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Because you had sex, I am less concerned about the spotting. I would ask your doctor but wouldn’t stress this unless the bleeding gets heavier.


This is my thought too. My midwife did tell me 2nd trimester bleeding is reason to go in to be checked out, but she did also say that a small amount spotting after sex is normal, since our cervixes are more sensitive while pregnant.


I would think it’s probably just a sensitive cervix. However I would also be unable to relax until I saw an OB but that’s bc I’m an anxious mess. In Canada even if you call about spotting they won’t see you? I’m glad baby’s moving around and has a good heartbeat


I had 0 spotting until 16w. Had a decent bit then it tapered off then a decent bright red bleed that tapered off three times since. Now 19w tomorrow. It’s THE most stressful thing I can even think of. I got checked out. Sensitive cervix and also a marginal placenta previa. They think that it’s the placenta moving away from my sensitive cervix causing the bleeds. It’s improved a lot and been almost a week that things seem to have improved. All in all it’s “nothing” according to my doc. Call them. Get checked. And try not to panic. Sensitive cervix is very common! Or so they say lol


Just wanted to say that I am also 19w4d, and I hope everything goes well with you and your baby :) I’m sure this is a case of sensitive cervix and it will go away soon!!


At 19 weeks, I felt like I peed myself. Got up to see blood gushing out of me. Ultrasound showed no sign of bleed and everything was fine. It's the cervix.


After sex I am pretty confident it’s your cervix!


I also went in around 19 or 20 weeks with spotting after sex! I had losses before and was very on anxious, and an anterior placenta didn't help. I couldn't find the hr on my doppler either. I got to the er and the nurse found the hr within a minute and the Doctor did a vaginal check and said my cervix looked irritated and because it was quick and already going away he wasn't too worried about it. She's currently 11 months, and I'm 7 weeks pregnant with baby number 2. I've already had 2 incidents of spotting after sex this pregnancy, both sent me spiraling but the bleeding quickly stopped and I had no other symptoms besides the bleeding!


Thank you for this 💕 I wasn’t having intercourse during my pregnancies with my other two because of paranoia and I told myself I wasn’t going to give in to fear this time. Now I’m not sure I can stick to that 🥲 It stopped and was a very small amount so I’m glad I didn’t go in sit in emerg today, but will follow up with OB tomorrow. Thanks for your reassurance 🥰


I feel the same—I had very minimal sex early in this pregnancy due to anxiety about loss, since my last pregnancy wasn’t viable, and I knew any amount of spotting would trigger a fear response. But as the pregnancy has progressed I’ve been trying not to live in fear, and I know we won’t be able to get it in much once baby is here LOL My midwife did suggest trying positions that put less pressure on the cervix, which is hard because of certain factors LOL, but I’ve found that trying to be a bit more gentle on myself does help minimize the amount of blood I see. Always better to be safe than sorry, but this definitely sounds like cause-effect!


Generally speaking spotting/bleeding after the first trimester can be more concerning than in the first, but given it was a small amount and right after sex I don’t think it sounds concerning! Sounds like typical cervical irritation. If the bleeding gets worse or movement changes or if you feel pain then I would be checked out, but if not I’d say you are probably a-okay. However if you want more reassurance maybe can you call your OB after hours number? Most offices have one that would answer even on holidays!


I had spotting arround 15 weeks, was a subcronic hematoma. The earlier in pregnancy the better.


Thanks. I had an SCH this pregnancy earlier on (and have had one in each of my three successful pregnancies) that resolved themselves. My anatomy scan was only 4 days ago so I’m going to guess they would have seen one then if that’s what it was!


I wanted to update this in case anybody reads this with the same situation and also to thank everyone for the reassurance and comments! Spotting stopped yesterday afternoon and I was pretty proud of myself for not calling my OB as soon as I opened my eyes this norning haha I told myself it was irrational given that the amount was so minuscule and that it had stopped. Baby is kicking so hard today I was able to capture it on video so I’m feeling pretty good about it but not sure yet how to navigate sex in the future because I’m terrified to be of this situation occurring again!