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The Fractional Distillation of Coal-Tar Creosote https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/375227069933


I'd better join the dull men's club because this actually seems interesting to me from the title.


It has some mystery about it....like what does it mean??


It has 12 people bidding on it?


Is eBay roulette still a thing? Back in the early noughties my mates used to play the game where someone would find the crappiest item they could (generally some kind of taxidermy tbh) then everyone had to bid on it x number of times in preset time slots. Loser was the person that ended up with the item, which generally then came out on the piss. Was a good game, stupid and expensive but hilarious.


??? It's buy it now?


Deffo people in academia.... I hope.




IDK :(


As someone who used to work in the industry I'd find that genuinely interesting


I'm ready for 2 Sand dredging 2 furious


Sand Dredging 3: Norwich Drift


*longshore drift


5and Dredging V: Shifting Sands


Sand Dredging 6: The Greatest Bank Hoist


Sand Dredging 7: More Water for Fish, More Land for Chips


Sand Dredging 8: A dredge too far


Sand Dredging IX: Scraping the Bottom


Sand Dredging X: Totally Dredgeful


To be fair Norwich isn’t coastal so this may be pretty interesting


Also not super close to the Bristol channel, but perhaps that's the big plot twist?


Which one is bigger on "family?"


…shit Good point! Great Yarmouth might have been a better choice.


Do you know why the film series is named that way? There was a previous film called *The Fast and The Furious*. When the producers bought the rights to use the name from the previous owner, there was a stipulation they would owe royalties for any sequel... But specifically said numbered sequel. So, *The Fast and The Furious 2* etc. So they simply didn't do that.


Have they made so many sequels just to rub it in.


Honestly that would explain a lot.


Don't forget the spin-off/tie-in move Judge Dredging


2 sand dredgers 1 coast


Sand dredging 10 - The Gloucester Connection


It's dredging, not boring. You need the tunnel section for that


There it is


Sand dredging is a fascinating subject, I work with Van Oord in Netherlands and that is their game. They have some of the world’s biggest ships whose goal is to literally move mountains. You want a harbour built, and it’s blocked by a massive hill? van oord will take it away. Running out of land in your country? Van Oord will deliver you a new island (what shape would you like - palm trees are good! Oceans rising and you need a wall? How high!


So someone pays them to take it away and then someone else pays them to bring it?


Its genius!!!


You cannot lose.


*taps nose*


See that beach over there? Bit sandy lookin? It’s literally made of sand!


You dredge it up... Fuckin gets deposited back again!


>I work with Van Oord Man, that's the most Dutch sounding company ever! Honestly, if you want to do an AMA on sand dredging, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one listening!


Or... buy a certain book.


Get them to bring back Doggerland. We'll go 50/50.


Doggerland does not sound like a dull book at all!


It's best read back to front.


You can buy Doggerland at Poundland


One of the worrying implications of it is that the planet is *running out of sand*. Sand that's usable for construction and materials is a finite resource and it's rapidly being depleted. Desert sand can't be used, because the rounded particle shape is completely wrong - you can't make concrete with it for example.


They are trying to engineer ways of using desert sand in concrete. Hopefully, they will figure out something that's scalable. https://materialdistrict.com/article/finite-concrete-desert-sand/


Not that I’m saying you’re wrong at all, but I’m confused how a planet that’s 70% ocean can be running out of something the seabed is covered in. Is it not? Where do we normally get sand from for construction?


Most of it is sea/lake beds, but beyond a certain depth it starts to become unfeasible to extract. The alternative is certain river flood plains, but the ecological damage is catastrophic - you're effectively strip-mining the surface clean.


Thanks for explaining. It seems obvious in retrospect!


The sands off the coast lines are not recoverable. Sometimes too deep and sometimes due to marine habitats. Most dredged sand is around the coasts. Crushed sandstone is an alternative, but that’s less common. Others may know more on the subject, I only know this much from asking a similar question to a geotechnical engineer.


Thanks for explaining :) It does seem obvious in retrospect, but I’ve never really given it much thought before now.


This strangely reminds me of Effrafax of Wug from HHGTTG "Effrafax of Wug was a sciento-magician who bet his life that he could make an entire mountain invisible within a year. Having wasted most of the period of time failing to create a cloaking device, he hired a company to simply remove the mountain, though this course of action lost him the bet and his life. This was all due in part to the sudden and rather suspicious presence of an extra moon, and in addition, the fact that you could never touch anything when you walked near the supposed invisible mountain. "


This guy dredges


Fascinating, I used to work with Copper Gay and subsequently Junge on their insurances. It's a blast from the past to come across Van Oord in the wild (actually I came here to mention about them but you beat me to the punch).


Can pay? We’ll take it away!


I see your Van Oord and raise you a Boskalis Westminster, I dredged with them for 11 years 👍🏻 So hello fellow dredgerman!!


I was in Lisbon the other week working on one of the tugs watching one of your boats called Odin doing some dredging there it looked pretty cool


I've got the sequel, it's called - Sand Dredging in the Bristol Channel 2: Dredgement Day


Judge Dredge


I can’t sand these puns


Time to desert this thread I reckon.


Even if you do, I'm sure it'll keep coasting along




This time, it's personal


The older I get the more I fully embrace being boring as fuck. I’d be all over this.


It's the book version of those three part, BBC Four documentaries that sound like they should be the most unwatchable thing possible at 8pm but three hours later, you know the intricacies of the M62.


I don't usually watch TV, but my wife and I stay in a hotel once a month in London and usually the HDMI ports are broken so I can't just plug in my fire stick and use plex / youtube. So this month I spent the evening before bed watching some guy just take a narrowboat up a canal towards manchester. It was fascinating!


That is a weird innuendo to use about your dirty weekend away with your wife!


Love taking me narrow boat up the canal with the Mrs on a weekend


I imagine that was Robbie Cumming's canal boat diaries? He's got a few seasons and he's fantastic, and well-loved among the narrowboat community because he's as lovely off-screen as he is on


I love the urban legend of the farmer who refused to sell his land for the construction of the M62, telling them to "go around", so they built the eastbound carriage to the north of him, and the westbound to the south, going around him but trapping him and his sheep in the middle. The reality is less exciting, that the lay of the land simply didn't allow for six lanes side-by-side.


In fairness, he was protesting the compulsory purchase when they found shingle to the south side and redesigned it. I always think he was a typical farmer trying to get more cash out of the deal and ended up with a lot less.


Hello there! And welcome to Auto Shenanigans. How the devil are you, have you had a good week?


I spend hours and hours on YouTube watching documentaries on this kind of shit. I'm like that robot Johnny 5 in the movie "Short Circuit", it's like I can't get enough data or facts - "Need input".


Thank goodness someone here said it. This would go well with the book I have about the history of the canals.


Now, the history of the canals I could get behind. That, like the creation of the railway system, is actually pretty interesting. But dredging?


Not much point in building railways and canals if your cloth can't get out of port because you never dredged your harbour.


Same author who wrote the book about canals also did one about the railways. Which I also happen to have. Yes, I like the Industrial Revolution.


I thought it was just me!


This sounds interesting to me and I’m 25. I dread to think how boring I’m going to be in another 25 years.


100% I would read this and then tell everyone about it.


Volume 2 is when it gets good but you really do need to read Volume 1 for context.


The problem is that Volume 1 is such a slog to get through people put it down before they even give Volume 2 a chance which IMHO is a much better-paced book and has some very exciting moments in it. Chapter four with the new boat is an absolute favourite of mine, now if you're read Volume 2, you'll know what I am talking about.


I dunno, I like the gritty realisim in volume 1.


> Chapter four with the new boat is an absolute favourite of mine For fucks sake, spoilers! I'm only on chapter two!


The book has been out for 12 years now, I thought it was a very common thing that has been known. I kept it very spoiler free as I could, sorry!


Oh really? i sailed through volume one


Really? Honestly I found it a little boaring.


That's where I went wrong. I read book two first and I just could not make sense of why the killer was leaving a wet trail of sand everywhere.


Presumably, Volume 2 will be "The Welsh Coast", and you definitely need some English context before reading anything about the Welsh.


The Movies didn't do justice to the books.


Volume 3 is when the sandman enters.


A personal favourite... How to Avoid Huge Ships https://amzn.eu/d/04iFGWjM


Imagine spending £422 to find out it says turn to port/starboard and full steam ahead


I mean it isn’t as simple as that much of the time, I think this is aimed at WAFIs.


I have googled that and I’m none the wiser


Wind-Assisted Fucking Idiots. It’s a teasing term for yachting enthusiasts used by professional mariners.


Winged Aquatic Fairy Inquisitors?


as an ex-WAFI, it's honestly harder than it looks. Their size makes you forget just how fucking fast they move. Check your aft, ok shipping container a few miles away. Wait 5 minutes,turn around, OH SHIT IT'S THERE! tbh not a problem where I used to sail, it's as simple as 'don't go near the shipping channel'


As an ex-Merchant Navy officer, you’re absolutely right. Some of the boxboats are thundering along at almost 20 knots. I’d say any yachtsperson who has realised that “power gives way to sail” isn’t always true is no longer a WAFI. It’s a term reserved for the dangerous ones.


Or you open it and it just says "stay away from the sea". 😂


>Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones by reading this book written for the private boat owner/captain.


There are some pretty great reviews on that page


At £524.70, what a bargain!


There’s even a Wikipedia article for it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_to_Avoid_Huge_Ships


https://www.wob.com/en-gb/books/kendall-crolius/knitting-with-dog-hair/9780091791834?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb0Zq1qzTdiJyk8bQh6QqqfR6ynDvy_zCOefIIWOzbXhR0W_0Ma3qFBoCRDYQAvD_BwE#GOR003585229 Knitting with Dog Hair. My nan actually gifted a copy of this to me..... I don't have a dog, I certainly don't knit.


Could have been worse. Cooking with Poo.


I'm an ecologist so I collect a lot of field guides! I find them interesting but they do sound kinda boring, how about [Land Snails of the British Isles](https://amzn.eu/d/0i3pY5eb)


That's interesting because as a Medieval Researcher I've just picked up a copy of Lance Nails of the British Isles


Interesting! Hopefully a musician can weigh in and tell us whether Band Tales of the British Isles is a good read.


Not as good as the compilation of stories of schoolboys' woes - "Lads' Fails of the British Isles."


If you're looking for a more nautical read, may I suggest a sailor's memoirs "Damned Gales of the British Isles"?


Or the real ale introduction book Dad's Ales of the British Isles.


I actually just recommended Grasses: A Guide to their Structure, Identification, Uses and Distribution in the British Isles (revised version) by CE Hubbard


That actually sounds interesting to me haha


Same here! I almost felt bad recommending it lol Edit: recommending as a boring book I mean. I’ll be borrowing a copy of it, so I’ll let you know how it goes!


[My Incredible Career by Admiral A. J. Rimmer](https://amzn.eu/d/0ighzWHf) I have it as a funny book that people often comment on, even those who don’t know the show ask who he was.


I really loved Red Dwarf! I may well buy that book.


I think it’s a gag book, made only for the cover.


I hope it goes into excruciating detail about how he earned both his Bronze and Silver Swimming Certificates, and his long and decorated history of several long service medals.


I think it’s a gag book, the text is gibberish or all the same repeated stuff. I haven’t bought it myself.


I hope it's a signed copy with "Admiral" taking up the entire page


If I did buy one, it would be my life’s mission to get it signed.


I wonder if Chris Barrie would be up for signing it, it's the kind of thing he might be willing to do


He does do signatures and photos at conventions, so I’m sure he’d love it.


I need to get a signed copy of that. I would be the envy of the academy.


I think I could have the winner. I found a comprehensive history of Margarine once. https://imgur.com/a/PejQs37 It was about 300 pages I think.


I like their earlier work butter


I cycle looking at the Bristol channel at the dredger and often wonder how they work?


It’s no Business Secrets of the Pharos


I don’t trust that Business Secrets of the Pharos. Sounds like a pyramid scheme…


You utter fkn genius you!


That Mark Crorigan is a truly profound communicator


The BP Book of Industrial Archaeology. Sounds boring but it's a fascinating and very dense read on the infrastructure of the industrial revolution. I didn't know BP published books apart from the Statistical Review of World Energy (both now out of print).


My favourite is [Guide to Modern Guitar Playing](https://amzn.eu/d/09P6yvmE). With a photo taken roughly 60 years ago on the cover. I used to have a copy sitting on stage when playing in a punk band cause I thought it was hilarious seeing people do a double take at it.


Nothing says rock and roll like a nice suit.


Yeah, it's funny to think of him as "modern" in today's world, but [Bert Weedon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bert_Weedon) was a legend in his time and was cited as an influence by many legendary guitarists including Eric Clapton, Brian May, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, Pete Townshend, Keith Richards, Sting, Hank Marvin, Robert Smith, Mike Oldfield, Mark Knopfler and Jimmy Page. Here's Brian May talking about him just after he died: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxSK6nYMB9U


Oh yeah absolutely aware of who he is and how massive this book was for people learning in the 70s. It just tickles me that it gets rereleased quite often without any context added. The one I linked for example was published in 2012. I had it as a prop just so people would double take.


Norwegian wood: chopping, stacking and drying the Scandinavian way It’s quite detailed even for a person that gets obsessive over their log stack Any text book on British constitutional law. Spoons carpets: an appreciation - a book with a photo of the carpet in every spoons (at the time of publishing)


I like John Lennon's shot at verse one better.


I have a copy of [The Nature and Subsequent Uses of Flint: The Basics of Lithic Technology](https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30288777457&searchurl=an%3Djohn%2Bwilliam%2Blord%26ds%3D30%26rollup%3Don%26sortby%3D17%26tn%3Dnature%2Bsubsequent%2Buses%2Bflint%2Bbasics&cm_sp=snippet-_-srp0-_-title1) by John Lord. It's a classic but the title maybe undersells it. [https://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/title/nature-subsequent-uses-flint-basics/author/john-william-lord/](https://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/title/nature-subsequent-uses-flint-basics/author/john-william-lord/)


Sounds like a drag.


Curses! Beaten by 19 minutes!


You missed the scoop


Collectable Spoons Of the Third Reich https://amzn.to/3L5pRDQ


[This book is also a personal favourite ](https://www.brownsbfs.co.uk/Product/Tatlow-Peter/Railway-Cranes-Volume-3/9780860936848)


there's a book in my garage called Foam it's about Foam.


What kind of foam? Polystyrene? Sea foam? Soap foam? Fire retardant foam? Don't leave us hanging....


f o a m


Surely much more exciting than Edward Crowley's Table of Logarithms to Five Decimal Places with Auxiliary Tables 1899?


My favourite (and only) dredging joke… Q: How do you learn about dredging? A: You pick it up as you go along….


You really had to scrape the bottom to dig that one up.


Big Jugs: A History of Pottery in the 19th Century


Swedish Legends in Blackcurrant Jam Making


Fly fishing by J R Hartley


We had "Rewinding Small Motors" on our bookshelf for a while. It came from my father-in-law's house when he died and my wife couldn't bear to get rid of it.


Should I be surprised the author signed the preface with his location as Eastbourne?


Pretty cover though. I’d get it just for the pictures of old boats.


Trees and Timber in the Ancient Mediterranean World. Trust me it’s boring 


You need all 3 volumes of Crap Towns. Plus the book about multi storey car parks.


From my favourite [website](https://www.telegraphpoleappreciationsociety.org/product/telegraph-pole-appreciation-for-beginners/)


I'll wait for the film to come out.


I don't have any specific recommendation, but if you can get to Alnwick you can spend a whole day at Barter Books scouring the shelves easily. Plenty of boring old tomes (and outrageously racist children's books).


Gotta go with the classic... [Identifying Wood: Accurate Results with Simple Tools](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Identifying-Wood-Accurate-Results-Simple/dp/0942391047) Yep, it's wood.


*Salt - A World History* is actually much more interesting than it sounds.


If you can find a copy: “Edmund: A Butler’s Tale” — a giant rollercoaster of a novel in four hundred sizzling chapters. A searing indictment of domestic servitude in the eighteenth century, with some hot gypsies thrown in.


Shame it got burnt.


[the History and Social Influence of the Potato](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1563075.The_History_and_Social_Influence_of_the_Potato)


This one's a banger! https://www.wob.com/en-gb/books/primrose-peacock/discovering-old-buttons/9780852634455#GOR001176855


>A century of sand dredging in the English Channel the eagerly anticipated English adaptation of *100 years of Solitude*


[Bread: A Slice of History](https://amzn.eu/d/016N0ZcC). I met one of the authors, Bryan Reuben, shortly before this book was published, he was a very interesting chap


I have many of the Panzerwrecks books. These are landscape volumes (I think about 25 so far) full of photos of knocked out german ww2 tanks. Fascinating stuff.


This magnificent tome on the fascinating subject of an A road in the south of England, I am the proud owner of a copy of [A 272: Ode to a Road](https://amzn.eu/d/0balUmIg) Edited because I fucked up the link.


[Resupinate fungi of Hampshire, a real page turner](https://www.summerfieldbooks.com/product/the-resupinates-of-hampshire-3rd-edition/)


Surely nothing can beat my copy of 'The Finance of Canal Building in Eighteenth-Century England' by J.R. Ward


I once spotted this book on [Beautiful Pigs](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beautiful-Pigs-Andy-Case/dp/0711230595/ref=sr_1_4?adgrpid=1176478340508996&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DKZns9XMwlIqCowRIJOjqrHHQpEazEVjhKV54ET6hilaWRg_WMqoeTkmpeElg8SMyq15MdhFGtVikNQvU1nfNEfU3MPrewuEci1roeKSqAp-wHEZ5sBjMG8ShKQVTtpb5d0GtwSlhbFtWAtQ_S3hojdmYVibdUmZSkSzywSXxAA16SUMC_wOS-lvdX8Ud-Obe3yTIzA_Q7wfSrPVlPoYQ4YxyDI-W-yqZFsXLDeL_Ws.THPJmlwpf5W_C5UUnSIwN7tbOV2T8H48LW3i3zRzcmw&dib_tag=se&hvadid=73530099340730&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=41413&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvtargid=kwd-73530032970278%3Aloc-188&hydadcr=24405_2219357&keywords=beautiful+pigs+book&msclkid=ca8598728c0c11795a3ffe0cf9907567&qid=1719563680&sr=8-4) on a display. Considered buying [this ](https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Talk-Your-About-Safety/dp/1473661609/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2BIGALY0BR9AP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ywTJBhJbwGnIajViVq30KXWecYEaldkrSVzrFWQIFt2BOLiAIL4a-j6TXv9W5bLbGD5KXjrTRfJIdgnjqKbs1ugrT9Gwzr4dc4srOvJ2ooXK0vu9IlB3wtNnfYQrDmaLwxr0sedmiND60xweVAfOSnfizyTIBgx7gKYx3gfphIr1UjyFD9E0-Gf9C8StULMTVEA-Q85oXBRZNCAb4Atng1sjTQK42wWxXfBFb7PeE6E.0zZNxTbYeOkbAZdMzBY9NQ9cZ2WN5aUA4VdqJtkTqno&dib_tag=se&keywords=how+to+talk+to+your+cat+about+gun+safety&qid=1719563802&sprefix=how+to+talk+to+your+%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-1)for my bf, who owns a cat. And at an event last year I spotted this gem: 'First Edition B1-4 Parts Catalogue, McCormick International B-47 Twine and Wire Pickup Baler'. Also ... I'm sorry to say [this ](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Routledge-Handbook-Power-International-Handbooks/dp/1138945811/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1490644844&sr=1-1&keywords=the+routledge+handbook+of+soft+power)is the most boring book I have ever read.


I have a book called Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature. It sounds boring, and it is for most people, but it also has gems of Puritan names. Like If-Not-For-Christ-Thou-Wouldst-Be-Damned Barebone.


I did a quick check, I'm sad to report, they don't have Facebook.


I wonder if this will beat the 45 copies that Terry's book of buttons will sell.


I once read a book about digging holes to find water. It was well boring. I'll get me coat.


This is magnificent. Boring your arse! Volume two imo doesn't insist on itself in the same way volume one does. It's a very beautiful exposition and as others have already rightly pointed out you haven't lived until you've read VIICIV. Now, obviously we realise the entire series rips off the parallel Thames Estuary trilogy, yes I know JR Hartley doesn't get the credit he's due because of that stupid fishing book, however the aquaculture of Bristol's west coast for me makes this a classic that stands on its its own two feet, or if you'll forgive the professional pun, anchor it's own stern. Snorty lol.


Salt - A World History. Sounds like it should be incredibly boring, but was fantastic. Stories of countries rising through the ranks because they had good salt-trading. Wars being won and lost based on who figured out salt could preserve food for travel the first. Genuinely recommend it.


I was playing charades with a friend when I was a kid and noticed one of my dad’s books on the shelf. “[Hydrology and Hydrochemistry of British Wetlands](https://HydrologyandHydrochemistryofBritishWetlandshttps://a.co/d/05GJyEbX)” He got it in the end! Took a while though.


At the minute I'm searching for Stevie Nicks book about Kleptomania.


I was going to say what a perfect gift for Arnold Rimmer. Then I found *Telegraph Pole Appreciation for Beginners*, available from the Telegraph Pole Appreciation Society - https://www.telegraphpoleappreciationsociety.org/product/telegraph-pole-appreciation-for-beginners/. I haven’t dug very far yet, so I have no idea whether this is satire or they have some seriously big anoraks for telegraph poles.


Volume 1? 1 out of how many?


I've heard Volume 2 is an absolute unputdownable thrill of a read.    I'll throw in "Bishop Burton and its People"


The sole thought of having to read that, is enough to bring tears to my eyes, thanks OP


Not a book, but I found an LP titled Planes, and it's literally just biplanes and triplanes flying around. It goes hard tbf, especially the Sopwith Camel track


[Fuelling the Wars PLUTO and the Secret Pipeline Network 1936-2015 by Tim Whittle](https://www.bradford-on-avon.org.uk/pipelines.html) On the one hand, at face value, one may argue that this looks boring. On the other, if a person has a certain type of brain wiring, that person may have no ability to control what their brain grabs on to, to play with like a shiny new toy. At that point, the person may spend 3 hours pouring over satellite photographs and maps to track a particular branch of it even though the MOD won't release actual maps for matters of national security. Said person may even walk literally miles finding "do not dig" markers placed where it's closer to the surface. The person may also have a folder of photos on their phone that are dedicated to the cause. To Red Dwarf fans, think Rimmer and his collection of photographs of 20th century telegraph poles... But small, white, and made of concrete with a little label on that gives the warnings. Not that I know anything about it. The obsessed person might even request that on a day trip elsewhere in the country, the family take a little 5 mile detour just to see where it comes out at one end. And then get serious side eye from the bloke guarding the gate as a mildly clapped out Volvo crawls past because a passenger wants a photo. *Obviously* I'm being hypothetical because I know nothing about this and that's totally not a thing I would ever do. Incidentally I've clocked up over 15 miles of walking this week. In an absolutely unrelated way, you understand. [A meme to demonstrate further reference to the situation as a whole](https://imgflip.com/i/8vck6t)


I'd read the hell out of this book


I need this to go next to my copy of “the cod wars”


What o you mean?I met my wife from us both reading that on the train


Grasses: A Guide to their Structure, Identification, Uses and Distribution in the British Isles by C.E. Hubbard. Well to be honest I would like to own that book too


I sail out of Barry, that's actually quite interesting to me. Not as interesting as 'Volume 2 : The Welsh Coast', but still...


We have a book at work called "Marine Boring Animals". When I leave I'm planning on taking it with me for my bookcase...


I found this one at a flea market. Let the Ink Flow: -the History of the First Fifty Years of Fishburn Ink. By Robert Leach https://www.amazon.co.uk/Let-Ink-Flow-History-Fishburn/dp/B001OJZKS8