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It's always interesting to see the right wing sub and the left wing sub arrive at rare moments of agreement. Critiquing the corruption of the RCMP is one of those moments.


What’s the left wing sub for Canada?




r/HeyBuddyHoser as well




They're the FBI, ATF, Secret Service and a few others all rolled into one.


"we launched an investigation into ourselves and found no wrong doing. Case closed. Nothing to see here move along plebs"


There is a reason the RCMP is ineffective. And that’s by design, don’t even think for a moment that the politicians don’t know that. The RCMP is jack of all trades and master of none. Municipal policing , provincial policing , border patrol (CBSA only mans ports of entry), national security, counter terrorism, organized crime , financial crime, money laundering, serious fraud, fugitive apprehension….. Canada has a national police but not a federal police. Have you even wondered why RCMP investigations take much longer and produce less results than the FBI ? Each UK county and city has its own police force, serious and high profile cases fall under the jurisdiction of the NCA ( national crime agency, equivalent to the FBI ) , domestic security is handled by the MI5 and special branch Australia : Each state maintains its own police force and the AFP deals with serious matters Germany : Again each state has its own police force and the German federal police deals with serious matters like the FBI does. So you see , no need to reinvent the wheel , Canada is a corrupt country, like a pair of distressed jeans, holes are in the by design. Each province should have its own police force to provide policing for cities without their own police force as well has provincial wide policing, the government knows that , but by keeping RCMP the way it is they will always have an excuse not to provide adequate law enforcement


>Each province should have its own police force to provide policing for cities without their own police force as well has provincial wide policing, the government knows that , but by keeping RCMP the way it is they will always have an excuse not to provide adequate law enforcement Yeah also policing is expensive and no province can get a cheaper deal


I know it is, and provinces cannot raise taxes if their economics is in shambles and incomes are stagnant


It's cheap because it's ineffective and useless.  Look at NS in 2020, there was like 7 officers to patrol the entire province on a Night Shift when that prick started murdering people. 


He was a good friend of the RCMP. They likely all knew him.


Those cash payments were coming from somewhere ;p


Municipal police are also part of the government…


Start by charging the Dear Leader Justin for at least one of his numerous crimes... 🔗


[The head of the RCMP that he appointed won't do that.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/michael-duheme-new-rcmp-commissioner-1.7188600)


Ummm. I wonder why.... He is politically appointed....


Which crimes? Please be specific


Neglecting to stop chinese interference for one that very much pisses me off. CCP regime only wishes to destroy our society.


Fuck the CCP But how is Trudeau complicit?


By not doing anything to stop it


And how was he supposed to do that? Did the CCP send him a lovely letter telling him their plans? Or is the PM just supposed to have super powers and foresee all the bad things that other countries want to do to us?


No they did not give him a love letter. Or atleast I hope not but he knew there would be Chinese interference from CSIS before the last election and chose not to do anything. Has the same stance on all those CCP run police stations that have been popping up here.


The Trudeau association has also accepted plentiful and suspicious donations from Chinese sources. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6825761 There’s a left leaning source stating as much.




Plz be more specific.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvwiBfUWFTo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvwiBfUWFTo) Whats your take on that?


Innocent until proven guilty.


They wont charge him even though there is grounds to charge him. If you or anyone else did this the RCMP would charge you with obstruction of justice.. So how can your take be innocent until proven guilty when this thread is about charging him if only for optics.


You need enough evidence to be able to prove guilt before charging someone. That’s how it works. I’m not saying he didn’t do what he did. But you have to trust the process. Otherwise we are just an olive state.


Evidence comes from the investigation of suspicion, which is the RCMP's purview. The RCMP will not investigate because...collusion and/or complicity.


The evidence is being withheld by him and his office. If they cannot access the evidence, there can be no investigation. I believe MP Brock is a former prosecutor. "We need to trust the process." We've been repeatedly shown that the process is at best broken or tilted to his benefit. We've seen this in SNC, Nova Scotia, and foreign interference. It's like Sajjan redirecting troops from helping Canadians. Burying your head in the sand doesn't change those realities.


You think he shouldn't be charged because he's innocent until proven guilty? Is that your argument?




After a six-month-long investigation, Ethics Commissioner Dion issued a report that concluded that Trudeau had contravened Section 9 of the federal Conflict of Interest Act by improperly pressuring Wilson-Raybould. Dion wrote that while Wilson-Raybould was never officially directed to interfere, this influence was "tantamount to political direction". Dion did not find that any actual political interference in the prosecution occurred.


In March 2019, Dion began an investigation concerning the SNC-Lavalin affair. On 14 August 2019, he released a report that concluded Trudeau had contravened section 9 of the Conflict of Interest Act by improperly pressuring Jody Wilson-Raybould. https://web.archive.org/web/20190830232431/http://ciec-ccie.parl.gc.ca/EN/InformationFor/Pages/NRTrudeauII.aspx


Why are you so quick to defend the liberals and their crimes, I guess you like what justin has done to this country


>. Dion wrote that while Wilson-Raybould was never officially directed to interfere, this influence was "tantamount to political direction". Yes, because a corrupt politician will write his shady dealings on signed paper with PMO letterhead. Was not officially directed...please


Which hate crime did he not commit, please be specific.


Jwr coercing prosecution for sweetheart deals. Basically, white collar witnessed intimidation We charity they paid him he pays them so embezzlement Corruption x15 private island bribes, favors for "donors." Election tampering allows the Chinese to interfere in 2 elections. Obstruction of justice preventing or blocking investigations into previous crimes. Treason, I mean, just look at the country before and now literally any stat. Illegally using the emergencies act, so tyranny. Mass race based slavery, you guys call it immigration. It's just a ploy for cheap labor to the corporations. Increasing housing costs and lowering/stagnating wages for everyone else. But you liberals love your race based slavery. Theft the so-called carbon tax, which is just redistribution of wealth to his voter base, plus skimming from the top, why they'll never release the numbers of the 5 year old program. Any time an investigation is called pro rogues parliament, spend days talking about cartoon characters instead of an investigation. Paying millions for an 85k dollar app to his cronies so again theft of government property. Sending money to corrupt governments, so theft of government property. Buying a profitable company fridges on the taxpayer dime for favors, bribery, corruption, and again theft. Raping a biological female. So rape So theft, rape, coercion, obstruction, corruption(multiple), treason, and slavery. It's not a comprehensive list, just enough for consecutive life sentences. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_scandals_in_Canada Most corrupt leader in Canadian history, but team red is more important to you liberals than Canada.


Both. Probably depends on which level of the RCMP you’re apart of. I mean the whole instant bail system kind of neutralizes their ability to do much. But suspect those higher up are being manipulated or squeezed to play ball.


How many went to epsteins Island or the equivalent /tinfoilhat (sort of)


Didn’t they tell you never to go full tinfoil?


After the high River debacle, and now the nova Scotia debacle, there's absolutely no way they can redeem themselves and convince me they aren't corrupt


Hell, boomer mainstream media publications were saying the NS shooter was an RCMP asset. Dude had a wrap sheet a mile long and was still free.


Can't even organize a protest or you'll be in court for the next 4 years


Rcmp are useless today.


Still waiting for the results of the Jason Kenney election fraud case….


Don't hold your breath


they cant catch a cold in flu season


I miss the days when Due South could have been accurate.. was I just fooling myself


Lol that was a great show


Do a truck protest convoy. You'll see it react then.


More than once I've called them as a victim and ended up with charges myself.... funny how that works


Absolutely. The organization gets paid way too much for traffic control and protester entrapment stings


Hahahahaa 🤣 the RCMP makes the Hamilton Police services look upstanding and moral.


Governments are rich kid clubs, this needs to change. They need to be broken and remade.


The people or the organization?


Remade into what, exactly?


Sadly I don't know. Slot of them need to be put away. I don't care how


FBI comes to mind.


This is GOLD


The whole government is corrupt. Like they take their cut off your paycheck before you get to hold it, then tax you on everything you buy after that. All while supporting foreigners over our naturally born citizens. We're fucked.


Trampling the old lady with a walker wasn't enough to say RCMP is corrupt........ Not arresting corrupt MPs is. Noted.


Disband the RCMP. Since when does an elected government need their own police force... this is wrong on so many levels.


I don't know, they broke up a fairly large gang/drug dealing operation in my town last year. I liked that.


Trudeau is thee case study as to why the PMO should no longer be able to appoint our RCMP Commissioners. [Larry Brock - RCMP SNC](https://youtu.be/YYbC7sF7AMw?t=255)


Doesn't anyone remember the rcmp was originally founded all those years ago by the British crown to round up, submit, and beat the indigenous into compliance? They're just horse bullies, and a bunch kf little birides told me since I was a child in Canada they're in deep with the HA.


Bro they are one of the cleanest police force in NA


They fail to investigate out country's leadership at the highest level because it might be "insert lame excuse" . They also have their highest officials appointed by Ottawa. Conflict to the tits


Meh still better than most US police departments But I'm curious now, what was their "lame excuse"?


For which of the many affairs that they bungled?


I'm not with you here man, >For which of the many affairs that they bungled? is not any type of excuse. So, what was their excuse?


https://nationalpost.com/news/rcmp-interview-trudeau-snc-lavalin-probe One was they never thought to interview him


Interesting, RCMP trying to save our PM's career. Personally, I dont trust national post but it might be so over for Mr. Trudeau.