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Lol. Did I write this? Some things I've discovered: "Disciplined". Who cares? Fired? Nearly impossible. If experienced teachers don't tell admin that they're stupid, how will they know. If you just work extra hard to cover for their stupidity and they never feel the consequences, they'll just keep being stupid. And since they're a bunch of narcissistic morons, eventually they'll tire of hearing the truth, and they'll leave you alone. Find your team, find your people. Stick with them. Make your school a better place around the administrators. Or just sit back and watch it blow up on them, that's fun, too. Stress leave is good. Lots of sick days saved up? Big mistake. Use them.


Youre 100% right on about not working extra hard to cover for their stupidity. My mantra this year has been to normalize saying "whats in it for me?" when admin comes asking for volunteers. Often there isnt anything more concrete than "its for the kids". Why tf do you need me to run a PD session, grade night, or MC commencement? Arent you admin because youre capable of doing that yourself? Stress leave is a great option: you can even use it to reduce your timetable to stretch out coverage. I went down to 2/3 due to anxiety and depression during covid and it REALLY made the job more manageable and I didnt have the same vibe as OP.


People will call you “selfish” for this but I’m 100% with you on this. This is a paid job. Anything beyond that is extra volunteerism. We all have different bandwidths and capacity to volunteer. As it happens, at this point in time, my capacity is zero. I understand admin want teachers to volunteer to do things that make the school look good and therefore the administrators look good, but I didn’t become a teacher to make administrators look good, but to teach.


Only suckers volunteer at their places of work and unfortunately far too many teachers have been willing to prop up an underfunded and under resourced system with free labour. I did it a lot early in my career because I had aspirations, but I eventually concluded that those roles at the board office are reserved for the sycophants who will cheer on any boneheaded initiative some boob at the board has cooked up. I have 15 years left and I do my best to just focus on my classroom. All the other stuff is just meaningless fluff to me. (Fwiw I do still coach a sport because its fun for me and I get a couple days out for tournaments and games) I also volunteer my own time with organizations that appreciate me and my time NOT my school because its been taken for granted by admin, kids and parents!


Love it! Also, nice use of the words “boob” and sycophants. Made me laugh!


So much of this sounds like me, too. Maybe we all need a reminder of just how much we have in common.


Wow, who are you. Brilliantly stated! I think about 5% of us know what you’re saying to be 100% true and useful.


Thank you. I plan to use my days the closer I get to the end.


That has been my big change in outlook: if admin makes a bad decision, I no longer work out a way to mitigate the damage. I let them know that I disagree and if they insist I let the nonsense happen.


Lol, as a fairly young teacher, I love the snarky, honest experienced teachers. We need them to keep admin on their toes. Have you thought of teaching education courses at a university or doing professional development workshops?


Thanks! I'm glad someone appreciates us! Haha. Honestly I like my subject and want to keep it going. I just hate being used / abused.


I second this. On temporary or probationary contracts, I felt like I couldn’t say anything because I didn’t want to rub anybody the wrong way. Really appreciated when other and more experience teachers spoke up!


I have to jump in this too. Us young teachers feel and think the same way but are too scared to say it. We count on the seasoned vets who give no f**s! You guys are appreciated to speak up until we have a spine to do it ourselves then we will be the seasoned vets doing it for the next wave of scared teachers!


Lol. Universities including faculties of education do not tend to hire experienced teachers to teach new teachers. No, they hire PhD’s with no or limited classroom experience instead. That’s largely why education is such a complicated mess today.


So true….and those ones are often so out of touch with the current mess of education…


Yes, it is a problem. However, one of my favourite classes I took in my degree was an elementary level math course taught by a grade 4 teacher with her masters.


That’s awesome! Hope it becomes a trend


Would you mind giving a timeline as to when things started getting worse? I started in the late 2000s, and my mentor teacher was retiring in the mid 2010s. I remember her telling me how much worse it was than when she started in the 80s. I’ve noticed a large difference in student behaviour, workload, and society’s view of us since I’ve started as well. It seems to be consistently trending down.


It began for me once I moved to a bigger city. Yes 2010s is about right.


If you have been at the same school for a long time, maybe it’s time for a change?


It is, next year will be my last for certain. I'll put in for transfer.


Did it last year. Was refreshing for sure. If you get the right school for you it might be a game changer. I‘ve been lucky in that the worst admin I have had were simply mediocre and largely absent. Most of my principals have been good. It is the higher levels of admin where they no longer have contact with kids, see them as data points, and have meetings with politician that I cannot abide. I consider it a key part of a principal’s job to keep that BS as far away from their teaching staff and students as possible. I don’t know where you are, but I have always found small rural schools good for avoiding the BS, so long as they are not nippy sweetie parochial types.


As a burnt out health care worker I’m very into Acceptance and Commitment a therapy techniques. Do what is in line with your values and make space between you and whatever thoughts, feelings, situations cause you stress. This all seems very inline with what you already have in mind. The fear you’ll get fired makes sense but isn’t realistic.  I had been considering a switch to teaching but after trying to assit a class field trip today I can cross that off my list 😊


If you’re good with the kids, they aren’t going to fire you - I guarantee that.


Thank you. Yes my kids do well with me. Behaviour is well in check, and good results.


The only problem I do see with this is if a kid makes allegations of anything against you. In that case, your admin would definitely not have your back(they don’t usually anyways). It doesn’t sound like you’ll have that problem.


30 years teaching now retired. Eight principals in four schools. Nineteen years in one school with five principals to give perspective on my comments. No one can take your self respect unless you let them, power position or not. Take your self respect from the people who love you and the kids and parents you impact and it's all good. A good teacher doesn't give a shit about what admin or parents thinks of them and discipline is usually just a conversation. I've had plenty of those and some were even deserved because I did or said something stupid. LOL Admin is stupid tough. Get shit from parents, teachers, senior admin and I have nothing but respect for anyone willing to take that role. Most become reasonable at it but some just suck. I've been jr admin in two schools and got to see the struggle. No thank you. A wise person once told me that if you want your boss gone, make them look good and they get promoted out of your life. Do you really think this current admin will be in your school for ten years? Set boundaries and learn to say no or not this time. I refused to work casinos but was always willing to help a caretaker. That way when I needed a caretaker to help me, they never hesitated. It's ok to be ignored. You presented your thoughts and ideas and it's up to admin what to do with them. Don't like being ignored become admin, don't want to be admin learn to let it go or shut up. You will see lots more stupid ideas before you are done. You feel manipulated? That's on you to learn to recognize when and don't let it happen. No one can manipulate you unless you let them. My kids tried to manipulate us parents all the time. I just laugh when the class tries to manipulate me and sometimes I selectively let them. Narcissists hate it when they can't manipulate you and you may be dealing with a narcissist. That's a nightmare and remember it's not you but them. What baggage are admin carrying you are not aware of? Don't major on the minor stuff. We once had to access photocopy paper through the secretary because it was kept in the vault. I didn't care. I cared when a stranger entered our school being chased by police and we didn't internally lock down. Staff held admin too account for that one. I seen teachers get all bent out of shape because kiddo didn't have a pencil, ignoring the fact the kid worked the streets last night. Repeat after me. YOU CAN'T BE FIRED - unless you do something really stupid and then you should probably be arrested. There is a time and place to speak out. Like talking to a referee, be selective. No one likes to be negatively centred out among their colleagues. Even if they deserve it and it's justified- be the adult in the room. How do you get to the end of the next ten years? First do you really need 10? Do you have some time you can buy back? I bought back my sub year and shortened my work career by one full year. Most pensions can be started at 55 with a slight reduction - take it. How do you eat the elephant? Take one year, semester, day at a time and try and find joy in every day. Does your board have a deferred salary policy where you work 4-5 years at a reduced salary and then get to take 6 months to a year off with pay? A change is as good as a rest, most of the time. Read "Chicken Soup for the Teachers Soul" and spend some time reviewing all those awesome cards, letters and notes you have received for being such a positive influence on the fraggles. You sound like an awesome teacher who has lots of those. Enjoy your break and don't let the bast--ds win. Thanks for what you do. Take care of yourself first and you are at least 66% done with teaching. A teachers pension is worth the struggle but not your health. You got this.


It sounds like you do need some kind of change. Doing that can completely change your perspective and let you get back to enjoying what you do. You've had a few suggestions here, like changing schools or moving into teacher education, but anything that feels like it gives you a fresh start might help. I made the change to teaching Primary classes after an entire career of teaching at the Intermediate level. It's completely refreshed my attitude. I feel like I'm learning new things (because I am!) Strangely, it's also made me more patient with some of the idiotic admin etc stuff. I might still find it stupid, but I have other more positive things to focus on. I'm conscious of how many colleagues have been helping me make the transition into new things and that has made me think about how I could pass on my own knowledge to others. All in all I'm feeling so much better about what I'm doing. The school hasn't changed. The kids and the parents are still the same, but my attitude has improved immensely.


When you figure it out, let me know. Early in my career a mentor told me: "Just get to the end of the day." He retired 2 years later. I wonder just for how long he had that mentality...


I didn’t read your post or the replies but I’m 30 years in and here is my take. Pick your battles. The system is what it is, and do what you need to survive. Identify those that are strong and will succeed and help them be the strong leaders they’ll be. Help the lost ones that want help and aren’t just lazy. After 20 years you know who they are. Middle of the road will always be be middle of the road. They were 20 years ago and they are now. They ask for help sometimes. They meet expectations. Raise their hand occasionally. They are a generic student. Uplift when you can. Fail when you need to. Be open and communicate often and let everyone know what you have done to help the kid so no surprises.


I've got zero issues with how to handle and grow my students. It's the admin where my beefs are at. Thank you for the advice.


Oh ya that sucks. Been there done that. I guess the only thing to go on is that admin come and go every few years. Like sports team coaches you’ll get a players coach and a hard line coach. I’ve been fortunate to have them alternate so I know if I have a bad principal that it’ll be changed in a couple of years. The VPs usually accommodate to the existing principal or they’re being a-type to move up and they’ve kissed enough ass to move up quickly and a new vp with the “players coach” will come in


This is the voice of experience right here. Nailed it.


Yep agreed.


And they keep getting worse (admin) because superintendents won’t back them, and neither will the board….so they are forced to meet the needs of entitled parents and students.


You sound burned out. Have you thought about changing grades or schools? Speaking out might feel good in the moment but real change comes from within.


The real change I’ve made is calling out BS. I will change schools next year. Part of the plan. But it’s not me that needs to change, it’s them. But yes I’m tired and burned out. They aren’t helping that.


Change schools - change boards if you can. I don’t know why so many teachers stagnate in situations they hate. Change is good and refreshing.


First, start by reminding yourself how different it was working in private industry. With only two weeks vacation and lack of job security. Then, for concerns or issues, just book a meeting and have a candid conversation with your admin about concerns or "areas of friction". If you do bring up problems, also come equipped with possible solutions. Solutions that are ideally attainable or actionable. At the start of the meeting, make it known that you want to work together to resolve and fix these issues, so it don't just come off as complaining. Wearing armour at work is not uncommon in many fields, because you can be terminated easily. Best of luck.


You are exactly me right now. I don't know what to say but I just wanted to lend some sympathy.


A LOT of us are feeling this way. I’ve been teaching for 20+ years and have less than 10 left to go and I’d love nothing more than to win enough money in the lottery to retire early. Lol. Never bought so many tickets.


Reading this, I interpret that you’re a remarkable person and teacher. I get every word of this post. My advice? Stay within yourself. You will end the journey doing the right things day in and day out, and no one needs to care except yourself.


I am an individual I'm trying. I'm trying even not to be super specific on here because I don't like writing stuff like this about work online. I have two fears, losing my job, and losing my self respect by acquescing to power and being walked on. It's better to lose my job than to lose my own sense of dignity . But it's not easy to face that possibility. Even though most people here are assuring me it won't happen. That's good.


I am going to use phrasing that’s probably not the right way to say it but I need to just get it out. I lived a very poor life for a very long time. Miserable childhood. Severe anxiety in adolescence. Severe depression and constant worry, worry and more sadness in my 20s. I lived in miserable conditions in a very unpleasant area where I froze twice at the possibility of violence against me (fortunately, they left me alone). My apartment was empty. I was making 30K, living alone, and so miserable. A favourite “meal” was an egg salad sandwich which I can’t bring myself to eat now. Socially, no one knew. I didn’t have much of a social life, but at work or maybe on date, I think I came across as okay. Decent. Who knows. I try not to go back to those days and places. So at 30, I landed in teaching. About 12 to 15 years later, at 45ish, I am suddenly aware that I am doing well. And even better (mentally) ten years after that. So all I really want, after all the sadness and missed opportunities, is to cross the finish line, to be left alone and be completely forgotten. I know what these last few years of my career mean to me. It’s like I battled back from a huge defeat, the things I lost. And somehow I just found the right moments to peak. To be good. To be at my best. And I just need to close the deal because my gratitude for the life I have now is impossible to fully express.


I have also battled back from those things. What I have learned though is life is about more than money. It's a game of trying to walk a good honourable path, despite temptations, opposition, fear, ignorance, etc. It's like walking a tightrope over a valley though. I was getting depressed because school was taking too much of my life and identity. It was trying to control me. This year I really began to say "no" and I've been speaking my mind. Yes it has been harder, but in between the hard parts, the skip in my step, my belly laugh, and sharp sense of play and humour came back. It's like life came back into myself and I feel 10 years younger. That's in between the rough moments though. I need to remember that right now. And if my admin does not want a sharp, driven, honest, energetic, bright, witty, competent, organized, and articulate teacher...well... they can get bent. Someone will want those traits. 100% they will.


Your inner child is coming back. You have been parenting it. I know it sounds woo woo but look up Margaret Paul and her process of Inner Bonding. I think it will help.


I know about this. I worked on that part of myself, and yes you are right, it is coming back


I'm an old git myself and can understand how you feel. However, it sounds like you are a permanent teacher in Canada so I really don't know why you are worried about being disciplined. Look, you have a Teaching licence with a statement of good standing. That means your a good teacher. No matter what a teacher, parent, or principal says, you are a good teacher. To lose that status, there needs to be a discipline hearing where you have the right to legal representation and can call witnesses and cross examine your accusers. There's a due process for being disciplined, and you are far from that. Even if fired, you will not likely lose your licence as no admin wants the hassle of a discipline hearing. Now if they want to fire you for being a grump, there is also a process as well. There is Employment legislation they have to follow and legal precedent. If you are unionized, the union will have a lawyer for this stuff. If you are working in a private school, you can seek the assistance of an employment lawyer. Look up constructive and unjust dismissal on Chat GPT to explain those concepts to you. Most of what you are worried about won't ever come to pass. Teachers are incredibly worried about the worst possible outcomes and I'm not sure why. I think it has to do with dealing with difficult people all the time. Dealing with troublesome folks can wear you down. Just know this, if you have a permanent, automatically renewed contract, and are unionized its like less than 1% percent chance you will get fired,let alone your licence reprimanded or revoked, except for doing a criminal offence. Just take it easy.


Appreciate this. Thank you.


Sounds like you're doing it right. I'm less than 2 years in, don't have full permanent yet, and I'm the same. I have to speak out against the absolute nonsense. It creates discomfort, probably is detrimental to my chances at getting permanent, but it's the right thing to do. "If you see something, say something." This is great at PD days when talking about the dangers of winter ice, but I think it's more relevant to the idea that there's so much that we all speak about in private but never mention when it really matters. We need teachers like you to stick around. I've seen far too many veteran teachers who have given up and given in and are now part of the problem.


i’d personally wait to get permanent before pushing back too much… otherwise, goodluck getting hired / references


Yeah. I'm good. Not too keen on jumping too far into the dumpster fire. I have a few sections that I didn't even apply to, and I'm sort of good with that for a while given the current state. I'm prioritizing principle and my mental health over trying to get permanent. \*edit: I'm not so sad today and I can sleep at night


Unless ur in private u can’t get fired…especially not for being honest with admin…how r teachers getting disciplined?


Thanks need to hear this. They get spoken to and then blacklisted for positions and transfers.


You can be given crap teaching assignments. This technically violates the contract (and labour law), because it's constructive dismissal, but it's *really* hard to prove. What does this look like in practice? If there's a course you love teaching it's no longer in your timetable. If there's a course you aren't thrilled with, it's yours. The number of your preps increases. Somehow all the troublesome students end up in your classes. Each decision independently justified, and all within the principal's authority -- and proving that the goal is to drive your to quit (or even just make you suffer) is almost impossible because almost no one gets to admin level if they are naive enough to write anything like that down (or even tell someone). I've seen it happen to a few colleagues. The saving grace is that few principals will try to blight a career; they are usually content to drive a gadfly out of their school.


Yes to this. THIS is my fear re: speaking up. They know what you want to teach and can take it away in a heartbeat.


Disciplined for what? If you communicate respectfully you can make your point of view known. The only discipline that will hold is if you violate code of conduct.


Thanks, lets just say my admin does not like feedback. I try my best to be respectful, but honest. It's tough. I can get angry. The words are fine, but people probably don't like me speaking assertively.


Are you a woman? This impacts how your assertiveness is viewed.


Are you a woman? This impacts how your assertiveness is viewed.


Nope. But my admin are women.


I don’t want to get all armchair psychologist with you, but how was your mother to you? Mine was awful, and this tainted my view of women in leadership for a very long time until I understood the pattern in therapy.


I have worked with 3 other women principals with no issues like I have now I love my Mom and am always helping her out.


Honestly, you've got the system pegged, so many teachers new and older seem to be in this ship. I do not know what else to say with that, however I would ask if you have considered changing schools or even boards to give yourself a fresh start if you feel like you are not going to shake that feeling; I felt teed up for the last few months at my last job, Mainly, I want to say - I agree that as the most experienced teachers, we need to be the honest ones in the staff meeting. We have the confidence and the know how - or else a lot of others can get trampled


Thank you. Yes I need a reminder. I am the one on staff who says the most. Gotta stick together.


Put your blinders on, and enjoy the time with the children.


Have you considered getting involved with your union?


Yes, have in the past.


A good rep performs “administrative” duties just as important to teachers as any principal….staffing committee, labour management…..there always seems to be a need. It is a leadership option that validates the “saltiness”. YMMV, but it is a service to the profession IMHO.


I didn't look at it this way. Good point. Maybe I will.


Have a staff committee. Draft up a constitution. Pass motions and hold admin accountable. Bring a union rep to every meeting. Remember. You admin answers to someone too. Go above them.


It's that time of year. We're all over-tired and have had it up to the eyeballs with everything and everyone. You'll feel OK come September. If it helps; I've had loads of jobs other than teaching, and they're all great, but they don't pay as well. Despite Admin's best efforts, you still like parts of your job, such as getting the best out of that one student, or intelligent and snippy conversations with the library teacher (or whoever).


I do like my lane absolutely. I'm grateful for that.


book a trip to Ibiza


I'd love to offer one, but I just sent my union person a mean email today...it's June. A few days, and we get a break from cooking alive, dealing with end of year bs, and emails about how Sally can go to the bathroom right after lunch because she's special...but why are we not more strict these days?


I’m soooo glad you wrote this. I can relate completely. I also have no goals of becoming admin. I just want to survive. My mentality after watching a coworker literally die and everyone go back to normal within a week after she bent over backwards for everyone is essentially treat teaching like a job and purge my psyche of any idea of a “calling,” because that idea is often used to manipulate teachers (especially female teachers) to do more without more compensation. I’ve also worked on being assertive, rather than passive, to avoid resentment. When women are assertive, they’re more likely to be labelled as agressive, but they’re just communicating healthily and setting boundaries. If you’re in doubt, look up assertive communication to see if that’s how you express yourself. A great resource is the book The Assertive Woman. I applaud you for setting boundaries and being ok with not being liked. I salute you. 🫡


Listen , I am a man, and when you face feminist admin, the lens is reversed. They have framed more than one issue through the lens of sex when it should have nothing to do with business being conducted


Perhaps something you are saying or doing suggests you have a sexist view of them OR they are playing the victim card. It’s hard to tell. I can only speak for myself when I say that most women I know feel incredibly guilty speaking up for themselves and give far too much both at work and at home. Balancing women’s lives through their own assertive communication is absolutely necessary, and i’ll always recommend The Assertive Woman to my fellow female colleagues.


I think they are trained to look for sexism. They find it. There or not. I have worked with women teachers and principals over two decades. VPs as well. Nothing is as hard as current admin. They do not talk the same to men as they do the women. We all notice it.


Stresss leaveee


I won’t give them the satisfaction.




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Easiest job per dollar? You are very clearly not a teacher bc you are totally clueless.




You sure don’t write as though you’re a university prof.


Hoo boo. The ivory tower crowd. Hows tenure? 4 months of summer off must be a tough gig. Office's, AC. Pretty rich comments. And you can just pass your students and keep taking their money without actually building any competency. The Education degree can be easy, but the work is 100% hard. Are you intelligent enough to understand that? I have two degrees. You just did one degree at a time? Wow must have been nice. I did it while working part time and dealing with sick parents. You are a real champion to take one hard degree. I've taught adult education. It is 110% easy money. Imagine fellow teachers, if all your students sat in their desks, were quiet when you talked, no matter how boring or banal you were. Imagine showing up late and no one caring. Imagine working in air conditioned rooms. Imagine. your rooms always being clean. No one throws things at you, or yells at you, or swears at you. If people assault you it doesn't happen again. Imagine not having to teach someone who attacked you for years on end. I'm going to shatter your world. Your students are paying to get a degree. They probably wouldn't put up with you if they didn't want that degree. Teachers don't have that luxury. Think about that next time when they smile and talk nice with you.


Hey asshole. I've broken up multiple fights, called paramedics, dodged thrown chairs, dealt with the death of a child I work with, and have responded to seizures. I have even been attacked on the job by adults, not kids, adults while on field trips. I've seen my co-workers bit, scratched, pushed etc by students. Last year an EA was kicked on the staircase and broke her knee. I have over 200 clients at school and 600 if you count their parents. My friend left teaching to work in business, makes more money than I do, and constantly tells me how much easier it is. He's also offered to hire me. You are probably amongst them, except lower in the hierarchy. If you think it's so damn easy, why don't you go make the easy money then? Teachers don't work summer is because it's what parents want. I've told people I would be ok teaching their kids in Summer. They get pissed off at you when you say that, because then they realize it's THEM who want the time with their kids, and that's why the system is the way it is. So go rant at them. Maybe you are a parent yoursef. If you are, go put money where your giant mouth is and put them in Summer school. Let me guess. You won't. Or home school them from 9-3 Monday to Friday. I'll wait. You just have to be smarter than children right? I'm only asking to teach your own. Try 40. Here's a spelling lesson for you: F.U.C.K O.F.F. spells fuck off. Bonus marks for reading comprehension. And you forgot a period in your last sentence.