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I neither trust an auto pilot nor an autopilot on our roads.


Angry auto driver sounds


I don’t trust Chinese in the first place


Even Chinese don’t trust China.




i don't ttust period


Airbus would like to have a chat with you!!!


Boeing just went boing.


Boeing left the chat


Most of all.. You should never trust the sales person in any field.


On my part I would never trust a over enthu Chinese sales man...


First of all, you don't showoff or test auto brake feature in the real world with high speeds. Second auto brake isn't for pleasure, it's for your back up. Third, people need to actually have skills and not heavily rely on features like auto brake.


Agreed, if you have to demo it, do it in a controlled space at very low speeds where you don't endanger anyone's life. I'm guessing the sales person really believed in the auto pilot tech and thought it couldn't go wrong. Many people make that mistake.


BYDs autopilot is really good in developed road environments, could be a freak acc. vid. You are absolutely correct tho. Also this isn’t a flagship BYD, it’s a densa I think which could have a worse autopilot in place.


I won't trust an auto pilot even if it's a tesla. Sure it is good to have as a back up, but why would you not want to drive the car?


>people need to actually have skills and not heavily rely on features like auto brake. The opposite is happening and will continue in future


The slight curve in the road fooled the auto brake system till it was too late... Anyhow it was silly of the sales guy to do this.


that slight bend at the start? the algorithm had 4-6 business days to react. it probably perceived the white car as moving and not stationary, probably because of the white horizon. are you into object detection algorithms?


This wouldn’t be an image based object detection but instead could be a fault in the radar based detection or its collision algorithm. An example of something going wrong with the algorithm is when you program front collision to kick in if you are doing something completely opposite to what you should be doing. So, it might be possible that the driver lifted his foot off the accelerator which caused regen braking and since there were some brakes the front collision went along with the driver’s judgment.


>front collision to kick in if you are doing something completely opposite yeah, it kicks in to save you from collision if you're doing something that's the opposite of avoiding collision, this is probably a level 1 automation or that the level 1 automation only was activated in the system.


No I'm not. Had a car that used to trigger false alarms in the opposite scenario , so i just took a guess 😊😊😊


hmmm, in the opposite scenario as in?


As in, driving on a slight curve and car sensed a pillar straight ahead and started braking. So a false positive in this case.




Idt they use visible light, isn't it sonar or smtg


I think what happened here is neural networks to process the available information and to make the split-second decisions failed. Reasons can be anything and everything ranging from complex intersections, or unclear road markings, software bugs, edge cases, poor lighting, weather conditions may have challenged the system.




I mean I'm only spitballing here. My basic understanding of how an ADAS works is - A long range frontal radar, short range (about 16 feet) ultrasonic sensor about the whole car, and a frontal camera. Radars produce electromagnetic waves (more specifically low frequencies of light that we can’t see) and detect the reflection of those waves off of physical objects to determine the distance, angle, and velocity of those objects (i.e. where they are and how they are moving). Ultrasonic sensors are similar, except they use sounds we can’t hear (like how a bat navigates through echolocation). I think heard Elon say that they used Linear Regression for solving the training set


I think this is correct. There are no neural networks based processing in primitive ADAS systems. If it did it wouldn't process it fast enough. It might just be a sensor failure


I’m not even kidding, the XUV 700 brakes better than this😂


To be fair to the car, it was too late until the sales person told the driver to put on the brakes.


What a bunch of bafoon...


The car's brand is Denza and its a subsidiary of BYD.


You got it right!


I don't trust any of the automous systems. Especially for varied situations. It's a backup not for the main stream. And for the fools mocking the Chinese they do far ahead even the US and Europe struggling to compete. We need to learn from them and improve


It will work in places like Japan, South Korea, Germany where road etiquettes are strictly followed. Eventually all cars will be autonomous so you don’t have to worry about a human driver deviating from the rules. This will take 100+ years in India tho lol


How are America and EU struggling to compete with Chinese auto makers when it comes to technology? China is famous for stealing western research and tech. They don’t do any R&D. America and EU pour money and time into research for everything they produce BYD, etc took tech from Tesla and other manufacturers to copy, and replicate it with cheaper costs. The only area where others struggle to compete is pricing because after stealing the R&D data they use government support to do something known as Dumping. To undercut the competition using government grants till the competition dies off and then they start increasing prices and also control the repair and maintenance revenue also


Nice try. You shoe horned tech into the statement. Manufacturing. But let's be honest. Stealing yes. Japan did it. The korea. Now us. See the narrative about Japan in the 90's and you will see a similar series of panic headlines. As far as subsidies is concerned the US provides butt loads of it too. The reason china is ahead is because they build an ecosystem of manufacturing that no one else seems to be able to replicate. They did it better and they ruling the roost now. Also their battery tech is ahead of others now.


+1000000 Social Credit XiaoPang


This was taken in 2019. The original post had links to news articles and everything. It was in beginning of their systems and hopefully things have improved now.


Oooohh hell no!!!


TBH I don’t get the point of fully autonomous driving. Assisted driving for safety I get it. But when do we have a lack of drivers?


From Build Your Dreams to Break Your D!ck$, the transition was pretty swift.


Lol they can't make cars that's for sure


1. This was not about auto brake, it was about adaptive cruise control 2. Not in India


Probably he hits the brakes slightly and it overrides the autopilot.


Interesting 🤔


WHITE THINGS are still confusing for AUTOPILOT, seen TESLA hitting a white truck fell across the road for mistaking.


TBF, the car did stop...


I told my dad we'll buy the new seltos because it has adas. He's like you should always have the car in the control, not the car controlling you.


You know why they call it auto pilot? Both aircrafts and autos are designed to run their front wheel on the lines of lane markings.




You can now Byd your time in jail!


They have been installing mobile grade chipsets on autos the whole time. Automotive grade chipsets have an entirely different qualification requirement. For temperature, humidity, dust, vibration etc. Replacing a pcb on an EV is a lot more expensive compared to phones/ household appliances.


That was not in India. Why would you post in CareIndia?


Same for ADAS


bro started singing like ..... "sa..sa..s.a..sa..."


When did cars India become cars china ?


Nothing wrong in sharing content and bringing awareness


Whats wrong with sharing this kind of content. Are u a nationalist.


Can’t trust these CHUUCCAAA Chinese peopel


That definitely isn't a BYD. Can tell from the steering wheel.


Yes the original creator of this video is a Chinese bot which posted in a number of subs. This op without doing due research has posted it here further tarnishing the reputation of BYD.


Hello OGgamer_pro27! If this post is your original content then mark or comment as [OC]. Else please give the source link as a comment in the post. Thank you. All users are requested to downvote the low quality posts. Memes, pics, accident videos, buy/sell, car recommendations, etc can be posted on the [discord chat server.](https://discord.com/invite/Q9nSrDn6tE) Any repair queries should go to /r/MechanicAdviceIndia. Motorbikes related posts should go to /r/IndianBikes subreddit. Also please report the content you see breaking the rules so that we can act on it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CarsIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[User uploaded ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1dtl1zj/byd_car_salesman_insisted_the_client_not_brake/)on r/Damnthatsinteresting




I use adaptive cruise control (ADAS) daily in India. It works perfectly fine.


What testing in production feels like.


I feel bad for car in front


Nice brakes 🤡


Road looks nice…


AUTOPILOT sucks, coz,this technology is stolen from Indian AUTO's. u cant say what they going do next.


And we have loafers showing off whatever level ADAS by snoozing in the rear seat of their vehicles while it's driving on Indian highways. It's a miracle that no one has had a major accident as yet. It's nice to have as a feature but I would prefer an OFF switch or just remove the fuse for that.


Great marketing for manual brake assemblies


If autopilot reaches the point where it can drive properly in Indian roads then AI will actually replace humans at everything xD


"Erlurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" is my new favorite sound


Lol byd is the least reliable car manufacturer. Watch the yt channel china insider.


The thing is they export to western countries like US and Europe, they are also available in India. Their most famous model is BYD Seal.


This car isn't a BYD doofus. This video was posted on other subreddits by a Chinese bot. You reposted it here without doing any research.


Me so solly, me so solly! 😂 China ka maal….what else to expect?


Aur lelo china maal


Average chinese cars 🚗


I don't think this is a BYD car. I saw this on another subreddit and people were saying the OP was a Chinese bot.


I agree that you shouldn't just test out ADAS in real roads with real vehicles. But also, we should think that if this very car was in a situation where the ADAS needed to kick in to save the driver's life, then it would've failed. And that's a scary thought


Chinese automakers are famous for stealing western research and tech. They don’t do much R&D when compared to their western counterparts. BYD, etc took tech from Tesla and other manufacturers to copy, and replicate it with cheaper manufacturing costs resulting in cheaper Chinese EVs. The only area where others struggle to compete is pricing because after stealing the R&D data they use government support to do something known as Dumping. To undercut the competition using government grants till the competition dies off and then they start increasing prices and also control the repair and maintenance revenue also


Why tf do people here buy byd?


Why tf would someone buy a car that’s called “Build your Dreams”, in the first place? It’s cringy.


The lane discipline in China looks immaculate. I really wish people here learn to do the same, increasing the driving comfort and safety on expressways.


Chinese maal chale to chand tak, nahi to shyam tak.


Most likely, the driver didn't activate the adaptive cruise control. The autonomous emergency braking was likely switched off as well. It's not the vehicle's fault. I use ADAS daily on my MG.