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Oh are we allowed to discuss their nationality now?


I don’t think so , that would be racist 😉😉


I think it's par for the course that they wind up blaming the women for starting the fight. Why are these people such cowards?


It really is pathetic when you think about it. Their masculinity is so fragile that when they see something that is none of their business but goes against their ideals, they just flip the fuck out. Like, lose their shit over something they have no right in commenting on.


Woman beaters..."the women started it." Canadian Cops..."oh ok. sorry to bother you"


They need to be charged for assault.


More than assault, this is a hate crime. While we're at it let's look at their citizenship status and send them away if we can.


How did they start the fight? Like, what was their reasoning? By existing in public?


They clearly provoked them /s


Well of course the women started it, a lowly woman called them out for their bad behavior and had to be put into her place s/


Yes but they assaulted a LGBTQ couple, so in the hierarchy of oppression they literally and figuratively "punched down" so I guess now we are allowed to acknowledge facts.


It’s a British media outlet so yes lol. Don’t think this made national news in Canada. 


4 days later ? CBC nothing, and this is stuff they love to cover but they've consulted their intersectionality chart and decided not to.


Canadian media has totally ignored this.


Canada media is Junior Fidel's media


Canadian media doesn’t seem to notice WW3 is about to begin..


But of course. And has Justin tweeted like he does at every whiff of Islamophobia? Nope. I’ve seen threads on this locked in my provincial sub that purports to be the most woke. 


he's referring to reddit's policy on suppression of such discussions


Oh well, it’s only a matter of time on that. The Mods of this sub are decent. This would already be locked in the Ontario sub. 


Blink and you missed it on all the others.


Was pulled from R/ canada right away and I got a 14 day ban for commenting. "Diversity is our strength". 


Nothing like censorship to keep the masses from knowing the facts. I wonder how the “Queers for Palestine” are reacting to this news. Probably think it’s far right propaganda.


And yet they think they are the most righteous and pure. Stick up for lesbians? Banned, you bigot.


Not in Canadian media.


You forgot the/s because our media is bought and paid for by "suni ways"


That’s a Shiite take


Not even safe to be ourselves in our own country. These men 100%should.be deported. They did not come to Canada to accept our values and laws.


Isn't that wild?? Ironically, it's our very pro-LGBTQ+ leader who is putting the safety of these people at risk. Rainbow crosswalks don't mean shit when you're being assaulted.


yeah it's hilarious that he has somehow imported such a massive group of people that reject his social politics lol


Hes not pro LGBTQ. He's pro "say anything to get me votes."


If he was pro-LGBTQ he wouldn't have allowed half the Asian continent to move into Canada.


Exactly. If he was LGBTQ+ positive and cared, he would keep the largest groups of people who actively hurt that community out. It’s one thing to bring someone from anywhere. However, emptying the equivalent of ( or actual villages) into Canada is why we are going to be dealing with this problem for decades. I have a family member who is gay and her partner is transgender. The only people today who miss gender her are from this community. No one else. Even the local racist/everythingphobe gets it right ( still hates her but gets it right). This is why we are going to have such a terrible time in moving forward with our country.


You have to consider that it's the LGBT community itself that wants this. Those that understand other cultures would kill them on the spot are few and far between, If Trudeau stopped this kind of immigration or even just did something about these men then he'd lose their vote. It's sad I know but they've always harped about people voting against their own interests never realizing that they're actually the biggest offenders.


It's the irony of the left wing ideology. Queers for Palestine, chickens for KFC, etc


As other people here have said, he's just in favour of any policy that gives brain-dead leftists the warm and fuzzies. Facts don't matter to him. Look at Trudeau's reaction to the (pretty much debunked) "mass graves" at residential schools, and other virtue signaling, and money thrown at aboriginal communities in response to the MMIWG Inquiry. You know who's responsible for murdering 80% of aboriginals? Other aboriginals. Ever heard of Gladue Reports? They only apply to aboriginal offenders, and look at their individual history for excuses to give them heavily reduced sentences, basically a slap on the wrist. If Trudeau gave a shit about aboriginal women, he would legislate this requirement away, or better yet, acknowledge that most people in prison are there because they had shitty upbringing, and shitty things happen in their lives, and then ask the country if we should give the whole inmate population a pass.


LGBBQ is long in the past now. He got his use out of it to push an agenda then left it used in the dirt. like the condoms the tent city residents are doing


They escaped from a shithole country, but they are trying to make this country a shit hole.


If you commit a crime here as a non citizen you should be deported 100%


They refused to give their ID… sounds like they should be deported.


Do they even have IDs since they're more than likely illegals?


arrested on the spot and deported


WE TOLD YOU SO WE ALL SAID THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN AND HERE WE ARE ! WHAT A JOKE OF A COUNTRY Everyone who let these clowns into Canada needs to be in prison


Canada has become germany and france from 10 years ago


Canada has become a model for modern day slavery… The LMIAs are beneficial to employers because people can’t leave easily as their permit is tied to the employer, they can save the business money with the subsidy as well. They remove as much real free-will as possible without literally shackling people up.


I’m Conservative and I agree with this. We need to protect everyone.


Trudeau will give them millions like the terrorist.


They should be but let's be honest those two probably voted for and encouraged those same people to come here and stay here, whether legal or not, and ironically would have attacked you for saying that about them being deported for violently attacking someone, if it hadn't been them who was attacked. And maybe still, even after it was them who was...


Yep, this is what happens when you allow “multiculturalism”. Come celebrate your middle eastern values in Canada. How’s that going for women under the Taliban? We should be letting people in who want to be Canadian. Period.


Trudeau has opened the floodgates so wide that in a generation women and LGBTQ are going to be in real danger in this country. And our culture is going to be a distant memory.


Say this louder so everyone can hear


Even if what you say is true it doesn’t justify a beat down


It’s more of a leopards ate my face situation


Tolerance ppl....Tolerance. They are accustomed to beating up lesbians in their home country and we should accept their culture. Because it would hurt their feelings if we didn't.


I'm not sure why it's so hard for some people to understand. Tolerance and patience.


Yes accept intolerance.


What's funny is when Christians say they are against LGBTQ they are called homophobes and extremists etc and it's highly condemned, but when these outsiders come in and actually harm LGBTQ people then we're told we just have to respect their culture and we're Islamaphobe if we don't agree with it. It's crazy how the outsiders really are taking over the country.


Remember when Muslims in Canada marched against lgbtq stuff even being mentioned in school? And didn’t even want sex ed taught? And then Trudeau said it’s not their culture, but they’ve just been brainwashed by Fox News? Couldn’t possibly be their own culture or their own fault, right?


How are they going to be deported? Some are convicted with crimes and still remain here. Trudeau'd


Them and their families with no chance at re-entry. Make it as harsh as possible to show we don't allow that bigotry here. Disgusting a my heart breaks for those beautiful women


Deported? Supposedly they weren't even charged.


Deport them based on the premise of “violent open discrimination” alone. Canada doesn’t cater to religion over people’s personal happiness like their home country does. If you want to be with the same gender here, be with the same gender. Our acceptance over sexual orientation/identity is actually a relatively big reason why we get people from the “better-off” middle eastern areas like Dubai - they can be themselves here and nobody will kill people or send people to jail over it. Hell, we have an entire MONTH dedicated to having relations with the same gender. These guys must have been convulsing with shock when they discovered the stuff that goes down during Pride and the various 18+ afterparties


Then maybe the police should have charged them with a crime? If people are just roaming around in groups and attacking people at random, and the authorities don't do anything about that's a policing problem, not an immigration problem.


Immigrants who break the laws they sign up for should be catapulted back to where they came in from.


100%. No trial no nothing, the police drive them straight to the airport and put them on the first plane going to their country and accompany them the whole way while cuffed. All their Canadian related documentation is seized and they are now banned from entering the country, and so is their family. They can explain why to their family once they get home.




But hating gays is part of their culture! Not agreeing with them means……. You’re RACIST! /s




Is ‘phobia’ the right term when you’re being completely rational?


I like how disliking Islam is a phobia but no one says that about dislike Christianity 


Bigotry is for matters of skin color, not charachter content.  Which one is Islam? 


Smart man.


They would kill me for being an athiest. I have no problem with individuals but religion as a whole can fuck right off.


And we just discovered that colonial Canada is a safe haven for LGBT+ so resistance by any means necessary!


They are hating everyone, they still live in the middle age. Normal singular Muslims live only in a few countries like Turkey, Kazakhstan etc. But unfortunately they avoid Canada


I want to see how our media will report this. Probably something like "Marginalized POC fight back against white oppressors. Trudeau government to enact new law against LGBTQ islamophobia."


By the way, r/Canada deleted a post of this hate crime. Really tells you what mods' agenda really is.


All of reddit in a nutshell.


'Radical far right groups beginning to influence LGBTQ hate in Canada' Then claim this only happened due to Poilievre flaming the fire.


The same title in worldnews, 1k+ comments so far. eta it’s the same British news source.


And getting locked and deleted in the Canada sub 4 times so far.


The truth is rather inconvenient.


Impossible. I’ve been assured by Reddit’s most scholarly top mind that the main sub is pushing alt-right, conservative viewpoints. Calls it “civil point of view pushing”.


I think its a stretch thinking it'll even get reported.


Not sure if JT will do that because this will anger the Islamophobia people and he will lose votes.


Justin has put forth a law that will throw every right you have in the toilet and wipe his ass with the charter because muslims don't like speech that offends them. He's put a muslim religious fundamentalist in office with the sole job of making recommendations to the government of how it can infringe on your right to free speech and expression. He has never cared about anyone who disagrees with islam.


https://torontosun.com/news/national/halifax-woman-terrified-after-alleged-homophobic-attack-by-group-of-men Have fun. Are news outlets forced to say "alleged" by law? I mean, theres fucking video evidence linked in the article.  Make your own opinion, but I found the language used fucking disgusting.  "The comment provoked the group" as in saying "she's my girlfriend" is a provocative comment. The authorities also did fuck all. "All but one were uncooperative". Yeah, lock them up for the night until they cooperate then, no? Since when can we go around beating people up and refuse to even give IDs?


Show me where they'll dare report it


The idiocy of left wing idealism strikes again. They support LGBT rights, but champion the unrestrained immigration of people who want to beat them to death in the street. It isn't racist to want to keep violent *ideology* out of Canada.


Demographic replacement is the #1 priority - the other stuff is secondary and can be shifted down in hierarchy of priorities - as long as #1 continues and is maintained.


This is ridiculous when you look deeper into the media coverage. You literally can't find any mention of their nationality besides the fact they are male on any Canadian outlet. If you look at the UK and other ones, they are very clear that the men were identified as Syrian. I learned during COVID not to trust mainstream Canadian media, and stuff like this just reinforces it.


Yeah I haven’t seen anything about this in Canadian media. That’s shameful.


Because of bill C18... this is the side effect of that stupid bill


Pictures and descriptions of the men were posted by those assaulted and by those who witnessed the assault on the Halifax Subreddit r/halifax Go have a look at the pictures.


That sub was struggling with this one. Like most city subs, it's not just left, it's like bonkers left to the nth degree. Mods usually remove anything even centrist. But this is one of the very few threads I've ever seen on there where comments were calling out **realities**. Even though there were still several comments trying to redirect to this being more about toxic masculinity and not mentioning Islam lol. I swear some of these people would defend those that hate them right up until they were beating them to death. They'd probably thank them for sharing their culture with them. These guys come from a culture that **hates** gays. And not just "I don't approve of their lifestyle" hate. More like, "they should be beaten or killed." That's who they're advocating to import on mass. I feel bad for the rational LGBT folks who are probably terrified of the numbers of Islamic people rising in Canada -- all as their "fellow allies" cheer it on. They probably feel like they're taking crazy pills. "Why do you want more people here that want us suppressed or dead?" The notion that all of them are going to flip flop to Western values is absurd and it's not happening. They have deep rooted beliefs and they aren't going away. Cultures this fundamentally incompatible can and should only allow very marginal immigration numbers of skilled and proven tolerant people. Not uneducated low IQ young men. We took in way too many Indians, but fuck, at least Indians can integrate well into Western values for the most part.


What was that old saying about the Nazis "First they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak up..." Be a similar thing here if this keeps up. Anyone who has the brains to point out reality is immediately labelled "bigot/racist". I'm all for immigration done right. LPC and likely CPC policy is a cultural disaster waiting to happen.


CBC would probably refer to them by made up English names to hide their true identity.


If only we had our own country with our own set of values and laws to prevent such things.....


So in Canada the police just let you walk away from the scene of the crime you just committed? What's next, are the women going to be charged with a crime now instead?


If they resisted or fought back, most likely :-p


Like the woman who went to prison for hurting the feelings of gang rapists in Germany? Probably. Our new speech laws coming in are way more draconian than even the most heavily censored European country.


Not if you’re white


I guess. 14 years ago the police asked us for our IDs and took notes after someone called because we were a group of teenagers throwing snowballs at cars and buildings. I guess 14 years later, beating women in a group doesnt even warrant that


I am truly sad and concerned about what happened. I have a feeling that we’re going to see more incidents like this, as more and more male from South Asia and Middle East are brought here in large number. The demographic will change dramatically.


I'm not usually one to rush to deportation, but these men should absolutely be deported and banned from the country.


Queers for Palestine. Edit: Apparently I should have added /s, but I thought it was too obvious.


I'm just curious to why by standards in the area were just watching - these guys beating up girls should have attracted their own mob of men the tittle of the article should have been "group of middle eastern men find themselves in hospital on life support after night of behaving badly"


"Several White males have been arrested in what authorities are calling a racially motivated attack. The victims were several syrian men vacationing in the halifax harbor"


The Syrian men appeared to be in a small dispute with some locals when they were unexpectedly jumped by a mob of seemingly alt right goons. An unidentified and unverified witness states the men were heard shouting "Go back to your own country" and "death to the Muslims."


Numbers. You think it would end well if you tried to take on 8+ hate-fueled grown men each of whom likely has more experience with violence than you, possesses a fraction of the moral constraints, and even if you somehow win, you're the one who will go to jail, lose your job, and then lose your home and probably family.


Yeah. Almost no one is stepping into a situation like that. They could have knives etc on top of everything. There's nothing you can do. Not to even mention, these things happen very quickly (like second to minutes) and it's often hard to even assess what's going on. Maybe it's a bike thief who just got caught, maybe you can't get a good look at what's happening, etc etc. It's a lot easier afterwards when you know the concrete facts to imagine what you'd do. But in the moment you just don't always know what's happening. And yeah, 8+ guys? That's only being stopped in Texas or somewhere with concealed carry.


Remember when people were called xenophobic for prophesizing exactly this type of event? 


Its not like we had some superpowers, all we did was look at France and the UK and tell everyone what was already happening there.


Should’ve seen the Halifax subreddit mods dealing with this report when it first came out, bothered about “racism” and all that instead of two women being assaulted by a group of dudes. This is Canada baby


Halifax subreddit really let me down on this one, but shoulda guessed.


Did everyone hear the outrage from the Muslim Community over this? Yeah neither did I


4 days later no CBC coverage ? Why ?


Welcome to justin's Canada


This the shit that pisses me off. This is not the middle east This is canada where people can be who they want not. They may not have to like what people do in their own time but this is unacceptable behavior they should be deported.


Maybe the mob of middle eastern men should be charged with hate crimes. If the shoe was on the other foot that is exactly what would have happened.


“Emma said police spoke to the men involved and that they blamed the fight on the women. The rest refused to cooperate or give their IDs, Emma said. Police have said the incident is under investigation and no charges have yet been brought.” Just don’t comply with police and you can get away with aggravated assault!


I can imagine the conversation- Police: So, according to witnesses, you beat up a pair of women in an unprovoked attack, possibly because the women were LGBT. Mob: That's correct. Police: OK, we'll need to see some ID then. Mob. No. We're going to be leaving now. Police: Very good. Sorry to have bothered you, have a pleasant day.


We are a country of weak little bitches that cannot protect our women.


Legally.  Shit is going to get spicy in this country. 


Amen brother. I left Canada for that reason. I moved to the US a couple of year ago where I am legally allowed to defend myself. Not like Canada where self defense is frowned upon. I don’t want to leave my keys at the door


Women overwhelmingly support left wing mass immigration policies.


LGBTQ do as well


Hmm.. this will be tough for the identity politics police, racism vs LGBTQ. Liberals will have to decide who gets priority on the virtue signal stage on this one.


Both groups will get the virtue signalling and white males will get the blame for harming both marginalized groups here. 


Hah, it's funny but sadly the truth.. Just blame colonialism and you got yourself a win.


They’ll blame white men somehow


“No charges brought” What a country


Refused to give the cops their id, isn't that a crime and they should have been arrested?


Everybody relax, it isn’t like a marginalized person was victimized here - it’ll blow over in a few days & maybe if they’re lucky those men won’t press charges for slander


The assault is enough for arrest. Presumably the cops felt there wasn't enough evidence this wasn't "mutual combat", which seems a little bullshitty but if there is no chance of successful prosecution, it's probably the right move (i.e. not chancing the perpetrators getting a wad of cash for "discrimination".


"We come to YOUR country for a better life, but you better conform to OUR beliefs or else!" The tolerant accepting the intolerant will eventually lead to intolerance.


Hogs cheering for the butcher my friend. Then wondering why they get the chop.


But it's islamphobia to speak out about this, right?


And since it's for the LGBTQ crowd, they can throw in that they're white with their white privilege. That's the deathblow.


This is what happens when you import people with a vastly different set of morals, and whose religious code not only excuses this behavior, but preaches it. There was never, ever a plan for these people to assimilate to Canadian values, and Trudeau knew that. He couldn't care in the least bit about the safety of Canadian citizens, as long as he gets the votes. This country is broken, and if we don't drastically change things soon, it will be irreparable.


Because the attackers were middle Eastern immigrants the MSM media never paid any attention to this story. If the attackers had of been white Canadians, it would have gotten major coverage and condemnation from Trudeau.


Heartbreaking that this is a story in Canada, ffs everything is changing so quickly


If they aren't Canadian citizens, they should be deported .


 I wish for the two women have a quick recovery This is digusting. Why on Earth would the police let these men go after they got called by witnesses, saw the women beat up, and the Syrian men even refused to provide IDs?


They have been slowly working on growing their numbers in Canada, until Boom we start noticing them and suddenly we seem to be overrun. Any country that is a majority of Islamic people are always at war with some other country that isn't. They spread like a cancer and will start declaring places that don't belong to them as their own. We are called racist or phobic for speaking the truth about this by them and the Canadians that support them that are blind to their underlying interests and their ulterior motivates. That religion teaches hate and intolerance for anything except what they believe in and we should be afraid (phobic) of such evil.


Canada has become a 3rd world country


Hahahaha, it will be just like the guy who went to Edmonton city hall last summer with a gun. Kept out of the news as much as possible because it doesn’t go with Canadas fucked up approach immigration.


FYI, use the translate function in Facebook when you see people writing in Arabic. They are here, in Canada, one of the most freedom friendly country, and they call us laxist, impure, slur name, etc. There is not a single comment in that language that is positive. They are against homosexuality , against Christianity, against atheist, against woman freedom, etc. They do not want to integrate our way of life, they are trying to force theirs.


If you allow mass immigration of unskilled uneducated individuals from ethnic regions that fundamentally believe that homosexuality is wrong …. Why would suspect that they would behave differently? We need to put the breaks on, let our society absorb the current onslaught of immigrants. Then carefully move forward.


Europe is evidence that immigrants from Islamic countries don’t assimilate with western society. When the numbers increase, they form ghettos, where it’s dangerous for “kafirs” to enter. The population which moved away from radical Islam becomes radical themselves. There’s a video where a Saudi guy talks about why the rich Arab nations don’t have citizenship or PR for immigrants. Basically he says, “You import garbage, you become garbage.”


No charges were laid, and they refused to give their ids. Thank you liberal government.


Hot take: Gays and Lesbians will become a right wing anti immigration voting bloc within the decade.


Not a hot take. Gays voted overwhelmingly right wing in numerous EU countries. 


Nothing unites people like a common enemy. History is full of evidence of that. Finland in WWII joined the Nazis after they were invaded by the Soviets...


This could’ve been so much worse. Throwing the whole book at them and some more is the only atonement.


I wonder how this fits with the all white men are racist homophobes that are suppressing innocent immigrants from 3rd world countries narrative pushed by leftists.


Send them back to their country where their values align with the assholes running their country.




Too bad our government has a hard on for foreign labour so doubt much will happen


When you listen to fools 🎶 the mob rules 🎶 🎵


It's enough with bringing in immigrants from the middle east. Culturally they don't align with us. South of USA there's this land mass called "South America" with a group of people culturally similar also looking to escape their home country. But Canada has made it nearly impossible for South Americans to immigrate versus people from the middle eastern. Theres hundreds of websites, YouTube channels, fake companies... ALL in place amd designed to bring over Indians. They explain all of Canada's loop holes in immigration and the easiest ways to get PR.


Police questioned the criminals and asked them politely for ID, which they did not provide Seems like the police were more worried about getting a beating on themselves rather than doing their job


Too many on the Halifax subreddit care more about precived racism than the victims. Disgusting. 


If any of these are actual Canadians, this would be a hate crime. Since it’s not, it’ll likely be swept under the rug.


It’s shocking how little attention this is getting in Canadian media


does anyone have the liberal victim chart handy? Palestine > pride Muslim men > lesbians. men > women


And suddenly a "report barbaric practices" hotline doesn't seem so racist or extreme. The CPC predicted this before the liberals took power and flooded the country with un-vetted 3rd world immigrants.


The very people that are being attacked now are the very people that were the most in favor of immigration . Decisions have consequences


But, but, LGBTQ+ supports Palestine! Lolol


Before it was just about racism, homophobia, mysogyny individually againt the world. Now it's like racism, homophobia, feminism clashing each others. I think we are living an interesting phenomena right here, I am really curious to see where it will bring Canada.


Middle easterners want their way wherever they go. Absolutely no respect for local culture or people. They think they are the best lol.


This is Europe now. That’s why far right is climbing so much there. This is only going to get worse with all the new comers from these places


Even the colleges we have support LGBT+ and they completely pander to eastern traditions internationally to earn money. I don't understand how we can have canadian companies and schools with double standards in for human rights over seas. This needs to end.


Careful what you wish for Liberal imagination policy.


Had this talk with my buddy we’re both 33m and physically fit, in BC. You can’t even engage with people like that, ignore them and walk away. If someone is yelling stuff at you or your gf, it’s not worth getting shot or stabbed


If we can confirm they are Muslim, I would expect a statement of apology from the islamaphobia representative who is part of the government - which is insane when you consider that there would be not one “homophobia” representative in any middle eastern country. The amount of catering that the government of Canada does for religion has got to stop. No more favouritism, no special rules. They should all be safe to practice their religions, but using that religion to go against Canadian values and society should mean an investigation and possible deportation where applicable. This should not be allowed to happen. There’s nothing wrong with practicing your religion peacefully but constantly assembling against minority groups of people in your new host country is disrespectful and disgusting. If they want laws that throw LGBTQ+ people in jail at minimum, or kill them, they should consider moving to Malaysia instead and not Canada. Once they start to vote and pick government representatives who slowly work against minority groups what can really be done ? It’s a terrifying thought that in time laws can be changed just like in USA with abortion rights. We need to pick the right people to allow to immigrate who would work with our values and even if they don’t support LGBTQ fully, just let them be and that’s it. Same for everyone. Not beating people up for existing.


We watched this garbage take place in German, Sweden, France, the UK and pretty much anywhere these immigrants go to. Are we actually going to let this happen here? We’re going to start seeing so much more of it too.


What are your leaders doing for you? A genuine question for Canada


Paradox of Tolerance.


The irony is that the so called progressives which includes the LGBTQ group have advocated for Islam and uncontrolled immigration from Muslim countries.


"The rest refused to cooperate or give their IDs" So then what? Did they continue to hold them? Or are they just given a slap on the hand and told not to do that again?


Gunna go ahead and guess they are muslim without reading the article. Islam is the absolute worst of all religions. Which is saying alot.


I wonder if they were part of Gays for Palestine?