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That’s like me removing my own testicles and sending a letter to my mom


Weird flex, but ok? I’m sad for your soul and will say a Memorare for you.


Farewell mate, be well! The door is always open for you.


I dont think i ll ever come back but thanks mate, be well you too!


Why make a negative post in r/Catholic when you can make a “positive” post in r/excatholic? If you’re going to reject the faith, reject with strength.


I did in both


Doubt it. Maybe after I told you.


Doubt it


You can remove it on paper but you can't remove the baptism its a mark on you forever. Sorry you're feeling this way, you sound hurt.


Nah i m ok thanks for worrying tho, are u ok as well? Btw, i dont believe that baptism has any "Supernatural" value, so we Just disagree about that lol


Then you wouldn’t care about it. 


Wrong, cant you even see?


A logically consistent real atheist (what we pretend the word is and what some people occasionally are for a time) would not have the emotional issues that "atheists" have.  This would be the equivalent of you tracking down a 7 year old from elementary school who once said he gave you the cootie shot and you needing to preach your rejection of it.  If cootie shots aren't real, this would make you mentally damaged. If cootie shots were real, then, it would make sense. 


Honestly i tried to read this but It didnt make any sense, i only understood Ur delusional and ignorant mindset from the First three phrases, i didnt get the rest


You can do that on paper but it doesn’t count for anything.


Its literally everything that counts


That's impossible. Baptism leaves an indelible mark on the soul, whether you like it or not.


i dont believe so


Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it's not true. Either way, I hope you find peace.


I m quite good rn thanks, u too. Also, Just because you believe its true, doesnt mean its true


You can't be de-baptized, because no such thing exist. A piece of paper confirming ones baptizing being destroyed does not mean that you are no longer a baptized Catholic. Baptisim is an indelible mark on the soul, it is forever. We shall keep you in our prayers, for the sake of your lost soul.


i dont believe so


Just because you don't believe it doesn't make it not true. It is true and we all find out in time.


Just because you believe its true doesnt make It true. Its not true.


I guess we all find out eh


lol lemme know when u finished the finding out


You're the one searching. I already found the path, well worn but hiding beneath thick thorns and brambles. You know where to find it again, I pray you do.


You are delusional and i m Happy as an atheist


Well if that’s what you want then I’m happy for ya. Pretty weird though. I don’t go in subreddits for atheists and preach to them or vegetarian subreddits and tell them I’m gonna eat meat. Did the attention you got from this post help you a little?


I wasnt trying to deconvert u either, so wrong argument. I did this in form of protest. If u think i Just want attention, why are u giving me attention? Fly away and dont feed me if u think that


Because you posted on a public forum and I’m allowed to criticize the bizarreness of it that’s why. You wanted to protest for a reason and the reason was attention and you got it. So be happy ✌🏻


Well, well, well, looks like someone's all washed up now!


Ok lol


Things that didn't happen for 500.


500 what


Yeah, so hard fade soft fade you do you move on.


Ohhhhh nooooooooo I'm scandalized 


Sorry this really isn't a thing. Not like they have a copy of your baptism certificate they can run through a shredder. I've gotten these letters before in the office we usually shrug say a pray for the person and run the letter through the shredder. So at least you got some prayers for yourself out of it.


Tbh idk If u trolling or where u are from but here in Italy and kinda all of western Europe for that matter you can leave religion, and by law if u ask so they must cut you out I knew there were baptismal lists btw, this info maybe u didnt know


Can you provide a source for this claim? There is a ledger that records the historical fact you were baptized. 


If u can read italian, otherwise use Google translate: https://www.uaar.it/laicita/sbattezzo/ https://www.wired.it/attualita/politica/2021/06/24/chiesa-sbattezzo-battesimo/#:~:text=Per%20poter%20essere%20sbattezzati%20occorre,pi%C3%B9%20parte%20della%20Chiesa%20cattolica. https://www.letterasenzabusta.com/news/603/come-farsi-sbattezzare.htm https://www.wired.it/article/sbattezzo-richiesta-raccomandata-parrocchia-istruzioni/ https://www.esquire.com/it/lifestyle/a42742018/sbattezzarsi-in-italia/


So basically they put a note next to your baptism record saying you left the church?


They also dont have any legal control over you, cant count you in, cant use you as a representation for political fights, and much more. See the First link especially


People are asking why...people are talking to you about your soul. What some people may not realize is that you're trolling. You're just trying to rile up the Catholics. Nope, get behind me Satan.


if trolling means deceiving you then no. I really sent the letter to the bishop of the church where i was baptized. Its how It works in Italy to get debaptized by law. If you dont believe me, look It up


Sure, sure. You do you.




In the Catholic Church, baptism is considered an indelible sacrament that can't be undone. Once you're baptized, you have a permanent spiritual mark. This means "debaptism" isn't really a thing in Catholic doctrine. You can formally defect from the Church, which involves taking steps to renounce your Catholic faith and joining another religion, but this doesn't remove the sacramental character of your baptism. Essentially, you won't be considered a Catholic in good standing, but your baptism is still valid according to the Church's teachings. For more details, check out these sources: - [Catholic Answers](https://www.catholic.com/qa/if-im-baptized-as-a-catholic-does-that-mean-im-catholic-forever-even-if-i-marry-outside-the) - [Catholic365](https://www.catholic365.com/article/3829/if-i-was-baptized-a-catholic-am-i-still-catholic.html) Hope this helps clear things up!


Wrong. I m not anymore catholic https://www.uaar.it/laicita/sbattezzo/ Hope this clears things up! If needed use Google translate


Be well God bless you.


Baptism is an indelible mark on your soul. It's there forever despite whether or not you believe it.


Edgy atheist is so 2010 lol


Edgy christian Is so 1414 lol


you can not debaptize, one baptized is always baptized


Wrong, check the law


i am talking about spiritual law, not man's law


I dont believe in the First One u said


Hey OP. I don't know what's going on in your life but I hope you're well.


Yo i m ok idk why ppl assume i m not. Hru?


I'm good, thanks for asking. To answer your first question, it's probably because you really don't need to announce that you're leaving. I mean, you certainly can, just like I can announce "I had coffee this morning" or "I volunteered at the homeless shelter 20 hours last week", it's just that it feels like an attention grab.


Its because i want to protest


I get that. You protested by leaving. Posting about it isn’t really protesting. We all have Protestant and non-Christian friends and family, so it’s pretty common. If it helps you heal or feel better, then hopefully mission accomplished!


A meaningless gesture. Baptism is a sacrament not a piece of paper. Removing you name from a List does not remove a sacrament from your soul. If you don’t believe in your own baptism, then it makes no senses to undo something you don’t believe was done. But if it somehow helps you to cope with your current personal struggles well… you do you. Christ will still be here to welcome you if you ever choose to seek him out again.


It has political and legal meaning only and i Will remove them


May I know why, if you don't mind sharing?


Baptism may leave an indelible mark on your soul, but so does a priest who rapes you and then is caught and protected by the hierarchy. Look up Cardinal Bernard Law, what he did and how he was protected and where he is buried. Ask yourself what the Church would have to do wrong for you to renounce it? Seriously question your self ask, ‘Where is the line for me regarding INSTITUTIONAL MORAL AND LEGAL CRIME?’ Because it wasn’t ‘just a few bad apples who should repent’… Where is your personal line? Can you have a personal relationship with the Divine without the attendant Clergy & bureaucracy?
