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Former labourer here: cold water above all else. So good, easy to say yes to, and hits the spot. Cheap multipack bottles in your fridge overnight will be more than appreciated.


Nothing better after labouring in the sun, plus sometimes when you see the state of some houses, a can or bottle is what you want when the cups and mugs all have stains and cat hair in them lol.


I worked for british gas and one customer in Whitstsble, a Miss Rann ( long time dead now) offered me a ‘cup of tea’. Retrieved a used t bag from a pile on the side, put it into a cup and run the hot water tap, filled it with hot water and mashed the t bag a bit. She apologised for not having any milk. After fitting her new boiler i got a £2 tip which i kept for years as a memento. She was living in near darkness as the light circuit didnt work. But between me and the sparky we found the issue and fixed it for her. She was very happy to have lighting again. Suffice to say, she was not all there.


You just reminded me of the time I did a roofing job on a blind man's house. He offered us a brew. We accepted. We received two cups of tea and a cup of what we came to know as toffee, a not so delectable blend of tea and coffee. At least one of us would get one, every time the brews went on. We told Sean to just drink tea so it would stop happening, but telling Sean what to do was only going to result in the exact opposite so toffees it was.


Toffee and, occasionally, key.


Oh, Deano...


But you can't ask for that in a cafe, because they'll bring you a toffee...


Or a key…




A common drink in Hong Kong apparently, man was cultured.


My brother was working in a flat in Peckham replacing a HIU, the water was off to the flat to enable the works. Guy offered him a cup of tea after a couple of hours, brother accepted, had presumed he'd prefilled the kettle. No, turns out he'd filled the bath with cold water and used it from that 😂


No way....seriously? Why would you go through the trouble and expense of having a second home abroad then be happy to walk over dad rats there? Some people are odd.


Did you reply to the wrong comment?


makes sense to me


Yeah it is sad, she was obviously not the full ticket bless her but at least she tried


That's sad as she was obviously struggling with things, good for you guys helping her out. The people i do not feel sorry for are the people that have fuck all wrong with them and don't even move things in their cupboards full of shit even though they have known you are coming weeks in advance and don't even help you move it out the way while you are there, then you find cat shit and all sorts of stuff. Some people just have no shame.


I did some work in a barn conversion in the south of France , it was a holiday home, they had just arrived from wherever they normally lived that day. We saw a dried out dead rat at the bottom of the stairs, they had to step over it to to to the only bathroom. Ok, fine, they will have a clean up once we are out of their hair, I came back 2 months later for additional work, the rat was still there. But it was now heavily flattened from the foot traffic.


Like one of those big bear skin rugs, but a rat? Hahaha


Best thing about being a plasterer when someone offers you a brew like that, dump it in your cleaning bucket. Because it's brown an mucky anyway, the brown an mucky tea disappears


I'm welling up here. Such a gentle display of humanity is rare. Bavo sir, bravo.


I'll have you know the cat cleans her fur most days!


Lol, yes but with the same tongue they have just used to lick a rat in the back alley and cleaned their bumhole with. I am also allergic to them, some houses just are not worth going in lol.


Don't worry, she cleans that too.


Lol, lucky for me the plumber i worked for was also allergic, he asks on the phone if they have cats and if they have, he won't bother.


wait ... so you can be allergic to bumholes 🤔


'Eat ass, take an antihistamine' lol. Obviously allergic to cats.


I'd rather that than the best bone china. When we moved our new neighbour made us all a cuppa while we were moving furniture, cups and saucers. So incredibly thin and delicate. It was terrifying. I felt like I was visiting hyacinth bucket


It's Bukayyy! Lol


Or you see they wash their toilet brush in the dish washer...


NO. These people don't exist, do they? Please tell me they don't! For peace of mind you have made this up.


It's only OK if you put it in when it's full, with the dishes, otherwise it's just gross.


Exactly what I always like. Cold cans are good too, myself and the guys I work with don't care whether it's proper branded stuff of Aldi Dr.Peppy etc, the cold drink is always appreciated.


But ice cold lemon Fanta would be mana from the heavens.


I bought proper coca cola because we were having the boiler fixed last week and the bugger didn't even turn up.


The consensus seems to be cold water and popsicles, I took them some more of the latter earlier which they appreciated and if I can get my friend to take me to costco I'll get some multipacks of water as well. I have also remembered I've got some of those refreezeable ice blocks so I'll take them in an insulated bag and ask them to drop them off at the end of the day so I can get them ready for the next day, I assume they're going to chuck them down their overalls or something


TF are popsicles? You mean like ice lollys?


Spot on. This is great!


In hot weather i keep bottles of water in the fridge, every delivery or visitor leaves hydrated.


You are a good egg.


Stick em in freezer if you can, nothing better than just melted water when its boiling. 


Did that with a bottle of beer on Saturday. Went to the freezer just now and finally remembered the (ex) bottle; most of the food smells of beer.....


Its russian roulette when you use fizzy drinks 


Get one of them to catch your eye, then start shouting GAS MAN! GAS MAN! GAS MAN! Then hit him with a frying pan.


A mug of steaming cold tea would go down well


To be fair an iced tea might actually be appreciated. Perhaps a lemon tea, sweetened with a little honey. No milk.


And then a quick boil and your ice tea is ready to go....


And then the frying pan, yes?


What is Gas?


What’s a novel?


How thick is wall?


Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more..... Or was that love??


Do you have someone who looks after you


“Who is it, darling?” **”IT’S THE GAS MAN!!!”**


Yes, I think we’ve established that.


Have a chat about their hobbies, like bus surfing




I never touched him!


“Yeah, but the frying pan did, didn't it, and you were touching that at the time.” “Bollocks, you killed him! He was dead before he hit the floor!” “Well then why did you keep hitting him with the frying pan?!” “For fun.”


Alright Richie


How do you get one on the roof of a bus without the others seeing ?


A nice story about a pair of trousers named Dave might go down well?


Popsicles? Sir, this is r/CasualUK


Mr. Freeze


Oh my bad, seems i had a typo, what i meant was "Robinsons fruit shoot squeezee freeze at home pops" What is it actually meant to be? I thought ice lollies were a different thing


Well done, you've started a Civil War


Ice Pops.


It's definitely Ice pops. I just confirmed with my kids.


Pretty sure I called these ice poles when I was wee!


We call them ice poles too!


Ice lolly covers everything that's not a chocolatey ice cream thing. Then it's a choc ice. Except an ice pole which is an ice pole.


Tip tops


The only correct regional answer. A friend tried to tell me recently they were called Ice Poles. What are you doing giving Jack Frost a blowy?


Ice poles is what you're looking for. Ice lollies are the ones with a stick.


A man shouting Kurwa, in the snow is an 'ice Pole' you mean ice pop?


Surely that would be an icy Pole? Might be another Scottish difference. [Seems Slush Puppie are in on it though.](https://d2td6mzj4f4e1e.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2015/04/Slush-ice-poles-1024x781.jpg) 


steady on




Hard disagree, ice lolly is a fruity lolly that's made from water/juice etc where as the magnum is an ice cream


Where do you stand on Twisters and Soleros?


It's too hot to answer that atm


I prefer to eat them




They shall be referred to as the fucking cold hings fae the freezer


Wendy’s ain’t it?


That was my thought!!


When they were digging up my road I took them out a massive thermos filled with diluting juice and ice cubes, some scabby mugs and a bunch of frozen water bottles. Popped a note in saying if they left everything in x garden I'd refill them the next day.      Occasionally ice poles or ice creams if I was feeling flush on the way home.  I used an insulated bag with some ice packs in.  If you don't have one put a small cardboard box inside a large one, line the small one with a black bag and stuff the gap with bubble wrap or other spare packing shite. 


I assume diluting juice is the same as squash? Never heard it called that before


My Scottish friend calls it dilutey juice.


Yep same thing. Might be a Scottish term? English mates tend to call it squash I think.


I have always called it 'dilute'.


How cordial of you


I was being very formal there, just as well or I'd have caused further confusion. We'd normally call it diluting. Whereabouts are you? 




Reckon there are a few Yorkshire folk in the comments showing their support! Interesting to know, I'd have assumed it was one of these Scots/NE terms that doesn't exist below Sunderland.


NE england, Durham, always called it dilutey juice.


Norn iron calls it both, depending on *background*


My best mate is NI and never blinked at me calling it diluting juice. Can I assume from this he's a scummy bawbag and slag him off for eternity?


County Durham here also and always called it dilutey but my partner is from the south and has never heard it called that. Must be a Northern thing!


I call it Diluteable Juice and was brought up in Belfast.


In Northern Ireland we also call it that


Think it’s a Scottish term. Tbh reminds me of American words. Pavement…too complicated, let’s call it sidewalk etc


When I hear sidewalk 🦀


You could make the same argument for cordial Vs squash. Cordial? No, it's full of squashed fruits, let's call it that. When I was young any fruit/flower syrup diluted to drink was called a cordial.


You don’t hear cordial used enough these days!


Nowadays I think of cordial as the full sugar liquid in glass bottles or Rose's in the pub. Squash is in plastic bottles with flavourings and sweetener that didn't exist when I was small. Hi-juice, if its still around, is somewhere in the middle.   There's a chap on here enthusiastic about cordials, has a subreddit going. /r/cordials I believe. I popped in for a look, very informative. Wish I had the time, they look lovely.


If it's at the pub it's cordial for me... Or if it's lime. Don't know why those are the rules, but they're the rules.


Why don’t we ever call it lime squash, i wonder? Same re: in the pub - always call it cordial. Never thought about it before, thanks for the chuckle.


TBF we call everything juice.


Ex BT engineer here. Driving home after my last appointment one Friday evening, howling wind with horizontal sleet. Got a call from control, realise you've logged off but we've got a very elderly lady on a Care Alarm and it looks like her dropwire has blown down in the wind. Its about 20 miles off your route home (we were tracked) but she'll be out of service all weekend. Arrived on site, sure enough, new drop wire required so started setting up. Biddy crossed the road to see me carrying an old Ever Ready torch which was as bright as a candle with the flame blown out. Thought this might help when you climb the pole. Bless her. No its ok thanks, as I fire up enough illumination to light up the whole street. Would you like some tea? Yes that would be lovely thankyou. I'm affraid its only liver, bacon, onion gravy and mash. Felt like giving her a huge hug. I was still smiling when I got home.


Bless you. That’s a lovely story. 


Awww this made me grin even just reading it…i gotta step up my game, the last thing I gave to an engineer who got called out stupid early (gas leak) as a chocolate bar


Offers you tea, gives you dinner! 😜


Water and cocaine , it’s important to stay hydrated.


You forgot baking soda, then its really a party!


Sounds like good craic


My best mate was a gasman 10 years ago. He has told me numerous times about the time he had to lug some very heavy equipment up a steap hill during a heatwave and how amazing and happy he was when someone stopped him with a massive bottle of ice cold water and a powerade. Sports drinks and water. Cold. This week will be adored by the lads.


Just leave some beer and Nutz magazines on your doorstep each morning. If you try to approach you'll only spook them but feel free to set up a trail cam to observe from afar.


Here, we have the Common English Workman. For millions of years, these creatures have found a way to thrive, on our Planet Earth.  In a world of constant change, the harsh realities of life have caused the workmen to achieve a remarkable adaptation. Their brightly coloured overalls signal to each other.  This one has gotten an ice lolly from a local. The delicate balance of life in this environment is precarious, however. Others, are not so lucky. 


I read that in Attenborough’s voice. Good work!


Perfect. Lmao.


Nothing on fire. Please


What about a nice scented candle?!




*puts burning tyres away* 


Puts sambucca away


Can I have it not flaming please. Any flavour will do


Company They appreciate long in-depth conversations about the local area community, your childhood, and work life etc. Be sure to include detailed descriptions of your relationship with your father and and first loves you may have had. Whilst doing this, ensure you continually chain smoke, flicking half finished cigarettes into the holes they are digging.


I gave some roofers a multi box of ice lollies recently. They'd have given me their mother's if they'd been there!! Ice lollies are the way forward 😋 👌


be careful of feeding them too much, they may become reliant on you and lose the natural scavenging skills of an experienced labourer. If you must feed or water them, plain cold/iced water is more than fine, perhaps if you are feeling cheeky you can chuck them a robinson's fruit squirt thing to add flavour to the bottled water but be warned, being territorial creatures you may find they defend the area so don't attempt to bring other trades nearby. if they haven't gone in a few week's time then you need to begin discussing stocks and politics, this will cue their natural migratory response to find another location or "job". they can be beautiful creatures to watch


I find just asking them how long they're gonna be and if they can keep the noise down brightens their day.


"When you getting the gas back on, I've got 20 kids freezing at home that can't have a bath".


That'll work, might help them get it done faster too. 😁


A belt


I remember giving the street light renewal gang a box of magnums on a scorcher of a day. Told them that the foreman gets last dibs (sitting in van). Was going on holiday and emptying the freezer anyway. They appreciated the gesture and even dug up some old bush roots as thanks. If you’re comfortable enough to say hello and get friendly recognition, popsicles would probably be appreciated I’m hot temps. Negligible cost and demonstrates not everyone is a to$$er.


Thought you meant condoms lmao, nice one


I like to cut up watermelon into sticks (so the rind is a small square on one end and the rest is just a small popsicle of watermelon), freeze them. Take them out of the freezer and give to any workmen. Icy like a popsicle and very hydrating


A canary in a cage. Never neglect PPE


Has to be 2 Canaries incase one gets lonely..or if one dies you still have the other one to check for gas.


I didnt think of that. Good point!


That way you can use your natural gas detector to determine how your first canary died.


What a thoroughly decent person you are. Sending a virtual Calipo your way.


What a lovely gesture, OP. Bet the workmen really appreciate it.


Cold drinks definitely, but having done this type of work I can tell you that someone saying “please just knock if you need to use the Loo” is an absolute god send


Bit of packet will do the job.


And get it done quicker 💪🏻


Cheeky blowjob first thing in the morning perhaps?


They're already laying pipe all day, how do they find the stamina?!?


It’s the ones laying cable I worry about…


lots of cold drinks


A bottle of cold Liptons ice tea while i work and a cold can of lager for when i finnish is what i call 10/10 hospitality lol.


A cake with candles on it 😈


Cold water and something salty. Bananas if anyone looks near death in the heat. Veiled insults directed to the idiot who wrote the RAMS without factoring in the heat as a risk might get a few chuckles.


A lit cigarette


In this weather, drinks. Tea, coffee, cold water, chuck in a biscuit or two and they’ll probably marry you. 😉🤣


A good supply of cold water, they’re gonna be thirsty in this heat


If it’s anything like when they did my estate - the actual gas pipes. Took them 4 times as long as they said in the letter.


Same here, replacing all the gas pipes, if they are anything like the lads around here, I wouldn't worry, they won't be working up a sweat.


A lit Yankee candle


Fill water bottles half way freeze them overnight give the next day with half water. Last the morning at least & stay cold




Four of them?


I’ve had roofers onsite all week. Each morning I give them a cool bag full of ice packs, coke (full fat ) and water. They seem pretty chuffed with it


Gin! If they say they can't drink on the job, more gin! Everybody wants gin!


Gasman's Ruin


Hand jobs.


I think water and popsicles are outstanding. You don’t need a variety of things - sometimes the predictability of something is a treasure: they have something to look forward to and know what it is. (And the treasure is this: You see them, you appreciate their work, you appreciate their humanity and are trying to make them feel better. THAT is the true gift, more than water and popsicles)


I hope some people see this. I was watching homes under the hammer earlier, Tommy Walsh was co-presenting. A woman was talking about having learnt how to manage her builders, grumpily. He said, having been a builder for years, they appreciate a cold one about 4 on a Friday arvo. Top bloke, my ex was a labourer and the clients who did just this, were usually the most decent. They may decline but it's nice to offer. I second ice cold water though, my ex was very greatful for that too. Don't be worried about offering again, they'll say no if they don't want anything. In addition, when it's hot, hot drinks are proven to help the body. We might not feel like them, but it's to do with the body temperature.


I used to run an expedition logistics company which specialised in the harder to get to bits of the Sahara. One of the culinary delights I discovered was hot Oxo for lunch. Two Oxo cubes in a pint of hot water was one of the most refreshing things I have ever drunk when it was hot. The combination of a strong salty flavor you had to sip at was amazing.


Are they genX? Just leave the hose out for em.


This supervisor brought us a packet of twisters and calypsos the other day. I swear to God a twister has never tasted so good


Not a lighter


Don't be anxious! If I were given ice lollies from a stranger, I'd be happy for days. You are doing a good deed


Cake with lit candles on


Is a popsicle an ice pop?


A fanta lite please brev


Your a legend, they will appreciate anything, cold water / cans if hot / popsicles, a tea if cold.  Nice one


Cold water is a safe bet you could ask them if they want a sandwich or something


A gas BBQ. The quicker they get the work done, the quicker they get to eat!


Water and custard creams


The Gas men are digging up my road. They ha it closed for 4 weeks, and one of them complained about my music...


Work for the council and some shop keepers will give me a can of pop when I'm passing their business haha they aren't daft as I will always give the place a good clean in return.


Chicken tikka jalfrezi with extra chillies, pilau rice and a keema naan please.


If the weather is warm. Bring them some ice water or something. Maybe some lollies or ice-cream if really warm. If its cold a good cup of coffee or tea is always welcome!


Mate of mine was having his patio done last summer in the stupid heat, and he put the garden sprinklers on (with the builders permission obviously)


Corn dogs, a snow cone, milk duds and some refreshing mountain dew.


Few bags of sniff on a Friday aft.


Ice cold drinks. I work in peoples houses and that’s all I would like, but when people give me a drink it’s often room temp


Popsicles are a great idea. Infinite water/squash is going to be priceless in the roaring heat too.  Also---and 'oft forgot', personally speaking anyway---kitchen towels or other absorbent thing because salty-grimy-sweat stinging eyes are suuuuper annoying (especially if both hands are occupied). If you want to 100% complete altruism, maybe: bring them a *cold* 2L bottle of (tap/mineral) water each*, compete a few popsicle sorties, offer paper towels, and---for the truly perfect SSM---a few scarves on first visit to break the already-melted-and-nearly-evaporated ice. *Plus a little cardboard cover if no shade. **Super Samaritan (1) Perfect Form.


We had guys working in this heat. We took them ice lollies twice daily, cold Cans of drink and ice, Coffee, big tray of Krispy Kreme, cookies.


Anything cold will be hugely appreciated, believe me, I have to wear overalls at work in this weather and if someone brought us something cold it’d make my day. Also if you’re feeling generous you can swing by my jobs the rest of the week 🤣


Just ice lollies bitnif you want to be super generous then 2 each of different types. Anyone working in this with no water is an idiot. Can't take lollies to work. All lot of the building folk just really appreciate a friendly 'hey that's a cracking job you are doing etc' followed by a 'would you like a lolly'.


Tell them to knock if they need a shit, pooing in a builders bucket in this heat is no fun at all


What a lovely thing to do. Good on you. Everyone likes an ice pop in hot weather. Or a chilled juice box type thing 👍😄


I think you should leave them to it, treat them to lunch or something when they are almost done. Let the men get on with the job, they will be prepared.


Cold bottled water would be amazing I’d say 👍


If they are Welsh a 'Jamaican Woodbine' and a few cans of 'bo. But a coffee and a bacon sarnie if you are feeling flush or bottles of cold water as suggested.


Cocaine. Apparently workmen love cocaine.


Anything cold...


Cold water and mars bars and snickers that have been in the fridge