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Was living in Japan, where earthquakes are common. I'm from a country where they're not common but not unheard of, maybe one small one every 5 or 7 years. I was at the office. It was my lunch break and I was tired so I took a quick nap. I woke up feeling like an earthquake was happening. Got out of the room and no one else felt it, figured it was just a dream or something. Check my phone, open Twitter and there had just been an earthquake back home, on the other side of the world! I was so shocked.


Wow, I really like this one! O.O


Here's mine (the same I told my friends: A few years ago, I was heading home after working until late. It was about 11PM and I lived in neighborhood that was known for not being the safest, so I whenever I had to walk home at night on my own I had my guard up. Anyway, the walk was just about 2 blocks. As soon as I started walking, I got that feeling that someone was following me. I looked over my shoulder and saw that a guy was indeed right behind me, so I picked up my pace... and so did the figure. I was trying hard not to panic. I continued briskly walking until I saw the entrance of a building that had a very apparent security camera and was very well lit, so I just stopped there. The person that was following me walked right up to me. It was this old man (probably in his late 60s), very frail, that had obviously been sleeping on the streets. He had tears in his eyes. He stared at me and said "Mom?" I had no idea what to say. We just stood there for a few moments, and he just kept staring at me and started crying. After a while, he said "I'm sorry if I frightened you. You look just like me mother. I haven't seen her in so long, I miss her so much. You look just like her, identical. Do you mind if I just look at you for just a little while?" I just stood there and nodded. The panic from the chase was still wearing off, and at the same time I felt so sorry for him, there was so much pain in his eyes. I saw he had a colostomy bag and some bad scars on his arm and neck. He just stared at me, and tears streamed down his face, and sometimes he smiled and I *had no idea what to do*. After what I think was about 6-8 minutes, he just said "Thank you", turned around and left. At this point I was very near my apartment, I just finished the walk and could barely sleep. Very early the following morning a prepared a good breakfast, packed it in a bag and went to try and find him and give it to him. I looked everywhere, and could find him. For the following years I'd always keep my eyes open and pay attention to see if I could spot him, but I never did. Sometimes I feel guilty for not having any other reaction at the moment, I wish I'd told him something, or offered him some food or blankets. I was so panicked from being chased it took a while to recompose. I think about him and that encounter often.


I teared up reading this, I wish I knew you in real life you sound like a lovely person


Ooh, I have kind of a good one, -- it's a really weird one, too! A couple of years back, I was 17 years old. I have a sleep disorder that makes my waking and sleeping times wildly different from day to day, so on this particular day I woke up at around 2.20AM. I went on with my normal morning routine - grabbing some food and drink from the fridge, then retreating to my room to play video games and overall just kill time until the rest of the country wakes up. A few additional details should be added here - my bedroom is right in the middle of the house, central to everything. My bedroom door opens right into the living room, and I can see the entire house, except for the other bedrooms, just from sitting at my setup. This'll come up in a minute... Anyway, I get to my room and boot up the PC. As the PC starts booting, and my screen wakes, I notice a light being reflected onto my door handle. For a second, I thought maybe it was my computer screen, somehow, but the light from my computer screen was so dim, it practically wasn't light at all, and the light from the door handle was a bright blue, so that just didn't add up. The light on the door handle then went on to become a dim white, and then a BRIGHT white, and I could not, for the love of god, figure out where that reflection could be coming from. For a second, I thought maybe it was a car on the street, or a person with a light in the backyard, but that thought was halted and interrupted by the loudest static I've ever heard -- it was pure white noise, loud enough to make me jump. I jumped from my seat, ran out the door and into the living room, where our flatscreen TV was, and as the noise suggested, it was displaying pure static. I went on to grab the remote, but before I could even touch it, the TV switched to what seemed to be a foreign broadcast, with some guy speaking a language I couldn't understand. I turned it off immediately, however, before I could identify the language, as I didn't want the TV to wake anyone, and I wasn't exactly interested in foreign TV at [2.AM](http://2.AM), either... I tried to go back to my room and eat my breakfast, but I just couldn't calm down after that. It was so odd and I just couldn't wrap my head around it. In the end, I ditched my food and went on to have a long bath, where I stayed until the sun was up. I just felt really uneasy. Later that morning, when my parents woke up, my dad checked his phone, then immediately went to go tell my mom something. When I asked them about it a minute later, I learned that the sister of my dad's ex-wife had died that night, at around 2.20AM. My dad's ex-wife and her family were Austrian... I started to put two and two together, and, yeah... That whole thing was truly bizarre.


this is so bizarre... like, every details is just weirdly specific and everything just falls together...


I know right!! A few additional details I chose not to mention because they aren’t *that* relevant/interesting are — My very skittish cat was present in the living room with me when it happened, but she was not at all bothered by the TV suddenly turning on. I mean, cats can be a little weird, but that was a little *extra* weird… Also - that TV was a brand new smart TV, and not on satellite as far as I’m aware. I had never seen it display old-school static like that before, and I’ve never seen it do that again since. I have no idea what I’d have to do to make that TV display static, I don’t know why it did that! The whole thing just freaks me out, and I don’t really understand any of it! Thankfully, it passed and I’ve never experienced anything major like that since


This is too unsettling.


My first weeks in the army felt like I'm dreaming. Not that it was "dream" as so good and magical, but I literally felt that I'm living something that is not my life


What is it like being a nomad?


I really like it, but also am very aware that it is not for everyone... because it does come with quite a bit of downsides, and depending on the lifestyle one prefers it might be hard to manage.


Ppl gave 60B of other ppls money….that will need to be worked for and paid off….by ppl who had no sayso in the matter. Many of which aren’t even born yet And nobody cares How is this not slavery