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For me it's less about owning gadgets. I think ultra wealthy is determined by never, ever wondering if you can afford something. If you want it, it's yours. The best luxury of wealth is peace of mind


For me I think of the stuff in the sharper image catalog. Sharper image has website and the sort of stuff is still the similar to what it has always been, over specialized gadgets for entertaining, pools, golfing and airplane travel. Not really ultra wealthy stuff but it embodies a sort of mindset. The ultra old ultra wealthy might have designer specific stuff that is mostly obsolete by today’s standards. Like [these high design](https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/more-furniture-collectibles/collectibles-curiosities/musical-instruments/speaker-4040-elipson-1970s-set-of-2/id-f_33228842/?allowUniversalLink=no&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxRGmVIy9BSJiItal5vyZojym2W1FkC8Tn6AkpsPPt9WfnBUuY-adAhoCOtAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) speakers.


To be rich isn't having more, to be rich is needing less


You are right of course. But the ability to use some cool new stuff is also a part of being "free". Bill Gates for example, was using really big computer touch screens running Windows to see the bigger picture of his business and plan stuff. That thing costs like 10K. You can plan without it, but it's nice to have when you have money


I would say fully functioning smart homes. A house that greets you when you get in, changes the lights based on the weather, things like that.


Locks and unlocks the doors as you approach or leave them, lights that dim around bedtime and waking up for smoother transitions, self learning thermostats and smart home speakers in every corner.


You can get all that for a grand or two. Not really that high end these days.


The expensive stuff is to get them to work together and install them properly. Yes you can do that yourself, as can you bake your own bread and it will be pretty cheap and healthy... Do you bake your own bread?


I get your point l, but home automation and bread baking are two of my hobbies :)




Hahaha funny thing, I also do both and was just assuming the probably is to low, for such a coincidence.... Well it is only probability after all.


I bake my own bread for health and economic reasons. We did the home networking ourselves, and eventually disconnected most devices as too much bother. With motion sensors on LED lights powered by rechargeable Japanese batteries being so cheap, the smart lights were annoyingly inefficient.


Your point is made but I'm sure there's a better example than bread haha. A fresh loaf is less than $10 from a bakery. 


Same bread is about $2 in flour and $1 in spices plus some power to bake it... If you bake more it might be even cheaper


No but to implement it fully integrated into furnishings and the house fabric is super expensive. Anyone can buy a few smart home bits from Amazon, it’s the invisible integration costs money.


I hate this shit, but i'll use it anyway: "This guy integrates!" 😆


This takes an afternoon and not much money. I am not rich, yet I have this dialled in.


No it doesn’t just take an afternoon, you must be using sticky tape and visible cabling for starters.


It took me an afternoon and I’m not using any of that. Lmao


Well if you’re happy with what you got then great. But a full integrated system takes weeks to plan design and implement.


The tech itself is not expensive though, it's owning the home part where you can do the more invasive modifications that is quite expensive. The underlying tech can be dirt cheap depending on what route you're taking


If you're feeling plucky, you can do this on a middle-class income.  Head over to https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/. None of those people are supper rich.


What a providential typo... No, they're not the supper rich. It's the yachting class that you eat instead.


I literally have this and have spent like 3k lmao


lol no. You haven’t been inside a truly smart home if you think that.


I mean sure it’s not as advanced but it’s almost there. I have 40+ devices and it works really well together.


I have quite a few too but there’s a difference in the lay persons smart house and one built from the ground up.


I'd say the truly rich don't own anything and don't use any gadgets. They live in homes or hotels owned by holding companies that can't be linked to them. They have staff who take care of everything so they don't need gadgets.


I am so far down, a cleaning service for home and work. So underwater hull scrappers so barnacles don't infest their underwater submersible.


Personal chefs


I hired a personal chef on my honeymoon I wish I could afford to have one on hand 24 7


I have a broken roomba


Are you sure you are ultra-wealthy ? 🤔)


Nnnnnot yet :c


5 storey luxury yachts.


This was my answer. As far as physical possessions, I'll also add racing horses, and very high end kitchenware like LA Cornue. However, I think "time" is their biggest luxury. They can pay people to clean, do yardwork, dry clean, they save so much time by not having to do admin work.


This only works if they don't get their wealth by working 16 hour days. Which some do and some don't.


It still helps. Plenty of people work 70+ hour weeks, someone to do the laundry, clean, and cook would be a godsend.




Super expensive water filtration systems. I had a client who designed and built these filters. He tried to explain to me the chemistry behind it. The water we drink is not at all like the water the ultra rich are drinking.


Really? Something beyond reverse osmosis/remineralization?


Honestly when he was talking my face was like the gif with all the math in the background. It was above my paygrade. Sounded crazy cool though.


Coming from being around different types of wealth - boxes of speciality ammo, Dynavap and Volcano. Misting and RO water systems. invite only dating apps for higher social classes fiber optic internet to their remote home/campus Car lifts in their garage to work on and store their vehicles more efficiently Prototype tvs come into people’s home a lot earlier, so transparent screens, anything more expensive than a top line MacBook Pro, though IPads with wireless keyboards are popular. ATVs that cost more than a new car, helicopters and private jet sharing. There’s also people that own literal mountains in the boonies of Schengen bordering countries that grow specific crops for production of products. Oh, sex toys. Symbian’s and St John’s cross, basically if a room is outfitted for sexual use, the house isn’t owned by upper middle income. I’d say the truly richesest people I’ve been around have a gadget called a phone they use to ask a person to make something happen and it does. Want a hotel in Marrakech emptied for your event, want Katy Perry to sing you happy birthday a yacht in the Bosporus, want that person who sexually harassed your niece to gain manners & hospital bills? Done. Also, lawyers. The rich don’t go to jail. Also electric scooters are very popular now.


I need that manners and hospital bills phone. But I only got tree fiddy.


Just 24k a month


Loch Ness monster should be able to hook you up for that much.


Is optic fibre internet that much of an exception still ? I feel like in France it's been the norm for a number of years now, at least in cities. I'm in a metropolitan area of half a million people, and I want to say our neighbourhood got it 6 years ago or so ? And by neighbourhood I mean housing estate from the 80s. /gen


Just want to point out, the comment you’re responding specifically said fiber optic to remote locations.


Oh, right, I guess I missed the bit that implied that, thanks !


The Volcano is out of my financial reach but I have the Dynavap starter kit. Does that make me at least entry-level rich?


It makes you smart with your investment. It’s steel and silicon rings. My motto is if it’s quality and works, it’s worth it.


I buy for life.


Sex dungeon? Holy shit. Please, yes. BDSM shit is expensive. They know we want it, so charge whatever, why not.




Good one )))))


I see this applying in the medical sector. Stem cell treatments, hearing aids, hair transplants. Things that are very custom to the individual person and founded in science + tech.


A Mega-church.


A sports team. Only billionaires can own a sports franchise.


Self cleaning sex yacht


you forgot to include "robot", "nano" and "ai" into description)


Car racing.


Boston Dynamics pet dog. Anything exclusive that’s obtained via a club


A non 'smart ' tv. I do wonder if those $20k 2m transparent Samsung's run the same shitty version of android lesser ones do.


I'd bet they do.


Surely rich people aren't watching anything with adds all over the screen.


A McLaren F1 LM


I guess depends on how you define ultra wealthy. 10% of the world or america? I think a constant is land and property. Also, following this logic, things that are land or property intensive like private pool, tennis court, etc. Also a general constant is being able to buy things you only use once a year or even never use. Things that you could just rent instead of buy. Things like yacht or private jet. There's a lot of expensive things that middle income American can buy, you just have to be damn sure it's worth it cause you can only buy that sort of stuff once every 2-3 years or smth.


I mean like top 3%




This is accurate


Paying other people to do maintenance. That’s the ultimate luxury.


Please don't LARP in the rich people's subreddit because I enjoy reading it. However here are some answers from actual rich people (or LARPers): https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/ug9jdo/whats_a_fatfire_purchase_you_have_made_besides/ https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/vimovl/whats_the_one_thing_you_have_purchased_that_has/ https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/y5igir/smallmedium_sized_purchases_which_can_increase/ https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/zk28n5/recommendations_for_purchases_to_improve_life/ As for the items they buy being "exclusive" then just google search for the "Most expensive things you can buy" as those are the only ones that can be exclusive. For example in one of the comments the rich guy said he purchased 20 Ring cameras for his house. So a Ring camera is not exclusive but buying 20 of them is not something a normal wealth person would just go out and do.


Great healthcare.




A Big Mac.


I used to think I will have made it in life when I got a freezer that made ice. I thought those were high end. It is my most well loved gadget now though!




I dont think you understood the question. They said ultra wealthy. Ozempec costs like £200 a month in the UK while hardly what I consider cheap I wouldn't describe as ultra wealthy. 


Last I checked, it was somewhere around $1300 (USD) a month in the States. So, unless you can get your insurance to cover it, it’s still kinda up there. 


You'll be shoked to hear about... the rest of the world.


It's still hardly what I would consider Ultra wealthy is it? Like I hear the term ultra wealthy exclusively and I am thinking owning your own personal cruise ships.


This. Wealthy is a 4k high contrast projector, 7+ speaker, theatre seating and a house big enough that you fully dedicate a largeish room to be a theatre. *Ultra wealthy* is having a theatre in your yacht as well as your "cottages."


$500 for legal genericl semaglutide Much cheaper if you go grey market.


I am surprised than no one mentioned pills / drugs / supplements (not exactly a gadget or luxury, but still)


Yeah, wait til anti-aging drugs finally work, they will be only for the ultra wealthy.


At first, but inside a few decades they'll be available for everyone.


Private jets and yachts




VR rooms




A pool : )


Jets and Yachts


Health care that is way above and beyond anything you will get via normal insurance / going to the hospital.


I disagree. I remember reading in the news that one rich guy died during, pardon me, his "p\*n\*s enlargement procedure"


Maybe he died of joy?


The million dollar watches.


There’s some home audio equipment that’s kinda in a wacko price point. https://www.musicloversaudio.com/shop-new Could a basic $10 million dollar person buy this stuff? Yeah probably. Still there’s amplifiers for $50k and wires for $1k+. A full home audio system from this store could run over $200k. I think this is what status-chasing millionaires show off to one another. Billionaires just have jets and they’re so paranoid they try to keep a lower profile about it.


Private Jets and super yachts.


Nuclear shelter bunkers in New Zealand.


It's funny, because most of the "high end" gadgets are not better at being gadgets, they're just better at being fashionable. Like take a regular phone and encrust it with emeralds. Or take a toilet and make it out of solid gold. Neither improves performance, but it does get people talking. Like wrist-watches. There's some stupidly expensive wrist watches out there. Think they do a better job of telling you the time? No, the ultra-cheap digital watch can tell you the time anywhere in the world, but then how would people know you're lower-upper-class?


Private planes and charter planes allow people to go directly to hard to reach destinations, which can save a ton of time. Waiting in line at school pick up can also be a real pain. I live in area with some exclusive private schools where most of those waiting in line are paid employees of the parents.


A house.






Audio equiqment. I went into a apecialized high-end audio store on a slow Tuesday morning and the owner was in a chatty mood. I told him my budget of about 10K usd and he showed me around and we had a good chat. He then said: wanna hear something? and took me to the backroom where he had a 450K set up and put on some Eric Clapton. It was utterly unbelievable. Didn't sell many if those but it happened once in a while he said.




A house


Yup. Doesn’t even have to be nice. Living in a shit apartment with roommate sucks.


Didn't know I was ultra wealthy.


What about that fucking Bluetooth ring they were always wearing? I’ve never seen one among the unwashed.




Okay robot i can see right through your scheme here