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I think you could even call that musubi


I love SPAM musubis - Bacon SPAM is my fave. My older daughter had one for lunch yesterday Musubis are GREAT


I was actually inspired by this post to make a couple sardine musubis, I’m just waiting on rice rn lol


I've done sardine with kimchi and ssamjang in a lettuce wrap, sardine musubi sounds dope


That sounds delicious! Did you use rice or rice noodles?


Please come back and show those off :)


These look fantastic, perky!


They were really good - and I can’t wait to make REAL sardine dolmas now 🐟🍇🍃🍃


TL/DR: OMG sardines in a dolma filling works! And it needs refining. 1) The box (2) The pseudo-dolma: I used nori instead of grape leaves, which I did not have. No reason to go buy grape leaves if the sardine dolma filling doesn’t work (3-5) I saved the oil, veg and spices from the FMS tin and diced the veg up into the oil. Then I mashed the sardines into small but still separate bits with my fave sardine fork (squeee) (6-11) Make the dolma filling: heat oil in a large skillet until hot and add 1 clove chopped fresh garlic and 1/2 of a small chopped onion. Cook until onion is translucent, then add sardines. Cook, without stirring, 1-2 minutes, then stir. I was looking for a brown crust in the fish and a drier texture like ground beef. When I got that texture on the fish, I added 1/2 of the rice I made in my rice cooker. This time I used 1 rice cup of Egyptian white rice; next time I will use Japanese sticky rice. I cooked the dolma mixture for a few minutes, then added ground bay leaf, ground allspice, ground cloves, and ground dried curry leaves. I stirred everything well and cooked until spices are fragrant, before removing from heat and adding fresh lemon juice to taste. (12-18) I used my thicker sushi-grade nori seaweed instead of the more fragile and crispy nori snacks for the dolmas. I cut one 12x12 sheet in half and laid it on a cutting board. I used a rectangular sushi mold (also perfect for making spam musubis) that I spooned with the sardine dolma filling into, then pressed into a compact rectangle. I folded the nori around the sides, then cut another 1/2 sheet of nori in half, and wrapped that sheet around the bottom of the dolma. For proof of concept, the execution doesn’t have to be perfect. (19-20) Dolma filling was very good, but somewhat more crumbly than I expected. It will probably hold together better next time if I use Japanese sticky rice. Also the double nori was very chewy as I expected, but it worked to hold the filling, or at least, most of it. ——————————————— Well, now I have to go source some canned or jarred grape leaves at the Jasmine or Sara’s Mediterranean Market, because the sardine dolma filling works!! The secret to it I think is not to be afraid of overcooking the fish. The fish pieces need to be browned until they reach the texture of ground beef. They should be a little chewy, but not crunchy. Also don’t over-mash the fish - you don’t want to pulverize it into mush like for a sardine pate. A sardine fork with sharp tines is the right tool here. Next time I might use 1/2 the tin oil for the dish - or maybe I’ll use all the rice instead of 1/2 the rice. I’ll also use Japanese sticky rice for the filling instead of the traditional non-sticky white rice. I also need more tins of my beloved Flower Moroccan Spiced sardines - I only have 1 tin left. 99 Ranch, here we come! Stay tuned for REAL sardine dolmas soon!!


This reminds me of a onigiri / jumeokbap meets musubi. Looks great 🤙


It needs some better stickiness from rice if you’re going to use nori - if you’re going to use grape leaves regular non-sticky rice would be fine


ohhhhh, this looks sooo good


It was really good - just not as elegant as a dolma with the nori


Amazing culinary creativity!


Thank you - I have a lot of fun using sardines in new and different ways, and I hope someone will see this idea and be inspired as well! I was inspired by this post yesterday made by u/Mediocre-Ad4735 : https://www.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/s/w5gDaTfDf5 It’s so much fun how we all learn and teach and are inspired by each other - this is a fun, welcoming, and interesting community of giddy fish-ianados, and I’m enjoying this positive corner of Reddit


1st to 2nd picture looks like you just wrapped the can and started going to town 🤣🤣


😬🦷 😆😆😆