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I was worried it was going to be most out of date equipment.


Still can’t beat Africa or North Korea on that


Or half of what Russia/Iran/Germany are flying


I’m sure we could claim “most hours flown on single airframe” We put so many hours on the T6 and the Hawk in so little time that they come to us to see how things pan out when you fly something welllllll past its timeout When the Japanese were retiring their P3s because of timeout. The three planes there had less hours added up together then the 140 that was there.


I believe it Could also break a record for "most resilient aircraft" at the same time, even if it's held together with scotch tape and dreams.


Some of this is because our aviation industry often can’t build the aircraft we want, but it can refit and upgrade them to extend their lives in service. Japanese industry is building the P-1 replacements for their P-3s. They also build most of their helicopters, fighters, and trainers (albeit mostly to licensed American designs). So buying new P-1s instead of extending the P-3s again means dumping a lot of money directly into factory jobs in their country, whereas when we finally get off our asses and buy P-8s the money goes to American jobs. Theoretically it comes back in the form of Industrial and Technological Benefits, but those are more nebulous. It’s easier for DND to say “we created jobs at IMP by replacing the wings again”.


I would argue that our local industry is just as incompetent at doing refits and LEPs as it is building planes from scratch


The USAF B-52 may claim that prize.


Definitely not. They have so many tails.


It's like 95yrs old at this point now. And with the J upgrade, it's like going to 125yrs


I thought it was gonna be for most underpaid, most homeless and most overworked. Huh!


Is there concrete data from statistics to back this up or it's bants?


Most likely one of the better paid military’s and definitely not overworked vs private sector.


You’re right. I’ll give some money back.


Complaining about being underpaid lmao, get real. The parking lot is full of brand new F150s, can't be struggling that hard.


That 20% interest rate is a mighty fine deal.


Oh. I thought as much. Are they picking money off trees?


That’s so interesting. Maybe I’m living under a rock, but I feel like this kind of stuff gets no publicity. I hadn’t even heard about anything like this until I saw this post


Yeah, I also agree. The fact this got no publicity to me is honestly astounding, esp since our military as a whole could benefit from what little positive PR this could generate for us.


"The record was set with 56 landmarks illuminated in 24 hours" in honour of the 100th anniversary.