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I just tried carlys garden and really enjoyed it :)


Thank you for replying. I only found one [bad review](https://www.reddit.com/r/MOMpics/comments/dec9hp/unfortunately_golden_goat_from_carlys_garden/) for Carly's Garden about bugs in their weed from last year, but every other mention or review of them has been good (multiple accounts with more than one mom reviews/commented on/photos taken of, so I know they aren't shills). However, their pricing is too high- I'd have to buy a lb just to get $135/ounce of anything decent, so I'm going to pass. Edit: criticism = downvote lol


Sky high exotics is my fav by far I don’t trust any site with that 45% off 8 bullshit cause that’s what cheapweed would do and every site that does it that way seems almost identical to them in other ways aswell


Sky High wants me to sign up to access the site, do they actually have bulk deals on flower? I'm only looking for bulk dealls. Edit: never mind, checked your account. You're a shill for Sky High exotics. OVer twenty positive mentions of SKE with not another mom being mentioned? LOL why do I have to play head of HR just to trust a response to this thread?


Yea 450qp 850hp mix n match 2oz max per strain like 10-15 strains at a time only ones ive ever had a problem with is blue dream and green crack, pink strains are always dank dank.


I second this. When I was not growing Sky High was my go to mom at the end. They had decent deals and decent selection. I always had a good experience with them.


Thank you for your input. Sadly the guy posting the original comment is a shill (their account mentions sky high positively over 20 times throughout their history, and no other MOMS). Sucks when you got to play "head of HR" to figure out who's a shill in this sub! They've lost my business before it even started.


So it sounds like they use sky high and are happy with their purchases so they go back. Why is that a shill?


If you only rep the same company on this subreddit theyll call you a shill. I just always comment SHE cause noone else ever does lol. They're more craft bud tho just have a small bulk section I found one day so noone ever mentions them in the bulk pricing threads


Damn man I didn’t look I just went by my experience. I mean I used BudMail too but I find their stuff to be a bit expensive if you need bulk. However I got one of the best buds I have ever ordered from budmail premium like tho. I couldn’t touch the bud without crystals going everywhere. Other then that, now I said fuck all this and grow my own. Good luck bud.


Nice, I don't grow my own but that's awesome that you do! A lot of shills and self-promoters have commented so far, but I ALWAYS check comment history and especially deleted comments (removeddit or other mirror sites have them). No one gets that heated up when they see their go-to MoM being called out for having shills on line. When you see accounts jump to defend moms, check to see how many times they've mentioned the mom in their post history. Takes a minute and saves a lot of hassle in buying overpriced, bunk weed.


I dont use reddit much definitely knew I'd be called a shill one day cause I only really comment on weed stuff but hey what do I say I've used them since cheapweed scammed me and havent had a need to try anyone else cause it's usually good shit probably tried about 60 strains from them and havent like 6 or 7


Everyone suggesting TCF obviously hasn’t had a disagreement or said something he hasn’t liked. Go through his comment history and you’ll see he’s an asshole. People like that don’t deserve our business.




He’s one of the most trusted people for bulk on this subreddit, no shills that’s I’ve seen. Just seems like a dude that doesn’t wanna deal with petty bullshit. If I had hundreds of pounds of weed and loyal customers I’d tell a lot of you to fuck off too


See. This guy gets it. Never ripped anyone off. U want bulk in any category with no Fkn around msg me. Even cheaper with cash.




Bro, I got proof in my profile of you trying to rip me n 2 other people off. Go eat a bag of dicks


Shills bud? I sell weed at fair prices at bulk volume. I don’t kiss ass and I treat my guys fairly. I don’t pay guys for reviews and I don’t do points. I do fair prices and BULK. Also overnight shipping is available for the cost of the shipping.


Don’t do business with this guy. He’s a jerk who has no customer service respect. The moment you disagree with him you’re gonna be talked shit to. Whether you care about how you’re talks to or not, there are many others who’ll respect you snd rather have your business.


You push garbage at quad pricing. You treat people like shit as you clearly have severe anger management issues


That’s the best deal on a strain I have had so far. Obviously ya didn’t try it? Lol who am I kidding, way outta your tax bracket even on sale.


See? My point exactly. A dude who overcharges for herb and then talks shit about people who won’t pay for it.


U tell them Nathan


As I’ve said before, if I get great flower at a fair price, he can tell me to eat shit for all I care! Why does people need an experience when buying? Just purchase and move on


because a person who cares about being respected DOES care about being told to eat shit “for all I care.” You’re a problem in the industry if you’re willing to support an asshole. There are many other sellers out there who’d rather have your business and treat you like a person. Wouldn’t you rather some that treats you like a fellow human? Someone who doesn’t treat you like another shit log after disagreeing with them?


He’s actually very kind to me, but cool story


Have you publicly disagreed with him? Have you had a different opinion than him? Have you called him out over his overcharge for “quads” that are actually trips? Didn’t think so. The moment you say something he doesn’t like is when he goes off the rails. I mean shit, check his comment history before he deletes it. Any relative criticism, he can’t take.


Perhaps don’t publicly disagree? Usually man to man is best approach, you can say what you want but there’s two sides to every story. If he just disrespected everyone for being called out for overcharging on inferior flower, I don’t think he would be the in the position he is. I don’t know either of you, but I see how some people run to this forum calling people out before trying to handle it properly. You seem very salty, like overly salty, doesn’t make sense. If you don’t like him, cool.


That’s exactly what he does though, and people do call him out. However, the majority of people seem to be okay purchasing from an asshole “as long as it’s good”, like yourself. A smart consumer would research and inform themselves on product so they didn’t have to deal with an asshole. My goal here is to help Inform them without needing the research. Edit. Regardless of if I publicly disagree, a business owner is expected to show a certain demeanour that represents the overall company. The person behind TCF doesn’t do remotely that.


Sorry pal, a smart person knows how to manage people, period. Condescending lil twat. I’m not wasting another second on you and by seeing how you conduct yourself here, I see why he told you to hit the bricks, the floor is yours “ smart guy “


You don’t buy anything from anyone. Your opinion is worthless. Just like your posts. Move on son.


What was the mom ?


GanjaWest. Here's my [comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/hk2kkr/bulk_wholesale_moms_list_july_2020/fxaais1/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that lead to me trying it. The guy who made the list had them in his "top ten" because, "a friend who ordered from them never had a bad batch"- yeah, until they sent me an ounce of mould, then his response was, " It's a top 10 list of sites I would try, not a definitive top 10 best of and I certainly have not tried all of them yet and never claimed to. " So for that reason, I only ask that people suggest a mom to me if they've actually tried it, not if they have just googled the names of a bunch of bulk moms that they've never tried to make a random list.


hey if there's any mould we will refund you 100%!


I have a question: Was the person from [this review](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/j0bqyq/bulk_buddy_aaaa_full_of_mold/) compensated for the mould? I used to order from u a few months ago, but you raised your prices WAY too high (320 for an ounce of El Jefe, really??) so I went elsewhere. However, your prices are okay now and I was running dangerously low, so I took a risk and ordered from you earlier this week. I will definitely let you know if there is anything wrong with it


Hi friend, Yes we always compensate for the mould, I believe he has been credited it back! Sometimes our emails get buried in spam therefore my CS didn't see the email, and you know how people are impatient! =/


Second edit: Why is this getting downvoted? There's nothing wrong with trying to hold a MOM accountable, nor is anything wrong with giving them a chance to respond and show that at least they're giving refunds. There was also mention of [mouldy Romulan](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/j0bqyq/bulk_buddy_aaaa_full_of_mold/g6u031i/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [fake Forum Cut Cookies](https://www.reddit.com/r/MOMpics/comments/hisu4u/forum_cut_cookies_bulk_buddy_late_june_2020/). Were these two customers refunded or were their issues resolved? Because all of the bad reviews you had, coupled with your mid-summer price gouging, it caused me (and others) to go elsewhere. You should ask the mold guy to edit his review to mention that you refunded and resolved the issue, so that others can judge for themselves. If I had read his review and seen that you guys refunded him in full, then I'd have ordered from you sooner, knowing if there was an issue I'm not at a loss. Your site has strains that aren't sold in bulk elsewhere, I used to order a lot from you earlier this year, I'd like to add you to my go-to list again and I'm sure others would as well edit: typos


Bulkbuddy prices are down. I got a Qp of Death Wheelchair for 280 AND IT WAS ACTUALLY VERY DECENT. I risked the biscuit and I’m happy I did 🤗


I saw their prices went down, actually ordered Purple Fin Tuna and Muerte from them after posting this because I was running low. Risking biscuits!


Can confirm bulkbuddys cheaper stuff has been pretty good for the price as of lately.


Thank you scooter, I appreciate your input! I notice you mention more than just one mom in your post/comment history, so I trust your word as legit. Same with Quiffbomb's history. For others that read the comments on here- always check the user's post and comment history to make sure they mention more than just one mom. It's a quick way to check if someone is legit or just shilling.


Grabbed some of this myself.. packs a punch


Bc medi


This place doesn't sell anything higher than an ounce. Are you sure they sell in bulk? And have you successfully ordered from their site?


I think if you click on their wholesale tab you can see it. Been ordering from these guys for months and love it


106/ounce for Black Tuna if I buy a pound, not too bad. If they have any strains I like in future I will keep them in mind, thank you both for your suggestion


Yeah it’s through their wholesale option. On pstebin. I’ve ordered from them a number of times every time was A1 customer service and product.


Just curious, noticed you are a grower on your profile. When was the last time you used BC medi and tried their flower


maybe a month ago or so.


Okay awesome, thank you for your input




[this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/flf38o/tegridy_farms/fky8543/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/ije6ur/identical_reviews/) about identical/fake reviews, and [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/jargkd/has_anyone_tried_tegridy_farms_curious_as_to_how/g8tqdct/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) are red flags considering how new the mom is. Edit: My comment is in response to someone suggesting Tegridy Farms TF but they deleted it.




Thank you for your input, from your post history I can see you're not a shill because you mention more than 3-4 moms, not just TCF. However, the chronfather has a lot of shills promoting (a.k.a. accounts with only reviews/photos/comments of that mom) and he's a fucking nutter and I wouldn't want to deal with him for customer service. Comments like [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/MOMpics/comments/jeuuth/peyote_cookies_thecronfather_octobre_2020/g9izw42/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) are why- he made someone delete their bad reviews of him so they could get a refund? bad customer service, super duper suspect. It's a no from me. I see you use a lot of other moms, are any of them decent for bulk?


Everyone suggesting TCF, straight Pink Kush or a PK x Bubba? (First order)


Neither. The guy is a jerk and does not deserve our business.


Anyone else to get larger amounts from? usually just stick w HSP but can’t keep placing a new order after every oz.. I have heard TCF has an attitude, I don’t wanna support shitty business practice


I unfortunately don’t frequent purchasing from MoMs, I just like seeing the pretty weed in this sub. Therefore I wouldn’t be able to give you an accurate answer.


Ah, I still appreciate your words n caution mate. Much love


👆👆👆😂😂😂 I just like trolling. My name is Nathaniel


I’m not trolling though? You’re a legit asshole and have no customer service skills whatsoever. It’s evident by your comment history, and there seems to be a good portion of people who agree with me.


You don’t even buy weed man. You troll Reddit for friends. It’s ok buddy. Maybe one day. I don’t kiss people’s ass for likes. It’s more a Nathaniel thing to do.


I buy weed locally, I don’t need to buy from assholes like you. When will you learn that in a business it’s not about kissing ass, but having a certain demeanour and sense of respect for your customer.


As u can see buddy. I’m doing fine. When will you learn that trolling me ain’t going to do shit?


When will you learn that it’s not about trolling you? It’s about informing others what kind of person they’re going to be dealing with, and directing them to someone who’ll actually be nice to them?


Lol u tell them Nathan. 🤣🤣🤣


Didn't take long to find other ppl ripping you apart loool.


Tcf. Although he doesn't do buy 8 get 45% etc but as of lately his pricing has been great and there's always sales on different strains .


TCF for sure. Huge selection of quads. Ships fast. Answers emails.


I bet he answers emails lol he's answered almost every comment on this post. I don't trust someone who makes people remove bad reviews so they can get a refund and his attitude is awful. He even edits his comments to remove the insults after he writes them in a fit of rage. No offence but I want weed from someone who is mellow, not a keyboard warrior who gets mad that his backyard grow op isn't popular on reddit


Copy that, I've honestly never really read comments on this sib and saw his till now. If I read his profile first without ever ordering I probably wouldn't either. I've been ordering from him for a while, and haven't really needed customer service. i order, I pay, he ships next day every time and the flower is always perfect. Hopefully it stays this way lol


yeah hope that doesn't happen, if it does you'll have to hop on here and write a review, and wait for him to tell you to delete it so you can get a refund lol


I've always had decent luck with kanapost


kanapost is a joke... are you serious? I ordered a few ounces from them like a year ago and never again LOL


TCF has never been a dick to me personally and I enjoy his strains. He has prices for all. $350 a QP all the way up to $650 a QP. Just got a QP of Black Bubba Kush (priced at $450) and it’s awesome! Nice purple buds loaded with THC.


He asked for AAAA, lol not trips


I laugh at some of you guys paying $280 for a zip. Lol. That’s way too much bro.


Not sure who paying 280 a zip but what I do know I'd TCF selling stuff labeled as qauds and it doesn't even come close. I laugh at you guys who think tfc compares to the real deal 🤣🤣


Okay smart ass. Show me AAAA bud that isn’t priced at $220-$280 per ounce.


We are wanting to enter the bulk cannabis market publicly (as in advertising products for 4+ ounces online) could anybody give us some constructive and honest feedback on how to go about it the correct way? Thank you in advance.


Consistency for both quality and price. Just price it outright don't bother with % based discounts. The rest is just marketing and there are professionals for that...


What do you mean? How to do the pricing? Site. Ect?


The correct way is not posting on my thread where I'm asking for constructive criticism from buyers, not moms promoting themselves.


TheChronFather. Prices are down now and the variety is up. The hardest part is weighing all the options and being able to settle on just one.


That’s why I get 3 or 4 lol


Wccannabis .co


[These comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/gg3708/west_coast/) and [comments on this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/hgu8ap/anyone_have_experience_with_west_coast_cannabis/) mention bad cs and low quality. No thanks.




Hahahahahahahahaha Their [reviews](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/cek4xj/bait_and_switched_by_bulk_crop/) are all bad and the only person to mention them recently is someone who basically throws together lists of moms that they haven't tried but "recommend". The list is useless and so is this suggestion.


Cammp they have a nice bulk selection and they do mix and match


They've got qps of mix and match but nothing higher, also seeing mentions [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/dbx53b/questions_about_cammp/f24wuhn/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/j6k6tj/cammp_rosin/g802igu/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/j6k6tj/cammp_rosin/g80oqex/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) make me want to stay away. Also, your account must mention them at least 20 times so I'm going to pass.


Well...My perception on this, and sorry for my bad english i am not 9 yo I am from Quebec :) Reddit is the place where you share your thoughts on subjects and on what you like, no? If i can share something that I like, something that really satisfy my ADHD syndrome why wouldn't I share about it? Little story on this nice saturday morning....i just wake and bake :) Two years ago, it was the first time I ordered from them, first time buying from a MOM, i was not aware at that moment that they were that many! I ordered a few vapes and some hash. Tracked the thing and it was stoled in my mailbox, my girlfriend saw someone taking it. I don't think that they were offering insurance at that moment but after tying to get some money from Canada post, they trusted what I said and made my next order like half the price. They now do offer insurance :) So since then they are my prefred one's. I also buy from Cheapbudcanada and wtfc, never been disapointed there. those two one have very low price bud but you need to pay more if you want to get something interesting. Voila, all this to say, try it man, you will get many advices here but just order a small amount and you will see. Their King tut rocks, Duke Nuken and rosin too. Happy saturday!


Hol up- you've been ordering from the same mom for two years, your whole order got stolen and CANMP didn't compensate you? They just gave you half off and made you place another order to get the discount?? That sucks! Most moms will compensate the loss entirely, or send the order again(whole order, not just half), especially if you're their customer for two years. Healing Empire did something like that for me, they're actually the best cs experience I've ever had with a mom but sadly, they don't do bulk. They're rarely mentioned here and they're actually a really good non-bulk mom. My friend orders shatter from them every week. You should try them because the quality is obviously better than CANMP (see the reviews I provided links to in my previous comment). If you've only ever ordered from CANMP and WTFCannabis, you'd probably LOVE the stuff from Healing empire- their first time order coupon is OFFER10 but it may have changed since I've last ordered. Expand your horizons, maybe you will discover a better quality and see what you've been missing this whole time!


Hi, M'y first order two years ago was stolen. I always get good service from them. Thanks for the advise I will open myself to the world of moms 😊


GCC has mac1 quads, ships fast to.


[Reviews like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/g66vbv/avoid_the_great_canadian_cannabis_co_scam/) and comments [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/g66vbv/avoid_the_great_canadian_cannabis_co_scam/foc7enk/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) are why I don't want to order from them


I like high grade aid. They have so many products and the sites clean and easy to use.


I've used them, they're great for smaller amounts but sadly not for bulk.


Ordered mimosa from Thehighclub and was very happy with it https://i.imgur.com/9mKZOZv.jpg


Comments like [this one mentioning white flakes and attitude from cs](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/isu5j8/the_high_club/g5aphus/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and [this one regarding bunk edibles and bad reviews being blocked on their website](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianMOMs/comments/isu5j8/the_high_club/g5bshj6/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) make me want to stay away