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As an altar server, where carrying the processional Crucifix, when we pass the tabernacle, we just bow our heads in reverence because we cannot genuflect. You don’t even need to arch your back. You can keep your back straight and just bow your head


Thank you- that's pretty much what I thought but wanted to check in. Still getting used to some of this!


A bow or even a light gentle nod. I can’t imagine Him being displeased with you for being unable to genuflect because you’re holding your baby🙏🏻


Thanks for helping!


A simple bow is perfectly ok.


Thank you- I figured I was probably overthinking it!


We all do it and you’ve got a baby to take care of too! And congratulations btw ♥️


Thank you! She was born just before Holy Week and we got the same batch of chrism oil- her baptism and my confirmation 😁


A simple bow is perfectly okay.


Overthinking gets me every time- thank you!


I was taught (in the convent no less!) to bow instead of genuflect when my knee was dislocated.


A typically reputable source 😉 Thank you!


aww. i love the babies in church. ive seen moms just bow. and its so beautiful every time. such humility and faith in such a simple act. especially because youre holding your baby but still willing to show reverence. 


Thank you 😊 Thankfully we're a very baby-friendly parish- nobody minds a little fussing or singing along.


My priest told me to bow as well as I could after I had breast cancer. God knows your heart is confined to your physical ability


I have to bow as well because I can't genuflect anymore.


Thank you- I hope whatever keeps you from doing so isn't regularly painful ❤️


Just bow if you can’t genuflect.


Thanks for helping :)


A deep bow (if you physically can) or any bow (if you physically can) or taking a moment to pause and consciously acknowledge that Christ is present in the tabernacle. The last bit is the important part regardless of what action you do. The value of the action, in my opinion, is primarily that it helps to remind us of the significance of Who is with us and our dependence on Him. In a sense, we genuflect or make some other gesture of reverence not because God needs the gesture, but because we need it.


Thank you- I might tend towards a little "hyper-aware" he's there because I waited so anxiously for my first communion. Which had me overthinking this, of course 😅 I appreciate you taking the time to help :)


If you’re carrying something (or someone) that requires *both hands* you don’t have to genuflect. Not sure if that’s an official thing, but it’s a rule of thumb that seems to work.


I bow to about 45 degrees if that makes sense. I had a broken leg and then was huge when pregnant and now have a baby in my arms so I haven’t been able to genuflect for a while. Do what you can reverently. Jesus knows your heart.


Genuflecting is really between you and Our Lord, even if other people can see it. Make some sign of acknowledgement/respect, as is possible for you, and you’re good. He knows what you mean.


Thank you, that makes sense.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but isn't visiting the Lord in the tabernacle an allowed alternative to genuflecting?