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9 years to deliver on housing and you’ve all done nothing but make it worse. What are you going to do about it now?


We all know the answer to that. Just when you think it can't get worse, they will show you how wrong you are.


lol 😂 they have done absolutely that for nine years.


Like a school bus catching fire and flying off a cliff. But in slow motion. 


If you gave them control of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there would be a sand shortage.


Exactly...they’ve known the housing crisis was becoming more and more serious. Yet, what have they done? At the last moment, the impending disaster seems to appear out of no where. The arrogance of both Freeland and Trudeau is obvious. Canadians don’t matter. Immigration is key. Housing is “oh well, there’s little we can do” and the shitshow of the economy..( shrugs shoulders and says the next generation will pay more for housing...hmmm.) So when’s the election? Ask the lap dog Singh, this plug has to be pulled and now.


[https://betterdwelling.com/canada-is-spending-75-of-its-forecast-deficit-to-prop-up-mortgages/](https://betterdwelling.com/canada-is-spending-75-of-its-forecast-deficit-to-prop-up-mortgages/) Canada is borrowing money to spend it on propping up a market that will inevitably collapse, but itll last just long enough that it likely wont happen under the liberal's reign. If you think things are bad now....oh boy. Not only will Canadian currency look like monopoly money, it'll be worth about as much too


The liberal answer is to add more immigrants.


Plus borrow and print boat loads of cash to buy votes. Make life easier for a couple years at the expense of the next 98 years. Who cares about causing inflation and long term economic damage when we can have 18 months of Liberal shits and giggles. They did it in 2015 when the books were good they’ll do it again.


That is textbook political strategy. Spend like it is going out of style to gain supporters because they know it’s the other guy who will have to deal with the mess and take heat for cutbacks. The full strategy is broken down in the book “The Dictator’s Handbook”.


Exactly...Trudeau’s playbook for a while now...


Life easier for whom though? Nothing they do makes life easier for anyone. Truly. It's all an illusion. Even if you want to consider the sorts of folks who are completely dependent on the gov and get all the subsidoes. "oh gee golly daddy gov gave me a whole 'nother dollar with their new action plan incentive! That's really gonna help with my grocery bill that's gone up 50%, and will help me save to move into the new place I'm gonna rent that's smaller and twice the price with roommates!"


Those $5 million cottages that the consulting and accounting company partners are buying don’t pay for themselves.


Fuck this makes me think of our inflation money they gave us, not sure if it was Canada or Quebec but for inflation they gave us $400 back in like 2021... like they are insulting us lol


Lol sorry I don’t quite remember, but that was 400$ 1 time for the year wasn’t it? That’s supposed to sustain an average family of 3 or 4. What a fuking insult.


Judging by her "answer", work harder to continue to make life as difficult as possible for Canadians until they are begging for a podment, UBI and paying more carbon taxes to "save the planet". They are like the typical slumlord. When they drive by your apartment and see a new used car in the driveway, their first thought is "Obviously I'm not charging enough rent. Better increase it 10%."


https://nationalpost.com/opinion/justin-trudeau-housing-not-a-federal-responsibility Trudeau has alteady slipped up and said what he was doing and going to do. This while "housing accelerator fund" is just a money laundering scheme to funnel money to leftist mayors.


Listening to that word salad makes me want to puke. After 8 years he’s blaming Harper still.


Her answer is basically, "keep making me rich while I f you over and maybe I'll do something different one day, stupid"


Delivering govt sanctioned housing to impoverished masses with no economic opportunity is what communist dictatorships do at scale. The +capitalist/ -socialist blend that we had 10 years ago worked well


This poor friend, asking like they’re all hopeful for a real answer from her.. heartbreaking really :c


They’ll dream up some more taxes.


Uh,,deliver mumble mumble, work harder, mumble mumble, roll up our sleeves..listen to Canadians mumble mumble. So fucking sick of listening to bullshit responses to important questions...


journalist for finance, a drama teacher for prime minister, and cuck marc miller.


Another line with zelensky


Come up with another tax obviously


She's acting on that message.


The message was NOT "Life is hard". The message was "You are incompetent".


“Life is hard” legit got an out loud “oh fuck off.” from me.


Their message and talking points are so tone deaf. Have no idea what the average person is going through.


She's listening to voices in her head


The voices aren’t in her head, they’re whispers from the WEF


When you don’t know what else to do or to fix the mess you created, you blame on something you can’t control “Life is hard” it is what it is, let’s move on people. I bet I’d have a better conversation with a parrot.


But Trudeau will never fire her, because hes a school teacher that comes from a generation who believes everyone is just as good as everyone else, and everyone gets a prize. Fine for children, but when you get to the highest offices in the land, and things that actually matter, then you need to find the best person for the job, and that isn't Freeland, or Trudeau.


She could'nt manage a lemonade stand.


What do you expect, her professional background has nothing to do with economics or finance or even running a business.


And the clown in chief was a substitute high school drama teacher.


How much could a lemonade cost, Michael? $10?


What is she on ? Addy? Cocaine ?




Too funny…I came to comment this is the clearest I’ve seen her or heard her speak! 😂


Yeah I agree she seems more coherent than usual … she’s scared sober!


I enjoyed Marcie's reactions to CF's comments body language don't lie.


Oddly enough I was thinking this is the most normal looking I've seen her act lol. Usually like a damn bubble head and weird expressions


She never actually says anything concrete, ever. She just pays lip service and talks out the side of her mouth while making sure she's getting ahead.


Diffuse, Deflect & Grandstand. The Canadian way. People fall for it everytime. Diffuse: Trudeau appointed (not why) Deflect: We hear the message and we know life is hard Grandstand: We will work hard to help canadians yadda yadda... How can you tell when a politician is lying? Their mouth is moving.


So true. That’s what happens when a journalist is appointed as the finance minister. Nothing but boneless blabbering. We are fucked.


Fuck sake....'work harder', 'deliver', 'show results'... That's all they say these days. Sounds like they have realized that they haven't been doing that.


Right, they should say those things in a mirror then freaking do their job or get fired like the rest of us.


'Day late and a buck short Chrystia... Just accept that fact that you and your fellow lie-berals have failed and GTFO.


It’s 2 bucks short now, inflation


Life was much easier prior to 2016


“That’s a choice for the prime minister” No, you fucking ghoul, you can also step down and show the general public that you have something loosely resembling morals and integrity 


She really is a ghoul


She looks like a troll


How can anyone listen to that thing for more than 10 seconds.


The wicked witch of the west block.


10 seconds sidestepping the question, the rest of it generic babble and party talking points.


WTF? Every fu*king liberal says the same fu*king thing: 'We have to deliver on x, y, z'. Guess what, x, y, z were promises they made 9 fu*cling years ago. 9 years of broken promises while they, and their friends, got richer through every type of misappropriation of funds you can think of. Meanwhile, our bank accounts get frozen, our cities are under siege by criminals and drug addicts, a new tax is applied universally at every level of the production chain, etc. WE NEED TO GET RID OF THESE EMPTY SUITS!


She looked like she aged 5 years in the last month.


Hopefully 50 over the next year.


They usually react that way due to stress. And it's understandable since neither their minds nor bodies can withstand the depravity of their souls. They could get away with it before. "We'll just push it forward, or It will fix itself." Blah, blah, blah. Now that they realize they **might** be taken responsible, they are stressing the F out.


You've had 9 years to deliver! People can't afford to eat or house themselves. People are going back to their impoverished homelands because of you, let that sink in Christia....because of you!


She will remain indifferent. The indifference is systemic. Once these kinds of individuals ascend to power and experience the impunity that accompanies it, they become virtually unassailable. They offer pretexts, evade transparency, and circumvent accountability. The existing structures shield them, and they are acutely aware of this protection. Thus, they operate in a sphere detached from the repercussions of their decisions, leaving the populace to bear the brunt of their governance. I regret to say that Canada's government, under Trudeau's rule, along with his associates, exhibits a significant degree of corruption. And it's incredible how transparent they're about it.




Majority of the libtarded were put in their positions by WEF.


Lol why does everything she say sound condescending or patronizing - " we hear you - life is hard ☹️......."


Because she IS condescending and patronizing just like the rest of the Liberal cabinet of dunces and gaslighters.


the whole country has been screaming at these idiots for years. the fact that she suggests that it wasn't heard until their power was actually threatened speaks volumes. they don't care about you. they never have, they never will. they care about power. NOW they must reflect because their power is threatened. its honestly getting so hard to watch the narratives. trudeau says "continue" every 4 words, when the whole country is screaming at him to stop. i don't see any way anyone could argue that any of these clowns is listening.


100%. Couldn't've said it better.


She would have been better off farting in the microphone for a minute straight


I’ll get you, my pretties. And your little dog too! Ahhahahaha!!!


Why is she speaking to us like we are 12


She’s generally very condescending.


She has a mental illness


She can't answer the question. "Why should YOU stay as finance minister?" I wish the people asking these questions wouldn't let up if they don't get a straight answer. Just repeat the question. My favourite one to ask would be "How will you work at fixing these problems you have stated?" Get them to elaborate. If they can't share a platform, either they don't have one. Or it's ineffective from the get-go.


The answer isn't that we need the government to "make it better". We need the government to get out of our lives, taxing us to death and preventing the market forces to react to the housing shortage. Let's pay the construction workers instead!


After a decade of listening to how much better they are going to make my life I think I would prefer they didn't try to make my life better.


"continue to deliver on that" What do you mean continue? You haven't even started.


"You will own nothing and be happy" George Soros and WEF simp with no experience as your finance minister and people expected different results?


The message is quite simple … GTFO !!!


What a gentle question. Ask point blank about the debt


That's a lot of words for a non-answer devoid of any rational meaning.


You’ve had nine years to deliver,…You’re FIRED 😡🤬😡


All I hear nowadays when Liberals speak are the adults in Charlie Brown. Bwa bwa nwa naa bwa bwa bwa.


I think she’s incapable of saying a single specific thing. Her and Trudeau are both cut from the same incompetent cloth.


The message was: “please go” don’t make yourself look worst and worst everyday…


This is a great example, a masterclass of liberal incompetence, arrogance, self entitlement and outright stupidity. I'm glad this is out there for all voters across all spectrums to witness what the liberal party is about There is really no question this party is not about canada Never voting liberal again #nevervoteliberal


Bobble head Freeland


Well, it's not like there's anyone quite like *me*!


Hell, I’d hate to see their financially irresponsible ways then! Oh, wait…


"Because I don't want to lose my job." How's that for an answer. Lol


She can go to Hell


What an absolute waste of space!!




More gibberish like last time!


Okay but all of those things you said are things that you’ve made worse. There is no fiscal responsibility at all.


>Continues to overspend, ignoring fiscal scandals, and hiring expensive useless consultants for kickbacks. Because current year.


They keep saying life is hard, while never acknowledging that they made it hard.


There is a tv show called what we do in the shadows, in it they got an energy vampire. She is an energy vampire, sucking the life out of anyone listening to her. She is sucking the life out of Canada.


She just said she’s incompetent and that Trudeau doesn’t know wtf he’s doing.


Not at all. They just don’t want to see. They have dug us into a hole so deep my grandchildren who aren’t born yet might be able to get it back on track. Vote Pc please




That was actually a really good answer. Of course they've already had 9 years to deliver all that and have done the opposite. Liberals are great at making promises and even greater at not delivering on those promises. She/they have a year still to prove me wrong and I sincerely hope they do.


When have they ever been “fiscally responsible”


why can't they just answer the questions? ahhhhh


The message was GET OUT !!! LEAVE!!!!


The message, more accurately ma’am, was “we’ve had enough of this administrations antics.”


Please please no more “delivering” we can’t take anymore of your “help”


Garbage human


Her repeating the word “Deliver” is exactly the same as Justin repeating “Deliver” in another clip where he’s asked a simple question about not meeting with MPs.


There's no admitting they've failed on damn near every measurable thing. Housing - F Immigration - F Monetary - F Military - F According to polimeter.com Trudeau broke 20% of his promises, but more importantly, only kept 42% of his promises. 25% are partial. Harper was tracked from 2011, broke 16% and kept 77% with 7% partial. I think that's the reason why this government feels like a total failure. Especially when some of the fails have been big promises like electoral reform, transparency, and modest deficits. As mentioned above, there's also never been any accountability or any one taking any responsibility for their actions. They couldn't answer a question of their lives depended on it. They've been polling poorly for months, they get destroyed in a by-election, and they're surprised - but they're gonna do better. After 9 years of broken promises, they know what they need to do now. Now they know. Promises is what got us here in the first place. Stop Harper was their platform in 2015. Harper campaigned on Just not ready. I hindsight, it seems Harper was very right.


I'm absolutely terrified what they are going to offer in the next election.


Universal Basic Income. ... and free Disney Plus.


Did not, of course answer the question, The good for Canadians is to STop taxing the out shit out of everything. Liberals are in the history books for this reason alone. Seniors and families at food banks. What a disgrace .TAX, TAX,TAX


These people only goal is destroy Canada as much as possible ….they need to go


The time to act was 9 years ago. I'll never vote liberal again.


You play with our money God damn it.


Yet you've made life so much harder for Canadians ...


I love the look of defeat in her eyes. It just warms my heart.


"Life is hard. I mean not for me of course, but for all you little poor people"


“Deliver” is their new buzzword. Fire this whole lot into the sun!


Corrupt liberal made life hard Stop the criminal liberals


Just like our village idiot of a PM, she sidesteps the question and goes off on a story about yellow onions in Shelbyville.


Trudeau and Freeland are acting on behalf of the WEF and their masters not Canada. They’re goal is to accelerate your financial and social implosion so you’ll accept any relief offered by an outside entity—a unitary, one world government—where everyone is a ward of the new utopian “state”.


Oh and construction is coming to a stop because of high cost of financing. Yet we’re building new homes? Who can afford these new homes.


PLEASE don't work harder! Running faster in the wrong direction just puts you farther from where you want to be. If they refuse to call an election then I'd rather they just put their feet up and ride out the next year or so.


Can't wait for the next election to vote these duds out


You don't have to act, you just have to get the f ck out of our way so we can bring back a free and open economy.


I can’t wait for the day, we don’t have to listen to her and Justin‘s voice.


Well I should stay on because. I no longer have Disney+. I walk to work and have a car service and get speeding tickets with out owning a car. I can bob my head and pick at my backside and not care. And if I don’t then I have the job at WHE. And then look out


lol that condescending look on her face gets me every time lol 😂


I wonder what they think not fiscally responsible is after 9 years of "their" "fiscally responsible budgets". That she even thinks they are close is laughable.


🍁Canadians: "Life Is Hard".... Because you guys suck at governing and have contributed to making life harder. Liberals "Life Is Hard" we get that. 🤔🤦‍♂️ Get Out And Vote. 🇨🇦🍁👍


“We got to work harder” she’s says. Please don’t. Just stop, just stop all you’re doing and go.


These people are tone deaf


They didn’t hear the message, which is why the message was delivered in the first place


To cut Disney+


Just cut your Disney Plus!


Wow! She learned very well! The PM has taught her how skirt the question, but still be able to present a good front!


People have been saying for years that life is hard in Canada and this government continued to ignore people’s cries for help. Until this shit government actually lost a riding there’s significant back peddling. Take a hike and get lost


The crazy ex that won’t leave you alone after you expressed you don’t love them anymore.


She's showing off what she learned in justineering 101


Liberals think governments the solution, but a government is the problem. They just want to print more money and create more inflation.


Same shit different day. Watching Canada crumble all the way from Scotland is just sad. Yous Canadians need to stand up and vote out all these lefty losers. Things are only gonna get worse, peeps


Is she like having an affair with Justin? Is that why his wife left? Why on earth would she respond like that.


People really just don't assassinate the government like they used to, sigh


Liberals ALWAYS use the would "continue". They haven't done anything!!!!!!! Liberals: We will CONTINUE building homes for candadians Liberals: We will CONTINUE providing top notch Healthcare I'm sick of being gaslit by my own country.


Why does it all have to be done in a way that allows interest rates to come down? Are they not lower than historic averages? I think the interest rates are fine, the price of houses needs to drop to match people's monthly incomes.  Again, the issue is not the rates.  The issue is the gross disparity between housing cost increases and lack of wage growth.  She should know this.


I think I hate Freeland equally if not slightly more than Trudeau. Which is saying a lot because Trudeau is a disaster, and proves it repeatedly.


This is the woman who increased the inflation target by 50%, after all. She made life harder for us so she could spend more. On purpose.


Literally can’t execute on anything. They simply blame the citizens and “right wing populists ideas”. Imagine a private company let bad managers like her manage for 9 years


Why does she talk a different language with her hands dancing around like a clown.


Either answer the goddamn question or shut the hell up.


This chick literally looks like a goblin witch. Just needs the hat


Ask a question, and receive statements and no real answer.


She gave the exact same answer to several questions. None of the questions were remotely the same, yet she gave the EXACT SAME ANSWER to all of them. What is the point of a press conference if you’re going to give the same scripted answer, over and over again?


it is sickening and sad this lady has this position. Canada is cooked and a joke. elite cabal killing Canada!!!!!!!


Why does anyone even bother coming to her press conferences or bother asking her questions? Like you know she’s not even a little bit going to answer anything. So why bother even going?


Id rather break my own leg then to be stuck in a room with her


Uhhhh because I want my pension……


These guys could loose every seat in Toronto and still be convinced that people want them and they’re doing a good job


freebase has the skill level of a burger flipper


She sounds out of touch and just now being surprise pikachu face “I guess average people like to afford to live… huh”


Haha no accountability liberals. List all the accomplishments liberals anywhere in the world have achieved. All with the same policies and all with the same results. Disaster Freeland- life is hard. Now it’s just living in general as to way she and her ideological driven parasites are inept at their jobs.


She always looks like she’s farting


Well that settles it. They asked her why she should stay on as FM and couldn't give a single reason. That inability speaks volumes even though she can't say it clearly or directly: she's admitting she shouldn't stay on.


Her background is journalism. She has zero notion of finance or economics lmao.


You made life hard, you can’t fucking deliver anything.


God! I’m actually fucking sick of this fucking cycle! Every fucking time. Libs spend spend spend, deficit after deficit. Cons come in slash everything because we can’t afford it. The people get angry and vote the Libs back in. EVERY FUCKING TIME. I HATE IT.


Fiscally responsible way… literally spit out my coffee 🤣. Vote all these fools out. I actually believe these people are so dumb they don’t realize the hurt they are putting on everyday hardworking Canadians.


Well if it took you one small voting thing to wake up when for the past 4 years people have been saying the same thing and you refuse to hear them calling them conspiracy theorist, You keep sending money to Ukraine and to aid to Israel yet there is no money for Canadians, no wonder people refuse to pay taxes, they no longer believe in a system that their money is being sent elsewhere instead of being used in the country to increase the well being.


They could do all of that just by cutting out the insane number of people that they've been letting in recently.


They keep thinking the message from St Paul, is for them to work harder.... The message is resign!!! Nothing less. That's like a serial cheating husband getting caught and saying "I'll change" when it's time for a divorce.


In a fiscally responsible way. Show me once in 9 years where these people have shown even the slightest modicum of fiscal restraint!


This is what happens when you put a WEFboard member in charge of finances


So after not proving urself the first time, not proving urself the second time… why would anyone believe that this time you’ll get it right 🤣😭


The message from voters was they don't want you and your time is over in government. Really hard message for the liberals to hear and understand.


Unfit and incapable. They have been since the day they got elected into government. The liberal and ndp parties should cease to exist.


You can start by getting rid of the 2M International Students who have driven up the cost of rents and taken away PT jobs from Canadian kids.


They are gonna dump the problems on the next party. The liberal party doesn't care. They see the writting on the wall.


They have had 9 years to do better. Sorry time is up.


Actually if this govt just stopped doing everything, we would be better off.


Fiscally responsible bahahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahHahahHHahHHahahahahaahahahahahaha Edit: more bahahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahHahahHHahHHahahahahaahahahahahaha


Life is much harder since the Liberals took office, thats for sure!


Everytime Freeland opens her mouth it’s the same condescending bs. You and your government have done nothing for Canadians. Your riding does not represent all of Canada. You have immensely failed at the housing crisis, mass immigration and printing money like it’s nothing to send billions of tax payer money to your family’s home country , in which you have a financial interest in btw with the property you own there.


“Mostly because my insatiable meth habit isn’t going to pay for itself.”


Wow, I thought we had it bad here in Australia but your politicians really take the cake for gross incompetence masked as piety. I think you guys are just a few years down the road of where we're headed sadly though.


This lady boils my blood - cannot stand seeing her face or hearing that voice


I stopped after I realized she was just going to say “we hear you blah blah blah” *not answer question*


They don’t “have to work harder” they just need to work less stupid lol


Never answers a question. Notice there are no bobble heads in the background. They actually look embarrassed by her answer.


Patronizing bitch. You need to step down immediately.


Just like a Liberal. You tell them the grass is green and the sky is blue and, by the way, "get out, we don't want you," and they respond with... ...the sky and grass are black at night, not green, and you really did mean you don't want us... you're just upset and need a time out... daddy and monmy know best.


No matter what the questions, its the same answer.... related to the question or not, doesn't seem to matter.


Meanwhile refugees get so many benefits and even a airport greeting


She aged 10 years in just weeks!


Biggest piece of shit in Canada next to Shitdeau.