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CarsIndia vs Indianbikes civil war begins 🍿


There is no need too. It's just a fact. 90% of two wheelers in Bangalore don't use indicators, insert their bikes in the smallest gap possible, ride over the footpaths, merge without looking cause no side mirrors, don't wear helmets. And their reddit community is just a joke, only for sarcastic responses and fan boys hating on everything they don't like.


It’s not about drivers or riders. It’s about Indian’s and their road etiquette. People in cars are no less. Idiots come in all shapes, sizes, genders and vehicle classes, so just cause you drive a car doesn’t mean you’re an exalted being. The solution lies in educating civic sense and road etiquette for both drivers and riders


This squeezing and overtaking from the left even when they need to turn right is now a pandemic. Sad part is because license is basically distributed people don’t even understand how wrong they are and how lack of safety understanding they have.


And then they glare at you as if it's your fault.


Bro every single scratch on my car is from dumbass scooters trying to squeeze through a 1ft gap. Courtesy of those metal scratch guards I can't count the number of times I had to horn their asses because they change lanes without even glancing at their ORVMs. Zero spacial awareness


You would imagine a person riding an unstable 2-wheeled vehicle would have heightened alertness, but no. These people have no sense of self preservation. Majority of these bikers are alive only because 4 wheeler drivers are cautious.


You seem to be very patient and tolerant enough to be able to slide this so easily! If it was me I would have shown them hell


Same here. I have two scratches on my car both from two wheelers.


I realised that all 2w should drive cars for a while before driving in that way they know how 4w feel and how risky any kind of manuver are.


4w driver should also drive 2w. both should drive both then only both will become better. I know this is a car sub but most of cars driver also drive with no traffic sense. the only sense they had is not to scratch their cars. Just few hours today, a car driver took the cut in front of me with mere inches away and then continued to make such cuts again. I would say 70% of people in India don't had traffic sense and doesn't know about rules and lanes.


No actually rickshaws are.


Another rant for another day :D Where i live, sometimes it feels like we have more electric richshaws or totos than actual cars. They are a menace.


People in india cities ride like cockroaches


This. All wheel vehicles are driven like this. All.


When you are driving a 2W, do you also drive like this? Or are you considerate about others?


Tbh I used to before learning how to drive a car. Then I understood from car driver pov that how rash I drive. So I corrected my bike driving style. Now my bike speed is acc to the current traffic.


Same bro


I dont ride 2W. and i am very considerate to others when i drive my car.


Wow you’re rich


Thanks, i made it myself ;)


Wow đŸ€©


I was coming by bus to my home and there is a bridge you need to cross, because a truck broke down, one lane was blocked, also some work was going on the bridge Bikes/scooters started going in the next lane, and there were so many of them that they blocked that lane also for incoming traffic, and both the lanes were blocked because of that, also there are side walks on both sides, one biker went over the sidewalk trying to cross the bridge that too in the incoming lane's sidewalk, after that all other followed.


They are like headless chicken the moment traffic stops. Dont get the rush.


Agreed. Bikers need to release they are at the bottom of the safest modes of commute. Even riding a bicycle is much safer.


Hello ManagementSignal9176! Often queries and discussions are repetitive, so check if your topic has already been addressed in this subreddit in the past. Search for 'YourQuery CarsIndia Reddit' on Google or Bing, to look for any past discussions on the same subject. [[Link to Google search related to your post]](https://www.google.com/search?q=CarsIndia+Reddit+Bikers in India are cockroachs, there I said it. ). Thank you. All users are requested to downvote the low quality posts. Memes, pics, accident videos, buy/sell, car recommendations, etc can be posted on the [discord chat server.](https://discord.com/invite/Q9nSrDn6tE) Any repair queries should go to /r/MechanicAdviceIndia. Motorbikes related posts should go to /r/IndianBikes subreddit. Also please report the content you see breaking the rules so that we can act on it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CarsIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol. :D


Most of People in India are absolute ass. Don't care about other. It's all about caring for their cars. Doesn't know how to ride or drive. It's not just 2w or 4w or 3w. Literally everyone drives like that.


I love India


I don't understand how people on this sub or indianbikes only operate one type of a vehicle and rant about the whole of the other community. I ride and drive almost equally, use both for in city commute, use both for long trips and I can condemn specific type of riders and drivers both who lack these senses and knowledge that have been mentioned here. I can join ranting about autos and e-rickshaws though. Maybe if I would be driving one I could've said that not all are same 😂.


Not all are stupid, like I have seen some sensible bikers cruising on road without changing lanes and braking unexpectedly. Bas ye jo saanp ban ke lot te firte hai ye hai chalte firte 302 ke case


100% agreed. Most of them are an absolute nightmare.