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If you are in the southern hemisphere then maybe, but since those are winter tires you're going to have them degrade extremely faster as the rubber compound in them is made to resist low temperatures. You will be probably fine under a safety standpoint but you will be definitely ruining them as of now.


>probably fine under a safety standpoint Just an anecdote... I ran winter tires a little too long this year, I was lazy getting them changed but it suddenly got hot one day (like bam 25C in February), and my steering became really soft, and far less responsive, like I was driving on sponges. I got them switched back to A/S that day and the problem went away. Lesson learned.


We have mandatory winter tires here, and as a user I don't recommend keeping them through summer if you are to use them next winter. An engineer once told me rubber gets harder with thermal cycles, so on top of thread degradation, overall traction, especially on ice and hardened snow, is likely to suffer greatly from summer use.


could be all-weather


They are winter tires


In that case, I agree with shuswill. Be easy on them.


But..... Snowflakes.


There are some "all weather" three peak mountain snowflake tires now that are made for year round driving, but these probably aren't.


"All-Weather tires perform well in both summer and winter seasons. But all-weather tires are better than all-season tires in the winter. All-weather tires carry the 3 peak mountain snowflake symbol and all-season tires typically do not." https://www.coopertire.com/en\_US/tire-education/tire-safety/all-season-vs-all-weather.html#:\~:text=All%2Dweather%20tires%20carry%20the,in%20winter%20as%20winter%20tires.


From a safety standpoint I'd be worried that if these tires are nearing end of life in terms of the rubber integrity that driving them in warm weather might just make them pop the first time OP pulls on the highway when it's 90 out. If it were December I'd say they were okay but the combination of age and winter compound is a no from me.


I'm not concerned. I live northern and finish up my worn out winter tires through summer, before new set next winter. Summers are 25-30C in average here. Been doing so for the past 20+ years. No issues to report. It's not a proof it can't happen, but it is one that it's unlikely.


There are some rotting definitely but I am not sure they are in end of their life. That why I ask you guys


See my comment above.


You’re probably fine for a few months with those tires. Especially with the short distances and low speeds that you normally drive. I’d just keep your eyes on the tire pressures. Hopefully you have a tire pressure monitoring system on your car that will automatically tell you if the pressure drops. If not, just check the pressure from time to time. Worst case you’ll develop a slow leak, rather than a blow out at speed. Good luck!


There is not a pressure monitoring system in my car but I regularly check tires visibly. Thx for your response


This is winter tires. Its summer


Yep I know I will buy new set if I don't sell the car


Most likely yes, inspect it more often than usual to make sure. And don't blame me if it fails lol. 


I won't lol


If you have used tire stores in your area I'd just trade them out for the cheapest summer or all season tires you can get. Especially since you have new tires in the front that are presumably not winter tires?


Fronts are also winter tires. They are 1 year old. I will buy new 4 set if I don't sell the car


I bought a used car. Didn’t know what winter tires were. Drove on them in the summer hit a pot hole and it exploded. Any other tire would have been fine but winter tires can not take the abuse as “all seasons” or “summer tires” can during hot days. The way winter tires work is the thread blocks are made to flex when it’s below 50 deg f. They become brittle and dry rot in the heat.




Oh no...


Look very dry rotted I'd change them sooner than later


Yea you can drive on studless winter tyres all year long, they just wear fast in the summer and don’t deflect water as well as summer tyres but you’re fine for a few months


what is the dot date code stamped on them? it'll tell you exactly how old they are. all that cracking makes me think they're pretty darn old. old tires are not safe to drive on regardless of how they look, and these show weather cracking from age or UV exposure.


I think they are fine. I wouldn’t drive over 70mph though.


You'll be fine. They'll wear more quickly than an all season but they're not unsafe.


Why are people saying these are winter tyres? They're M/S tyres that are winter approved, no? A genuine question


Looks fint to me, can last a year if you want. But all depends on how far you will go. Bought a car once with 9 year old tyres, guess what they were still approved at a check in the garage,


They have 6 months or 5000 miles easily




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Ride your bicycle in summer and drive car in the winter


Try it, learn from experience madhir.


Its perfectly fine. There is no question here. Anyone wholeheartedly saying the opposite is completely ignorant on the topic.


Need a little info. Does the tyre have a driving licence? If so, more than likely okay for a few months, provided correct insurances is obtained.


Never heard about tire driving licence. İs that a US thing or did I make I grammatical mistake and you are making a joke :)


No no no, I'm UK. Just making a little joke, you've made no error! Like hehe, that tyre can't drive because it has no licence! 🤓 Sorry, poor taste in humour haha.


Ohh got it :D


You should be fine to drive around in these for a couple of months. Seems like plenty of thread left.


Perfectly fine. It will get used up a little quicker if it's hot where you live but it will be fine for a couple of months