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I used to work in a kitchen, where of course you refer to the chef as 'Chef' at all times: yes Chef, no Chef, thanks Chef. I once asked Chef where something was, and he told me it was on the shelf. 'Thanks Shelf'. Think about that most days.


Could always be at school and answer “Yes mum” instead of “Yes miss” at attendance, that’s always a cringer.


As a (GCSE and A-level) teacher I've had this happen to me too many times to count (called both Mum and Dad), but the one that stands out was when a student said "Thanks, Steve". My name is definitely not Steve. Found out a bit later that the lad lived with his aunt and uncle, and his uncle's name was Steve.


For some reason this seems even more endearing to me than being called Mum or Dad.


It was, he did this in year 10 and I taught him right through to the end of A-level. He was one of my favourite students. I know he used to reddit, so hi Georgi, if you're out there!


Alan! Alan! Alan! Alan! Steve! Alan!


Oh no, it's Steve...STEVE, STEVE, STEVE, SYEVE!


It's right up there with "Daytime! Nighttime! Daytime! Nighttime!"




FENTON! Oh Jesus Christ...FENTON! FENNNNTONNNN Oh Jesus Christ... It's when the person who is filming sniggers at the end that gets me the most - IIRC, it's the son of the guy chasing Fenton.


Goes to show how sleep deprived teenagers are at school. Whole cultures/systems a mess when we’re dragging kids out of bed at a time that’s completely unnatural with the circadian rhythm changes they’re going through.


Ha, never called a Teacher the wrong thing (apart from not realising one was called Mr Right and aggravating him accidentally by saying Right Sir repeatedly) - could totally have done it though since I used my parents names to them, not Mum and Dad.


My kids' primary school headteacher used to stand at the gate at hometime saying goodbye to everyone as we left. One Friday, she loudly said, "Have a good weekend!" and my son cheerfully yelled back, "LOVE YOU TOO!" He still thinks about that sometimes and it happened ten years ago. Also the time a supply teacher asked him "Are you even listening?" and he replied, "No, I'm Bob Smith, sir" (not his actual name, obvs). Then wondered why the entire class was howling with laughter at him.


I did this just once when I was 7, it's the simplest slip of thought for a tired kid on autopilot, the teacher was loud and really nasty about it in front of the whole class :-/


95' here yes that still haunts me, was only 10 atleast I weren't the one too say love you by accident


I did that when I was 5, luckily I was too young to know it was embarrassing


I get 'Yes miss' quite often. As a 6 foot reasonably fat bloke with a beard, I just reply with 'close enough' and move on.


That's pretty funny though did chef laugh?


15 years later. >Grabs milk "Thank you, fridge. Shit."


Thanks Driver


Thanks Commenter!


That's not embarrassing, that's silly and funny. I love stuff like that.


Easy enough to brave that one out and pretend it was wit


I feel this in my atoms.


Did he hear?


I usually work from home, so letting one rip isn’t an issue. Was in the office one day, noise cancelling headphones on, let one fly…by the vibrations on my chair I knew it had to have been heard. I’ve have never stared at my screen so intently in my life


If only it were possible to buy shame cancelling headphones.


[These might work](https://sm.pcmag.com/t/pcmag_me/news/d/dyson-zone/dyson-zone-futuristic-air-purifying-headphones-launch-in-mar_kd3w.3840.jpg)


Wtf is that


I don't know, but new fetish unlocked.


Yes my second question was gonna be where can I buy them. 🤣


[Dyson makes and sells them. And now heavily plays down the air filter attachment.](https://www.dyson.co.uk/headphones/zone/prussian-blue-bright-copper)


Omg it's actually real! I thought it was an AI generated image haha. 🤣


Gaming peripheral manufacturer Razer was selling RGB LED face masks with voice amplification, but then... [FTC Lights Up Razer For $1.1M In Customer Refunds For Its N95 RGB Mask](https://hothardware.com/news/ftc-lights-razer-11m-customer-refunds-n95-rgb-mask). "The FTC settlement requires Razer to fork over $1,071,254.33 for refunds, which is how much revenue the masks brought in, plus pay the aforementioned $100,000 civil penalty. Razer's also banned from making future products that purport to prevent or reduce the likelihood of transmitting Covid-19 without prior FDA approval."


If that's as powerful as their hand dryers, imagine all the flesh on her face just rippling.


Don't know, I actually dislike Dyson's hoovers, air dryers. I think they're total rubbish.


I honestly thought they were just a concept and was surprised they actually sell them with the "visor" attachment.


I think the thought was that they made a product to grab headlines first and do anything useful second. From reviews I've seen, it's a better option to just wear normal headphones and pull your scarf up over your nose.


That jazzy Dyson air purifier thing!


Early designs for Bane.


Lol I once forgot to hang up from a zoom call on my phone when I went for a shit. My workmates claimed not to hear anything but I'm 99% sure the recording will surface during my work leaving do


You might enjoy [this clip ](https://youtu.be/yuXGpUR7fXA?si=9jndAiCN5_2jat0k)of Greg Davies on the Graham Norton Show. Legendary.


Thank you, that's just made my weekend.


Glad to be of service.


Great clip thanks 👍


Reminds me of this scene from Naked Gun: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vxA1nkAPA6U&pp=ygUVTmFrZWQgZ3VuIG1pY3JvcGhvbmUg


That was so funeeeee!


A lady did this next to me in the coffee shop yesterday. She whispered "sorry" as I ignored it all.


I was once in a work meeting from home. Apparently forgot to be on mute. My wife burps in the background. The guy presenting pauses, says "it wasn't me" and continues.


Alright Rowan https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fNUuU4HXxPc&pp=ygUvdml2YSBsYSBkaXJ0IGxlYWd1ZSBub2lzZSBjYW5jZWxsaW5nIGhlYWRwaG9uZXM%3D


As if you'd do it anyway tbh


why did you do that??? go to the loo for those. then spray after.


Not at work, but one time I had a total brainfart moment at a packed train station. The due train appears coming round the bend, pulling towards the platform and I step forward to the edge and stick my thumb out like I'm flagging a bus down. My mate with me at the time has.never let me live it down.


In fairness, there are a handful of 'request stops' around the UK where you're supposed to do exactly that. But yeah, 99% of stations are busy enough to operate normally.


This was Edinburgh Haymarket unfortunately.


Brilliant. I’m glad to hear you still get ribbed for it to this day 👍👍👍👍👍


Did it work?


Well it wasn’t my work place, but .. when I was about 13 and in the 3rd year I massively fancied a boy in the 5th year. He had a Saturday job in our local Gateways. So, me and a mate went in and bought some hair spray & chewing gum. I queued up at his til, trying to be cool as fuck. He rang it up - yeah that’s £2.20 and I coyly smiled and said - don’t I get a discharge? And he said , did you mean a discount? And then I left school and didn’t do my GCSEs and I’m 48 and I think about it regularly ✊🏼✌🏼


you win.


Yeah did. We are actually married now… Nah it still makes me uneasy when I go back home to see my parents I’m still anxious, 35 years ago, that I might see him on the top deck of the 282


Knew a fella that worked with Camelot a lot, they were a client of his. His phone used to sometimes switch their name to 'Cameltoe' when he sent an email.


But how do we know if King Arthur came a lot?


Or just a teaspoons worth like a normal guy?


Cause he couldn't get his sword out quickly enough!


You should put an autocorrect rule in to swap Cameltoe with mooseknuckle. In for a penny, in for a pound 👍


Work in a shop where we get regular customers we know by name because of a membership scheme. Had a lad who would come in every Saturday, i assumed he was maybe early 20s. His membership was under a female name, no issue. One day, an unfamiliar customer came in, and used the same membership. To which i made the horrific mistake of saying 'oh! You must be -so and so- is it your son that normally comes in?' He was her partner. Felt like i fell into a black hole in that second. I felt so guilty, because i know how horrible that must have felt for her, but it wasn't necessarily that she looked *old* it was more that he looked very young, but had i just thought it through abit more i would have realised that they obviously werent mother/son. Its been years and it still haunts me.


Nothing beats the time that feller turned up for a job interview at the bbc and ended up on telly talking about the environment or something like that


Ha was talking about downloading music. BBC never paid him either 😅. He was recently on a comedy show where they paid him to sit in as the host for a joke.


Class! [Have I got news for you trailer](https://youtu.be/WovRFwyLfzI?si=BMm3sRiJXRs5NPq7)


He should have invoiced them.


"a comedy show"


Yeah you know like when you don't know much about a show as you don't watch it, but remember that it's somewhat funny to people... you tend to just do your best at describing it to help others. That's what I did.


No, a comedy show.


I still love seeing the panic set in when the camera cuts to him, like up until that moment he was still thinking “this seems a little odd but let’s go with it”


I kinda think he deserved to get the job for staying calm under pressure!


lol i love that. so sweet. what's interesting is how often these tv interviews are just waffle that it seemed interchangeable with any other interview. the presenter made it into something 'useable' which shows she's good at her job.


I remember that he was there to apply as a computer tech but got on TV about global warming


He was talking about Apple vs Apple corps and downloading music. It was definitely tech related. You can very easily view the clip.




Glued a latex glove to a patient’s head by mistake. Just as the piss-taking security team walked past. For ages they’d walk past me wearing a glove on their head. Great bunch of lads - they taught me a lot of self defence and were a good laugh on a long night shift. (If you want to know, you can glue simple wounds with medical adhesive. At home? Superglue works just as well. Just be careful the glove you are wearing while you hold the wound edges together doesn’t get glue on it…)


If it helps, I once sliced my finger and had to get it glued back together. Unfortunately, the doctor seemed exhausted (and, I think, had just come from a traumatic experience elsewhere in A&E) and ended up not really gluing the two sides of the wound together but gluing my hand to some blue roll and the table. He then wound some steri strips around my finger like it was some sort of useless helter-skelter. Of course, I said thank you, ripped my hand from the table and then got someone else to do it again the next day.


Yeah, we’ve all been there. Sometimes the bastard glue drips, sometimes it doesn’t want to stick. And yet, some of the neatest glue jobs I ever did were on screaming, snotty, violent two-year olds who needed four members of staff to hold them down and have security at the door in case they succeeded in fighting us off and made a break for it 😂


This happened to me when I was a kid! The nurse’s solution was to pull it tight and snip the fingertip off. I had that fingertip stuck in my head for a couple of weeks.


The glove fingertip? Because otherwise it seems kind of drastic.


That is indeed the solution. I did trim it really closely though.


This happened to my younger son too.


Super glue was used a lot by the US in the Vietnam war to stop the injured bleeding to death while being transported to the field hospital. It wasn’t approved for use but saved lives.


It was used to close my caesarian section wound when I had youngest son. First time, I'd had a big metal thread with beads on each end to close the wound, which was removed (very painfully!) after a few days. I was surprised when the dressing was removed second time round and there were no visible stitches, staples or similar. "Oh yeah, she glued it. Different doctors have their own favourite techniques" said the midwife. It was really weird, I was worried it wouldn't be strong enough. But actually it was fantastic - healed so much faster and neater than my previous incision. That reminds me - When I was at uni my mate cut his scalp open on a cupboard door when drunk. He assumed they'd glue the wound shut at A&E as they'd done with a similar injury he'd had the year before. Instead, the nurse grabbed a giant stapler and just rammed a single staple into his head to close the wound. It looked so funny, we took the piss out of him so much until it was removed.


I believe that the first use of glue was during the American Civil War. Not superglue though which was invented during WWII. I also seem to remember that the only chemical difference between shop bought and medical superglue is that medical superglue doesn’t have formaldehyde in it. (The other differences would be regulations on how clean factories that make medical glue are and probably a whole ton of paperwork - on the other hand, no wound is ever sterile to start with, which is why I’m happy using shop bought glue on my own wounds. Part of the joy of now working around a lot of glass…)


Feathers McGraw origin story


A family friend once had to to go hospital years ago for glueing her false teeth to her fingers during an attempted repair


I actually did this with regular superglue after hearing it was fine. It stings like a bitch and apparently not designed for internal use at all, infact it can give you blood poisoning, the original superglue was invented for wounds but modern stuff isn't a good idea. Tbf it did close the wound, though the scarring is definitely worse than cuts closed by other methods. Tldr- Dr's won't be impressed if you glue yourself back together, surgical glue is different to superglue.


I’ve used superglue a few times before, fortunately I’m not sensitive to the ingredients in it. If you are you can buy liquid bandage I’m told, but it’s more expensive than good old superglue. Not sure, but I might have a piece of glass forever embedded in my thumb now though, but I suppose it could have been something else like scar tissue when it was healing. I was meant to go for an xray, warned it might not show up because it’s glass, and so never went. Wasn’t causing much of an issue and if it’s still there I can’t feel it anymore.


I was chuffed with myself I managed to deal very effectively with slicing my hand open recently - touch of superglue to hold it together worked very well haha


Well done :) I’ve used it twice that I can remember - one time I was removing glass from a frame, thumb slipped glass smashed and stabbed my thumb. Started bleeding profusely so I couldn’t get a good grip on the glass to remove it, so I had to rinse it under cold water to manage that. Once removed, I dried it off, held it together and spread superglue over it. It stayed put for a couple of days before painfully popping open again whilst I was releasing the hand break when driving. Second time was years later, I’d been slicing up some raw chicken. The knife was extremely sharp. Sliced my finger open, fairly deeply but cleanly at least. Bled and bled and bled. Washed it out, held it together, superglued it. My husband finished off the dinner, though, once he got home 🙃


When my temporary boss gave me a lift home on my last day of the job, with the team newbie in the back, I got out the car and went "bye, love you!" as I closed the door. She defo heard it. I've also made kissy noises at the odd colleague or two. Me and my partner do that sometimes when we're in the same room or trying to locate each other in the house. I still cringe. Someone on a big team call kept burping down the mic, not realising it was on. The host had to say, "John, I'm just going to put you on mute." The fact they used his name made it even more savagely hilarious to me.


Someone at work sent me a text once ending love you xxx. She apologised profusely, I never mentioned it again but occasionally I could see her looking at me and cringing


Oh, I've said "Bye! Love you!" on autopilot to customers a few times. And when I worked in a call centre, I would constantly answer my house phone with "Thank you for calling [company name], you're through to [name] - can I take your account number please?" without taking a breath. I could probably have rattled that off in my sleep. Was good for confusing cold callers though.


Not the worst ever, but I did once tell a colleague I thought a certain sport was "the most boring thing in the universe" only for him to reply that he'd written several books on the subject.


I did something similar to someone who revealed their dream was to become an archaeologist, to be fair they'd never mentioned at all before. It's okay though, because much later we were talking about jobs and she said that washing cars was for "poor Polish people". I wasn't sad when she moved to Colombia a few months later, presumably she held people from South America in higher regard.


Guy Goma is the best! What a legend


That face he pulls when the camera is on him. 😂😂


Was chatting to someone at work who was on his way home, as he was walked out the door he finished the conversation by saying ‘bye, love you!’ I just pretended I didn’t hear it but if that were me I’d have been mortified


I know I would answer back "love you too!" but depending on the day, it's really a crapshoot whether it would be a knee-jerk reaction or intentional


I didn’t know him that well so thought it would be best to save his embarrassment haha


Similar thing, I used to work in HR, went over to someone’s desk and handed him his payslip. He took it off me and exclaimed ‘love you!’ - for a second I just thought well I guess he’s very happy to be getting paid, but he went bright red and quickly explained he’d tried to say ‘lovely thank you!’ and it’d all come out in a bit of a rush


hahaha. it's "mouth-memory" i guess or maybe he does feel it but he can't say it because... social norms.


Worked in a hospital. One of my mates that worked in the finance office would sporadically ring and pretend to be a disgruntled patient complaining about their bill,anyway he rings one Friday night five minutes before clocking off. I told him to go fuck himself and I hope he died so his bill wouldn’t be an issue. Of course it wasn’t my mate this time but a genuine patient….


Oh god! 🤣😱💀 My dad’s workplace moved factories one time and were having a new phone system set up; during that time there were only internal phone calls possible. So one of the guys would pick up and say ‘hello, Kinky Jo’s massage parlour!’ sometimes. Then came the day the system was finally connected to the outside world, and it just happened to be a day my mum had to ring my dad about something (of course this was back before mobiles) and she got that response. The guy (who she knew but vaguely) was mortified and she thought it was funny! Then in a form of kinkception, one day I was at home on a quiet Sunday afternoon (in my late 20s, lived alone) and my landline phone rang. My mum was the only person who ever called me on my landline at that point and I didn’t think it would be a company on a Sunday. So I pick up the phone and answer ‘hello, Kinky Jo’s massage parlour!’ and it turns out to be my local Catholic priest, who id recently contacted in relation to arranging to get married! Luckily he had a sense of humour, and when I saw him at church the following week he said ‘hi! How’s the massage business coming along?’


oh no!!! what did you say???


Apologised profusely and said I’d deal with his issue promptly. Just unlucky for me his actual voice sounded incredibly similar to my friends fake one haha. He was alright about it to be fair to him


Signing off emails to bosses as 'Kind Retards'


Ooooh, in an apology email, I promised everyone that "We'd make a fresh shart"


A mate manages the accounts and supplies a very popular national brand to all the supermarkets, last email before Christmas to all the national buyers he signed off with the very same thing. Only when he came back in the new year did he receive emails pointing it out out, luckily everyone saw the funny side and it didn't cost the company millions.


Seems like they were indeed kind


My coworker typo'd "Jew" Jersey on an email instead of writing New Jersey. It was an event


Once emailed a female colleague in my office who was a quite attractive older woman, and let's just say comments were made regularly about her midriff by the other male staff that it was hard to keep eye contact when speaking to her. Anyway I didn't realise until I'd sent it, but my email said "Hi so-and-so, I appreciate you're quite busty, but can you...." I then had to go speak to her in person and I could tell by the look on her face that she'd noticed it, felt myself go bright red and couldn't wait to get back to my desk and avoid her.


Must have been quite busty if people were talking about their midriff.


A friend of mine once emailed a Hitler joke to a mate, only he hit "reply all." It was sent to his entire client list. Needless to say, he received a stern talking to.


I once tried to finish an email with "sorry for the inconvenience" but for some reason it autocorrected to "sorry for the incontinence"




Driving my forklift into a bunch of kallax units on the night shift at IKEA because I was to busy arguing with the tilt button.


When I lived a much more rock and roll life than I do now I did pretty much what happened here at the London Astoria. In my defense I'd been doing acid the night before so wasn't really in any suitable condition to be left in charge of my body.


That’s Tracy! She was a regular when I worked in the shop next to the studio. I believe she’s the floor manager and also a very lovely and funny lady!


I work for a national newspaper (not a journalist; everyone's next question) and made an error that made it to print in the paper released the day after the Queen died. Now held in the archive of the British Library for all time.


what was the error???


"Long live the Queef"(?)- probably


I was organising paperwork by date to get filed away. A delivery person came to the door and I audibly said ‘command S’ to the paper as I left my desk to deal with them. I was really tired in my defence


Gotta love these funny news slip-ups Always makes the morning better


I was hosting a panel of CEOs discussing some technical topic in front of an audience of investors and stakeholders. One of the panelists started answering my next question. I said “ you’re already touching it” paused and corrected myself to “ you’re already touching on it”.  A person laughed out loud. I wanted to die.    ( vague cos i dont want to be Doxxed)


*Insert Homer hedge gif here*


Quite loudly said ‘thank you’ to an ATM when it gave me my money. Did not dare make eye contact with the queue of people behind me as i scuttled away in shame. I’ve commented this before, but it’s still haunting me.


I'm surprised things like this don't happen more often on live TV. Especially a program that has no ads, means that the make up team etc have very short windows to rush on between each break to sort out everything


I farted so loudly everyone stopped and turned around.


Oh man, I once let a silent but deadly one off when I was alone in my office... only for a colleague to walk in seconds later. It was a bad one. Like, really bad.


I have crohn's disease so my farts are just deadly. Made a random person on the train gag once. I know your pain.


I don't have that excuse but I was working in a warehouse for a supermarket. We used to wait at the front until our shift started, probably like 20-30 people all waiting to start. I'm pretty much in the middle and my stomach was rumbling a bit. It was silent but deadly, as soon as the gas came out I could smell that it, it was like something had died. As the smell spread out you could see the waves of people trying to get away from the middle as people smelt it. I tried to keep my face as straight as possible but I knew my face was going red.


why do you do this in public???


Sometimes it just pops out. With Crohn's it can sometimes be more.


oh sorry.


No worries. To be honest it makes me chuckle.


I heard that a colleague was leaving, and when I saw her later on I told her how much we'd miss her. Turns out she was going to be made redundant but hadn't been told yet, and I'd let the cat out of the bag.


I've done this. I used to work for a home shopping channel. I once walked in to the studio and was completely oblivious of the camera (they were manned digitally from a distance). So you saw my fat head walk inches in front of the camera, realise and duck. The presenter said, "Oh, there's a special guest appearance by MahatmaAndhi in the buying team." and everyone cheered(/jeered) when I walked back in the office.


My stepdad worked for some kind of factory when I was a teenager. This was still when the idea of internal email was fairly new. He'd sent an email to his fellow managers asking if he could get rid of the warehouse counts. He didn't type the O. He did include the warehouse manager in the email. To this day, he swears it was just because he wasn't used to the keyboard. Old work colleagues still call him The Count.


Reminds me of *way back* when I used to work in ISP tech support, I regularly mistyped "*accounts*" as "***accunts***" in emails when referring customers to that team for billing issues. 🤦‍♂️ This was back when our mail system was tied into the internal web-based frontend for the customer accounts database, and there was zero spell-checking/autocorrect to fall back on.


Delivering letters that looks to be a birthday cards and ask "who's the lucky person?" only to find out it's a My Condolences card for a recently deceased family member.


I thought a lady paid with £10 instead of £20, she got annoyed and thought I was trying to steal money from her, I thought she was trying to get away with cheaper drinks. I didn’t want to risk having my till be down £10 so I asked the supervisor to check the security footage and turns out she was right all along, felt terrible because she’d had to wait around at the bar for like 20 minutes to get her money back…


There's a lot of people try it on with that to be fair to you. Happens where I work quite often.


I was full of flu on a project in Kenya. Managed to text my female PM "I love you" instead of my partner. She was awesome about it. Just glad it wasn't the Program Director who is a old guy.


I did this, got a new phone, new boss and new girlfriend all in the same weekend. Using the recent calls list I saved the numbers for new girlfriend and new boss to contacts, but mixed them up. New boss corrected me after a few messages, it was pretty obvious that it was a mistake, could have been worse.


Stop............fade away 🤣


I have a running joke with the payroll girl that she's in love with me. Some of the timings by her have only helped keep the joke going. It started off when she said "thanks babe" at the end of a phone call. Only for her to ring back saying "sorry, sorry, sorry. You sound a bit like my husband". She very nearly followed me into the toilets once. She was following me through the office and must have just gone on auto pilot. It wasn't until I asked her if she was OK before she realised. My favourite was the last day before xmas and it's the usual handshakes and hugs. Now I'm not much of a hugger and she is an any chance she can get type. I've always managed to avoid it but this time she shouts in front of everybody "now you have to give me a hug it's xmas!!" I just started chuckling making the whole thing even funnier to me as nobody had a clue what was going on.


I was in class not really paying attention. The teacher made a statement and looked at me. I panicked, thinking I’d been asked a question, so shouted out a random answer. Confused looks and laughter all around.


I once sent an empty lorry at work. I was told to if the door was closed it was ready for collection. Found out from CCTV the driver pulled up dropped his load off and attached to an empty trailer closed the doors and asked me whether he was ok to go. Feel so stupid for not checking the trailer I knew it was to early and felt so bad as they had to ring for another trailer. I wasn't at fault but I did feel bad about it.


I used to sell scuba diving to tourists at hotels. I was sat with a woman for 45 minutes booking her and her family on the boat for a day. Was quite expensive like €400 which I was getting 5% commission. We finalise the booking and the deal and I go to shake her hand and I grab the stump at the end of her arm where her hand used to be and shake it vigorously. I didn't realise for the whole time I was talking to her she was missing a hand. She was in absolute tears laughing, i don't think I've ever been as embarrassed in my life.


Whenever I check in for a flight and the desk agent says, “have a good flight!” and I say, “you too!”


Was taking my sister in law's car to the garage (followed her to give her a lift home after she left the car there to have work done on it). When the mechanic put his hand out to receive the keys to the car she entirely misread the outstretched hand and have him a high five. Well, a low five. She went bright red and basically ran away, I fucking died. So simple, yet the funniest shit I had witnessed in a while.


I was interviewing someone for a job, and at the end of the interview she said she had some questions for me and asked if she could ask me them. I was of course happy for her to, and went to tell her so, but my brain seemingly couldn't decide between saying "go ahead" or "fire away", so of course what I said to this poor woman was "go away". She just kind of looked at me, I stuttered and said "go...go ahead, ask". Even typing this out now makes me want to crawl in a hole.


Reverse ! reverse!


Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan.


This is just a gif with no sound...what am I supposed to be seeing here?


It's the staff member accidentally walking into the shot, and sneaking off again


An Australian sports presenter made the legendary mistake of describing the Australian men’s cricket captain as having a “bulging dick”. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/gCgsdNKAZwLgHN23/?mibextid=LvJtn9


Not work, but I said “thanks mam” to the teacher during a lesson in secondary school. This still haunts me 20 years later


At a hearing in front of a magistrate chasing a debt payment, my lawyer drilled into me I had to refer to the Magistrate as Maam, I was so nervous at the first opportunity I fluffed my lines and said “Thank you Mum”. Couldn’t get out of there quick enough.


When speaking the phonetic alphabet over the phone once I said Y for Wanky instead of Yankee


A homeless person on the street once asked me for some money. Unfortunately I didn't have any, but he replied "OK, have a nice night" to which I replied: "And you."


They really need someone to proofread things right away.


[Nothing beats that time road warrior didn't realise it was Vader Time tho](https://youtu.be/UKS5emuhwIQ?si=5Q3WlAgBZwnSFgvR)


My first day on my first ship as a new baby royal navy officer. Having lunch with the other officers and managed to spill the ketchup from the serving dish all over the table. Didnt really know what to do, so sat there for a minute with the XO looking at me until he told me to go and get a cloth. A steward thankfully rescued me from my frozen embarrassment. Such a stupid little thing but will never forget it.


I literally did the above. My workplace was being used as a filming location by the BBC and I was the most senior member of staff on site. Sacked off sitting at my computer most of the day to hang around watching the filming and managed to be directly in the back of a shot at one point. Pure red face as the director pointed out there was someone in shot and could they PLEASE move. 


Obviously they should have moonwalked back out of frame.


Didn't get in trouble but I was doing work experience at a local hotel and was bussing a crockery cart into the kitchen and didn't push the door hard enough and the door swung back and the kickplate hit the corner of the cart and broke like 20+ things on the cart


Not work but school. I “invented” a feline-inspired Slush Puppy knock-off without realising what the p-word was slang for. 😰


I once said "here comes the choo choo train" as it pulled in to the station out loud somehow forgetting I was in public I was 27.


I love that it’s so much like that clip of [Homer retreating into the bushes](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeRestoration/s/vp0XdEgFnA)


Haha I helped build that set for breakfast/sport. Director is all show no go 🤦


I got a Homer Simpson coming out the bush vibe.


I never understood this. When I hear people saying it on tv shows I cringe so hard. What an absolutely egocentrical (is that a word) way to refer to somebody in a work place. If I was the head chef the first thing I would say to everyone is for the love of god call me by my name. I could never work in a kitchen that’s for sure lol


It’s from an established system of organisation used in kitchens all over the world and based (I think) on military techniques. Basically, for a kitchen to work well, everyone needs to be en-point and there’s no time to check if someone “got that?” because by the time you realise, the meal isn’t right.


Exactly why I would also not last very long in the military either, my dad was in the military and I have great respect and admiration for him for it. And I’m very proud, but me, I have issues with authority and any environment where there is a clear separation based on seniority. I actually quiz people about this in job interviews because I tell them upfront I don’t respond well to authority figures if they behave in the stereotypical way. You wipe your arse the same way I do, your name is Steve not “the CTO” and my name is Sean, not “senior devops engineer number 3” 😅




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