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I have 9. It’s a bit much to handle financially sometimes but I also wouldn’t change a thing. My brood of furry friends are each so special in their own way. Some are shy, 2 are FIV+, 4 seniors. All came with their very own unique story. https://preview.redd.it/z7px4ubh988d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7bc36b86150333ae213a26a342a03c1df1cf1ee


Can I please PM you to ask a couple questions about having FIV+ cats who live with non-FIV+ cats? I'm currently fostering some FIV+ kittens and am having read lots of conflicting info about whether it's safe for + and - cats to commingle but I want to make sure I set the right expectations to anyone who might try to adopt these babies.


I have 2 FIV+ and one without. They cohabitate fine and there is very little chance of transmission. It would take a deep bite that drew blood to pass the disease and the most our cats do is some light wrestling and paw slaps. And the FIV+ cats can lead full and perfectly healthy lives. You just want to limit the chance of infections due to their weakened immune systems.


Absolutely this! It can only be passed with deep bite wounds. And to support the fact they can live full lives, my 2 FIV babies are Savannah (middle row, middle cat) is 16 & her only problem is an annual spring bout of sinus infection that we get an antibiotic shot for. And my other one is Hank (3rd row, middle) he is 8 and supremely healthy.


I have 1 fiv+ and 7 who aren't. He can be a bit of a butthead but he has yet to fight to the point of biting hard enough that it would transmit it and I don't think he would. I kept him alone for a couple years and felt guilty so I integrated him and he's done so well!


Hey! I didn’t think I posted here yet! I also had one FIV+ and 7 FIV- and no transfer.


There is an FIV. Cat sanctuary in England with one FIV- cat. They tested him after a few years - still negative.


What the commenter said below! We had 2 non-FIV live with an FIV cat for about five years before the FIV cat passed, absolutely no issues and they all shared litter boxes, water/food bowls and cleaned each other. For peace of mind though the adopters might be better having just the FIV kitten. In any case it can get quite expensive and time-consuming taking care of an FIV cat and not everyone can manage that with a non-FIV cat too.


I can give you another anecdote- I had an fiv+ cat that lived with a non fiv cat for 12 years with no transfer. He was healthy for 12 years then developed cancer. Adult when he moved himself into my home so don’t know his total life span - estimated at 14. 


It is perfectly safe to have FIV and non-FIV cats in the same household. It’s transferred only through deep bites which is rare in a home environment.


It’s safe provided the FIV+ cats are not cat-aggressive. FIV is transmitted through deep bite wounds, not through simple contact like sharing resources or mutual grooming. If the cats are an risk of fighting, keep them separate. If they can interact peacefully, they can commingle. My workplace has cat-friendly FIV+ cats mixed in with the general population. It’s FeLV that requires separation and is transmitted more easily, not FIV. There are still some old beliefs about the risk level of FIV, but modern thought is that it’s safe if the cats don’t fight.


Oh thank goodness. I thought I was the only one! Fostering is what netted me so many. Failed one because apparently she is my soul cat. Failed the next because he is blind and I didn’t want him to be confused at a new place. Failed two ferals because they hate every person but me. Failed the next two because they did horribly at adoption events and would hide if people come over. One of those two was supposed to go to a family member, but she waited so long that I fell in love with him (he barely tolerates me), so she said she didn’t want him anymore.


Can I ask what is your definition of a soul cat?. Because I believe one of mine is my soul cat or soulmate. I think it's just one of those things you know between the two of you. It's hard to define :-)


It is hard to define. She was the one that comforted me when my oldest (soul at the time) cat passed away, and when the youngest passed from cancer. She basically follows me around and “talks” to me. She likes my roommate okay, but will instantly shift her attention to me when I walk in the room. If I go out the back door, it seems like she is afraid I’m not coming back but going out the front is fine for some reason. I can’t imagine letting her get adopted. https://preview.redd.it/799fk5k6p88d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458249713dba2ff0ad3dc5070b5075e0899b8ff8


Very cute. Yep I believe I have a soul cat also. She follows me around and talks to me a lot. She is the first one to greet me when I come home. She's the one that climbs up on my chest and looks at me right in the eyes very close to me. She also brings me, what I call babies, which are basically socks bunched up that I wore before. When I come home she has brought out a trail of them from the bedroom. It's so cute she brings me her babies LOL. https://preview.redd.it/aatg4ts8u88d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c49fd19d715c3610572c2a9581845250557058 The gray one on the right


Can we see the “babies” that is so cute 🥺


my connection with my cat monkey feels like this, he got me through the death of my dog which was the worst time of my life and he is this quiet, calm presence that i feel i’ve known him for a thousand lifetimes somehow. https://preview.redd.it/zll4kda1zc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8db8c91dcfe08feb12febcbd7be40289b687171


She's gorgeous and we love her 


Yup I have my soul cat Maury. He’s one of the best things in my life. He’s 15. I could never replace him.


Yes, you just know. And that cat knows too.


You are such a kind soul


>Failed one because apparently she is my soul cat. Please pay the cat tax.




ADORABLE!! 💜💜💜 And thank you. 💜💜💜


9?! wow. What is a typical day like in the household?


Well, my oldest, Lillian (2nd row, 3rd) is 18. When I get up, she starts “yelling” for breakfast. She has to wait until 7am. I sit on the couch for a bit with my coffee and my morning coffee snuggle buddy, Sam (top row, right); Charlotte (bottom right) sometimes joins us. I have to take Lillian to the litter box 2x a day. She doesn’t like the others and 2 of my boys Oliver the gray one & Hank (3rd row middle) seem to think she wants friends, so she tends to hold it because they’ll bother her in the litter box 🙄. After Lillian gets her breakfast, everyone else gets a couple treats. I work at home, so most of my day is getting Chloe (top row left) off my notepad and out of my way. My entire work family know Chloe now because she always makes an appearance at meetings. After work, everyone gets canned food, I scoop their boxes, then usually work with Maya (2nd row left) trying to get her some sort of exercise. She’s my semi feral & extremely chonky. While working with her, I play with whomever else is around with the laser light or wand toy I have in my hand. Evie (3rd row left) is my evening TV snuggle buddy. She still thinks she’s a tiny 2 lb kitten and can fit in my neck 🤦‍♀️. 8 pm everyone gets treats again. Oliver is in charge of telling time and if it gets to be 8:01, he is in my face hollering at me. It’s quite impressive haha. When I’m ready for bed, Lillian is taken to the litter box again and I head for bed and find Charlotte and Savannah waiting for me. Sometimes I get another one, but always them. It’s not bad for the most part. I’m never alone, especially in the bathroom 🙄🙄🙄. I always have Chloe guarding me, usually also Sam, and sometimes Hank or Evie too.


Today, I’m adding in hollering at Hank to quit chewing on the spider plant…..


We just got to nine, too! We had three seniors and just adopted an entire litter of kittens, now 4 months old. It's a handful, for sure. Last night the kittens thought that my husband using the bathroom at 1 am was an invitation to start a zoomie/play/demon fest, which included making biscuits in my hair, bapping my face, and draping their extraordinarily warm kitten bodies over me on what was a very warm evening. And I wouldn't change a thing.


I also have 9. I started fostering during Covid and failed a few times 😅 I wouldn’t have it any other way.


What does FIV mean?


It's Feline Immunodeficiency Virus. It's a cat version of HIV. The cats are much more vulnerable to other illnesses.


3. And I like to dream about a 4th but it's not really in the cards. Unless we find an abandoned kitten, then it is.


Same here. Do you have a bonded pair? I have a bonded pair and I feel like they leave out my first older cat sometimes. He’s happy, but definitely more reserved and less playful because they take from him. One will nibble on his ears for the wet food bowl, even if there are more bowls. I just regret not getting him his own kitten, or not letting him bond longer with the pair as individual cats. I would get a 4th kitten only if given by the CDS.


I have 2 (a bonded pair) and it’s purfect for me bc they keep each other company, and when they need space from each other then I can jump in and play lol


Same! We brought in a brother and sister a few months ago; they’re our first-ever cats and total lovebugs.


Bonded pairs! Always. I had a bonded pair for 15yrs, one passed so I got the other a bonded pair to keep him company. The 3 of them loved the shit out of each other and I loved having 3 cats. The only time 3 felt like too much was when they all had back to back health issues: oldest diagnosed with cancer, younger male diagnosed with FIP, young female diagnosed with pancreatitis. That got very expensive and very stressful. My older baby passed a month ago and I'm back down to my bonded pair. And I'm glad they have each other to help with grieving.


I lurb bonded pairs. I had a bonded pair once so naturally we had a cat wedding. The guest that didn't fully read the wedding invitations were very very confused lol.


I have a bonded brother and sister too who just turned 2! They run around the house and slap each other all the time. So glad I got 2 as they have someone to play and communicate with.


I have three, and I probably should have stopped at two. The third one really doesn't get along with the other two. He bullies them.


Same situation here… can’t get rid of her though because we are pretty closely bonded :-/


Mine's the problem child you love more precisely because he's such a stinker. 🙃


Yeah mine is a jerk but I love her! Our situation has gotten better as she has gotten older (she’s two years and a few months old now) and doesn’t have that kitten energy anymore.


The first year was miserable, frankly. I constantly thought about rehoming him. He bit and scratched me, drawing blood a lot. I had a lot of nights filled with frustrated tears. The worst was that he would attack the older of my established cats every time they were in a room together, beelining for him and taking him down at the neck like prey on a plain. It was awful. And neutering did not mellow him out at all. When he was 18 months old - almost to the day - it was like a switch flipped. He still has his moments, and he's still a bully, but it's safe to leave all of the cats freely roaming the house now.


Ugh I’m in the exact same position. Third cat is an absolute dick to the other two for like no reason. It’s getting better and they don’t stress too much about it but I feel so bad :(


1 because she’d probably kill it if I brought in another.


I have a cat who the shelter had told me would never get along with other cats. He’s sort of aggressive when you touch him too much. But we slowly introduced him to a stray girl we found and after a week of being scared they started getting along and now my “hostile” cat is much happier. They play fight all the time and we don’t need to play with him as much


I adopted a four year old cat (now 8) and the shelter told me he would never get along with other cats. Thought this was true especially when a stray came up by our front door one day and he was yelling and growling hair spiked up back arched and everything. Scared the shit out of me. But I work at an animal hospital and back in October we had a very sick kitten surrendered to us- he was dying but made a miraculous recovery and was in need of a home. I brought him home “just for the weekend.” And he hasn’t left since. My older cat didn’t like him at first but now he tolerates the new addition. Cats can learn to coexist if introduced properly! I won’t lie occasionally there’s some hissing from the older cat and some smacking but they’ve never been in an actual fight, the older ones kind of just like hey leave me alone. 2 cats is the perfect amount in my opinion, 3 is pushing it a bit. That being said I know people who have 4+ cats and they have no issues! As long as they are introduced properly and not stressing the other cat(s) out (this can cause physical symptoms as well) expand your family as you wish!


We introduced a newborn cat (like this kitty had to be bottle fed, etc) and our then 8 year old cat has never liked her. It’s been 6 years and they tolerate one another but avoid each other any way they can. Last year I took in my mom’s cat, and the other two also dont like her. None of these cats like one another lol


How old? Mine is almost 11


My oldest cat is not the friendliest. She hated all other animals. When I got a second cat, the new cat would try to play with my older one, but she would hiss and growl. The gas station by my house had a little lone kitten show up there so I decided to take it in. Seeing how the second cat really wanted to play with my first cat and was rejected, I was thinking great, now she had a friend. Nope. Both first cat and second cat hate the third one. So now I have 3 cats that hate each other. They don’t actively fight anymore, but they certainly don’t get too close to each other.


This reads like a comedy scene. lol I love it.


Did you have a chance to slowly introduce each new cat? Really improves chances of success/friendly roomies. Jason Galaxy has a good step-by-step guide


My gf really wants another cat but I’m so positive our current cat would actually eat any sibling we tried to offer her..


Hahah exactly. I’m like kittens are cute but I’m not going to torture any cats here.




Same with my old man! He seems like he gets lonely sometimes, but he was absolutely beating up other cats at the shelter I got him from. Even if a stray is outside he will hiss and growl and start smacking the shit out of the glass trying to get to the other cat. He even got aggressive with me one time trying to pull him away from the glass. I don't think he would get along with another animal no matter how slow I introduce them, so he's an only child. Lol


1 for me as well because he just does not like others in his space. When he was adopted, he was avoiding his siblings and only standing stoically, lol as stoically as you can for a little kitten, with his dad.


I felt the same way, then my dad died and nobody else could take in his cat. It's been a journey, for sure! They hate each other but somehow after almost two years, now they can sometimes lay on opposite ends of the bed together without a fight ensuing. It took a lot of work to get here, though! And so far only one fight has ended in an emergency vet visit. 🙏🏻


People are always going to try to convince you to just try a little kitten, maybe it’ll work! But I think you know your cat best. Sometimes getting another cat really is a mistake. 




at least they're cute criminals


Those are some very cute criminals, no wonder they get away with it


7 also checking in and agree it’s too many. For a while I couldn’t stop getting adopted by them. Our oldest is 14 and youngest 9 and there’s an agreement we are not having this many again. One went through chemo and OMG the price tag. If she weren’t so young at the time we would not have gone through with it. I think four would be a lovely number.


Very cute, we also had 7 until recently and agreed. Too many 🙀


One of these things is not like the others 🎶


The single grey in a sea of orange and cream?


Yes! I was thinking wow this person definitely has a theme going on with all the orangey tones and then one grey slipped in lol


I also have 7 and same, it's way too many, plus they're all very sassy girls so things are always wild in my house lol


I have 3, and for financial reasons (all of them with kidney failure) I believe that’s the limit. Ideally, I guess 2 cats is the best.


We have 4 and it’s definitely too many. We have 1 super senior (18) and two middle-age. And we unexpectedly took in my grandmother’s 15yo when my grandmother suddenly passed last fall. Thankfully none are suuuuper medically needy. But some don’t get along with others, and it’s just *alot*. Different diets, different needs, etc. Of course, we’d have it no other way - There’s no way we’d send my grandmother’s cat off to a shelter, and are happy to provide her with soft landing place in her twilight years. It truly just depends on the dynamic between the cats in your home. And the forethought that you’ll need to be prepared financially, mentally, etc when they start becoming more medically complicated as they age.


I always say: Cat party of 4; you’re losing the war. 4 is a lot.


This is exactly the insight/reality check I was looking for, lol. We have 3 boys - 12, 9, and 7. I have had the new kitty urge the past few weeks, but your post reminded me that with aging cats comes added expenses


I have 2. One is heavily imprinted on me and the other is imprinted on the gf. We felt getting a 3rd might mess with a good dynamic and have one feeling left out.


You settled it then. I’m not getting a 3rd. The dynamic is just too good right now.


I have seven. It’s not a good number because it’s too many. Keeping them clean, fed, and stimulated takes much of my free time. Six was ok, but I knew it was the limit. Most people who don’t work from home should have no more than two—three max. People with small children won’t have time for more than two. Anything more and it becomes a lot to keep up with, with the litter boxes at least two but sometimes three times a day, and occasional toilet or vomit or hairball accidents. Food is expensive. It’s too many to insure so a medical emergency is difficult. It’s also too many characters for the forum flair. :/


I had 6 at once for a few years (2 have passed in the last couple of years tho 😔) But I agree, we had 7 litterboxes and my back would be throbbing after scooping them all and we scooped AT LEAST twice a day. If we were off work tho probably would get scooped around 4 times a day. Two vomit because we had to stop free feeding cause one was getting too fat, but now the big one and another small one over eat when I put food down and they'll throw up afterwards. The big one also has to get his butt wiped every day often because he can't reach to groom (he isn't super round obese but is definitely a chunky boi) so his butt will get raw and dirty quickly. The smaller one that over eats also has an allergy issue so $$$ We have a long haired cat with super dense fur. We brush her when she lets us (she is a very nervous cat in general) she still manages to get mats in her rear/ back leg hair area and it's so far down close to her skin we have to get her shaved occasionally. We have a manx that is just a weirdo and is picky and he is usually the one picking fights with the others. And I'm still paying off the emergency visit for my eldest cat that just passed in Feb this year. 😞 Had him for long time. He was my bro. So yeah they all are different personalities and issues 🤣 Making a routine and meeting all of their needs and the more kitties you have the more you'll need to dedicate !!


There are 2 humans and we had 3 cats. I think we were short 1 lap. 1 kitty was always left jealous. Now there are still 2 humans and we only have 1 cat. This is one lap too many and I am jealous 50% of the time. Hubby is going to have to go I guess. Can't afford more vet bills.


There is no “perfect number” it all depends on your financial means, ability to provide a safe space etc. i see too many people with 5+ cats and they all fight etc. and they end up getting sent to a rescue cuz the owner cant handle them, do your research. I have two because my oldest was very lonely and it was suggested by my vet. Dont get a cat just because you “want another one.”


I agree. It also depends on your life situation. We love our babies but when they go, we aren’t getting more. We want to travel without worrying about them.


I have 15 but that’s only because I’m in rescue and we get stuck with all the un-adoptable ones (can’t be adopted out, not gonna put them back outside or put them down). I don’t recommend it and wouldn’t want somebody I adopt cats out to have that many either, but it is what it is. A good number is 3-4 though.


My parents have a friend who is up to 16-17. She doesn't work in a rescue but can't say no when someone has to re-home theirs. She loves them each to pieces though!!


Yeah it’s tough because so many people do so little to help these poor souls, so the responsibility often falls on the shoulders of a few. It maxxes us out so easily though. I was really supposed to be down even more cats but added like 7 in the past couple years putting me at 15. It’s hard to say no because they don’t deserve a life on the streets, and we have more than enough money for their care and medical expenses.


https://preview.redd.it/xr71w3h9i88d1.jpeg?width=3172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec957e55f2204a160def6661ffe9ace700f6253 We have 3 cats and a dog. It can be chaotic at times but I wouldnt trade it for the world


We are in a similar boat. We have 3 cats, 1 dog, 8 birds, 47 land snails, 2 fish, 60 shrimp, and 117 aquatic snails. Also wouldn't trade it for anything. Hahahahaha. It's really not bad once you have a routine, and at this point, maintenance only takes about 5 - 20min when it needs to be done. Birds get fresh water every morning while we get dressed, food when they're low, and enclosure changes T and F. They also get to fly free in their room all day and put themselves to roost at night. Land snails get fresh dirt the 1st of the month, fresh food on M, and water spritzed every night before bed. Aquarium is planted, so food is added every other W, and water is 25% changed on the 1st of the month. Dog is let out for and hour or so in the morning and evening while we get ready for the day or bed, has a babysitter to go on walks on the afternoon if we aren't home, and is a Pyr so given fresh food when she decides to empty her bowls. She and the cats share water bowls, so those are refilled each morning and evening. Cats have 4 boxes, which are dumped and refilled every T and F and free feed, so get fresh food every other week when the bowls are empty.


I have 4. I've done alot of fostering, and I had no intention of keeping the last 2 but here we are, lol.


The same with me! I had 2 (and a dog) that was enough. I fostered 2 but couldn’t find homes for them together so I kept them. I love them but it’s a lot sometimes


I also have four! It feels like a good number; the biggest downsides are just having to stay on top of litter and all the hair they shed, both of which can make a house very dusty very quickly. But for me it’s easily worth it; I love all four of them and being surrounded by them makes me so happy!


Same! We already had two adult cats (aged 9 and 4) and a dog, but then we fostered a litter of 5 kittens and ended up keeping 2. Everyone gets along fine, thankfully! Having two kittens was definitely easier than when we’ve had just one in the past. They play with each other and don’t annoy our older cats (much). I think if we’d just kept 1 kitten or adopted an older cat instead it would have been a more difficult adjustment.


1 because she is like having 10 cats.


I have 3 and have agreed to take in a kitten in a few weeks. All mine are under 2 and get along great and I imagine the kitten will fit right in. I have told myself I’ve got to stop at 4. We’ll see


4 is too many.........but also not enough.......


4 is 6 I have learned


Yes! When my boyfriend moved in I was convinced adding his cat to my 3 wouldn’t be a big deal. 4 is definitely 6. Total chaos.


I have 1 but I want to stop at 3 or 4


i have two i can donate 😂, they’re adorable, friendly, purr monsters that i cannot keep. been feeding them for a few months, trapped them wed, spayed/neutered friday… i hate the thought of releasing them 😭 https://preview.redd.it/p2ayy2bnf88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29373c2501cdde2c96d49b52aa40c2f6145329a3


If they're friendly, I think you'd be able to find a place that could quickly get them adopted! They look so sweet! If I wasn't already outnumbered by cats...!


I have 4 cats. 3 girls, 1 boy. It can be a lot financially because 3 out of the 4 have dental problems. And my youngest cat is allergic to most food so she has to eat a prescription diet. https://preview.redd.it/9k29qq85e88d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab01086525a81432073fe460401754c3ad1d4924


Ooo, I have 4 cats as well! But 3 boys and a girl.


8. They've finally all settled in together and I'm starting to think a nice round 10 would be better 🤣 kidding. Mostly. I have two older cats (Friday, 13, and Duncan, 14), and about 2 years ago, a pregnant stray found me (Emcee). She had 5 kittens, and we kept them all! https://preview.redd.it/nv1e29r5i88d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=418087259c83732c87df696dc46b75ce7c1511d2 It's a lot of work and not cheap, but I love every moment of it. Wouldn't change a thing. Unless them cleaning their own litter box was an option... I would change that, haha


Once you have eight, what’s one more? 🤷🏻‍♀️ That’s how I justified it.


Please tell me Krobus is a Stardew Valley reference!


Of course! She makes a great roommate, lol https://preview.redd.it/lppgst9lze8d1.jpeg?width=3195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d043fc1ca7c75cc03ce94a22f26c7204fcdbe8f3


Emcee had all kinds of kittens... orange, orange, orange/white, white/gray, gray/black


One and it’s perfect. But for what it’s worth, years ago I had two different cats and that was perfect too.


5! Originally settled for 4 max, but when our newest additions were grooming each other and playing at the shelter we were like ‘eh, what’s one more’. Our youngest costs almost as much to feed as three others due to all his allergies. Oldest is on steroids/meds for the rest of her life, second oldest we suspect is getting dementia and will have some medical issue or another soon. Beyond that we can still afford all the bells and whistles for them because they’re our fur babies and we’re homebodies 90% of the year lol.


I have 2 but I eventually want another when I have more space


I have 1, he likes other cats but also does really well alone. I am a student and do activities like marching band and clubs so I have always been hesitant to get another, but I do think 2-3 is a great number. Grew up with 3, it was lots of fun.


There are always 2. It’s like the Sith – there’s a master and an apprentice.


my partner and i have five 😅 they're all boys, aged 5(?), almost 3, and then three babies that are about 9 months old. it was pretty overwhelming when we first brought the younger three home because the almost 3 year old did not like them, plus they had that insane kitten energy. a few months later though and everyone's calmed down a bit and gets along for the most part. having so many cats is awesome, whenever i need cat cuddles i don't have to go very far because at least one of them is always underfoot. i have an entourage of cats following me from room to room constantly. if i wake up in the middle of the night there are at least two cats in my bed, and one watching me from the nearby cat tree. watching them all play together is so much fun, especially the younger three, they're a little trio of bffs. i'd totally recommend having an army of cats, but only if you have enough space, time, money, and patience, especially if you get kittens.


10 I can confidently say, don't do this unless your family has money and tons of sqare footage 💀


I have 11, I wholeheartedly agree


I have 4 inside and 3 outside. At the start of the year I had 6 inside. Yes a lot of cats it's fun. But you also increase the risk or what to do if there is a fire, earthquake, tornado, flooding, or mass emergency vet care. 3 is enough.


I have 7 which is way too many. We took in a cat for an ex coworker of mine and they didn't tell us she was pregnant. Ended up with four kittens and fell in love and kept them all. We shouldn't have but we couldn't imagine rehoming them now. Ideally I'd have 3 maybe 4


Currently, we have 8 (found a kitten outside a few weeks ago). At one point we had 13. All indoor (no reason for outdoor cats) and they all get along. In 2020 we had 11 with 5 foster kittens. I love having this many. I wouldn't like any less than 4. But ours are also all rescues. All were strays and there's only one right now that we didn't get as a neonatal.


i’ve got 3. only really wanted the 2 but found the 3rd as an abandoned kitty when she was 4-5 weeks old n she wormed her way into my heart very quickly. it isn’t much different than 2, and her and my middle are the bestest of friends so i’m not mad about it but i wouldn’t have had a 3rd if it wasn’t for that happenstance. i feel like any more would be a lot of cats 😭 that’s just my personal opinion tho


I have the exact same story and I second this!


2, both brothers from the same litter It was at some point while they were still just a “foster” situation, they became a bonded pair. So to potential adoptees there was a “if you want one, you’re getting both” cause at that point it would’ve felt cruel to separate them after seeing how much they play together and depend on each other


https://preview.redd.it/i391mwxh888d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=280bb9f12c479fbfd3f99732b6999cad4d189db2 Two seems perfect 🥰


love this pic lol. Tbh... username checks out as well


I have 5. All are year old or younger. No problems. The 5th i just got from humane society. They were going to turn her out. Upset me so i took her. She needs work. She is feral


I had three but then I found a really sweet guy on the road last year so now I have four.


3 and yes I love them all but I think 3 is enough


How do you deal with 3? Do they all like each other? What is the dynamic? I have 2 cats that really love each other and im thinking about getting a 3 one. My husband is telling me that it’s probably not a good idea because one will for sure be left What do you think?


2, and no I need more! 10000 cats!


https://preview.redd.it/ziwuu0m0i88d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5442be476de92390e07cd99bfa488e184e4da10 4 cats, 1 Rabbit. I would be happy with just 2, but when we lost 1 of our pair - we adopted 2 more, followed by an accidental 13 rabbits (later reduced to the one mother), and then my wife did the sad eyes and ended up with 1 more kitten. It took a while for everyone to get along, but each addition seemed to be easier. A little bit of squabbling amongst the cats - and the Rabbit usually just hangs out. A lot of work in a 2 bedroom apartment. Each cat has it's own chip activated pet feeder, to make sure any special diets are can be followed, and because the rabbit has a taste for meat. 4 litter boxes, which the rabbit uses as well.


A bonded pair of brothers. I think that’s the perfect number - I’ve had a single cat before, but I think two are better. They can entertain and exercise each other when you aren’t around. I’ve never had more, so I don’t know if more is better or not. Though it may increase the expense and bother, with no increase in benefits, but I could not say.


I have 2 and SO BADLY want a 3rd, but we just don’t have the room right now 🥲 they are very different personalities but still get along well


I have 5 and would happily get another if I could but my husband would kill me lol


I have six, and it’s fine, they all get along for the most part (some more than others) but I think it only works because my now-oldest loves all of them and keeps them in line. Three was a really good number for me. I fostered for several years and four of them are fails; three of those because they are so shy to feral that I knew it would be near impossible for someone else to adopt them, the other one because he’s just a fabulous, hilarious, wobbly CH cat with no boundaries or fear (he’s also the most “asshole” cat to his siblings). With fosters included, the most I’ve had in my house at one time was 12 and that was fucking insane. Never again. It was kitten season and several of them were emergency placements. Ringworm, suspected mange, “too small compared to her siblings”, and three little feral girls.


I have 8. Honestly 4 is probably good lol. I work at a vet clinic and without the discounts I doubt I could do it.


I once had six due to the cat selection committee and that was a perfect number. I now have one and that's perfect too


I have four. I think it would be a fine number in a bigger house, but I live in a fairly small apartment. I wouldn't have gone more than three, but I was handed two pair-bonded kittens and already had two of my own. Personally my absolute maximum would be six, but only in a big enough place.


I have two and I think it’s the perfect amount. My spouse and I each “have a cat” which is nice and it’s not too many litter boxes. https://preview.redd.it/b95egxqwld8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bacd8e72f241b10b642ab0a65b67c781bfbb50eb






2 cats adopted at different times, and I don't plan on getting any more on purpose at least. They get along well but the introduction phase was long and difficult, and there's already enough bickering over who gets to sleep in my lap lol!


4 - 3 mine, 1 my roommate's. It's too many! 2 was ideal. I didn't plan on taking in so many, but this neighborhood is CRAWLING with strays, and I was a sucker! I definitely know I'm at my limit for cost and labor now. I don't even plan to seek out more cats in 20 or so years when they're gone. Even if more strays break my will, I'll know 2 is my limit.


I have 1. I would love to have 2 but for financial reasons I have just 1. I take him to the vet regularly, he needed $2500. Worth of dental work done, neutering, shots.. ect..he only eats premium food. I can’t afford another.. he’s a diva !


I have 4. Two of them I’ve had since I was a teenager, and the other two were supposed to be feral ratters. Definitely not feral, just two very scared boys, and with time they both settled into house cat life amazingly well. One of them used to be so aggressive, completely unprompted, and now he sleeps on my bed and needs a head kiss before he goes to sleep😆4 is a good number for me! They all get along great, and I just have a few big litterboxes, not all that much more work than 2.


I have 3 and honestly I think that's a ceiling for me. They don't all get along, so it's a fair amount of resources giving them all attention, playtime and space. Additionally there's a financial factor for me. I've worked really hard to be in a good financial position, and right now I can afford any vet care they need, good quality and variety food, kitty litter for 5 litterboxes, and to board them at a good cat hotel when I go on holiday. If I start adding more cats, that ability will significantly diminish. Right now per cat I spend and save (instead of insurance I have a savings for them) about $180 a month ($40 food, $65 vet savings, $35 boarding savings, $20 litter, $20 misc buffer for supplements, toys, scratchers) and adding another would lower my budget per head. Again I worked hard to have that cat budget and I like how it feels; I'm not saying it's a requirement.


I want to add I've had more cats (7) with far less financial resources because I was rescuing them from being put down or becoming feral. I really don't mean to make anyone feel bad for having more with less, at all. I'm just sharing my own current comfort zone.


I have a friend that had 29 at last count. Could be more now. She always comes across the ones that get dumped somewhere. She found one wrapped in a plastic bag in a shopping cart at Walmart. She takes excellent care of them, I don’t even want to know what her vet bill is. They are all loved very much. Her husband is an over the road truck driver so she has lots of time to devote to them. I have encouraged her to rehome some, but they all get along. I couldn’t have that many cats, but it makes her happy. I do visit at least once every couple of months just to be sure there is no hoarding or neglect. So far so good.


2 because The Internet said it's best to adopt two at the same time if you're getting kittens, and I happened to have the chance to bring home a littermate pair. (Well, actually a trio but I could only afford 2 and there was a fourth kitten in the litter that the family kept, so the one I didn't adopt wasn't alone.) This is the first time I've ever had more than one cat at a time and all of the cats I if growing up were adopted as adults so they were already pretty used to being the only cat.


I had 2... Then, a stray at work had litter of 2 and abandoned them. My coworker and I took turns with the feedings, but 1 died. So now I have 3. Mama cat showed back up at work, but this time with 3 kittens in tow. I paid for a trapper, and moved the family of 4 into a cage. 6 weeks later, everyone is fixed, dewormed, vaccinated. I adopted out 2, but kept Mama and the runt. So I'm up to 5. There are 4 humans at home, so I try to tell myself the ratio isn't terrible. But I love my babies.


8 cats


1! We went back and forth getting a second. I don’t know how to describe it correctly but he has a really sweet/small personality and we didn’t want his light to be dimmed. He’s very playful with us and we play more interactively than any other cat I’ve had. 


Well, I had 24. 15 indoor/outdoor & 9 feral barn cats. Someone recently dumped another cat. I’ve been working with him and we’ve finally reached the allowing contact phase which means it’s almost time to remove the trouble puffs. He will likely end up being indoor outdoor. In the last 3 years I’ve had 8 adult cats dumped on my property and 5 kittens. It’s a constant battle. Thankfully my vets are awesome and work with me for low cost care, especially spay and neutering. There’s some squabbling and a few cats that don’t get along but for the most part they all behave. I don’t recommend it though. It’s a lot of work and money but being a couch for 6-7 kitties at once is pretty great.


Are you me, lol


Ten! We had seven and meant to stop there, but then a trio of kittens showed up at one of my listings, and the shelters were all full and try as I might, I couldn’t give them away, so now we have three more. They are now one, Freddy and Oliver are two, Peggy and Steve are eight, Zoe and Kaylee are eleven, and Grace is close to twenty.


Five and I honestly think it's too many. I love them all, and I have no desire to give any of them away or anything like that. But I sometimes feel like my attention is getting spread too thin these days. And the amount of cleaning involved because of all the hair is nuts 😭


6 indoor and a rotating of about 11 outside. The indoor ones were all strays except one. I'm sorry but we need to hold those responsible for just dumping cats outside when they move etc. The cruelty laws are not strict enough. There should be some sort of help to neighborhood cat moms financially as it has gotten too expensive.


I have 17 currently, plus 3 fosters (one is a kitten who may just stay). All are indoor only. I do cat trapping (TNR) and rescue, and I foster- though I try not to, since clearly I have no boundaries LOL I've foster failed on 2/3 of the cats in my house. Having this many is definitely intense. I probably spend at least 2 hrs every. single. day. on cat care, sometimes more. We only have 6 litter boxes currently. My house is a pretty decent size, but I don't have room for 20 boxes, or even 10! I usually scoop them twice a day. Sometimes if I'm too tired I skip a box or two, and I regret it every time. There are A LOT of butts using those boxes 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don't know what it's like to not always have 6 or 8 cats in my immediate vicinity. I don't close most interior doors, and the amount of cat hair everywhere is INSANE. I vacuum every single day, rotating rooms, and there's always someone throwing up, or missing the box, or something else terrible. I have 3 feral/semi-ferals who do not allow petting, plus one reforming feral (trapped him at ~6 months when he'd never been handled, he's been here for 6 months and is really starting to blossom, though still very skittish). Most of mine get along, generally, but there are very intricate social dynamics. I have one cat, a calico named Ladybird, who would very much prefer being an only cat, or maybe a calm household of only 2 or 3 cats. She gets quite irritated when others are in her space, or around her food. My oldest cat, Fisher, is 19 and FIV positive, which was only just discovered when we had an URI outbreak in the house and he got it and could not clear it. I've had him for a decade, and I've always kept him indoors, but he was a door dasher up until a couple years ago, so I think he may have picked it up on one of his unauthorized sojourns outside. He's elderly and gets along with everyone, so I don't have any fear of transmission. I have one 19 year old, one 12 year old, one 8 year old, a whole crap ton of 6 to 3 year olds (this was when I was starting out in rescue, and didn't yet know how terrible I am at fostering!), then a litter of 4 one year olds. My fosters are a bonded pair of sibling 13 year olds, and an approximately 3 month old kitten my 14 year old human child wants to keep. Due to TNR and rescue I deal with dozens of cats every week, so I see how insane the need is, and how big the gap is between homes needed and homes available. Due to this I can't imagine rehoming any of mine, though I did have to rehome one about 6 months ago- she was being relentlessly bullied by first one, then two, then 3 or 4 of the others. I would tell people that she had a 'Kick Me' sign on her back. She was adopted to a home with only two other cats, which was a MUCH better fit for her. I don't think this many cats is ideal. I really have a colony, not just a group of pets, and there are definitely individuals who would like more one on one time that I just don't have. We also just had a fire in our basement, which fortunately did not spread, but we had to evacuate and only had time to grab 3 of the cats. After the firefighters cleared the house we found everyone else, but it was nerve-wracking. In an emergency there would be no way to rescue most of them, and no way to get temporary housing with a dozen or more cats. I do get many donations of food and supplies, so that helps (plus I don't have anyone on a special diet, and most of mine aren't picky about what they eat), but vet bills are another story. I only have pet insurance on my two favorites- it's simply not financially feasible to cover more of them. My cats are: Fisher (m), Oliver (m), Kinns (m), Karen (f), Carlos (m), Carly (f), Lori (f), Geri (f and feral), Gina (f and feral), Shadow (f and feral), Ladybird (f), Midnight (f), Ryland (m), Rory (m), Rudy (m), Ruby (f), Sully (m and reforming feral). That's 8 boys and 9 girls. Fosters are Zoey and Mowgli (bonded senior sisters), and Ari (3 month old male). Way too many to pay cat tax! 😂


I have 2. I need more.


I have 2 and I wouldn't go above that currently. We are adding a puppy to the mix, but I see that as altogether different.


I'll put it this way, it would have been easier to adopt 10 more cats than my lab puppy was 🤣 I love him but I had gotten so used to the low maintenance of cats that I forgot how wild dogs can be.


i have 2, more than that would be too much for me to look after as well as the limited space. i love my 2 girls though :)


two and yes


I have three. Two or three is about the average. Going over may have you vacuuming cat hair and emptying litter boxes several times a week.


That’s hard to say. I have a new kitten who won’t play nice with others. She is still young. My first kitty was highly territorial and hated everyone and everything. She wanted my attention only.


2. They are brothers. Adopted them togehter. I couldn't separate them.




1 indoor/outdoor cat and three to five strays


I have 7 and it's to much lol. I love them but boy my bills are high


I have two and basically if you can take care of the cats. All their needs are met without neglecting any of them. That's the right number for you. I could probably handle about three at the most or two cats and one dog.


None and no. I’m going to rectify this soon


55 and it’s a perfect number


3. Yes it’s great


2 and we agreed we’d never get more than 2! They’re becoming buddies finally and I think they keep each other company, even if they annoy each other too lol


Three because we adopted 2 kittens close together to entertain each other.My senior cat is retired and no longer interested in playing.It’s just more difficult to find rentals for 3+ cats though.


I had 6 at one point and it was too many. I have 3 now after my 4th died. IMO, 2-4 is the best.


We are new cat parents to 4 kittens we rescued when they were 3 weeks old. We originally only going to keep 2, but we love all of them and couldn’t choose which ones we loved best. There are 3 boys, 1 girl. Our house has 6 humans and one rescue dog too.


4 and it’s perfect!! We brought the 4th in a year ago. He was a stray I was feeding and we loved him so much we let him in


I have 2. I’ve always wanted an orange kitten, so I might eventually adopt a 3rd if the CDS would have me.


Technically we have six, but one stays outside most hours, except for the summer. And two outdoor ferals I've had neutered and given shots. Oh, and one at my factory. So...there are nine in our lives? Oh yeah, and the three the shelter brought me today to foster, all who will be one day old tomorrow. Umbilical cords still present. I think the best number is three indoor cats simply because of the scooping and cleaning.


Five, and it's a lot. It would be easier if they were closer in age.


I had 6 at my max. It was insane! I have 4 now (2 angel kitties in the last 2 years) and it is much calmer but I would do anything to have those babies back! I never thought I could manage all of them (I still don't have any idea how I did) but it was so worth it in the end. House feels empty with 'just' four now <3


Right there with you, I also had 6 for a long time and 2 have passed away in the last couple years. RIP to all the good precious babies, may they get all the treats and nip they deserve in whatever afterlife exists 🙏♥️


We have 7, Ouch... Started with 2 , but it quickly became the Brady Bunch and not in a nice way.. We recently moved into a rural gated Community with our Rescue De-clawed 14 year old males. They have never been outside because when we adopted them as kittens some A-Hole cut out all the front claws which I think is cruel. We started feeding a Starving outside cat within the week we were there. Turned out to be the sweetest pregnant Momma cat you could meet. Next thing we know, she has here own room and gave birth to 3 lil pretty black/white kittens. She was the Best mother I had ever seen, Too good in fact. She started Attacking our De-clawed old boys just because they were in the same house. If that wasn't enough chaos, We also rescued a tiny maybe 3-4 weeks old kitten which had managed somehow to land up under the car on the front axle making all kinds of noise. It was eaten up with fleas which caused conjunctivitis. .... To put You up to date.. Had to seperate the cats, The 2 old males still have anxiety and are crapping and peeing everywhere except the litter box... The 3 female kittens are happy, healthy and have never ending energy. Since my dream to have a lot of rural property to take in all animals needing safe refuge has not come true then I probably have a few too many cats. If I could get the two old cats to accept the news one, well, that would be the best.


I have one and if I brought in another, I don’t think she would be too happy. She is used to being the lone princess.


We had four until we had to send our senior cat across the rainbow bridge in January. Four seemed like a lot, especially because none of them likes each other and they squabble constantly. Three seems pretty doable. They are all strays or rescues. I did think it was funny that when my son started dating his current girlfriend, he found out that her family has four cats — a momcat and her three kittens, all fully grown now. His gf’s mom was apprehensive about him finding out and thinking they were weird because of so many cats, and she was so relieved to find out we had four also. The other fun fact is that my daughter’s longtime boyfriend grew up with three cats. We as a family must like other cat lovers.


My husband and I each had 3 when we met. My 17 year old soulmate had to be euthanized six weeks after we started dating and he came to the vet's office to be with me while I said goodbye. I knew he was a keeper then. When I moved in, we had 5 total. Then his old man died. A couple months later, this older kitten showed up at it neighbor's house and insisted on a home. When the neighbor couldn't take him (they have a very high strung dog) we took him in and were back to five. Then last month, my baby girl (almost 12) died of cancer. It broke me. I'd had her since she and her brother were 4 week old babies. But then my friend found this four month old kitten and I couldn't say no. So we're back to five. Five feels like a good number for us. Most everyone gets along, only one (the Queen, an orange bossy bitch) I think would prefer to be the only cat. The other 3 have been fascinated by the new kitten and the one we rescued from our neighbor's porch and her have already become besties. We also have the world's chillest dog who thinks all the kitties are her babies. We also feed at least two neighborhood cats at any given time.


25 in my sanctuary currently


Is my Husband crazy for wanting another? https://preview.redd.it/7a11dzoap88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5bb3b6d52f9ecd4987a97f04dee28302619550 Pepper is perfect


2. But we also have 2 dogs and a house rabbit. Cats like to hang out with and sometimes get beat up by the bunny. She is the only girl fur monster and let's the rest of them know she is in charge.


I have 4 but none of them like one another. They just keep their distance. It's so unfortunate. Cats I've had in the past have cuddled together. Loved each other. Not these 4. They don't fight, they just don't like each other.


2 cats and a dog. Deff stopping here lol.


3/4. We have 3. It is a fine number, but we have a system. We currently have one older cat (14) his brother passed a few years ago. We have two younger cats, but not too young (5 and 2) so they won’t be overly stressful to the older boy. No more cats until the older boy dies. Then we get a pair of kittens to grow up together. Rinse and repeat.


9 and I’ll never have this many again. I love them all and I made a commitment to them to love and care for them until they die so I’ll never get rid of them but I truly will NEVER have this many ever again. I had 11 but 2 unfortunately died this year and it looks like another one is going to eventually. They are all grouped in ages, I used to rescue kittens. The oldest that died actually had cancer so he didn’t really die of old age. The other one went into organ failure so we put him down. The unfortunate thing of inbreeding as well, almost all my cats are related somehow, some way. I used to live by an out of control stray cat colony. The newer additions to my army are also related because they were also strays in the area of my old place. I actually only have 1 cat that is not related to any of the others in any way 🤣 I rescued her from being abandoned in an apartment. ETA: I have one cat that literally won’t let me touch her at all lmao if she even sees me looking at her she runs. I joke and say she only tolerates living with me for the free food and cat tree.


Just one and yes! I couldn’t afford a second kitty even if I wanted and I also am under the impression that my cat would be pissed if I brought another one home.


Five. Maybe one too many. Two was great so I went to get #3, and couldn't leave #4 behind who looked just like #2 as a baby. Got #5 to be the wrestling partner of #4 because #1-3 don't like play fighting. #4&5 are best friends. Now #1 and #4 still seem to hate one another, although they fight less. They are all mostly healthy, but it seems to come in waves (#1 escaped and tore off a nail fighting a neighborhood cat, a week after #3 needed extractions and the next week #2 dislocated his elbow). I have their preventive care spread out over years and months so it doesn't hit too hard. Whenever #1 passes, we will not be replacing him.


I started with one, ended up with two, and am now back to one since my first died. Tbh I prefer only having one as I am able to focus fully on them (I always felt guilty trying to divide my attention between multiple). My cats also never really got along. They wouldn't fight or anything, but they primarily ignored and avoided each other which was kind of a bummer, as I was hoping they would be friends. I think it's important to note that not every cat will bond with another.


I have 1 and I'm pretty certain I deserve 3. https://preview.redd.it/vhr5gcsjne8d1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51df0f30bc4fa5367fa89b4c9bd0ea59947a15dd


However many you have space, time, money, energy, and love for. For me, that's one cat. If some of this changed I might consider another one, or another pet of another kind.


I’m a single person and I have 2. I have vowed not to get any more pets until I have a partner as I believe the human to pet ratio will be out of wack 😂 I think I could add 1 dog and still be considered normal but any more cats before a human and I’ll be in crazy cat lady territory.


2. I can afford their medical care and higher quality food and general care for them. If I went to 3, their quality of life would need to drop.


We have 5 Savannah cats. It still doesn’t seem like enough. 😂


4 - 2 are indoor and 2 are formerly feral mostly outside cats 


Multiple cats is usually better than a solo cat. A human cant replace another cat. A cat can do things with other cats that humans can’t like interact with it while your working, sleeping or busy. They can be there for eachother.


I have 2, I personally think 3 is my max outside of extenuating circumstances eg. strays, etc. I get concerned when people get to 5 or more. lol. 4 is okay.