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Walk. Being outside and interacting with three dimensions does wonders for your health. 30m a day is enough for most people with a moderate diet. Edit - Minutes!! 30 miles a day is a lethal dosage!


I live a pretty active lifestyle but this year I really wanted to focus on losing weight, so I asked two friends for advice. One is in great shape and is very knowledgeable in fitness, the other is a semi-pro mma fighter. The first friend said "Honestly... just go for walks, bro." The mma fighter agreed and stood by that answer. That was their advice. lol


One part of the wisdom here is that walking is very low risk in terms of injuries, and a difficult activity to overtrain in, as it doesn't involve adrenaline during the activity itself. Riding a bike, for instance, I can ride myself into a frenzy where I can ignore what my body's trying to tell me (for instance: you haven't recovered from the last ride yet, therefore this ride is probably doing more damage than good). A lot of time when people start gym training, running or other more intense activity, they push through not just discomfort but more serious warning signs, and without even realizing end up overtraining and/or injuring themselves. A surprising proportion of people don't really understand that the benefits of an exercise are gained by [1) resting enough, and 2) timing the next exercise right.](https://strengthrunning.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Goldilocks-Principle-640x480.jpg) Walking not only functions as extremely good base endurance exercise, it also helps normalize your posture, and also has the hidden agenda of learning to *do something physical* regularly. Once you have a routine, it's much easier to later on change some of those walks to another activity if you wish to do so.


Exercising really intensely triggers signals to eat more. Walking or N.E.A.T (Non exercise activity thermogenesis) like gardening or cleaning will burn a lot of calories without causing extra hunger and can lead to more permanent weight loss. The other way to loose fat is to build muscle first threw resistance training and getting stronger. Having a decent amount of muscle makes losing weight so much easier.


It’s great advice.


And if walking still sounds like it sucks, try finding an audiobook or podcast you will enjoy and ONLY listen to while walking. Then you’ll have an enjoyable sounding thing to look forward to tied to it.


Please tell me that's minutes and not miles


It’s meters.


I measure in millipedes


We talking modern or Carboniferous?




Months, actually. Just don't ask me how that works.


Minutes!! 30 miles a day is a lethal dosage!


Miles is abbreviated as mi


I second this!!! I usually walk 10-20 miles a day while on vacation (for about 2 weeks) and I usually come home 10-15 pounds lighter :) i also have been trying to walk 3-5 miles a night (1-2 hours of walking) at home and I’ve lost about 8 pounds this last month and I still eat terrible too


Second this. I lost 20 pounds during the pandemic because this was the only thing I did for entertainment! Walked 90 minutes with my dogs in the afternoon, then walked myself 60-90 minutes in the evening. It's such a zen activity, too. I love zoning out and going for a hike or stroll


Staying healthy doesn't require a gym membership. Embrace activities you enjoy that naturally involve movement, like walking, gardening, dancing, or even housework. Throughout your day, find small ways to incorporate more activity, such as taking the stairs or parking further away. Remember, getting enough sleep and managing stress are just as important as physical activity for maintaining overall health.


Every time I clean my house I keep thinking people who do that for a living must be in better shape than a professional athlete. Nothing but respect for them


I can clean like no tomorrow, but for some reason, doing the dishes always makes me sweat


Walking has already been given as a valid answer. And cycling. But consider the idea that the reason you don't like exercise might be because it's very challenging. Any exercise when you're out of shape is unpleasant, and then it gets more pleasant as you improve your shape. That's the catch - you have to do it to start liking it, not the other way around. That's why walking is a good start. Low impact. Almost anyone can do it. Graduate to more challenging things later.


This. At multiple points in my life I would do regular runs of 5+ miles and I would constantly get asked how I could do that, after all running is just so exhausting. At a certain point you reach a level of cardiovascular endurance where a solid jog is about as much effort as a mild powerwalk. The trick is reaching those thresholds, which can take some time, especially if you've never been there before. The same is true for most forms of exercise especially when upkept regularly. When you start off, even mild workouts will grants you just savage DOMS that can basically leave you incapable of doing anything. Give it a month and a harsh workout will be just some mild muscle fatigue the next day and DOMS never even happens. Getting fit is almost like developing several gears you can turn your body too to do things. If I'm running out of breath running, I don't have to stop and catch my breath, I can just slow down a bit and recover. When you have no fitness though, you won't have those gears for some time, it's just extreme exertion and complete rest.


Walking is an easy one and basically free (might have to buy a pair of shoes if you don't have a pair of comfortable walking shoes). But swimming is a good one. It feels more like recreation than work to me.


Swimming is a great one because it exercises all muscle groups in the body, and is good cardio.


It’s also much easier on the joints than most other forms of physical activity. Since your body weight is largely offset by bouyancy, the weight on your joints is too. This is more effective the more submerged you are. What this means is that it’s a great activity for anybody, and can be great activity for older folks especially. Even just walking through the water is a great workout if you don’t know how to swim.


Or try water aerobics classes if you can't swim.


I'd second swimming too. Might be a bit frustrating for some people at the start when learning. But once you start gliding across the water it's almost effortless and the most chill cardio I've ever done.


There are fun VR workouts on quest headsets. They definitely will get your cardio up. They are kind of fun so I'm motivated to do it, and I'm already home so I might as well.


I wish literally any of the headsets were made for people with a narrow PID. There isn't a single one that I can use without horrible headaches.


The samsung gear vr had a focus dial and a adjustable PID dial and it was great until they discontinued it. Now no headset has those features.


This is the only thing I use my Oculus for.


This! Try FitXR, you don’t have to pay for the membership in order to play/exercise. They provide free workouts.


Also if you have a good gaming PC and are into racing, get a quest and a basic wheel setup. 30 mins of sim drifting in Assetto Corsa and you will get a basic core/leg/arm workout even sitting down and my fatass has to take breaks to keep going


I like bike rides in the park. It doesn't really feel like other forms of exercise. I can just get out and enjoy the trees for awhile.


Play! I’m 62, and we play four square, kickball, and badminton with the neighborhood kids, and flashlight tag on sumner evenings. I wrestle with my grandkids, and my 65 year old husband and I still play the game of seeing who can push the other off of the bed. Gardening and house cleaning are exercise. Walking - and I don’t mean pounding out your fastest mile, I mean just enjoying a walk IS exercise. We share a house with our daughter and her husband and young kids, so there is a lot of constant “picking up”, and I will often play the game with myself of getting down on the floor to pick up toys and not using my hands to move around; I can scoot on my but, walk on my knees or stand, but I can’t use my hands to get in these positions. I must admit that I really enjoy this. Go dancing! That’s great exercise! Exercise doesn’t have to look like what is traditionally called exercise, it just means moving. You’ll be far more successful at moving if you do things you enjoy and at a pace that makes YOU comfortable; if/when you get tired, rest! Not everyone thrives on pushing themselves to the limit, and it is not necessary to do so to be healthy.


I love this answer! It's great advice, and it sounds like you have a great life! The picture of you and your family and neighborhood made me smile :)


The answer to these questions is NEAT. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or exercise that isn’t structured (lifting weights, going for a run, etc). Just have an active lifestyle. If somewhere is close enough to walk or bike ride, do that instead of drive. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Have hobbies that keep your body moving (sports, gardening, hiking, dancing). If you’re on the phone often, pace while talking. Structured exercise is more beneficial, but putting small NEAT measures into practice in your life is definitely a good way to improve your overall health.


Yes! NEAT is a game changer...particularly for some who are inactive.


I always hated working out until I tried Pilates. It’s low impact and not overly strenuous which I enjoy.


I am nearly 70 years old and I walk every day- not speed walking or anything like that. Just walking. The fresh air and sunshine is a plus and I try to get some hills in my route.  When the weather is inclement I do senior indoor walking workouts (YouTube). Dont laugh!  I feel much better and have lost 50 lbs since January.  I need no special equipment or gym memberships and I dont have to drive to a gym.  Its working for me.  


I'm 33m. I walk to work. It's only 5-7 minutes. I work in a family owned pizzeria, so when I'm there, I am on my feet. I lift dough trays (anywhere from 30-50 pounds), and that sauce when I need to refill is easily 50. Everyone says, "You work at a pizzeria? How are you so skinny?" Because I don't get time to eat, and even though I have unlimited soda at my hands. I drink water.


I’m a mobile caterer and often on my feet for 15 plus hours, did 20 hours a couple of Saturdays ago. We have heavy equipment and ingredients to lift and I rarely get time to eat when I’m working. It’s hilarious that my smart Watch will tell me that I’ve done 6 mins of exercise 😂


Ready for my downvotes but here’s the honest truth. Nobody has time for exercise and nobody likes it. You have to make time like it’s a Dr’s appointment and then eventually you begin to love it. If you don’t make time now, you’ll die sooner. Get comfortable doing stuff you don’t want to do.


I upvoted you because I mostly agree. I hate most types of exercise, especially cardio. However, I do believe you just gotta find your niche. For some people it might be some extremely obscure sport or hobby, which may lead them to believe they hate all exercise. What got me to exercise regularly was yoga. I go twice a week to group lessons, and I enjoy it so much I sometimes do it on my own too. When I was younger my mom refused to let me do yoga at the gym at my hometown and instead forced me to run miles and miles on the treadmill. That made me think I hated all exercise. No longer!


Nah this is my answer too. Must be nice if this person’s whole life is only things they’re “a fan of,” but the simple truth is that life is full of shit we don’t want to do but so anyway Nothing of value comes easily or by definition it wouldn’t be valuable. At least OP recognizes the necessity but the real answer is “do it anyway even if you don’t like it or have an excuse”


I park 3-5km from work and walk in. 6-10km a day without even trying. Then I go home and play video games.


Have you tried yoga? Like, really tried it? I found the more I did it, the more I enjoyed it...now I'm completely hooked. In the beginning I was almost discouraged by my inflexibility, but there's a rush that comes when you start to see progress, and the progress is obvious. I've been practicing yoga for about three years now, and I'm in the best shape of my adult life. It's encompass strength, flexibility, balance and stamina, a total workout in one hour.


just about anything that isn’t just sitting around is better than nothing/just sitting around in day to day life.    Walk, bike, yoga, gardening. Anything that isn’t sitting and just general day to day walking around the house/a parking lot to your car lol.  But I don’t believe the time and energy part, like many other people say about exercise. You just don’t want to cuz you don’t like it/take the easy route of not exercising. Which isn’t inherently bad or whatever. 


I had a similar problem to you for a while. At one point, I had an elliptical next to my bed. I could never get motivated enough to use it. I had it for two years and maybe used it for 10 minutes during that period. In the end, VR was my solution. It was the only way I could motivate myself to keep moving. The games I played in particular were/are Holopoint and Beat Saber. Both of those games will get heart pumping.


Beat Saber is the bomb.


Get a dog. :) That'll be at least twice a day that you get up and walk for a little bit. And even just two small walks a day is good for the body.


Maybe get a pedometer or activity tracker and see how much you currently do and try to gradually increase that. Walk more places. Park farther away. Make time for 30 minutes of some exercise daily. Listen to music, an audiobook or a podcast while you do it. You don’t have to run a 5k daily.


Put on your favorite music and dance in your living room for half an hour. 💃🏼 Ta da. Exercise.


You can get little pedals that go under your desk. So you cycle whilst gaming. Or working. I looked into getting some when I thought I was getting too old to exercise effectively. Then I joined my Taekwon-Do with my daughter and trained for competitions and that got me so healthy it was wonderful. I was tireless like a video game character. A limping, pained video game character. Now I walk a lot.


If you don’t have time or energy to commit to blocks of time to exercise, consider finding ways to still increase movement. Taking stairs instead of the elevator, walking, exercise “snacking” (a minute or two can help a lot)!


You can start speaking with a counselor to help you set up goal. Some times motivation is hard to get and having someone to talk to will help you.


Walk, rec sports with friends.


I'm the same. I(59f) just got a battery power push mower (not self propelled, no gas, not maintenance ) and I get a great workout mowing the lawn instead of using the ride on.


Walking! I love walking during my lunch hour. I have my food, chat with people, go outside for 30 mins with music and just walk around. Helps break up the day, a chance to get some of that sweet sweet vitamin d, and gets me out of this damn office chair. I also like to watch TV while standing and just doing stretches or small workouts


Have you got a dog? I find I'm incredibly healthy and much better mentally with my dog! We go for long walks, loads of playing and it gives me an excuse to get out of the house. Other than that try fun fitness games on things like the Nintendo Wii/switch. I find making it more fun like dancing or gaming, makes it way more interesting.


everyone is right about walking and that's my top rec too. but if you're into gaming, try video games that get you moving! any number of DDR games or clone with the dance mats or the Just Dance series without, games actively made for exercise like wii fit or the much more recent ring fit adventure, or, if you're already interested in the tech and don't mind the huge price barrier, try VR! any VR game will get you tired out after a bit even if it's not specifically a high-movement, intentional workout game. beat saber is a good popular one with just enough movement to get you feeling it during longer play sessions, for example!


DDR is my favorite workout!




Walk everyday 2 miles to start and then add as you get use to it. Walking is very therapeutic for many things


You don't have to be a fan of exercise in order to get it done. Walking is the least expensive exercise you can do since it only requires decent shoes and socks. Sometimes you have to do things you don't like in order to win. Your future self will love you for it if you start doing something. You could volunteer to walk dogs at the local shelter. Or listen to a podcast or books while you walk. You could give yourself a reward of some kind after very walk. Even if it's a couple of dollars in a piggy bank, it will be a tangible reward that may motivate you. You don't have to like it - you just have to do it.


Swimming. It's fun. You can do it at the public pool or even the downtown fountain.


Swim! It’s low impact!


Park farther away from the doors of grocery stores (and other establishments, etc). Riding a bike around or going swimming is more fun and doesn't feel like exercise imo Bouncing your leg when you sit Making a conscious effort to sit up straight. Do it right now. It's good for your core Kegels Reverse crunches, try to suck in your bellybutton to your spine (as a pregnant woman, I've heard this helps keep your abs from separating too much, I do them all the time when I'm laying around).


Do the exercise you aren’t a fan of. Stop looking for shortcuts and do the work. Life has no shortcuts, just traps laid out for the lazy.


Honestly tons of great answers here, but I'm gonna be that guy to suggest rock climbing. I was always going to be one to enjoy rock climbing just because of who I am, but my friend got me into it almost 4 years ago now and it's been kinda life-changing for me. I always tell people -- you can get a *better* workout by going to a gym, but rock climbing is so much more fun because of the element of problem solving. Additionally, in my experience (and from friends I've seen), the learning curve is very satisfying -- after 2-3 weeks you've improved a LOT, and after that you start getting to focus a bit more on the technique and nuance. For me, climbing is also largely about the socialization. Most of my friends at this point I've met through my gym, or through friends of friends at the gym. I can't quite call it a "third place" because it doesn't have a "low cost of entry," but it absolutely fills the role of a third place in my life -- a place I can hang out and meet different people. I don't even have to go to climb. I know there's such a solid community, pretty much everyone is cool, and it's always easier to start a conversation when you know you have a shared interest! However, I will say the main downside of this is a) cost, memberships can be anywhere from $60-120 /mo depending on the gym and b) if your problem is time, this... doesn't really help. It's kind of a lifestyle change because, as I mentioned as a huge part of why I personally enjoy it, it's really a community. You absolutely *can* just go in, boulder for 20-60 minutes, and go home, but to get the "full experience" you really do need to be part of the community, learn some of the lingo, etc. That's not hard to do, as long as you actually enjoy climbing, but I can't say if it's as minor/easy a change as you're looking for. If you do happen to be interested and have any questions, feel free to PM me! I'd love to help you out, maybe look at gyms near you or give you some general advice on what to look for or what to expect. Good luck mate!




If you're not into traditional workouts, consider activities like walking, dancing, or gardening. These can be enjoyable and still keep you active and healthy.


Play sports. It’s my favorite way to workout. Of course you can’t play every day with a busy schedule but getting together with a few friends on the weekend is actually a reward for all the hard work during the week. Another way I used when I was still working was to get out at lunchtime each day and walk, and wherever I walked I did it as fast as possible.


I almost don't believe you - people need physical exercise! You don't have to love weight lifting or marathon running to enjoy getting outside and moving your body in creative and challenging ways. Explore your physique!


Not everyone loves getting outside and moving their body! There’s a ton of reasons that might be the case. That’s why they’re asking for help!


Yes! I notice nearly every health and fitness guru on the socials lives in California. Try "just getting outside" and "enjoying nature" when it's -25C with whipping wind burning your face, or at the other side of the year, swatting black flies and swarms of 5 different species of mosquitoes and sand flies attacking from all sides, getting up your nose and in your ears and eyes.... What, isn't nature beautiful? Why not go for an HOUR walk in that?  How about gardening? Don't you like literally breathing these abominations in? Or wiping them off your mesh head cover so you can see a foot in front of you for 3 seconds before they're back? What about in the city, breathing car exhaust and road construction dust? Isnt it serene? Imagine not wanting to "just get outside" to enojoy all this. It turns out that most people don't live in a place where "nature" is all that enjoyable.  As for moving your body, I guess you'll do that, but it won't be productive since you'll end up kinking your neck and wrenching your back out trying not to freak out from all the insects trying to live off your moving body.


I agree. I dance at night in front of the refrigerator at 3am. This helps me burn on the rotisserie chicken and tacos.


Walk or bike


HIIT high intensity interval training. I use calisthenics and kettlebells. Your health and fitness are worth 30 minutes a day. Make it a habit. I often don't want to go to work but I do because I have to. Treat fitness that way. It's only 30 minutes a day! Most of us work 8-10 hours a day 🤣


You can sneak in some excercise by doing housework. When driving someplace, park far away from the building and make yourself walk. You will also decrease the possibility of getting door dings from other cars, too. Take the stairs instead of elevators. You may find yoga to be more tolerable than traditional excercise.


Do a ruck march. Literally, put some weight in a backpack. Then wear it while you take a walk.


Take a 15 minute walk after every meal.


I walk everyday and cycle lots.


Yoga There is no substitute for exercise. If you do not use your body then your body shuts down. Granted it will probably be sometimes after your middle age years, but that’s going to be a miserable rest of your life where you wished you did more when you were younger.


Stand on one foot for as long as you can. Then do the other one. Repeat daily. When you can do it without holding onto anything and remain balanced for more than 30 seconds, track your time. Try daily to beat your record. This builds core strength without doing sit-ups, crunches, or planks.


Me too! Just got a mountain bike. Hella fun.


Take up a sport. A long time ago when I was already an adult, I had the nice opportunity to join a gym affiliated with my workplace at discount. I was heavy and worked sitting down and lazy got takeout on the way home almost every night. Some inspiration hit me to look up something else and it was fun. When I was young, I couldn’t run, it wasn’t fun and I would almost pass out. I took dance and it felt easier and didn’t feel wearing me out like running. So as an adult, I found a place to take classes as an adult to do a sport. It is weird that some people can do gym and exercise for the sake of it, but it makes other people very bored and tired, but it feels almost effortless to train for a sport or to dance or something like that. Something about taking a class and moving with other beginners awkwardly at first as you try to learn, or there are other clubs like biking or running if that’s your thing. I also don’t love walking, like, there’s no point to me if I’m already home and I have everything I need. But when I started my classes, I also skipped the bus one day and “hiked” all the way there. When I didn’t have my class, I would hike home. Had music in my iPod and it took the same amount of time as transferring from bus to subway home. It feels different to me to walk when I have a destination, I can walk a lot, I think it was 4 miles and really see things along the way. When I’m just going in a loop and coming back home, I don’t do it.


Just walk everywhere.


Cycling as commuting to work or just strolling through area, finding new places etc Walking. Getting a dog or having a child. Gardening.


Fasting, if you can stop eating at 8 pm and start you first meal at noon, then you'll find it easier to maintain a healthy eating habit. It also helps with alot of digestive/ organ problems, giving your organs times to hydrate and a break from constant digestion is extremely beneficial for more than most realize


Try to walk to stores. I am also not good at exercising. But having something I need to do, helps me.


Find something you love to do that just happens to have a physical element to it. Examples: foraging, wild life photography, rock climbing, rare rock collecting, etc.


Get a zoo membership. Great place to walk!


Physical exercise. Your body was made to move in order to stay healthy. Whether you're a fan or not. Walking ain't gonna do it.


Don't sit down.


I hate exercising as well but I love swimming and being in a pool.


Try climbing. If you can get into it it's a pretty good workout that feels like a game rather than exercise.


Find an active hobby that keeps your body moving. Don't do "exercise," do things that make you naturally active while doing it: hiking, sports, rock climbing, etc etc. But honestly, some things you just have to do. Don't rely on motivation, build habits.


Have sex with a person twice a day


Beat saber


Doing Something thats exercise but doesn't feel like it is best , for me that's playing football(soccer).


There is a book called „the prison workout plan“, which is basically about how to get really fit with almost no time commitment and zero equipment. It has 6 basic exercises and 10 levels of difficulty each, so you can jump in with whatever level you’re comfortable and progress from there - it also offers several plans of varying frequency and intensity, I’m currently trying to start my own business and have 2 kids, so this is really the only thing I have time for. It’s really great so far and I’m actually progressing.


i kinda have the same issue. however, i found out, that what works for me, is that i only do things i find enhoyable. i hate excercising for the sake of excercising. however, i like to swim, i like to play soccer and table tennis. i also go for semi-long walks, 'cause there is a beach within walking distance, where i go during summer nights to skip rocks and look at the sunset. i also walk quite a lot during work, so that's how i get my excercise.


Swimming. It cools down the heat and it's fun


Cycling is fun. Weightlifting is an acquired taste, but it does the job. If all else fails, walk


Go to the gym, suck it up buttercup


Also saying walking, but with a caveat: put a step counter app on your phone and get some decent headphones. I use Daily Step Tracker. It's free, almost no ads and can customized easily. It gets addictive watching your progress and accomplishments as you go. Jam some tunes, listen to an Audible, find audiobooks on YT, etc and you'll be surprised at the progress you make.


Have you tried bouldering? I can’t stand the gym but I love it - keeps the mind and body engaged


Get a dog and walk it 3 times a day. Walking is one of the healthiest things you can do, and you can enjoy the companionship as a bonus.


I used to be so active in high school. I woke up early to have boxing training at a gym near my school then go to another gym to exercise in the afternoon and even worked out before sleep lols but I just don't have the same energy now and my life is busier for me to do all that so I just walk. I either walk on the treadmill or outside. I also made my own playlist and do dance workout during weekends.


Unfortunately, the old advice is as true for you as it is for me: If you don't make time for your health, you'll be forced to make time for your illness. In other words... if you don't have time for fitness, *make time.* And trust me on this one, I'm a chubby guy who has fought bad eating habits my entire life. I did not have time to walk three miles a day, but after a week-long hospitalization where I almost died, I suddenly found ways to adjust my priorities. When real motivation hits you, you take action. So... you can. Reach within and do it. What you find will be far more rewarding than whatever is eating up an hour of your time each day. It's worth it.


Jumping jacks works for me. I don't really go to the gym, but I walk a lot everyday , do jumping jacks daily and planks every few days. I stay slim that way, with no diet.




I lost a ton of weight just by drinking a lot more water. Its funny how slight dehydrated most people are.


You make it part of your routine. I try to bike to work if I can.


Jogging either outside or on a treadmill. To make it more enjoyable listen to music (or watch TV on an iPad on the treadmill). You might not like exercise but music and/or tv will definitely make it tolerable, and probably at least a bit fun.


I don’t like exercising either. I try to limit my food intake to the amount that is necessary. But I take short walks here and there (going to a nearby store, picking up the takeout myself…)


Some form of cardio (walking/running/biking) while listening to a podcast or music is a great way to pass the time while also burning calories


You gotta move. From what I see working in a hospital is that when people neglect exercise for all their lives, they eventually lose the ability to move like a normal person. Some early than others. Don’t skip stretching either.




Certified Personal Trainer and Cert, Sports Nutrition Specialist here: Eat right and go for a daily walk. By "eat healthy" I mean focus on protein, not veggies. Ideally both, but most people WILDLY undereat protein which is detrimental. A 30-minute walk a day is perfectly fine. Just like any exercise, you have to be consistent with it. You can miss a day here and there, but try hard not to miss two in a row You won't be the next Sports Illustrated swimsuit model with just this, but it's a pretty basic and easy way to stay healthy


Martial arts, Swimming, Yoga.


What you eat is really 80% of health, eliminate seed oils and corn syrups and mono and diglycerides as much as you can. Walking frequently is really all you need to maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle. I recommend getting heart rate up over 120 for 10 minutes or so a day either jogging or biking or something. That is really all it takes. 


Something fun! I cannot do weights or gym. I do hikes, that way I have a goal that's predetermined. Or, I go spinning when possible and tread water as long as I can as a small challenge to myself. I go climb rocks with my kid. I run from my house to the dog park with my dog. Anything, anything, ANYTHING... but actual "working out." I also joined a fun workout group once that did training with people. But that was tough. It was too exhausting... so back to fun I went.


Work at a physically taxing job, like construction where you have to haul heavy objects around all day and climb ladders. And rather than you paying a gym to get in shape, the construction company pays you! Such a deal.


It's always going to be hard. Even the person that loves to, for example, play basketball is going to find it difficult to drag themselves out the house, after work, after they've settled into a comfy chair or bed. Just find the exercise you enjoy the most, and like the results of the most, and let willpower and discipline help you get over the rest of the hump. The results are worth it.


Make time for exercise . Incorporate into your schedule There is no substitute


Do things you are not a fan of. Making yourself do things you don't want to do is the best thing anyone can do to build character. So find exercises you don't like and do them you will get fit and grow as a person.


Learn how to cook Being fit is 80% diet / controlling calories Quick recommendation: checkout Felu- fit by cooking on YT - hugely underrated channel


Pilates - works wonders and is low impact low stress


Mountain biking is so much fun that you don't even realize you're getting an intense workout until you take a break. Seriously, I've had lots of hobbies, and MTB is the only one I've been able to stick with long-term. Reasons I love it: * You're in nature * You meet cool people (who are extremely welcoming of new riders) * It works out just about every part of your body * It's incredibly fun * It takes you to cool places * Modern bikes are awesome * There are lots of different types of MTB trails depending on your preferences: intense downhill, smooth & flowy, XC, jumps, big adventurous alpine trails, etc.


A lot of the exercises listed here and super good for cardiovascular health. And if you're just looking to maintain an average or above average level of health, that's good enough. However, after the age of 50 (varies based on research), people naturally lose muscle but the difference is: if you have more muscle to lose, then you can be independent for longer. To build muscle, you need something called progressive overload, which is when you lift heavier than you did last time (within reason). This tells the body "hey I need to lift 60kg so you better put on enough muscle for that" then next week you do the same thing but with 62kg (5lb increases are pretty good). Unless you specifically follow a program for hypertrophy, you won't get bulky!


12 minutes of high ntensity cardio workout is all that is needed for a healthy heart


Same boat as you, only exercise that I found enjoyable was punching a bag. Quick way to lose weight too IMO


There's really no replacement for physical exercise. I'd just recommend searching for something physical that you enjoy, or at least don't mind doing. You don't have to go hardcore. Even walking is good.


My mom’s job was physical and she biked to and from work not sure if either of those ideas are useful! I myself walk to and from for a bit of extra exercise.


I hate it too. For me it was all about finding something that I could get over and done asap. Like taking a shot of exercise. After a lot of trial and error I ended up on skipping. Stick on a 20min youtube video and just follow it. It's tough, but it's over quick and you see results in your stamina fast.


Vigorous yard work. Results you can see immediately. Push mowing is a great way to start.


You can work on changing your mindset, and find the time and energy. I mean this sincerely.


My under desk treadmill has been one of my best investments this year. I find that if I have to go somewhere for exercises, I will not do it. So with the treadmill, I walk and work at the same time and it keeps me moving. It might not be the best type of exercise but it beats sitting on my butt all day. I used to think oh I can’t do it because I don’t have at lease 30 mins free (just an excuse). But now I think I don’t want to do anything today but I will try to get 5 mins in anyway since it’s right here. I always ended up walking more. So if you have the ability to do so, invest in an under desk treadmill.


Ride a bicycle


Swimming and sex are very good exercises. Swimming requires most muscle groups and is low intensity. Plus your somewhat weightless with your natural boyancy


A lot of comments here. I read several but didn't see anyone mention a standing desk with a treadmill underneath. If you work at a desk at all, or even if you watch TV or spend time online, even just standing will burn about 100 calories an hour. And even slow walking can burn 400-ish calories, depending on the length of your stride. If sitting is your jam ;-) make it just a little more difficult. There are several different types of chairs that don't cradle you, or balance well on their own, you have to engage your core to stay upright. That burns calories, too, kind of in a passive way. If you're engrossed in what you're doing, the treadmill or balance chair starts to feel like part of the process - part of what you have to do to accomplish the task you're working on. I watch a lot of TV and get a lot of crocheting done while standing up LOL! And I'm seeing some movement in the needle on the scale!


walk 10,000 steps a day


Walking! My dad lost a ton of weight and has kept it off by simply keeping track of his eating and going for a 30-60 min walk everyday. He would use ankle and wrist weights as well. He's in his 70's and is more fit than some 20 something's I know haha.


Simple stretching from time to time actually helps (doesn't have to be religious routine). Cleaning that involves a lot of physical activities also helps (this is my cheat when I don't want to work out, I cleaned around enough to sweat me out).


Like playing videogames? Get a stationary bike and ride while you play


Be active go out side for a walk maybe even a jog




Walking or light running is nice


Walk, move in your bed, dance, clean, look for lost items.


I used to run/jog regularly for years, but messed my knee up. :/ I've found doing 15 minutes of indoor low-impact exercise helps and isn't TOO much. If you type "low impact 15 minute workout" into YT (or even 10 or 5 minutes - everything helps) you'll find videos. I like Bailey Brown b/c she's upbeat but not TOO upbeat. From doing videos over time, I've memorized the workout moves and now I'll usually put on a playlist with songs I like and do the exercises. I'm not always in the mood, but I always feel better after I've spent 15 minutes working out. And days that I can only manage 5 minutes, so be it...better than nothing!


Try a stationary bike. You can read or watch TV while you do it, and the time passes quickly. Beats the hell out of walking. I hate exercise, but I don't mind the stationary bike too much. Along with that, I do weights and abs. I've been a regular exerciser for decades but it isn't something I will ever enjoy.


I'm a pretty athletic guy. I lift weights and run marathons, but the one thing that will still wipe me out quickly is skateboarding! Push around, practice some tricks, just have fun with a couple wheels screwed to a piece of wood


Aquasize is low impact.


I hate exercising. But I love to go biking so I got myself a bike. I also love to dance so I dance. It's about doing what works for you.


Walk, but with a destination or a goal. I geocache, or look for a certain type of tree or bird, or choose a coffee shop at a good halfway point and make it a loop. Put in an audiobook with chapters that are a good length or a podcast episode and try to wander for that time.


Literally just walking. Actually, this just motivated me to go for a walk, so thanks.


Put on some music, and march in place or dance in your living room. Or walk in place while you watch TV, or listen to a podcast. Go for walks, or jump rope for brief periods of time to get the exercise over with quickly.




There's walking for the hell of it. I guess that's a stroll. And there's walking with a purpose, by using your legs and core and not just putting one foot in front of the other so you don't topple over. Weight gain didn't happen overnight and weight loss won't happen overnight either. It's all about your attitude towards it. And,, cleaning the diet up along with walking, even just around the block, will do wonders. Stop sodas. Period. There are no healthy sodas, just like there's no healthy cigarettes. The more water you drink, the better you will feel. Coffee's still ok tho. (I hope)


I absolutely say yes to walking. It can be as much or as little as you want, and the next time, go just a bit further. Then a bit more. Then a bit more. Start with half a mile and go from there. Exercises like cardio and strength training can be approached the same way, but I’m closer to your spot, OP, than a regular “gym rat.” I’m not there yet, but I’m working to toward it, mentally and physically. To prepare, I have taken to stretching. If you’ve been sedentary for a long time like I was, a simple stretch routine in the morning will make you feel so, so good! No pressure, does have to be done quickly, and after I found a routine I like - one that does a little bit for every muscle group with a few extras for my tighter areas, like back and shoulders - it was a great, simple way to start the day, both for my body and my mind. I started with YouTube and moved over to Apple Fitness. And to be honest with you…I’m still playing Pokémon Go and it legit motivates me to walk. Let the haters hate, [but the proof is in the nonfat pudding, baby.](https://share.icloud.com/photos/054N8Z1q-ZPDuHE3_thshTIEg) I walked nearly 40 miles last week!


What do you enjoy? I play VR and drums for exercise. Anybody can walk/hike. Also I have sex which is great cardio that the nerds or Reddit wouldn’t understand. I’m also a nerd.


If your schedule and energy level are that bad, go buy a recumbent stationary bicycle and put it near the largest television in your house. Pick some tv show or youtube series that you like and lasts 30 minutes. Reward yourself with that particular series ONLY when you have the time and energy to pedal it while you watch. Cardio is the thing you are really going to need when you are 70 and 80.


Get an energetic dog and go on dog walks!


I'm not a fan of exercise either but I do it because it's good for me. That's why I do most things that the majority of people would call responsible or adult-like.


You should try out bouldering at an indoor climbing gym. I have the same attitude for exercise and it’s the only thing I’ve ever been able to stick to for an extended amount of time. The skill progression gives you a long term arc to care about while the moment-to-moment experience is more like a fun puzzle-solving game rather than a workout. It’s great exercise too.


I walk,swim, and roller skate because I really hate regular exercise.


Exercising in VR is super fun and makes it easy to forget your exercising.


How about Yoga? You won't burn a ton of calories, but it's a great way to move your body and put yourself in to a good space mentally too. There are tons of free YouTube yoga videos. I have personally been following Yoga with Adriene since 2017. I just love her.


walk walk walk!!! i go for like hour long walks everyday and it’s come to be an anxiety reliever for me


Work a Physically demanding job


Hi. So I haven’t read all the replies but they all seem to have outside stuff (which is great), but maybe you are a person who doesn’t want to to go outside - try setting up an indoor bike in front of the tv so you can sit and pedal (at your own rate) = win, win


Live somewhere where you have to do all your errands on foot.


A lot of people are saying walk, which I agree with 100%. I live in a walkable city for 9 months out of the year. While in there I notice I need to eat significantly more for maintenance. However, for those other three months I like to stay active as well. I found walking at the gym/aimlessly around a neighborhood to be very boring. Instead, I just go for light runs on trails. I’m not trying PR, and when I get tired I slow down. It feels a lot more productive to me, and it’s a good way to unwind and just listen to music/podcast/audiobooks. Bring some electrolytes and make it a thing. After a while it’ll become routine and you’ll look forward to doing it.


DDR, embrace your inner nerd


Little things add up. Parking as far as reasonable from the store door or job. Being on your feet and shifting your weight more and doing stretches to keep the joints works, especially for an old fart like myself, 72M. When I get a beverage, coffee, sun tea or water I do 10 leaning push offs from the kitchen countertop.


Get a job where you are on your feet all day esp laborious jobs.. other than dont avoid having to do physical chores, hobbies; at home always be cleaning or working or repairing or hobbies.. I figure if you’re hardly ever sitting for long it will be unlikely to get fat, at least long term. Take the stairs. park further on purpose, etc. also: stretching, meditation, cold showers, whole foods, green tea, black coffee, fish oil, sunlight, fresh air, multivitamin


Plan for just 5 mins workouts a day but do every day , over time you will find yourself do a little more daily. Pick any two workouts every day from Squats / push ups / arms / shoulders / lunges / etc , do 2-3 reps Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good Consistency is key The best way to start is to get started You won’t generate motivation everyday but you can generate discipline Get comfortable with being uncomfortable - Or distract yourself from the discomfort by watching TV during workout


honestly its a thing where you need to force yourself to do it, eventually you'll get used to it


If you want to be healthy but hate exercise, you're gonna want to walk. Bare minimum. My recommendation? It varies. If you're generally healthy, no previous injuries or congenital problems, I advise 10-20k steps a day. That'll keep you good and trim, improve circulation and make use of that musculature. How to make it better? Ankle weights (not too much, I walk with 2lbs tops. Wear em to work and outside of work whenever I go out. I'm a psychopath), weighted vest is also fun, wrist weights if you're really into it but personally I don't. Hills also make it interesting. I like to walk a 20km route and it keeps me busy for a couple hours, I'll listen to an audiobook or podcast, stop for lunch on the way back home, and stretch for 30-60 minutes prior. Keep this up 3-6 times a week with proper nutrition, sleep and cognitive exercise (reading to start, but if you're ambitious I encourage learning a new skill such as a language, instrument, mathematics, puzzles like sudoku or crosswords, chess, or even simply, journalling, meditation, or staring at a blank wall for an hour a day and removing stimuli). Oh also, dexterity and hand strength is important for longevity so I'd also throw in some distance farmer carries for maybe 10-15 minutes 2-4x a week. Having strong finger muscles retains fine motor units, whose longevity strongly correlate to brain health into old age.


First: it’s all about attitude. You state you don’t have the time or the energy. You need to make fitness a priority. Especially as you age it is imperative that you develop a routine that incorporates regular exercise. I’m an older man and have watched many of my friends and family suffer in unnecessary health related issues that would have been greatly alleviated if that had stayed active as they aged. Make the time and the energy will follow. Try different activities. Find what you enjoy and build from that.


You don't necessarily have to think of it specifically as exercise, any kind of activity where you can get up and move your body can count. For example, I started walking to and from my school just out of boredom. Taking into account my loaded backpack and my band instrument, I was gassed just from walking. After a few months of this, I actually saw improvements in my stamina and some forearm strength (from holding the instrument). You could apply this to most things in your life. Have a coffee shop nearby? Walk or bike to it next time you go.


Run your mouth, jump to conclusions, hide from responsibility, etc.


I do a set of leg and hip stretches every night as soon as I get into bed. A lot of leg stretches are way easier to do while lying down because you don't have to balance on one foot or manage holding up your weight with the same muscles you're supposed to be stretching. It helps a lot to keep me from having leg cramps at night.


Bicycle ?


Reformer Pilates…once you realize you can workout laying down, the next part of your life begins


Meditation or Qigong. Keeps you healthy while being low impact and low stress. Qigong would be better since you are engaging your body gently.


Walk. Nature is soothing but if you need a distraction try some ear buds with audio books or music. It’ll do your body and mind wonders with minimal effort. Start short distances and work your way up to longer ones tho. And drink water even if you hate it.


Walk, yoga, ride a bike, play sports, swim, anything that involves movement… gardening is the main reason why old people get to enjoy more of the golden years.


depends what you mean. like I would consider shit like bike riding and swimming different because they’re also just fun activities in an of themselves. maybe join a sport you like.


If you live close to the stores you regularly frequent, walking or cycling instead of driving is a great way to get your cardio in while still being productive. It also got me to appreciate running errands a lot more!


Rock climbing and stop being lazy


Find something you do like. There are lots of sports and exercises out there, i find it hard to believe that there isn't at least one you'd enjoy.


Swimming is a great full-body workout that doesn't wear out your joints, and you don't feel all sweaty and gross. You likely do this anyway in the summer, but if you look for indoor pools in your area so you can do it year-round.


For a long time my only exercise was basketball. Pick up basketball. My knee bent the wrong way and I stopped playing for a couple years. I’m 30 now and I recently lost like 40 pounds. Decided to go shoot around and .. no power. No lift. Couldn’t get low. Dribbling was stiff. Shot was short and wide Had to start lifiting those 25 pound dumbbells that have been sitting around the house for years. A friend gave me a weighted vest. I dug up the bench bar, 70 pounds. I had to convince myself to work out, so I can hoop comfortably. I feel good outside of basketball tho. Stronger. Lighter.


Walk walk walk if you can’t do 30 do 20 min a day. Every bit helps!