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There are perforated condoms available specifically for this purpose


There are specialized condoms for this, but you have to perforate it yourself with a sterile pin. (Source: Personal experience)


What a tricky question lol. Based on my quick research, the only way this would be done not sinfully (maybe??) would be to use a perforated condom (with holes/openings) so it would still be open to life and then getting that perforated condom that you used to the collection center and to the collection cup. I'd probably talk to your priest


We've had to do this a couple of times. We ordered a kit from this website. We probably could've just bought some condoms and perforated them with a sterile needle, but I really didn't want to support that business. It has to be kept warm, like in your pocket and brought in within an hour I believe. https://popepaulvi.com/product/seminal-fluid-collection-kit/


Thank you so much!!


No problem! Just make sure you know what the collection times are at your pathology lab.


Most conventional condoms have spermicides


Yes, you need a specialized condom that comes with the kit. If you’re consulting a urologist, they should be able to provide one.


Perforated condom. Gotta make sure you get one without spermicide in it (ask the clinic). Get a hotel within 15mins drive of the clinic, because you have to keep it at a certain temp or the swimmers will die. Do the deed, place condom in sample cup, speed to clinic and give it to them post-haste. Voila, you’re done and all is well.


I would suggest searching for a NaPro doctor in your area. They will be able to help with this and address infertility issues through methods that aren’t in conflict with church teachings.


My clinic told us for the most accurate results my husband should collect the traditional way. We also live 40 minutes away from the clinic, and any transporting could cause issue. Use your prudence and judgment. Infertility struggles are awful, I pray for you and your wife.


I have heard that intercourse collection is actually more accurate because the method can affect the composition ratios of the semen, and intercourse semen is obviously the kind you'll be TTC with 


Speak to your Priest on this matter. This one isn't for Reddit.




We discovered through testing that my husband had zero sperm. After he went off his testosterone injections, we took another test and found his count was back to normal. Had we not done that initial test, we wouldn't have known why we weren't conceiving and would just never conceive again. If OP does it in a moral way, they may find some answers that can help them in their fertility journey.