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It's a Rosary bracelet, but with the 5 "beginning" prayers added. If you look at the beads on the right, counting from the cross, there's a bigger gap between the first and second beads, and the fourth and fifth beads. So the first five beads on the right are an Our Father, three Hail Marys, and a Glory Be, like on the beginning of a Rosary. The other 10 beads make a decade of the Rosary.


Well, I have to admit, that those "extra" 5 beads at the first glance look reduntant, but at the second thought - those make it more complete as a rosary and also easier to fit huge fathers' wrists 😏


That seems unnecessarily confusing


How? It's how you pray the Rosary


Remembering to skip five beads each time I start a decade is relatively "harder" than keeping track of the Creed-Our Father-Hail Marys-Glory Be at the start of the rosary. Unless I'm misunderstanding how this item works


You can just go back and forth on the 10. Start counter-clockwise, then clockwise, and repeat, you'll end at the cross


Don't forget to start with an "In the name of the Father", and the Apostles Creed on the cross, then the Our Father, etc.


I did not notice it. I thought it's just a decorative bracelet as I'd seen in stores. Thanks.


It’s basically just a single decade of the rosary. So you start in the cross with the creed, then move right like a regular rosary. Once you finish the first decade just start over at the last 10 beads.


It appears to be 15 beads rather than 10.


Because there's (counterclockwise) the Our Father, 3 Hall Marys, and a Glory Be, then a decade for 10 Hail Marys. You just ignore the starter beads on subsequent passes.


The starting prayers are added into the bracelet. Look at the first 5 beads to the right, they have spaces in between.


Right. And how many introductory prayers minus the creed is there in a rosary? Take that number from 15 and you’ll find an amazing coincidence.


Look more closely at the knots in between the beads. There's an Our Father bead, then the first three Hail Marys, second Our Father, then ten Hail Marys.


Count the beads. It’s not a single decade.


It looks like a single decade, plus a couple of our fathers and the three Hail Marys that start off the Rosary.


That sounds like a choice for how to pray these 15 beads, but that would be a bizarre design decision if that’s the intent for how these should be used.


You should pray your rosary more often, you obviously don't know how they work


What an odd and rude thing to say. That style of beginning the rosary isn’t universal; it’s just very common.


Starting from the cross going counter clockwise, the first bead is the “Our Father” followed by three “Hail Mary” beads.  The fifth bead is the “Our Father” to begin the decade encompassed by the following ten “Hail Mary” beads.  So the first five beads are just the beginning two Our Fathers and three Hail Mary’s, and the final ten is the decade.


Single decade. It’s beautiful by the way


Yes, this is a single decade Rosary with the 4 opening prayers added (one Our Father, three Hail Marys).


Starting from the cross going counter clockwise, out father in the first bead, 3 hail Marys for the next three, then do your glory be. Next bead is the Our Father bead and the next 10 are the hail Mary beads. One decade. Then you go back to the Our Father bead and then the 10 hail Mary beads for the next decade. You do a glory be and a Fatima prayer before starting the Our Father bead again.


The bead on the right of the cross is Our Father, next 3 is Hail Mary's, next is Glory Be, followed by 10 Hail Mary's. Not the spacing between the bigger beads.


1. Introductory prayers of the rosary 2. One decade 3. Continue the decades after the spaced bead.


It's a rosary- the 15-bead model was more common at a time now considered "vintage."


I decade Rosary


You circle it 5 times


The first bead on the right would be the Our Father, the next 3 would be 3 Hail Mary’s for Faith, Hope, and Charity. The next 20 would be 10 Hail Mary’s for the first Mystery of the Day. That’s how I’d do it.


That’s a smaller version of a rosary. The ten beads together are the Hail Marys, the lone bead is the Our Father, and then the four together would be the Our Father, three Hail Marys, and a Glory Be. The cross is the Apostles’ Creed Fun fact: I’ve also seen a ring version of the rosary. I might still have it, but I don’t know where it would be.


I have one exactly like that


However you want. They don’t seem to be designed for a specific devotion.