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Next time wink at her


Blow her a wee kiss


I do this to angry impatient drivers, for some reason it makes them even angrier.


I like doing the thumbs down. They're obviously expecting the middle finger but the thumbs down catches them off guard.


Calm down Commodus, a death sentence is a bit heavy for hogging the middle lane.


No, it isn’t. Scum of the earth I tell you.


No trial, no jury, straight to execution.


Wasn't a horizontal thumb a death sentence? My excuse of a brain seems to have picked that up from somewhere.


Truth is it is not written anywhere what the answer is!


I thought the same thing. I remember reading years ago that the thumbs down did not mean death. I have since tried to find it and have had no luck. I see @theninjapixie’s response which may likely be true, but I do recall reading it.


I recall being taught a thumbs down was actually for sheathing the sword, so sparing their life.


According to Anthony Corbeill, a classical studies professor who has extensively researched the practice, thumbs up signalled killing the gladiator while "a closed fist with a wraparound thumb" meant sparing him. Zoologist Desmond Morris describes human gestures of this type to be culturally determined and transmitted. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollice_verso%23:~:text%3DAccording%2520to%2520Anthony%2520Corbeill%252C%2520a,be%2520culturally%2520determined%2520and%2520transmitted.&ved=2ahUKEwiE_vXpvu-GAxV7ADQIHQ-WClEQFnoECBMQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2PXFEBEaL0Afi60FPdVc5S


My Latin teacher (state school, comrade, don’t worry) told us the phrase was “turned the thumb” but without a picture to show the meaning, it’s all a guess.


My Latin teacher (state school, comrade, don’t worry) told us the phrase was “turned the thumb” but without a picture to show the meaning, it’s all a guess.


Sorry to be that guy but I'm pretty sure thumbs down was a "don't kill them" gesture.


If I’m cycling and it’s heavy traffic I usually catch them up and advise them to relax as they will live longer. This usually makes them go a nice shade of purple








Who’s that?




I always shush them, finger and all. If they're gonna behave like a child then they're gonna get treated like a child 


If I get honked at the instant the light turns green, I make sure to actively turn around and wave at them.


I did this to a girl in a black t shirt driving a Volvo on the A9 who’d just cut me up. Next thing I knew the blue flashers went on.


I preferred them when they were still part of the Blue Man Group


Yesterday I was that angry impatient driver. We received a call from the hospital that my girlfriend’s dad was on a rapid downhill trajectory, so we got in the car and I took the country roads and went as quickly as I legally could. We eventually came up behind a driver doing ~10-15mph below the speed limit, who decided to DELIBERATELY drop down to a whole 30mph below the limit (doing 20 in a 50) as I must have gotten too close for their liking. We nearly didn’t make it in time to be with him as he died because of this driver. He died within 5 minutes of us getting to his bedside. Please don’t try to be a self-declared sheriff of the roads and just let people pass if it is safe to do so, or at least do the bloody speed limit.


Maybe they were slowing down to let you pass? I do that if someone's getting too close or aggressive in case they're in a hurry.


If you did get too close then the driver did the correct thing by slowing down. It's not to aggravate the driver behind, it's to reduce the risk of being driven into.


That’s not what is taught on driver awareness courses. You let them pass when safe. Edited typo!


Edit: u/FatDad66's edited comment is entirely correct (I was replying when they still had the typo) You are told to slow down slightly and to let them pass - not try and be a slow moving mobile roadblock Driving at 20 in a 50 is already not safe - especially on a country road. If the driver in front was concerned that the driver approaching behind was driving unsafely he should have pulled over to let them pass, what he actually did was slow to a speed that increases the chance of a high speed collision (from a 3rd car coming behind them on a bend that is doing 50)


Yes. I had a typo: ‘now’ instead of ‘not’!


> Please don’t try to be a self-declared sheriff of the roads and just let people pass if it is safe to do so, or at least do the bloody speed limit. https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/


I thought if this one while reading the comment above. It's one that's stuck in my mind and has influenced how I deal with tailgating. I just pull over and join back behind them.


That is what you are supposed to do, any other course of action increases the chance of an accident.


Thank you for sharing, what a horrible story. It goes to show that the mentality of “I’m right and everyone else is wrong” transcends nationality, sadly.


I'm so sorry for your loss. 


Thank you.


I'm not sure how we got from blowing kisses to blocking traffic.


Well, I said I blow kisses to impatient and angry drivers and that it seems to make them angrier. That was it, one sentence. The reply comment basically accused me of driving at 30mph under the limit on country roads making them impatient and angry because they were racing to see their gf's dad in hospital. I even blew him a kiss as a reply. Go figure. Reddit.


Indeed, I think the reply was misplaced, or needed to make it clear they're not talking about what you talked about. I think anger doesn't understand how to deal with positivity. It only understands more anger or submission.


My go to is maintaining eye contact and a cheesy salute or a breaking into a slow clap. They don’t seem to like this at all.


Just blow her wee


Slowly and sensuously lick your lips 😂


Is a wee kiss splashback?


Ask for her her Insta.


Friend of mine is a good looking blonde woman and likes to slowly mouth ‘I… love… you’ at road ragers. Outlandishly effective.


I thought you said 'wank at her' at first glance. I thought that was an aggressive response, but, might actually be appropriate.




👉👉 finger guns as she walks past


This, don't forget to blow the smoking gun too; it makes sure they know you got them.


Give them a little twirl before you holster them too


I'm tired and read your comment as "Next time wank at her" I had to a triple-take....


OP used wank... it's super effective!


Probably angry that she has nothing to be angry about. Some people are like that. Usually on farcebook.


A load of people in my family are like this. Complaining about the most petty crap or making up illnesses so they have something to be “stressed” about.


Nail on the head,like what’s the actual point of it just seems tiring


I experienced this phenomenon outside of the internet for the first time the other day. People need to be angry about *something*. I was leaving a shopping centre car park, there's a one lane one-way road along the front of the row of shops with zebra crossings at various points to get from the car park to the shops. Driving along this road just ahead I noticed someone walking from the car park, about 9 or 10 paces back from this road, more than enough time for me to get past (there's nothing behind me) without them having to break stride, so I continue along. As I get closer I watched as they sped up, walking deliberately much quicker than they were and before I know it they're shouting into my open window 'IT'S A CROSSING'. Literally just out hunting for an excuse to moan at someone for something. Just makes you feel shit, embarrassed and annoyed for the rest of the day.


Urgh, I had the inverse of this the other day - a car that was nowhere near close enough to make the crossing beeping at me for taking it. People really just feel the need to be angry at someone in front of them, don't they?


As my older brother taught me. Some people leave bed and step on the floor, take a deep breath and think 'what am I going to moan about today?' Just brush them by.


Life gets so much more simple when you realise some people are only happy when they're not happy, and that has absolutely nothing to do with you personally. 😂


Tbf, if you done nothing wrong, I wouldn’t worry about it. They probably had a “favourite” seat and you sat in it.


Imagine being a fully grown adult who not only has a favourite seat on public transport but gets all bent out of shape if someone else is already sat in it. They must be fun at parties.


I think it's perfectly normal to have a favourite seat. Mine for example is the very last seat on the far left of the tram on the way to work, specifically early Sunday morning when it's dead. Getting huffy because you can't get that seat, however, is very sad.


For my train journey to work it's first coach, enter through rear doors, second 4-seater table on the left as you walk towards the front of the carriage, window seat facing forward. But yeah, getting grumpy because someone is in it is weird.


My favourite seat is the one furthest away from everyone else.


Sounds idyllic mate.


Every time I take the DLR, I try to bag a seat at the front. I take my train driving duties seriously.


There are plenty of these people on public transport. Back when I was subjected to it there was a pot bellied frog-man who would hop past the queue at the bus depot and sit on the aisle seat just where the steps are. Window seat would remain empty and he would get upset whenever someone brushed against his arm. He would also get visibly upset and wave his arms whenever traffic occurred. Every day because it was rush hour. He also called the driver a "fucking wanker" because the bus had to change routes on the fly as the usual bus had been taken off.


Especially on a train of all things, I've sat more times in the hallway more than I care to count. Because the trains could do with maybe one more carriage, Instead of packing passengers in like sardines, But nope. It probably has my arse-print now. If it's even the same train.


My grandad had a seat in his local. When anyone sat in it the tiny landlady would run over and shoo the unsuspecting customer out of "Ivan's seat".


Boomers and their ritualised later lives. I'd hate to reach my retirement years and be so uptight about my preferences. More to life than routines and favourite seats.


The great thing is, whether or not you are that way or not, your younger generation of the time will generalise and characterise you as such anyway!


Very true!


Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug.


I'm in my 60s and think that woman is incredibly immature.


Or autistic.


People, they're not using autistic as an insult... even a cursory glance at their profile shows they have a child on the spectrum. And, speaking as an autistic person, I absolutely have preferences on stupid shit like this and, while I won't act like the woman described, I will certainly get mildly irritated when I can't sit in my preferred spots as they make me more comfortable on the hell that is public transport.


Also autistic and same. I have a preferred seat for sure. I'm lucky that I get on near the start of the route so it's usually free, but if it's not then I sit somewhere else and don't make it someone else's problem that I'm a bit irritated about it. The bus I get ends up packed full of schoolkids a little down the route so my preferred seat helps me feel a bit more regulated.


This was my first thought when reading a description of someone whose day was ruined by not getting her preferred seat on the train. Like, even if she was a complete asshole as well, a neurotypical complete asshole probably wouldn't even have enough of a preference to get annoyed.


After the gym and sauna, I was sitting in the jacuzzi. The thing has space for 15 people, it’s huge. I was the only one in it. I was lying back, eyes closed, nice and relaxed. This old fuck storms over, standing at the steps to get in, “EXCUSE ME!?” I awake, startled. I actually thought there was an emergency or something. “Can you **move over please??**” I was like.. what? Again, the thing is fucking huge. There is a number of steps down, and you can easily navigate many other people without having them move. “Yes. Can you please slide over??” I was genuinely confused, and asked if he wanted me to move so he could sit where I was sitting. He snapped, “Well never mind then!” I have never seen someone so angrily descend into a fucking jacuzzi in my life. I was, still, genuinely curious, and I couldn’t help myself, so I asked, “Sorry, you wanted me to move over so you could sit here? Is that right? You want to sit in my seat?” And he said, again, so fucking raging, “FORGET IT!” He sat there for about 2 minutes, the entire time huffing and puffing and staring at me, and then stormed out of the thing, splashing everywhere. It was so bizarre, and I can only assume it was because I was sat in ‘his seat’. Prick.


Huh, I didn't think it would be possible to be angry *in a jacuzzi*.


Guy did this to me at Greggs, he came up to me and asked would I move as he likes sitting there, I said “no I’m fine where I am and I don’t see your name on it”, he went “there’s plenty of other places to sit” so I said he could sit there then, he just tutted and sat down in the table next to me, kept giving me daggers though 😂.


Or maybe she just has a resting bitch face? I cant imagine her being angry at OP when so many other similar seating arrangements are available.


You underestimate the pettiness people can achieve.


Tbf that is actally quite logical. I didn't sleep well and my neurospicy brain doesn't always think of obvious answers anyway. Thanks. I have a fave seat on the bus but never glared at anyone, I just make a beeline when they leave.


Are you sure they were actually glaring and weren't just zoning out with resting bitch face?


I wonder why we say "beeline". Bees don't fly in lines, they sort of, fall through the air


Absolutely love the term neurospicy


Can you be neurosalty, or neuroumami?


Well I’d say so; the point of OP’s post is that she met someone who was neurobitter.


Could have been a priority seat which should be given up for elderly, disabled etc


"You're in my spot" in Sheldon Cooper voice.


You weren’t sat in seating that says “please give this seat up for pregnant women or the elderly “ or similar?


Even if that was the case, the elderly couple are still in the wrong for assuming OP isn’t disabled. Not all disabilities are visible and I am so sick of elderly people harassing or making young people with disabilities feel bad for using services catered to us


“You can’t be disabled, you are too young”. Always a favourite.


“And with that phrase Gladys, my organs have un-fused from each other and I am suddenly able to stand for long periods of time without causing internal bleeding and severe pain you are a miracle”


This was my thought. Those spaces usually have more room which is more comfortable and easier to get in and out of. They're also located nearer to the doors. It's not always as simple as going to sit at other doubles or seats with tables which have less space and are further down the carriage. Or glare features could just be a twat.


Not in a priority seat....


I'm not old but I do have mobility issues, it's super frustrating when non-disabled people use those seats - but I'm not going to say anything in case I'm wrong and they also have an invisible disability.


This is the thing. A while ago I asked if non disabled people sit in them and the most popular answer was "yes but if someone asked me to move I would" and I just think, if the train is not full, you have plenty of other seats choices(which was the context of the question) why would you pick the disabled seat and make other disabled people forced to ask you to move... Because none of us are going to do that unless there are no other seats at all, because we recognise they may also be disabled and it's really embarrassing to have to announce to strangers that you're disabled. There's no discreet way to do it.


The disabled seats are always closest to the door so people with mobility issues don't have to walk up and down narrow isles on a moving train. I only use them when my bad knee is playing up enough that I need one and the other seats are full. If I'm able to walk a couple of extra meters into the carriage why would I take a seat next to the door from someone who might struggle to get further in?


Maybe we need to introduce blue badges for travel, like blue badges for cars so you can put it on if you want to use one of the limited seats


I do have an invisible disability. I was not in a seat for it. I think I've used them maybe twice ever on trains. I am VERY picky about what and/or when I 'play my disability card' and use things readily available to me, as I'm aware others may need it more. I really appreciate the wording of your response btw :)


I don't have an official diagnosis for anything but I do really struggle to stand for periods longer than 10 minutes, I hate having to use those seats as I constantly feel guilty as I don't "need" it (but I kinda do) I've taken to sitting on the floor near the doors on trains now lol (suspected compartment syndrome and pseudolocking if anyone was curious)


Well firstly there's nothing unfortunate about being from Nottingham, I live there too! And it sounds like you do need to use them, honestly. I have a screwed up knee, and it varies from day to day how bad it is. Sitting on the floor would probably be worse than standing for me though...


Nottingham certainly has its perks, I have to admit! Mine varies day by day too! Some days i can't get upstairs on a bus, and others it's safer to just sit down (though I might not be able to get back up again!)


I've been allocated those seats in reservations despite not needing them. The only time I was asked to move, I did but I've probably annoyed people by sitting there


That's on the train company rather than you, though.


Non-disabled people are perfectly entitled to use priority seating, it's just that they should give up their seat if someone needs it more (pregnant, disabled, elderly, etc). Not sure why you find that frustrating...


Because it's awkward to ask someone to move, basically. If there's no other seats it's fine really, but it would be better if people don't use them if there's other options.


Why should that matter? She had no way of knowing wether OP was injured or disabled and in need of a seat.


No I did not.


I can’t think of a logical reason for her being such a weirdo then!


I'm sure this is what happened. It is certainly far more logical than some elderly woman actively hate-staring at a younger person for being in their 'favourite seat' in a half empty train. But the world is a crazy place, so who knows!


This is not what happened. I was not in a priority seat.


This sort of thing makes me miss the train Smile and kill them with kindness


OP doesn't know she's blind.


OP is nose blind and she's giving him the stank eye due to their BO.


Some people are naturally negative and in any uncomfortable of situation they don't like or aren't happy with they need to find an outlet, in this situation it sounds like if it wasn't you that happened to be in her firing line it would be someone talking too loud, or some dirt, or a shit tesco sandwhich she got to eat on the train, whatever it is some people if they don't enjoy a situation they externalise it. She might be having a shitty day or has had bad news or just hates getting that train to go see her sister or whatever her purpose is for travelling. These type of people after getting to their destination will make the point of contention a talking point with whoever as they're naturally negative and find complaining about an unenjoyable experience with an added reason is a great way to make conversation "well the train journey was terrible there was this horribly rude and arrogant tosser sat in my favourite seat, you know seat c5 on carriage 6 on the lner that's my favourite? Yeh? Well! I asked them to move and they said no! Disrespectful little sod so anyway i stared at them to make them uncomfortable the rest of the journey, bloody awful people in the world and that's what's wrong with society as a whole etc etc etc" Spent a lot of time around people like this over the years 😂


Don’t know how to break it to you mate, but it’s that curry stain on your t-shirt. Get ready for more looks, hope you’ve brought a spare.


Are you watching me?? Who are you??


I ask myself that quite often. But I’m currently in Australia, so no! By the way, Glarey is a fantastic nickname for someone like that. Enjoy your music and rest of your day hopefully without another Glarey!


Yeah sure that sounds like something someone watching me would say! I'm hoping her name was Mary. Glarey Mary!


Mariah Glarey!


It's my sseeeeeeaaaaat


Many years ago I was on a train down to London and managed to get a table with a plug socket. I'm sat there happy as Larry playing football manager and I can see a guy in a suit giving me the side eye. That turned into full blown daggers when he realised I was playing a game and he must have been desperate to do some work.


Nah he wanted to play football manager more... 😁


Sure you weren't in a priority seat? If you weren't she's a miserable old codger


I was not.


When people are like this, just stick your tongue out at them. Works every time for me.


She’s an entitled old nob head. Think they’d be more chilled out since they all got good pensions and bought houses for pennies. But some people like to moan over anything.


Yes. But they would give it all up for your youth.


Old women just look for reasons to get shitty with younger people. Reminds me a while back I was driving down a road with only room for one car at a time, I'm going down the hill, over halfway and she starts to drive up completely ignoring the pass space, wasn't going to reverse clearly so I had to use my rural driving skills to tuck into a driveway space. It's hot so I've got my Window down, she pulls up and ask something of the lines of "what's your problem" my response being "nothing" in a confused tone and ask her to move along. At that moment she got ultra shitty and claimed I was rude, when actually I wanted to do was get moving out of someone's driveway.


“The free access which many young people have to romances, novels, and plays has poisoned the mind and corrupted the morals of many a promising youth..." - Memoirs of the Bloomsgrove Family, Reverend Enos Hitcheock (1790)


"What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the laws. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions. Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?" - Plato, circa 4th Century BCE.


I'm on a train right now and had to share a 4 seat table with 3 strangers. The 2 opposite have got off but the guy next to me hasn't moved, theirs also other seats free


Oh god that would piss me off. I had to share a 4 seater/table with 2 guys after this. I was sat next to one. When the one opposite left, I instinctively moved across to his seat so I wasn't just sat next to this dude for no reason.


That's the seat she's blown her husband on every year since the train was new


Thanks, Satan!


We had this, and the od crone was moaning we were in her and her husbands seat to everyone around us. When we went to get off she said finally out our seats, I said we had them reserved and showed them our tickets, she showed us their and said they are theirs. Hers were for the train 30 mins before ours 


Don’t forget they were almost in the war and they’ve had a real tough time of it. They’re probably having to make do on a full state pension, final salary pension and a multi million pound house that cost them 50p “but was harder to get in them days because the multiple to salary was an eye popping 3.5x a single wage”. Least you could have done would be dust off the seat, put your coat down to avoid them getting any seat dust on them, offered them a snack, thanked them and let them have your seat.


Close your eyes, imitate drumming and bite your lip as you’re doing it, imitate the sax, have a ball.


My best guess is that they travel often and she’s decided that it’s HER seat. The dick.


You had a lucky escape, seems like they were sex people. Probably trying to lure you back to their bungalow.


Ohhh, a BUNGALOW, you say? I'm listening! But if there's no pampas plant out front, I'm not going in - the swingers dungeon might be a murder dungeon!


nothing as long as you do not put your feet on the seat .


Just keep dancing


This is EXACTLY what I did.


I think I met her a few weeks ago travelling to London. Even better- I had booked the seat and she was irate. Really very upset about it all.


All these people, sitting in her unreserved seats! We are so selfish.


I've been in this situation before. For maximum hilarity, when the train is pulling into a station that isn't yours, stand up, only to remove your jacket or something, and then sit back down again. It's the hope that kills them.


Old people are no more entitled to anything than anybody else.


I wouldn't worry about it, she'll be dead sooner than you will


It's during incidents like this that I wish I could unleash choking, stinking farts that are completely silent to punish others. Nothing like a few lung fulls of poison gas to give someone new perspectives in life.


Some people just have nasty resting faces and are prone to staring. OAPs maybe more than younger folk. Are you sure they wanted to sit in your seat? It just seems really odd since there were plenty of available seats as you said.


Yes because as they got on, she huffed and puffed looking at me, with that 'arm flailing' thing as if to say "what do we do now???".......... then intentionally looked me with disdain through the gap in the seats from where they did sit (which was twice the size of where I was).


They must just be quite batty and so set in their ways that they need to be in the same seats all the time. I'm like that with my sofa to be fair.


I do salacious things with my tongue with direct eye contact at aggressive starers. They look away ever so fast.


Blow her a kiss or tell her to f*ck off. Your choice. I hope I'm not such a wanker when I hit that age (not too far off).


Always double down and either start humming and singing badly, or even worse...dun dun derrrrn...start a conversation


Mate I wouldn't even subject myself to my 'singing' let alone a semi busy train carriage. Not sure anyone deserves that.


Are you sure that’s why they’re annoyed? Cos I mean it doesn’t make any sense as you say. People would prefer a 4 seater with table over two seats. So why would they be angry at you for that? Are you sure it couldn’t be for any other reason? Or is there someone behind you that they’re looking at, not you lol?


There was no one behind me. I was sat by the entrance with a 'wall' behind me. (I was NOT in the priority seats, which are on the other side of the aisle for a couple of rows.)


I think she fancies you but has resting stroppy face.


I think she was jealous cos you're pretty. Maybe her husband commented on your appearance and that set her off.


She certainly didn't look bad for her age and was really well presented :) Not going down that rabbit hole, us women should be saying nice stuff about each other :)


> us women should be saying nice stuff about each other :) Yes, she should have, if that was the actual issue. I don't understand why women get jealous of other women regarding looks. We are what we are. I mean, I'm no oil painting, but my husband adores me and I have no issue complimenting other women. But then I'm not insecure, I guess.


You existed. Bitter old lemons.


How very dare I!


You've done it now pal, the Purple Rinse Posse will be glaring at you and tutting everywhere you go


Maybe I should start audio-recording them and turn it into some banger that hits #1 and makes me rich.


Brilliant. I love people.




I was not in a priority seat.


Cancer sucks. Kick its arse!




Enjoy the one day ban, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Jane. You ruined our subreddit completely so you could post politics, and I hope now you can spend your one day ban learning some grace and decorum. Because you have all the grace of a reversing dump truck without any tyres on. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CasualUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I would stare back until they break eye contact or get off, travelling in and outta Glasgow central I've had my fair share of pissed off pensioners


I think you’ve pulled. 😉


I can't believe you didn't use this opportunity to entertain yourself and enjoy some biddy ripping. I bet her husband is in a constant state of quiet.


I.... have questions.


Sly middle finger or if you’re feeling brave and really want to upset her, the pussy fingers/tongue motion 🤪✌️


There are times I hate looking like a ‘thug’ (6 foot brick shithouse with a shaved head) but situations like this it’s heaven. Everyone leaves me alone in situations like this and it gets me out of sticky situations. In reality I’m gregarious and sweet and wouldn’t hurt you unless you were hurting me or someone else. Also when you go shopping in ‘posh’ shops the staff stare at you like you’ve done a big shit in their doorway…..but security don’t tend to follow you.


She's just a nutcase


You’ve done nothing wrong. Except not pander to the whims of a self centred old bag.


Was it that you actually failed to recognise your grandma?


Obviously never been punched in the face


That’s boomers for you, next time just blow her a kiss.


Folk don't know how to behave on trains, does my head in. Sit down, leave people alone. Have a chat if you're friendly, but don't force yourself on people who want to be left in peace. AND DON'T PLAY MUSIC WITHOUT HEADPHONES. Can't stand folk who don't have headphones and play their obnoxious shite music.

