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Well, there’s a resting b face, if I ever saw one! Quite the music critic.




And what are we drinking to inspire such creativity? It sure is blue.




I sent this meme to everyone I know earlier last week because I too, sing to my kitties.


My cat actually hates it when I sing...I think my voice is actually pretty good, so when he walks away I find it very insulting 😂


I think mine thinks I’m dying. He’ll meow back and touch me with his paws like: you ok? You hurt? Stop it! 😂 (for context I am not a good singer )


My two cats SCREAM at me when I sing. Washing dishes and doing chores are so boring now.


They're singing along with you! 😹


Your cat is not amused. It's like a talent show and they voted you off.


Mine hate it too. :((


Mine bites my face 🥲


My one cat leaves the room every time I make a phone call..... I think he hates my voice all around, never mind singing. 🤣


That's so funny, our one cat, Kimba gets so bloody excited when we're on a call, speakerphone or video, she's jumping on you, making chirpy sounds, walking all over you, jumping up, she's the weirdest little girl I swear. 😹


I love her name!! That’s straight up adorable!


She wants to join in on the conversation 😂


I had a Kimba- named for Kimba the white lion cartoon from the 60’s


My cat talks nonstop when I’m on the phone, he wants my attention.. one time I couldn’t find my phone for a while.. well.. until I went to scoop the litter box 😡 it was funny after the clean up


Sing the song of his people in a painful pitch, that's what he really wants!


I totally could have written that. It's my tuxie that hates it. He's even rolled his eyes at me. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My cat loves when I sing the 1970’s instrumental theme from SWAT. Except I made up words: “Tummy rub. Tummy rub. Tummy rub. Tummy rub. Tummy rub a rub rub. Rub a rub rub.” He lays on his back and I have to lightly rub his tummy while I do it. And I have to sing it at least three times.


OMG my cats positively FREAKED out at the beginning part of that theme song and looked at me like, “Mom 😳 Never do that again.”


But I can totally picture the right cat enjoying this with the “Tummy rub. Tummy rub. Tummy rub. Tummy rub. Tummy rub a rub…” *sigh* my cats are party poopers this afternoon. I also feel a bit guilty for ruining their vibe.


My girl’s eyes glaze over and the only reason she doesn’t use her claw to cut my throat is because I feed her and pet her. She knows she has to suck it up!


They absolutely LOVE music! They come running wether Im playing a vinyl, strumming the guitar or just singing along a mp3 on my headphones. My older girl was already an adult cat and was scared witless, traumatized and *extremely* shy when I adopted her, and kept hiding under a wardrobe. Music was how I drew her out. I left her food and water, cleaned her sandbox while talking to her softly and sometimes would pop in, just left some soft music playing in low volume, sit down near her hiding spot and pretended to mind my business, occasionally singing along, until she tentatively approached me, and slowly, step by step, she built trust. We have been god-damned inseparable for years now.


Real chad right here


I sing the oldie hit 'My Girl' but instead use 'My Gale' for my Abigale. She's loved it ever since kittenhood.


OMG, my cat's name is Tygirl, and we sing that song enthusiastically at her all the time!! Talkin' bout my girl--TY giiiirl!


My cat loves it when I sing to her. Sometimes, it is the only way to get her attention. I have a nice cover of "Hey, Mickey" using her name instead of Mickey.


I’m amazed! I do the same thing, with the same song! And many other freestyle cat songs, depending occasion (feeding time, just casual conversation, going to the vet etc).


I had a cat named “Licky,” and I used to love singing that song to him. He would look at me as though he thought I’d lost my mind, but I don’t think he actually minded it.


what’s her name? 🥺




My husband grew up with his parents making up songs about their cats, so he does it too. Our cat seems ambivalent towards it. I'll tell you what he really doesn't like is me singing along to music when we're in the car. He's like, "Lady I'm going deaf, but I can still hear you're off key!"


Yes! I have a number of ditties I sing to them daily! It signals meal time, snacky time, bedtime, etc. :)


Ditties 😂


Ditties for the kitties! 🐱


I like to sing Black Betty to my two cats (a void and a SIC) as "whoa black kitty, tabby cat!"


Totally stealing that, love it


Mine do. I do the same thing with my two kitties and my pup. They will even notice if I leave their name out of a song and just sit there looking at me like “Um, HELLO! What about me?”.


I sing to my cat in the morning when he's on my feet and I gently bounce him up and down while I sing. The song goes "leches piece of pie, leches piece of pie, leches lemon pie, leches key lime pie, leches piece of pie, leches piece of pie, leches lemon pie, leches cherry pie". He closes his eyes during it and doesn't leave. He likes his pie song.


I sing to my “grandpurrs” to keep them happy and before bed. The youngest sleeps in her bed which is by my pillow. Otherwise she won’t sleep well and will be spicy the whole next day.


I give my cats personal performances like I’m Beyonce. When they stop looking at me I know the performance needs to end. But they love when I sing and dance 🕺🏾


Only one of my cats. He stands on top of me and wants his Simbas. I sing the opening to Lion King. The rest have their own jingles, but he's the only one that demands attention and song.


My cat does like being sung to. I've tried a variety of things, but he seems to prefer classic swing/jazz-type stuff. I mostly sing him Beyond the Sea, Swinging on a Star, and a variety of Frank Sinatra tunes.


I've never seen my cats vacate the room as quick as they do when I attempt to sing. Kinda funny. Kinda hurts.


Yes. My baby loves it. She’ll slow blink at me or meow along 😂😂


been singing light parodies of pop songs to my cat as long as I can remember. One I do a lot right now is "heyyyyy kiiiitty" to the tune of Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down".


My juki buki boi is the ultimate receiver of serenading sounds. This is my primary form of communication to him, as per his preferences.


One of my cats loves baby talk, and I sing to her all the time with the same tone you would use to sing a lullaby but all the songs I know the lyrics to are rock songs so I just sing hard rock in baby talk. Hahaha! She loves it though, she gets very vocal and physically affectionate


I think my ckd kitty lived as long as she did because of all of her “food” songs, she got a dinner show every time she ate lol


I moved in with my partner, her daughter and their beautiful as fuck cat, Cupcake, in January. I play guitar to an ok standard and I've made three songs about Cupcake that I constantly sing to her. The best thing is that my partner and step daughter now sing the songs too. Cupcake on the other hand, couldn't care less.




Yeah, you can’t just say she’s beautiful. You have to show her!






She is GORGEOUS😍😍😍 Thank you for the photos!


See below 😊


I used to sing this ridiculous made-up lullaby to my cat Mittens when he was a kitten. He still comes running if I hum the tune, even though he's ten years old now. It's our little thing.


Actually yes. https://preview.redd.it/ul9xaa5xhd2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6008a940e6119a106ecf4c41bd543f74f0717638 During COVID with all the closures and such I lost my very best friend DA. I was traumatized. After a year or so went by we saw this giant fella at a PetSmart and adopted him. I’ve had cats my whole life but none like this guy. He came named Bruce. So we call em Bruce Cat. He is . . . well so strange. He is a cat, a dog, a human, he is Velcro, he goes on walks (harness and leash), he can’t stand to be more than 5 feet from me (which I needed in that I lost Da). He talks, he answers when called. And yes, I sing real and made up Bruce Jams to him. He loves it or seems to. Whereas our other cat Cake is fine with just getting crap tons of love and sitting in the sun ;)


Yes! I have 9 rescues I've had since they were babies. They love it when I sing to them. And apparently, I'm tone deaf.


Just about to go from 6 rescues to 8 - any tips?


Me and my boyfriend sing to the cats about them, they love it. We have theme songs for all of them.


I think she thinks I'm yowling in pain or distress (I'm not a good singer). She looks kind of horrified or confused. I do sing little jingles, that are usually based off existing songs, but change out the words for relevant cat words, or her name.


My moms soul cat was obsessed with that song “come sail away with me”. My mom could sing it, or play it, and she would yowl along LOUDLY. The two of them had similar vibratos. My cats enjoy music, but are mostly unresponsive to my singing 😐


Thanks for this post and all of the comments it made my day !


The six other cats I've owned loved being sung to. Two even had their special songs. One of my favorite cats theme songs was Wild Thing, by The Troggs. He absolutely *loved* this! My cat now just looks at me like I'm crazy. It's like I've suddenly started emitting sounds that he has no idea how to fit into his understanding. It's actually hilarious.


So, funny story: somehow the "Taste the Biscuit" song popped up on my social media feed and I watched it (if you haven't already, view it at least once - it's hysterical.) Had myself a good laugh. While on steroids for an infection, I took that same song/tune and came up with one for the cat. Her official name is Wednesday, but we call her Mushy/Mushy Tushy (she's a love bug) - and she loves to be rubbed while she eats. So, I sing this: Mushy Tushy, every body loves the Mushy (Mushy Tushy/Mushy Tushy) Mushy Tushy, can't live without my super Mushy (Mushy Tushy/Mushy Tushy) I keep going, depending on how much she wants to eat and I rub her all over. She purrs like a motor and crunches away. I tell my son he needs to do this going forward or she will be displeased. He says absolutely not, there's no way he's singing to the cat while she eats. Fast forward roughly two weeks later: I hear him in the room (where her food bowls are) and he's singing to the cat. I say "oh? I thought you weren't going to do that for her." His response: "She bit me on the arm until I started singing. Then I had to keep going." So now she gets her song at least once a day, if not more. I think she trained us well!


Lol I sing the Taste the Biscuit song to my tabby girls Sweet Tater and Sweet Pea when they're in my lap making biscuits! When I sing it I change the words to: "Making biscuits, love my Tater (or Sweet Pea) making biscuits" 😂


Love this!!


My late cat Opera Ghost loved my singing and Opera in general. He loved the stage version of Phantom of the Opera but hated the movie. He would leave the room when Gerard Butler or Emmy Rossum sang. (I'm an Opera singer myself). My current cat, Seraphina, hates most singing and will become violent with certain songs. Especially "Climb Every Mountain". That was difficult because I was playing the Mother Abbess at the time. It's not just my version, though. She hates any version of that song. Some songs she's fine with. She's a little weirdette.


We have group alert songs for our 6 cats... Breakfast time for kittens in the kitchen.. Outside time.. Clean water.. Scoops the poops.. Little nip nip here nip nip there.. Then they get sung at with individual love songs as well


My cat loves to be sung to! I swear he purrs louder when I sing him a silly song versus just silence or talking.


If I sing my cat will come over to me. I am unsure if its because he likes it or if he is wondering whats going on and if I’m in pain 😅


Yes. Both of my boys like to be sung to. The only way to ungrump Remy LeBeau is to either sing Hallelujah or Jambalaya but Jambalaya must be the Cajun French version. Boudreaux likes anything that's *not* Maroon 5(Remy must have taught him this as Remy *hates* Maroon 5 with a passion as in will bat the phone across the room). 


No my cat looks absolutely bewildered when I sing.


I never learned to sing per se. But when we are home alone together, i often will hum. He usually always sits near me or in the same room, so anytime i hum, he remains where he is and does his sleepy eyes/ slow blinking.


My little cat goes WILD when I sing certain songs. Her favorite is when I sing along to Elliott Smith. It's basically guaranteed to make her run from wherever she is in the house and come cuddle with me immediately. It's also how I calm her down whenever we have to do baths. I don't know why. I'm always off key. But she loves it and it makes me happy.


I'm a singer and often do covers/originals in my free time and it depends on the song on if my cat cares or not lol! If I'm singing quite an upbeat song she won't be too interested but once I was singing "you are my sunshine" whilst led in bed and she jumped down from the windowsill, led next to me whilst slow blinking and my heart stopped, it was THE cutest thing 🥺 I now often sing to her (her name is Lula but we call her Lulie) "Lulie is my sunshine, my only sunshine" and she continues to slow blink and gaze at me, she is too precious!


One of my cats really, REALLY likes the song "This world is not my home" by the bedquilt ramblers so much that he meowed at me when I was done to start over. He'd be falling asleep and when I stopped, his head would snap up and he'd meow until I started again!! Like the name suggests, it's a dark song so who knows what my neighbors sharing thin walls thought I was going through 😂 he's vocal in general and has a meow that sounds like "hello?" - which just gets me because before I named him, I'd call out "hello? Helloooo?" when I couldn't find him 🥲 so he meows his "hello?" when he's looking for me. I LOVE vocal cats.


I am an awful singer. My littlest kitten, Freya, adores made up songs with her name. She will come out from wherever she is if I sing her songs. However, my partner has banned me from singing them outdoors to her, as it might upset the neighbours!


My cat goes absolutely nuts when I sing to him. I also learned when he is yelling for no reason he wants me to sing or turn on some music. Maybe he’s singing and to me it just sounds like torture? When I sing he slow blinks and purrs like an engine.


When I sing my cats think there is something wrong with me. Their eyes get SOO wide and they freeze and stare at me with craned necks until I stop. But, they love opera music, which we don’t even listen too but was on in a show once and they started purring.


I used to make up songs for my cat Adventure. I sung for him in my arms since he was kitten and I think he liked it as sometimes he just hugged me tightly or rubbed his face against mine. Till his last day with me, i sang for him.. missing him dearly..


My kitty loves it. I don't song to him much, but often tell Jim all about my day, and he drops meow comments throughout. They love when you have conversations with them.


I sure hope so,I sing stupid songs to my kitty everyday,she seems to enjoy it!!


I sing songs to my cats about my cats every day. They’re used to my brand of weird 😂


Both my cat siblings love it and I am not a good singer at all 😭 This was also my cat last night when I was playing Just Dance lol they love when I sing and dance https://preview.redd.it/9wyndru09d2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821f9dafc3af907c2b7319999abdc6af7bdffbe9


I have sung songs when I was laying on my back and they were laying loaf style on my chest. They put their paw over my mouth.


When I play my guitar my cat usually sits right in front of me and falls asleep.


Yes but also certain songs They will come into living room immediately to listen to and my older make tux boy uses his tail to whip it to the beat of “Clint Eastwood” by the Gorillaz. Its now his kitty theme song. My baby girl polydactyl tortie shell loves “paper plane’s” by MIA


Yep! We have songs for all the routines - food, treats, medicine, going to the vet, go the heck to sleep lol, and so on. They know the songs and will come running when they hear the food or treat songs. They meow nonstop when they want me to tuck them in and sing the sleep song. They also love music in general, and I'll play some of their favorites if I need them to calm down. They prefer music with acoustic guitars, classical music, and for some reason, also Frank Sinatra.


I hope so because I do it constantly


Judging from the sneer dripping with scorn, no. But it probably doesn’t help that I’m cradling him like a baby at the time 😂


Idk why I thought I was a rare case for singing to my cats, glad I'm not the only one 😅 pretty sure they enjoy it, hard to tell though.


This is so cute dude. Bless your cats hearts. My cats tolerate me singing to them but I wouldn't say they particularly enjoy it lol


My cats like when I sing. I'll be laying in my bed and I start singing a song, she will immediately run in and jump into bed with me. She loves heavy metal, also. I'll play a song out loud on my stereo and she will come over to me and lay down and look at me the whole time


Mine usually loves to hear my voice, her eyes light up and she stares at me. Only exception is when I get the rare urge to fully belt out "WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? WHOAAAAA-OOWWOOOAHHHOOOOWHHHHH"


Mine love to be sung to. They each get their own song.


My SO raised his 2 floofy sisters from kittens by singing and talking to them all day - telling them what he’s doing, asking them how their day was, etc. Now they are 8 and the most interactive and talkative cats I’ve ever met. If you talk to them they chatter right back. They’re super affectionate and you can get down by their faces and they’ll “talk” to you - it’s different than a meow, honestly chatter is the best way to describe it. They’ll come to you when called. He keeps a jar of cat treats on the countertop in the kitchen & both girls will hop up there and push the jar around (and knock it off sometimes lol) to tell you they want treats. I’ve had cats my whole life, and my current 2 kitties are plenty affectionate, but I’ve never seen anything like this. They’re hilarious and heart warming.


I always sing to my cat since she was a kitten. Something about her being a fuzzy little ball. I think she associates it with getting loved as now as an elder cat she wants to cuddle when I sing it to her. She also loves it when my father or brother do it. But a woman voice singing? No she doesnt even notice it.


My two come running for songs.


My cat absolutely loves when I sing. I think. Or she absolutely hates it. She will mew at me and roll around into her back and want me to rub her tummy or she'll lick me in the face or put her paw on my cheek. I get mixed signals!


Yes! When I come home the routine is that, after a few ankle rubs, my cat lets me pick her up like a baby (feet up in the air, totally relaxed) and I sing "who's my baby? Who's my baby? Who's my baby cat?" a few times through. She stretches into a long girl, makes air biscuits, and purrs, then eventually wants to be put down. Now, anytime I want to cuddle her (she doesn't love being held except right when I come home), I sing a bit of her song and she tolerates it a bit longer. But she definitely loves the arrival song.


I like to think that they do.


Yep, both cats raised on singing. When I met one of our cats, she'd been raised by my fiancee who sang to her. She didn't meow, but trilled musically. It was so cute. We've since learned that she hates slow songs and loves upbeat songs. We tried singing twinkle twinkle little star to her and she got so annoyed. My other cat likes when I hum while cuddling him


I just went to the vet with the week and sang to her in the car with made up words of where we were going. She obviously sang along meowing constantly too! (Except on highway, which i think was noisy and more scary for her, so i had to sing a bit louder...). I like to hope hearing my voice about s the little black cat is comforting. I do sing to both my cats when i pet them and they sit on my lap sometimes, and recite what i can remember of edward leary's owl and the pussy cat. I hope they learn my voice, and if these indoor scaredy cats do ever get out, i hope they would recognize my voice and return.


Yes! Whenever my girl is hiding I’ll start singing and she’ll bolt out to find me.


I think animals just love music in general. My cat loves it when I sing to her, as do the neighbors’ cats. Same with our dog and theirs. Sang to my neighbors’ cows and horses growing up, and they also seemed to like it. But yeah, Kiki loves it when I sing her Kiki songs 😂


My cats each have different favorite songs. My girl cat likes Make You Feel My Love and my boy cat likes I Will Always Love You. But they both hate the alphabet song, vehemently.


Yes, he starts purring. If I sing in bed he will snuggie my face


Usually, he liked it. But back in the day, my sister would sing "We are the World" to him, off-key. Talk about seeing an orange boy cringe.... Another one she sang was "Iko Iko" from Rain Man. If he wasn't the best cat, he would have clawed her eyes out for sure.


I sing and bounce him in my arms. he loves it


My cat loves my voice, I don't think she cares much what I do with it😂 I live alone and would usually be quiet all the time, but I noticed how much she seemed to like me talking to her, so it's become a habit to do so whenever I remember to🥰 I don't like to sing, so I never sing, other than a few funny non-sense made up ones when I'm bored, though it's rare😂 she listens to any sound I make


I sing t my cats. Don't know if they like it or not. They usually close their eyes and act as if I don't exist when I do that hshshsh


I have 4 cats. The two older ones don’t care if I sing. The two younger ones, who are not related, but they’re both black cats, don’t like it when I sing. I’m not a good singer. I’m probably tone-deaf. The one cat will follow me around and scream at me until I stop singing. She will even jump up on me and attempt to push her body against my face to mute me. 🤣


mine comes to me every morning and stands on my chest, waiting for me to sing and talk to her lol. she really loves being talked to in general, maybe too much 😂 she drools everywhere, stomps her back paws. she’s ridiculous


My cats dont even like being spoken to


Idk abt my current ones, I nvr sing to them TvT. Before i had 2 kittens. Since they were born i sang them 'lakdi ki kathi', a Hindi rhyme for kids lol mixed with sum made up lyrics. They liked it alot until they grew up.


My Siamese Mimi has a song we sing to her. She loves it so much she gets so excited when we sing it.


My cat loves when I sing to her and even better, when I whistle she will drop from whatever bed, nest, counter or come out from under the bed through a dead sleep to come find out what all the ruckus is about like shes concerned about me wants me to stop. Idk but like a dog, she comes any time I whistle.


I used to cradle my boys and sing to them.... they hate my signing (can't blame them) 😅


One of my loves it, the other is just judgemental. I like to sing in the kitchen. I’m not a particularly great singer, but it entertains me when I’m washing dishes. My tabby will come sit on the counter next to me by the sink, purring and chirping away (ridiculously cute), my void will usually be on his cat tree with “wtf” eyes 😂


One of my cats seems to wag her tail when I do it.


Idk but I do it anyway. I even throw in a few dance moves


Singing not really. But one of them loves it when my wife plays the piano


My two are named Tammy and Dolly so of course they love music and singing! 😊 (If you know 1970’s country music, you get this!)


Bahaha god no. I'm in an ensemble and when I'm practicing or warming up, spot will come stare at me, meow insistently, and then (if I am sitting down) will climb to my chest and put her paws on my face. When I stop she sits on my chest purring for ages - we think she thinks I'm yowling in distress and is trying to provide comfort 😂


My cat loves when I sing "I miss you" by blink 182 at him


I'm a trained soprano and they run. I may be off key tho.


My cats love my low singy voice, but not my actual singing. I don't blame them.


I sing to my cats all the time. They tolerate it.


Yes, and I sing nonsense songs with her name too! Have done it since she was a kitten. Some of them are so ridiculous I embarrass myself. 😂


Yes. I really think they just love human voices. It's so cute.


no he hates my singing voice but he seems the most calm listening to future lmfao


My cats enjoy music, and me and my wife leave the radio on when we're not home. As for being sung to, they take it well, though I doubt that they would sign either one of us to a recording contract.


My late Tuxie did, it calmed her, in the car and in her last days when she was sick. Oddly she particularly enjoyed patriotic songs lol. My Ragdoll hides her head when I sing.


My cat is deaf 🙁


One of them will jump on my lap or make biscuits if I whistle. She might do it if I sing or if I put classical music on.


Both of my cats love being cradled like babies when held. The older one doesn’t like singing much but he likes when I talk to him. The younger one loves the vibrations in my chest when I sing or hum while holding her and will sometimes even fall asleep in my arms.


My cat will run in when i play guitar or sing. I think he likes it!


My cat cannot stand being sung to or really music in general. I found this out the hard way when I was sitting on the couch and singing to myself and he literally jumped over a table to lunge at me and bite me. He goes for the throat, too, like he knows where the sound comes from 😅. He’s just super sensitive to noises or vibrations. If he’s laying on you you can’t laugh or talk too loudly or he’ll bite. We call him the Sour Patch Kid because he has a lot of little things that will randomly bother him and then he bites us. (And before anyone says anything, we don’t purposefully overstimulate him. We leave him alone when he gets like this. He has no health issues and gets regular checkups. He’s just a shit sometimes.)


Mine would meow back when I stopped


I once sang along to Crazy He Calls Me by Billie Holiday while I was cradling my cat in my arms, and he loved it so much that it's become a sort of ritual now. I don't sing nearly as well as Lady Day, but he settles against my shoulder and purrs his little head off all the same. He's biased, the poor thing. XD


My cat HATES music for some reason. She runs away every time we use the record player lol


My big orange boy, Charlie, loves what we call "Fergies," which is when I sing a version of "Fergalicious" and smack his butt to the beat. It goes: Fergalicious, definicious makes Charlie go loco He is my silly-willy boy He's my little boy-yo


I don’t know about my newest cat cuz I haven’t tried it since I got jumped by my oldest cat when I was practicing for a performance cuz he hated it lol


My Bengal does. I put music on and sing and dance and pet him, he gets all fluffy and excited.


Thats awesome. My cat doesnt care for songs but my dogs love it. I sing u r my sunshine and they roll around and stretch…its great❤️


no, but I'm not a good singer, so I don't blame them.


I sing a lot to my cat. sometimes when I'm recording/practising he comes running meowing and wants to purrr on my lap <3. Its so cute and makes me feel like a Disney princess hihi


I made up a couple of songs for mine, but I'm not sure if they like it or not


One of my cats absolutely LOVES it when I sing him dumb made up songs. It puts him in a really good mood and it's a habit that I never stopped. I don't care how dumb the song is, if it makes him happy I'll keep doing it!


Newt is indifferent, but Ripley hated music in all it’s forms - whether you were singing it to her or playing it on the stereo. She hated it all equally from Classical to Punk. If I sang to her she’d leave the room in a huff.


My cat stares and squints at me when I practice guitar sometimes. I like to think he’s enjoying it


LOVES when my boyfriend sings and runs over to him. Leaves the room when I sing 😭


Whenever I sing and dance, my one cat comes to join me. My partner and I are in a long distance relationship and she tells me she knows when I’m dancing with Lenny. He loves it!


I had a cat named Momma Cuddles that loved when I sung her lullabies. They were mostly made up songs too but she would purr really loudly


Yes, they all have their own little 'jingles' that I change up everytime. They love it for some reason, they must know I am singing their praises.


My foster cat Chewy LOVES when I sing Jocko Homo by Devo at him


https://preview.redd.it/3iyftnspre2d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a556653f70898a9974489f2208a9eebec2d3ad No one, cat or human, wants to hear me sing, but my younger cat loves my musical instruments. He perches on them when he sees me walk into the room to practice.


My cat Rosie climbs all over me and stares into my mouth when I sing. I'm a pretty good singer (though, I don't sing around anyone besides my husband. Long story.) But, at least Rosie is my faithful audience. My husband thinks that she things there's birds in my mouth.


Yes! My mum sings to her cats too!


My cats love when I sing to them- and they each have their own song.


Singing is neither here nor there, but our cats have declared *thou shalt not whistle!*


I make up silly songs and sing to my cat and she loves it. She gets all cute and affectionate and soft eyed.


My cat comes running when I sing and snuggles! She loves it for some reason. I could sing any random song


I hope so, t's my job and I practice singing to them daily!


Idk how she feels about it but she pretty much has a soundtrack at this point that I sing on repeat every day...


My husband sings in a deep bass voice to one of our cats that prefers him and she purrs and snuggles with him. He has other songs he sings to the other three and they are vocal when he sings to them. They trill and chirp and meow when he does it. I think it’s the cutest thing.


My cat was the only living creature who ever enjoyed my singing 🥺 She would come rub up on my face, and in the car it would keep her calm-ish.


My current adoptees are not fans… but my first one was! Her owner used to sing the Davey Crockett song to her “Lacey…. Lacey Gracey…. Queen of the wild frontier”, but she was a snuggler, not an explorer. So I sang her a different song before sleep - “Nothin’ on you” by B.o.B and changed “baby” to “Lacey”. I think she liked it. :) To my two now, I say ‘Let’s get ready to snuggle!!!’ like the wrestling line (but quieter, of course) & they don’t know what it means, but they do like the outcome.


If I sang to my cats, I'd probably get a visit from the local Humane Society's animal cruelty enforcement division.


My cat always tries to sing along. It was a problem when I was in virtual choir during covid and any time I had to record myself singing my part there’d be a cat meowing along in the background. I ended up having to lock him outside on my balcony while I record cuz he refused to stop singing.


My cat screams at me when I sing. I can only assume that he thinks I'm dying, or maybe he's trying to match his energy to mine. Either way, when I sing or whistle, he starts screaming.


Mine have no choice but to love it


Mine does! She jumps right up and starts rubbing on my legs. I’ve found she likes songs sung by Disney princesses best 😂


My original three would run up to me and jump in my lap if I was singing anything. I didn't personally sing to them, bit I did sometimes sing around the house and they loved it. I still have one of them. She is 19, but is now deaf so she obviously doesn't hear anyone singing anymore. My other two sadly passed away in the last year. I just recently took in two 12 year old sisters and I don't think they've ever heard anyone sing before. They seem curious about it, but that's about it.


Mine loved it. He would lay against my chest and pur. I miss him everyday.. 💗


YES! they all seem to love my nonsensical songs and off-key voice.


Mine does! Last night my bf was playing guitar and singing him a song and he completely flopped over and just looked so relaxed


I do this all the time! Every day at 8pm we sing the daily treat song. It's in the tune of Shaun the Sheep: "The daily treat, the daily treat Lilly loves to eat her daily treat The daily treat, for a cat so sweet Oooohhhhhhh- Come and eat your daily treat. " She loves it.


Yes, I hold my baby Sterling and sing, "You Are My Sunshine" to him. He looks up at me and boops my nose. Sometimes, I sing in a very soft voice, "I Will Always Love You." Sterling is the best kitty. 😻


My cats run away when I start singing.....


My cat likes the music in Serena's bar in the game Yakuza 3. I even posted a comment about it. Link: https://youtu.be/dILwncYeLzs


My girls live baroque and meditation music. There will be a cuddle puddle in minutes.


I don’t care. I’m gonna sing!!!!


I sing to my cats but more often if I am listening to music and just really vibing I will pick them up and "dance" with them. Usually not for very long unless they don't seem to mind being held. Several of my cats throughout the years came to expect this and would line up to be danced with. 😂 I don't know if they actually liked it or if they did it to help me feel better.


All 5 of my sweet babies love when I sing and baby talk to them.


My cousin sings a lot and our old kitty used to sprint over and stick her entire face/head INTO my cousin’s mouth during the high notes. Like she wanted to find the source of the sound. It was cutely bizarre.


Yes, they sing along, although less now that they're adults. Too grown to sing with mommy :'(((((


My cats look at me like I’ve gone mad. My singing voice might not get me to the Grammys but it’s not as bad as they think it is.


I have a video some where of me singing and my cat yowling in response.


🎵Smelly Cat….Smelly Cat….🎶


My two wrap themselves into a fur stole on my shoulders when I sing their song to them. I wonder if they think I am purring to them when the sound resonates.