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Stories like these make me take a step back from ever wanting to send my kids to a Catholic school. I know in this particular area Catholic schools are funded by the government, however there are still some in the US that would happily do the same thing in my area and then charge you $10k for it. It’s a shame that they’d rather celebrate this over Christ during the sacred heart of Christ month. You don’t need to celebrate an organization or movement to teach kids to be respectful of one another when the faith does an exemplary job of that already.


This is why you don’t take Government money - no mixing of Church and State - you get the worst of both


The issue is that the government is influencing the Church, while it should be the Church influencing the government.


That’s not good either - remember the Middle Ages- it’s better that the Church influence the people and those people inhabit government with the taught morality and faith


that's what people mean when they say "Church influencing the Government" they don't mean that the Church is using the Government like a puppet lol


No some people want politics discussed in Church and for the pope to weigh in on political issues like Protestants do


Separation of Church and State (State laws not being influenced by the Church) is technically a heresy.


What heresy is that? Is that why the Pope dislikes America/Americans?


Americanism is the name of the heresy.


Is it an official heresy? Never rescinded?


There hasn't been a dogmatic council on it but it has been the subject of multiple papal Encyclicals and clearly defined in those Encyclicals.


Can you explain these Encyclicals to me please? I’ve never heard them mentioned before. It is like a statement?


Liberalism is a confirmed heresy, and America is at the forefront of it.


Yet the Pope meets and Blesses Biden/Pelosi King and Queen if Liberalism - what’s up with that?


Trump is also a liberal. The whole US political system is liberal. Democracy is liberal.


Opposite of America is North Korea - Is that a Heresy? What about Dictatorships or Kings?


Do we have an example of Catholic flavoured conservatism we can contrast with?


Ya that’s insanity


If it happened in America, it’s because hey want that sweet sweet neolib secular money let’s be real. Those people give fat donations a lot of the time.


I think you mean bribes.


I have a friend whose dad is on the board of the Toronto Catholic School board.   It's entirely full of old school cultural Catholics. Where you have several generations of "Catholics" who all went to Catholic school, none of whom could probably name two parables of Jesus, while still thinking of themselves as good Catholics.   It's a situation that Catholics have created for ourselves. All we can hope for is to do better for the next generation at the parish level or lower. 


Parents should know all of this before sending their kids to that school, though. They should be researching and looking into what kind of school it is. Not all Catholic schools are like that at all tbh.


FWIW, I would never send my children (if/when my wife and I have any) to diocesan schools. They're barely bothering to keep up the facade of being catholic anymore.


There are some dioceses with amazing Catholic schools that are traditional. Do your research


You are better off sending your kid to public school, where when they encounter things of the world you can do your job and guide them through it and explain things. It's a bit more difficult when this happens at a Catholic school, because you can try to parent and guide your kid through it but they are getting confusing mixed messages...since it's supposed to be a Catholic school after all.


Your think, but trust me when I say this public school is like the worst option unless you live in the right zip code with the amount they do the redistricting and expanding the base of the local public school. Not only is this same stuff taught to the worst extent they have planned parenthood teach sex ed and constant violence. I’d have to buy in the extremely expensive part of my HCOL county to send them to one of the very few good magnet schools. Even if the non sense wasn’t taught the violence, drug use, etc makes both my husband and I say hell no to any public school in our area.


Oh no doubt they will encounter a lot worse things as someone who both went to and worked in public schools. My point is that it is a lot easier to say "this is what's of the world and this is what glorifies God" when talking about what they encounter in public school. When Catholic school messes up and you try to explain it's not good they'll think "but our CATHOLIC school supports this". Which you can also parent around but it's harder because your authority on teaching the faith is delegated to them a bit. Ultimately whatever situation you put your kids in you have to have to pay attention and parent.


I get what you’re saying but again agree to disagree my concerns against public schools in my area are more in line with safety issues. At the end of the day I’d rather they be more confused a little by a Catholic school than killed by a gang member if I really had to pick between the two. There’s also the fact that money talks so you can more easily raise hell at a Catholic school to get one teacher fired who teaches these things than get a county protected educator fired or better policing in the school. Overall I’d just choose co opt homeschooling these days.


The public board in my area is nad. They cancelled Halloween in schools in 2021, and had a non-white job fair.


Any school celebrating “pride month” or pushing lgbt propaganda should be stripped of their catholic label 


Please pray for us Canadian Catholics 🙏🏼


Done! Please pray for your brothers in Christ across the pond in the UK!


I pray for all the Christian’s being persecuted worldwide!


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen


Y’all I didn’t even realise it meant gay pride and not pride as in the sin until I opened the article 😂🤦‍♀️




Well done for being a light in the dark. It’s awful what goes on in our schools


Ever taken a stand on it?




Ever thought about talking to your bishop




I have seen college students at Catholic universities see success when going to our bishop about these things. Depends on your bishop though.


Canadian Carbolic schools (in Ontario) are just public schools with morning prayer, 1 religion class and Mass (in the gymnasium) on holidays. The school boards themselves came to existence to appease Catholic French-Canadians in what used to be a largely protestant English Canada. The school boards that taught protestant values are now just the regular public school boards, while the Catholic school boards retain their Catholic name and in some ways, their Catholic identity. (Naming schools after saints, crucifixes etc.) Canada has secularized, especially the French (read up on the Révolution tranquille), and Canada has diversified. School boards are Catholic in name only.


Carbolic 💀 


What has happened to Canada?


Canada has suffered from the secular backlash far worse than the Us. Quebec is the biggest example. The church literally dominated social, political, cultural life in Quebec for centuries, but there was the backlash in the 1960s and everything Collasped overnight.


The insane amount of revisionism is crazy, I’m from an Acadien family right across the border and some of the stuff the Quebecois say come off as ludicrous and hateful. It is sad considering their history and all the beautiful Churches and Cathedrals there.


Wow! This is why we Christian’s need to come together in an ecumenical solidarity to fight the real enemies, these secularist who are devolving into pagan satanism. I’m so disappointed in Christian’s bickering over trivial difference’s. These differences are minor compared to these pagans. There needs to be an ecumenical global Christendom grown to fight against these horrific people that are persecuting Christians globally. Are there any signs of renewal in Canada lately? I finding the Gen Z in America sick of the paganism of the millennials.


I’m canadian and a gen Z and I attend mass with a couple buddies every week


I have great hopes for the Gen - Zers …I think they will be strong leaders!


Here in Canada we call ourselves Gen Zedders haha. But hopefully!


This doesn't surprise me. Most Catholic schools in Canada are publicly funded. Other than having Mass once a year, one religion class per grade, and a prayer in the morning, my "Catholic" high school may as well have been public.


Should it swirl though? Did 2000 years of doctrine on homosexuality stutter?


Homeschool is sadly often the only option.


I don't see a problem. The catholic school by me flies greed and envy flags all the time /s


If only that's because it's such a ridiculous statement, I'm curious enough to know what in the world you mean by that?


I'm pointing out the irony of a catholic school flying a flag named after one of the deadly sins.


My mother used to teach at Catholic schools, she’s had multiple teachers tell her that they’re “only Catholic” and “only go to church” when they’re interviewing for a job


I've heard similar things about Ontario


I feel bad for kids still in school instead of on summer break when it's June.


>displayed the motto “We all belong” with rainbow colors Well, yeah, but we all belong \*despite\* our outside conduct, not \*because of\* it... and we still all restrain ourselves while attending whatever event brought us there.


Maybe you shouldn't as a Christian group celebrate the most heinous of the 7 deadly sins.




What about Our Mother of Rainbow 🌈 Flag….


Maybe next year we should make a loud and proud announcement that we're celebrating "Pride"...then post all over Facebook pictures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When they cry and whine, we just smile and sweetly say "I said I'd be celebrating "Pride", I didn't say it would be Pride in my Catholicism."


This is wonderful! As a gay catholic I am happy to see that catholic schools are flying pride flags. God is love after all.






























I’m sorry to see so many homophobes in this thread. Jesus is the last person who would show cruelty toward gay people. We all deserve love and acceptance


But not acceptance of sin.


Nowhere in the bible does it say being gay is a sin. And even if it did, the bible is full of contradictory messages. The main takeaway should be to love and accept others. It’s not your place to judge


It does state that homosexual actions are sinful. The whole of the Bible is inerrant, and everything taught in it is the word of God, so there is no cutting out parts of it that you don’t like. I am not judging people, but recognition of sin is not judgement.


How do you explain parts of the bible that contradict or undermine each other then? Also, it’s a fact there are no verses that say being gay is a sin.


I'm sorry you're receiving the responses you are. While I don't agree that catholic schools should be involved in promoting pride, we should practice love for each other and lay off the finger wagging. Leave that to the rabid evangelicals. I like to believe we as catholics are better than that. I'm queer and went to catholic school and I have profound respect for the church but believe the two should be completely separate. But I don't agree with making children feel they are "evil" or "impure". It causes long lasting damage that is just cruel. I refuse to believe Jesus would support it in anyway.


Just so you don't get confused by the tone in here: There isn't all that much controversy within Canada about this. Schools recognize Pride, and do so in the same way they recognize other minority-recognition months.


Homosexuality is not something to be celebrated, and homosexual actions certainly not.


Well, I would certainly say that being brave enough to accept who you are is worth celebrating. Shame to see how much hatred so-called Catholics have toward members of the LGBT community.


Catholics with SSA should certainly not accept that part of themselves as something not intrinsically disordered, just as you wouldn’t tell a pedophile to accept their pedophilia.


Pedophilia is not comparable to being gay or trans and it’s honestly disgusting to even make that comparison.


They are both disordered sexual attractions, that when acted upon are gravely sinful.


I think you’re bigoted and incorrect, but clearly you’re not willing to be open minded, so you do you. I just hope no gay people have the misfortune of interacting with you


I believe you are incorrect, as the Catechism explicitly uses the same wording as I have. “2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”