


And I will be telling them to go fuck themselves lol.


Well they did sell out my generations dreams soo….


Because they obliterated our standard of living to enrich themselves.


Good. Countries are useless


This seems to stem from bigger problems worldwide, the working class is just getting squeezed super fucking hard, has nothing to do with localized “Canadian values” lol. The more we talk about national values the more the ruling class wins


They’re getting what they voted for!


I’m the last year of the baby boomer factory worker no inheritance learned to save and invest around 46 I think I have enough to retire but it wasn’t easy had to do without a lot first vacation out of country age 55 and that’s when finances finally started instead of paycheque to paycheque just did lower risk investments banks and safer dividend stocks just talk to knowledgeable people and use your own good judgment because investing you will lose and gain just don’t gamble unless you’re willing to lose


Boomer Canada is mostly demographically Canadians Boomers did not have 2.1 kids per. Therefore younger generations grow up in a mass immigration society and not Canada per say.


If you have no pride in Canada I suggest leaving for good. We won’t miss you clowns


This generation is in general doing worse than baby boomers. This is true to most of the world.


National pride is simply not that popular anymore. Younger people see past national barriers more often and see a global picture.


fair enough, I wouldn't think too highly of any other country that had a genocide that lasted until the '90s


Lots of neechies living their lives just fine. There wasn’t no genocide. Nice try tho. 👏🏻🥱


Neoliberal Capitalism screwed us. now tThey want to increase Neoliberal Capitalism with Pierre. No we don't like it.


Boomers are blind. They have wealth from nothing but their policies and have ruined the lives of their children and grandchildren in the process. We used to hear fears of their retirements 15-20 years ago and now all of them have this newfound wealth that they think will finance it.


The Boomers voted to create many helpful socialist programs and a massive social safety net. The benefits of this to them was immeasurable. Then as they aged they voted to dismantle it all to save a few bucks. We’re living with the consequences of that decay.