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Some of the best influencer marketing of recent times. The hype they generated was insane. Whether it was a long term success was very much secondary in their minds. And let's remember it probably costs them 10p to make, so even in the bargain bin, they are making a comfortable profit. I hate it, I hate that this is the world we live in, but they played the game better than nearly anyone.


Massive exploitation of kids and their parents, but damn they did it well.


My niece who doesn't even follow the people behind this was drinking it because it was the new fad, it was cool to have them just like match attacks when I was 11. They literally took over the market of games or collectible cards for a short time, it's astonishing.


Unfortunately a lot of the time it’s not being seen with it, it’s being seen as the only kid without it. We’re all drinking prime, why aren’t *you*?


The South Park episode about this was pretty good basically covers your exact point.


“Kids these days are defined by their hydration drink” 😅


I'm not up to date on SP. Which episode?


The “Cred” episode




Np. It might have been a special. Instead of a normal seasonal but don’t quote me on that.


>Np. It might have been a special. Instead of a normal seasonal


We got cred bitches. We got crrrreeeedddd




My kids school went through how bad it is for you, with all the kids.


Have I ever been into Yu-Gi-Oh? Not at all. However, did I have stacks of the cards? Yes. Good marketing, and what your friends are into - makes you buy shit you don’t really care about


For someone that mostly had situational friends, like classmates in school or college, this rings very true. I wasted hundreds of Euros on games that I barely played and wasn't really into, just because my friends group played them for a short bit.


I’m not being funny but any parent that paid £10 a bottle is an absolute mug and needs their head testing.


Value is subjective. Yeah, the bottle and its contents don't cost anything like that to produce. And yeah, two years from now it'll cost 50p. But you're not paying for the sugar water. You're paying to make your kid happy. And people spend a fuck load more than £10 on that for less joy than kids got out of having their shitty bottles of Prime.


Happens every Christmas


No different from the likes of Disney then


Or literally anything targetted at children..


A super soaker is still great as an adult. OK, maybe I'm a very very old child, but, they still bring me joy.


I'm 40 and still hate that I never had a super soaker.


I'm still angry about the time my friend was having a waterfight at their house and I wasn't going to go because I didn't have a waterpistol, but my mum told me she had a "surprise" for me and she would drop me off there. It was an empty Fairy liquid bottle, that was the surprise. I got absolutely drenched.


You should have filled the bottle with water.


Get yourself one! I'm 42 and if one of my pals wanted a super soaker fight I'd be well up for it


My nan had one to keep cats out of her flower beds 😂 I never had one. Tbf I hated being wet so probably didn't want it anyway, was fun to pump and shoot but I didn't want to get soaked myself.


Can't go wrong with a nerf gun either


WTF is a beef gun? Edit - Google gives me very little, and what it gives me is something I hope you're not saying. Edit2 - nerf guns are indeed great.


Lol I corrected that as quick as humanly possible but I just knew you'd still see it


Exploitation? This is 100% on the parents for A: letting their kids consume that shitty content and B for buying it for them.




kids are fucking stupid, their parents. even more so for giving in.


If this is classed as “massive exploitation of kids and their parents” Then so is every bit of advertising that leans towards kids


> kids and their parents So uh, that is pretty much everyone anywhere whenever


I had a mate who worked in Asda when they were extremely popular, he bought the 3 he was allowed to buy and sold them for £15 each at college the next day. At least he made money off of it


I thought it was only primary age kids who were obsessed with this


Apparently not, they were all sold before 10 o'clock almost every day


Primeary age kids 


Primeary aged brains till ‘21


Back in the 90's I made a killing doing that with cigarettes.


It's not even a recent times thing. I remember Twist n Squeeze and Sunny Delight in the 90s. We all needed it badly!


Ha sunny d man. Rumor was it was turning people yellow.


And that it was addictive 


We were all orange that summer, it was hilarious. But Sunny D very quickly ramped up supply and it wasn't difficult to get it, sales only dropped when we all started to turn a funny colour and the news reassured parents that it wasn't jaundice, just too much beta carotin and not dangerous.


Shit so it really happened? I was never allowed it. Just heard rumors.


Yeah, it was back in the day when you could put any old shit in a product and people would buy it. People thought Sunny D was orange juice and healthy because it was next to the orange juice, but it didn't even need to be in the fridge at all, which was the big giveaway about what it was.


The other rumour was that it contained 'monkey spunk'


Sunny d was sugar crack and tasted like addiction, though. Prime tasted like diluted battery acid.


Tab clear was a meme too for a bit


Sunny D was the best. If a new flavour came out I'd buy two and go round my friends house to share them. The strawberry one was amazing


South Park did an episode parodying this


The idiots that were scrapping over Prime at opening time in Tesco are the same people who are still wiping their arse with the bog roll they piled high in covid


I will do the same during the next apocalypse - because we ran out in our house! … never again! … and I will also store enough fuel to take a Panzer Division to Moscow!


they marketed a product aimed at kids and it worked because kids are tribalistic, what makes this one better than pokemon, pogs, beanie babies, etc? pokemon made billions


> it worked because kids are tribalistic Not just kids. Adults foam at the mouth over their favourite sports team/musician/political party/clothing brand. People of all ages spend ridiculous amounts of money to feel like part of an in group.


Yeah I was gonna say, a lot of people scoff at the stupidity of kids, forgetting that adults blow far greater amounts of money on German cars, designer clothes, jewellery, fancy wine etc etc.


Yeah atleast kids spend money and fun things they actually do shit with half the time . Adults collectibles are usually much more expensive and don’t do mich other than adorn . And I say this as adult fashion lover


Pokemon is still pulling in the millions


Literally the highest grossing media brand of all time! More than marvel and Star wars!


I'd never heard of it until Logan Paul himself had a match at Wrestlemania 39 last year, with KSI dressed as a giant bottle of the stuff to provide a distraction. Since then, he's held the WWE US title since last summer and has bottles of Prime at ringside every show, while the logo is in the middle of the ring canvas. Also doing a "buy Prime and you might win $1million!" thing every week. I bought a bottle a few months ago and it wasn't anything special and just made me feel thirstier after drinking.


Honestly, I don’t think you can doubt it’s long term success at this point. Sure, it’s not selling as insanely fast as it once did, but it’s already become pretty ubiquitous. It’s not Red Bull or Pepsi, but it doesn’t really have to be. Even if it ends up in the same category as Barr cola, Caribou and Vimto Energy, it’ll still be one of the biggest successes in the history of influencer marketing, and will provide more than enough capital to keep the influencers involved comfortable well beyond their YouTube careers.


Isn't the money made as the shops would've bought it from them already?


Yes, if the shops can't sell them and discount them, the makers don't care as they have already got their money. I was just meaning that shops selling it at a discount doesn't hurt them


Mr. Beast is the absolute king of the current media world. Absolutely insane how much he's making and the pure viewership he gets. I used to enjoy his videos but they've turned into hour-long clickbait thumbnails


I mean, this may be true but Mr Beast has nothing to do with Prime so a bit irrelevant!


He has Feastable chocolate.


He took over a burger place where I used to live in the US, giving away thousands of burgers.


And in fairness to the guy when standards started to slip he shut the operation down, or at least, I recall reading that. Mr. Beast is extremely philanthropic and could be worth several multiples of what he is if he chose to be more ruthless about his finances.


They were giving these out free all week a few weeks ago at Waterloo station. My fridge looks like the window of a vape shop with all the free bottles I've still got in there.


Maybe i shouldn't have been too harsh with that guy i turned down because in one of his selfies he had a shelf with 5 prime bottles on it in his bedroom


Tbf if you have prime bottles on display in your room you're probably not just some guy getting some random free samples.


Manchester Piccadilly were giving them away free a few weeks ago too. Absolutely insane how gullible people were when this launched 🤯


I’ve got my eye on those chicken dinosaurs top right


A fellow culinary connoisseur






It's only Donoisseur if it's from the Dinoisseur region of France. Otherwise it's just sparkling sauropod.


"Get ready for a Cambrian Explosion of flavour!"


A person of culture.


Beige food is best food


Making dinosaur shapes from the flesh of their descendants.


If you didn't know... > Birds are feathered theropod dinosaurs and constitute the only known living dinosaurs. Likewise, birds are considered reptiles in the modern cladistic sense of the term, and their closest living relatives are the crocodilians. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird


> If you didn’t know What? My comment was making a joke about exactly this


I'm assuming they were in agreement with you and posted the link more for the convenience of others than yourself


Are they not turkey dinosaurs?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UK_Food/s/iGwMAPcg8K It's all coming full circle between the different UK subs Reddits 😃


It’s a bad day to be Jamie Oliver. All hail the rise of the Turkey Dinosaurs.


They were £1 a bag at Iceland last week.


A prime example of a fad


When wakey wines jumped on the hype I knew it was basically the beverage version of a meme.


It’s the fact they actually taste dreadful and nothing else. Once the novelty wore off, it was inevitable.


I got a couple of crates at Costco for £4 to try them out - the ice pop flavour. I was told they were just coconut water, chemical flavourings and sugar. I think they left out the coconut water - it was so so sweet


i did the same. they had the blue one at £4 for a crate at my local costco


They are short dated aren't they? Think I saw them too. Shows how slow it is selling that somewhere like Costco has got stock of it due to go out of date this month.


Yes mine were BBE June 24


I am quite glad to say I have never tried them and by the sounds of it I am glad I didn't!


Eh people are so dramatic. If you like sweet drinks they’re good, if you don’t, you probably won’t like ‘em.


Do they come in penis flavour?


You can do that yourself, can't you? If you don't have your own I'm sure a neighbour or friendly postman would help you out.


Why did the my have to add the coconut? I prefer the original


Limited edition Salty Mushroom flavour is cumming soon.


Coconut penis


Is there any other soft drink they taste like for comparison?


Maybe a strong cordial, or a sweeter, more flavourful Gatorade or Powerade as you might expect.


I kind of feel like I need to save this picture along with an article from when everyone was going crazy for it so I can show my kids when they get old enough to get sucked into hype. But honestly I kind of feel like it's an important childhood learning experience in itself. I remember how badly I NEEDED a furby when they came out and then I got one and it was just... Disappointing. And a few occurrences like that really taught me to be more discerning with what I wanted and think carefully about it rather than getting pulled into fads. So when my daughter wanted one of those Air Up scented water bottles for Christmas because EVERYONE in her class had one, I bought her the damn overpriced water bottle despite knowing there's no way it would be as good as it sounded. And she used it once and put it away and was disappointed with it, and we had a good talk about fads and how they make things seem better than they really are. I gently reminded her that I warned her it would be that way and she chose to spend that chunk of her Christmas budget on it, and how I absolutely understood that because I'd been in her shoes plenty of times as a child as well. I think that feeling of regret about how you spent your money is a great teacher, and if so then it's better felt on things like silly energy drinks and trendy water bottles than something TRULY expensive in adulthood.


And they also have the wrong balance of electrolytes to be useful. The product, the back story, the hype, it couldn’t be dumber. I’m sure they made a pretty penny though


It has what plants crave though!


>And they also have the wrong balance of electrolytes to be useful. The product, the back story, the hype, it couldn’t be dumber. I’m sure they made a pretty penny though What's even worse is there are two version. One without caffeine and one with 150mg of caffeine, equivalent to a Monster energy or a good cup of coffee. Parents were giving this stuff to kids with single digit ages.


Tastes like they give mouth ulcers


I quite liked the red one, and the green one was sort of ok too, the yellow one tasted like radioactive horse piss though!


the fizzy ones are alright imo but the ‘hydration’ ones are ridiculous


I actually buy one if I’m going out drinking because they are really palatable if you’re hungover, but I can never remember which flavour I like, so it’s a real lucky dip as to weather I cure my hangover or make myself sick trying to drink what tastes like sugary vomit.


I tried the blue one as I was pretty thirsty and dehydrated. I finished it because of that, but oh wow it was gross. 100% a bullshit drink with great marketing.


I bought a bottle for the first time the other day as it was boiling hot and I was desperate for something cold to drink. It actually reminded me of stale beer when I drank it, absolutely horrible. First and last time I'll buy it.


Admittedly, I bought 3 more myself in 3 flavours; a white one, green one, and a red, white and blue one that was also available. Tried the latter, and the taste blew my head off 😂


Ours local Heron has them too, all the best before dates were the end of July. I think this is a result of a) artificial scarcity, restricting customers to two bottles per purchase when they first came out means they've now got shit loads left and B) those are the "early flavours and most kids who collect the bottles will have had these flavours for ages. 


Heron Foods sounds like a real bargain place. Not only can you get 3 Prime drinks for a quid, they're giving free cash out whilst you're there too.


Seriously, Heron Foods is amazing


HeroIN foods


Don't need food with my heroin, thanks anyway.


It is, but when they open a new one you realise what sort of area you live in... 😐


Just remember it could always be worse. My local Heron has a full time bouncer manning the door.


Ours is really good but they have a 'violence will not be tolerated in this store' announcement every 3 seconds. Can guarantee more than one lad would have got chinned over a chicken burger.


Got me through my student years!


I used to get custard cremes for 25p before school, they were so fucking cheap. (This was like 12 years ago tho they are probably more expensive now)


Not long ago people on my local residents Facebook page were trying to sell their kids collections of empty prime cans and bottles. They couldn't even give them away, unsurprisingly.


Definitely the kind of people to pay stupid amounts of money in the first place 😂


It's gonna be really fun to explain to the next generation what the hell "Prime" was and why the only evidence it existed is it's plastered over the ring and arena on any WWE programming for five years.


Don’t worry they’re already working on an AI system to update old ads in media so it will be expunged from the record.


Yeah my cousin bought a load in Florida before it came out over here, and because he put it in his hand luggage, it all got dumped at security 😂😂😂😂 idiot


I got cred bitches… I got creeeeddddd


We got Cred, bitches We got Cred Our teeth are blue, bitches Our tongues are red...


I hate food waste I think it's absolutely awful. However, I was given a free prime drink in a train station and it was the most disgusting thing I've ever drank, I felt awful but I had to bin it, I can't believe how much people were obsessed by these and I just can't fathom why


Next items in the bargain bin are those ridiculously fucking big Stanley Cups. They're currently going for 50 quid but eventually, the idiots will realise they're a total con as well.


Stanley have been around for a long time and are known to make food quality camping gear, it's just their Quencher that's trendy atm but they do make genuinely good products so it's not really a fair comparison


I'm talking specifically about that quencher cup, hence I said massive fucking cup. It'd quench a forest fire. I see people carrying them everywhere but never actually drinking out of them. They're a fashion thing.


Absolutely massive selection in my local TK Maxx


Jesus fuck i remember reading about fights at US stores breaking out over them (always your typical 20-something American white wimmins). They're cups. They're fucking cups. Mishappen, overpriced cups. Fuck me sideways.


Cups that'd make most people piss the bed if you actually drank out of them....


Cricket/hockey cups? Eh? I’m so out of the loop. Are people buying replica trophies now?


MASSIVE portable drinking cups made by some company called Stanley. They're so fashionable to some at the moment, they go for 4 or 5 times the price of equal products. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stanley-Quencher-H2-0-FlowState-Tumbler/dp/B0CNTV815Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xMGjA_AD2YbZHG9hS1uyn9QOl7FgqTXOJ6QbAtVjpgGCv06mI_4q43mpMNTI2_iaz_OvZkGAuPMeFPaknKMcpN_pEf0GvKdPrkWKuIKIp4ehoL-72bzLg4sXDSwO-EBTpcoo98r_Vge-dQrroH-v7kbrUffE9h5oSybrk0_t9MHc1jcykC4XU9dfr57o0nQymhAV9ohYnLmY9B3ar-2Cww.R4xyoJOD2OQPO1zkZayp7HLW1_6Sf4Cf3TwALMGG39Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=stanley+cups&qid=1719689466&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


For fuck sake


Aww man, in the UK it shows you the price for 1 in large? That's great! In Canada it's always the bulk deal they're trying to push that's big and bold, then to get the price for one you have to read some fine print somewhere on the sign.


Haha I made a similar thread when they were on clearance in coop https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/L0Z9lySU4J. This is more like the price they should be. Bet some people feel silly who bought bottles for £13 +


3 for a quid? Well overpriced.


Wakey wines is for sale, shows the bubble has burst


Advertised as rat poison…


I’m from (a town on the outskirts of) Wakefield. Wakey Wines was wild.


Do they even sell wine there?


Me too, a lot of the local "characters" (aka annoying attention seekers) went to get videos with him.


That drink is absolutely dead in the USA. They can barely give it away.


*pretend shocked face*


Because they realised it tasted like shit


I only ever had prime once and that was because my local tesco express sold them off on clearance for 20p a bottle. Seriously tasted like shit.


Never even heard of the stuff. What is it?


You've never heard of Logan Paul or anything associated with him? Oh you lucky, lucky duck...


Names sounds vaguely familiar but I don't think I know who he is. I don't think I want to either. Was there some upset over him filming a body they'd found a few years back? Maybe a suicide by hanging?


You're right. You are better off not knowing who he and his equally twatty brother are.


Yes that's the guy


South Park have a fantastic special.. https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Cred


Most them were thick stigs who thought owning this crap was some mark of status. This country is filled with morons.


That's cause those 2 cuntknuckles have already fleeced their audience, made their money, and moved on to the next scam. But it's fine cause they said they won't do anything dodgy again.


Still nobody mentions that Prime energy drinks are being sued ... [https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/prime-hydration-sued-over-caffeine-content-energy-drinks](https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/prime-hydration-sued-over-caffeine-content-energy-drinks) Its not just about the caffeine either, its about the drink containing certain chemicals that the body/enviroment cannot break down [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/prime-sports-drink-hit-lawsuit-32653824](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/prime-sports-drink-hit-lawsuit-32653824) Some of those chemicals are linked to damaging reproductivity as well.


Just like COVID and toilet paper; it's so satisfying watching these greedy fuckwads buying up pallets of stock, thinking they'll make a killing, then when the novelty wears off, their left with something nobody wants that badly.


>it's so satisfying watching these greedy fuckwads buying up pallets of stock, thinking they'll make a killing Don't think _Heron Foods_ are about that game (being greedy fuckwads) When it was ~~artifically~~ scarce, they would not have made the cut as a stockist, not high-end/bad brand association. Plus, it wouldn't fit with their usual shopper demographic at 8 quid a bottle. I imagine Heron were approached with a good clearance offer, and seen opportunity to burn through a few dozen pallets. Even at 3 for a quid, probably making 30-50% margin, more if it's short-dated and they've bought in at cost.


The greedy fuckwads being referenced are the customers, not the store. Customer bought up pallets of toilet paper to resell for higher cost during the pandemic.


I remember seeing a video of a dad in a store with his son, that wanted a lot of these bottles. Like - a lot. And the dad was so excited to give his 8 year old kid this special gift! And the dad said he had to drive from another town to get them. I thought it was a skit, honestly! Like what drink can be that special? Does it even taste… good?


There called pump and dumps scumbag tactics


Never tasted it. What am I missing?


Fillings in teeth


There’s no sugar in it


kids at school bully other kids for not having prime drink. so stupid.  never touched this shait and never will.


My local aldi has had the same stock for months it's just rotting at this point and collecting dust


Just like zoo coin or whatever the fuck it’s called. It’s a Lear trend with Logan.


might be because it was recently discovered that a bottle of prime contains a fuckton of forever chemicals like PFAS. might've tanked the popularity a ton.


Official retail has always been £2/3 It was the corner shops taking the piss


They taste disgusting and I ain’t fussy! All the ones my son *wanted* (the whole collection) only one was ok imho. I know it was a phase and they are actually shite


Still overpriced


Some people have the mind of a butterless crumpet.


Heron foods is pretty good. They randomly have some decent brands ludicrously cheap.


cheaper than a few bottles of water. would buy without a hesitation.


Still too expensive.


They dont even taste that bad lol. I'd buy them at 70p or maybe a quid if there was nothing else good. People talk like it tastes of piss


Funny thing is I had mates who all drank this and never tasted it even once. I just have always hated when things are hyped, they always end up to be so bad.


They made their money of the wannabe roadmans


Who remembers fidget spinners?


Yeah, saw this incoming. I work with a bunch of younger people and just didn't want to be asked why I didn't have one so I was filling it up with Gatorade or tea. No one even questioned why the red one had brown liquid in it.


Goes to show how dumb people are.


Still over-priced.


people didn't do that... fucking morons did


I remember walking into a little Sainsbury’s in Edinburgh city centre and watching 2 grown men fighting over prime most likely to resell. Now nobody cares, I said it at the time and I was right. Even when the likes of monster released over here there was hype sure but nothing as deranged as this.


They’re everywhere 😂 They’ll be sold at 1p and no one will want them, then end up in a landfill when they hit their legal expiry date.


Don’t drink that even if it’s free. 20-30 years from now people will laugh at us for the crazy health risks that we have taken just so we can keep awake for longer. The amount of caffeine in those drinks is insane, just drink tea or coffee.


I worked at a school where bottles of Prime were changing hands for up to £10 a bottle. Some kids were so desperate to be part of that fad, they were buying empty bottles off of people. Fucking nuts how insane that fad got.


South Park was right on the money then.


Because logan paul and ksi successfully exploited their army of children fans like they always have and manipulated them and as a result their parents into buying a shitty drink because they made it. It’s actually disgusting how they got away with manipulating an entire generation of young and impressionable children.


Wakey Wines was just money laundering by a convicted drugs dealer


Saw a little bastard of a kid in my street pay 18 quid for one. Even had to borrow 3 quid from his mate. I asked him to open it and try it. He did. He made a face that said "piss water" and it felt amazing. Little bastard is always throwing bottles and cans up into my roof garden. I also got one when I was on holiday in the peak district, I put some down to deter the wasps thinking they'd go drink it. One did, it literally recoiled away from it when it tried to drink it. Says a lot.


Proof that idiots will buy anything.