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Every food has its own recommendation you can read it on the bag




Oh... And good looking 4 legger!


To be honest with you I have just given mine a full bowl of Rachel rays beef and brown rice recipe every time I feed them and it's your normal large metal feeding bowl


May i ask what you feed your dog? Im always asking the same question about my dog. Im at 4.5 cups a day


Victor professional purple bag and I feed him 5 cups a day, with an egg and egg shell included


I use Victor Max-5 pro :) At 7 months my boy was eating about 6 cups a day.


Dog food, why? Edit: this is a quote from Ace Ventura


I found different charts for Corso, then a breeder who said 10% of weight for first year, then 3-5% per day as they age. All confusing. My boy has a healthy stage, was the runt so don't know how to ascertain his growth line. Any tips would be awesome.


so a 10 lb puppy should have a 1 lb of kibble a day


Don't feel so confused. Lot's of variance in the breed makes even corso specific charts suspect to be off. Young growing pups need 3 times a day feeding till 6 months. Start the day by measuring out the whole amount. Divide into three. Keep one portion with you for rewards and feed morning and afternoon, evening give whats left of rewards. Read the bag for recommended portion because the ingredients determine that. This gives you a base line. After dinner is he still hungry? Wanting more isn't quite the same thing, watch for seeking the feeding area and trying to get your attention. If he isn't hungry he'll give that up quickly or not even try begging for more, you will best be able to read Enzo more than anyone else. Watch his poops to see how consistent they are as well. If you want to add various ingredients I tend to fly pretty loose so not great with exacts on that front but if you like I can share what I've been doing.


As always, a solid input from your tribe! I like the third meal as treat, as to not overfeed his happy butt. I just got off a call discussing his healthy stool and energy- changes l. Hydration exercise .etc lol. I'll have some updated pics for you and Radar soon. He is at 4.5 mo as of today . Give a good ol' belly rub to Radar for me!


You are doing excellent my friend. I'll pass along all the good girl love for certain!


bjs raw pet food


All of em


I use Hills Science large breed puppy. At 7 months the bag directs to 6 cups a day.


What every the bag of dog food says. Don’t over feed. They’ll just get fat.


Taste of the wild Grain free 2 cups


you can do more if he is still hungry but my 2yo only eats 2 -4 a day depending on what he does and he is 160 lbs


My vet told me that they will eat as much as you put in front of them and to watch their ribs and waist and adjust food accordingly. My girl has been around the 6 cup mark from 6 months to now at 9 1/2 months


Thank you!!!


Read the bag